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Comparing version 1.0.10 to 3.0.0




@@ -1,80 +0,117 @@

export interface RequestObject {
method: string;
endpoint: string;
contentType: string;
retries: number;
async: boolean;
body?: EventPayload | IdentityPayload | InstallPayload;
secure?: boolean;
interface DefaultConfig {
readonly general: {
readonly app_id_override: string;
readonly device_id_override: string;
readonly config: {
readonly init_token: string;
readonly refresh_minimum: number;
readonly install: {
readonly resend_id: "";
readonly updates_enabled: true;
readonly networking: {
readonly urls: {
readonly init: "";
readonly install: "";
readonly event: "";
readonly identityLink: "";
readonly retry_waterfall: [7, 30, 300, 1800];
readonly privacy: {
readonly allow_custom_ids: string[];
readonly deny_datapoints: string[];
readonly deny_event_names: string[];
readonly deny_identity_links: string[];
export interface GetMAIDobject extends RequestObject {
appGuid: string;
authCode: string;
nonce: string;
withCredentials: boolean;
export declare const DEFAULTS: DefaultConfig;
export interface KvConfig {
general: {
device_id_override?: string;
app_id_override?: string;
config: {
init_token: string;
refresh_minimum: number;
install: {
resend_id?: string;
updates_enabled: boolean;
networking: {
urls: {
init: string;
install: string;
identityLink: string;
event: string;
retry_waterfall: number[];
privacy: {
allow_custom_ids: string[];
deny_datapoints: string[];
deny_event_names: string[];
deny_identity_links: string[];
export interface BasePayload {
action: string;
kochava_app_id: string;
kochava_device_id: string;
sdk_version: string;
nt_id: string;
export interface EventPayload extends BasePayload {
data: EventDataPoints;
export interface InstallPayload extends BasePayload {
data: InstallDataPoints;
export interface IdentityPayload {
kochava_app_id: string;
device_id: {
kochava_device_id: string;
export interface KvinitResponse {
general?: {
device_id_override?: string;
app_id_override?: string;
data: IdentityLink;
config?: {
init_token?: string;
refresh_minimum?: number;
install?: {
resend_id?: string;
updates_enabled?: boolean;
networking?: {
urls?: {
init?: string;
install?: string;
identityLink?: string;
event?: string;
retry_waterfall?: number[];
privacy?: {
allow_custom_ids?: string[];
deny_datapoints?: string[];
deny_event_names?: string[];
deny_identity_links?: string[];
success?: string | number | boolean;
export declare type Json = {
[key: string]: any;
export declare type IdentityLink = {
[key: string]: string;
export interface BaseDataPoints {
usertime: number;
user_agent: string;
language: string;
device_orientation: string;
device_ids: {
kochava_device_id?: string;
disp_w: number;
disp_h: number;
export interface Urls {
init: string;
install: string;
event: string;
identityLink: string;
export interface InstallDataPoints extends BaseDataPoints {
identity_link?: IdentityLink;
export interface OverrideUrls {
init?: string;
install?: string;
event?: string;
identityLink?: string;
export interface EventDataPoints extends BaseDataPoints {
event_name: string;
event_data?: {
[key: string]: any;
export interface CustomValue {
data: Json;
isDeviceId: boolean;
export interface KochavaState {
readonly appID: string;
readonly kochavaDeviceID: string;
readonly sdkVersion: string;
readonly kochavaControl: string;
readonly identityLinkEndpoint: string;
readonly resolver: string;
readonly utm: string;
readonly useCookie: boolean;
readonly verbose: boolean;
readonly logging: boolean;
readonly disableAutoInstall: boolean;
readonly maxRetries: number;
readonly maxRetryDelayMs: number;
readonly startTime: number;
identityLink?: IdentityLink;
pageName: string;
eventName: string;
readonly session: string;
readonly session_count: number;
export interface WrapperVersion {
name: string;
version: string;
build_date: string;
export declare type Callback = (err: boolean, data: any) => void;
export {};

@@ -1,2 +0,36 @@

"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
Authored by Brett Barinaga on 11/17/21.
Copyright (c) Kochava, Inc. All rights reserved.
export const DEFAULTS = {
general: {
app_id_override: "",
device_id_override: "",
config: {
init_token: "",
refresh_minimum: 60,
install: {
resend_id: "",
updates_enabled: true,
networking: {
urls: {
init: "",
install: "",
event: "",
identityLink: ""
retry_waterfall: [7, 30, 300, 1800],
privacy: {
allow_custom_ids: [],
deny_datapoints: [],
deny_event_names: [],
deny_identity_links: [],

@@ -1,19 +0,52 @@

import { KochavaState, IdentityLink, Callback } from "./interfaces.js";
import { Json, Urls, CustomValue, KvConfig } from "./interfaces";
declare global {
interface Window {
kochava: Kochava;
export interface KochavaInstance {
appGuid: string;
started: boolean;
installStarted: boolean;
kvinitDone: boolean;
installDone: boolean;
disableAutoPage: boolean;
useCookies: boolean;
sleep: boolean;
version: string;
buildDate: string;
overrideUrls: Urls;
customValues: CustomValue[];
kochavaSession: string;
retryWaterfall: number[];
startTimeMS: number;
utm: string;
kochavaDeviceId: string;
kochavaInstallId: string;
kochavaInstallDate: number;
kochavaSessionCount: number;
kochavaConfig?: KvConfig;
export declare class Kochava {
readonly kochavaState: KochavaState;
constructor(app_id: string, verbose: boolean, use_cookie: boolean, disable_auto_install: boolean, custom_traits?: IdentityLink);
identify(customTraits: IdentityLink | string, callback?: Callback): void;
page(pageName: string, optsObject?: {
[key: string]: any;
}, callback?: Callback): void;
activity(eventName: string, optsObject?: {
[key: string]: any;
}, callback?: Callback): void;
conversion(eventName: string, optsObject?: {
[key: string]: any;
}, callback?: Callback): void;
install(callback?: Callback): void;
installWithIdentity(customTraits: IdentityLink | string, callback?: Callback): void;
getKochavaId(): string;
getMAID(apikey: string, nonce: string, authCode: string, async: boolean, callback?: Callback): void;
private constructor();
static create(): Kochava;
static createForNode(): Kochava;
static createForReact(): Kochava;
static createForVue(): Kochava;
static createForAngular(): Kochava;
useCookies(condition?: boolean): void;
disableAutoPage(condition?: boolean): void;
startWithAppGuid(appGuid: string): void;
shutdown(deleteData: boolean): void;
setLogLevel(logLevel: string): void;
executeAdvancedInstruction(key: string, valueStr: string, callback?: (input: string) => void): void;
sendEvent(name: string, data?: Json | string): void;
sendPageEvent(pageName?: string, additionalData?: Json): void;
registerIdentityLink(name: string, identifier: string): void;
registerCustomValue(name: string, value: string): void;
registerCustomDeviceIdentifier(name: string, value: string): void;
getStarted(): boolean;
getDeviceId(): string;
setSleep(sleep: boolean): void;

@@ -1,504 +0,474 @@

"use strict";
var __assign = (this && this.__assign) || function () {
__assign = Object.assign || function(t) {
for (var s, i = 1, n = arguments.length; i < n; i++) {
s = arguments[i];
for (var p in s) if (, p))
t[p] = s[p];
return t;
return __assign.apply(this, arguments);
Authored by Brett Barinaga on 11/17/21.
Copyright (c) Kochava, Inc. All rights reserved.
var __classPrivateFieldGet = (this && this.__classPrivateFieldGet) || function (receiver, state, kind, f) {
if (kind === "a" && !f) throw new TypeError("Private accessor was defined without a getter");
if (typeof state === "function" ? receiver !== state || !f : !state.has(receiver)) throw new TypeError("Cannot read private member from an object whose class did not declare it");
return kind === "m" ? f : kind === "a" ? : f ? f.value : state.get(receiver);
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
exports.Kochava = void 0;
var Kochava = /** @class */ (function () {
function Kochava(app_id, verbose, use_cookie, disable_auto_install, custom_traits) {
var SDK_VERSION = "Web 2.5.1 (NPM 1.0.9)";
var RESOLVER = "";
var MAX_RETRIES = 10;
var MAX_RETRY_DELAY_MS = 60000;
var rawID = getLocalValue("kv_id", "kv_id", use_cookie);
this.kochavaState = {
appID: app_id,
kochavaDeviceID: determineKvID(rawID, use_cookie),
sdkVersion: SDK_VERSION,
kochavaControl: KOCHAVA_CONTROL,
identityLinkEndpoint: IDENTITY_LINK_ENDPOINT,
resolver: RESOLVER,
utm: getLocalValue("ko_click_id", app_id + "_click", use_cookie),
useCookie: use_cookie || false,
verbose: verbose || false,
logging: (console !== null && console !== undefined),
disableAutoInstall: disable_auto_install || false,
maxRetries: MAX_RETRIES,
maxRetryDelayMs: MAX_RETRY_DELAY_MS,
startTime: new Date().getTime(),
identityLink: sanitizeIdentityLink(custom_traits),
pageName: getPageName(),
eventName: "",
session: uuidv4().substr(0, 4),
session_count: readAndUpdateSessionCount(use_cookie || false)
//if (this.kochavaState.verbose && this.kochavaState.logging) {
//console.log("Initialzed kochava state:", this.kochavaState);
if (rawID === "") {
if (!this.kochavaState.disableAutoInstall) {
if (this.kochavaState.verbose && this.kochavaState.logging) {
console.log("Sending automatic install.");
var __classPrivateFieldSet = (this && this.__classPrivateFieldSet) || function (receiver, state, value, kind, f) {
if (kind === "m") throw new TypeError("Private method is not writable");
if (kind === "a" && !f) throw new TypeError("Private accessor was defined without a setter");
if (typeof state === "function" ? receiver !== state || !f : !state.has(receiver)) throw new TypeError("Cannot write private member to an object whose class did not declare it");
return (kind === "a" ?, value) : f ? f.value = value : state.set(receiver, value)), value;
var _Kochava_instances, _Kochava_instance, _Kochava_jobQueue, _Kochava_resetInstance, _Kochava_initInstance, _Kochava_checkFirstLaunchAndMigrate, _Kochava_checkPersistedKvinit, _Kochava_checkPersistedState, _Kochava_printStartupMsgs, _Kochava_beginStart, _Kochava_performNewKvinit, _Kochava_checkResendId, _Kochava_performInstall;
import { Log } from "./utils/log";
import JobQueue from "./jobqueue";
import * as Kvinit from "./payloads/kvinit";
import * as Install from "./payloads/install";
import { DEFAULTS, } from "./interfaces";
import { deleteAllPersisted, readAndUpdatePersistedValue, updatePersistedValue, PersistKey, checkDuplicateIdLink, addPersistedIdLinks, checkInstallIdChange, readAndUpdateSessionCount, readAndUpdateDeviceId, readAndUpdateUTM, } from "./browser/persist";
import * as utils from "./utils/utils";
import { getPageName } from "./browser/browser";
export class Kochava {
// User will use the below factories instead of directly calling
// the constructor
constructor() {
_Kochava_instance.set(this, void 0);
_Kochava_jobQueue.set(this, void 0);
__classPrivateFieldGet(this, _Kochava_instances, "m", _Kochava_resetInstance).call(this);
__classPrivateFieldSet(this, _Kochava_jobQueue, new JobQueue(), "f");
Kochava.prototype.identify = function (customTraits, callback) {
var verifiedCustomTraits = sanitizeIdentityLink(customTraits);
if (verifiedCustomTraits && Object.keys(verifiedCustomTraits).length > 0) {
this.kochavaState.identityLink = verifiedCustomTraits;
setLocalValue("c_trt", JSON.stringify(this.kochavaState.identityLink), this.kochavaState.useCookie);
else {
this.kochavaState.identityLink = JSON.parse(getLocalValue("c_trt", "c_trt", this.kochavaState.useCookie));
if (this.kochavaState.identityLink &&
Object.keys(this.kochavaState.identityLink).length > 0) {
try {
var requestObject = {
method: "POST",
endpoint: this.kochavaState.identityLinkEndpoint,
body: getIdentityPayload(this.kochavaState),
contentType: "application/json",
retries: this.kochavaState.maxRetries,
async: true,
request(this.kochavaState, requestObject, this.kochavaState.maxRetries, callback);
if (this.kochavaState.logging && this.kochavaState.verbose) {
console.log("kochava.identify request: ", requestObject);
catch (err) {
if (this.kochavaState.logging && this.kochavaState.verbose) {
console.log("kochava.identify error: ", err.message);
}; = function (pageName, optsObject, callback) {
this.kochavaState.pageName = pageName || this.kochavaState.pageName;
if (optsObject && Object.keys(optsObject).length > 0)
this.activity("page", optsObject, callback);
this.activity("page", {}, callback);
Kochava.prototype.activity = function (eventName, optsObject, callback) {
try {
this.kochavaState.eventName = eventName;
var options = {
method: "POST",
endpoint: this.kochavaState.kochavaControl,
body: getPayloadBody(this.kochavaState, eventName, optsObject),
contentType: "application/json",
retries: this.kochavaState.maxRetries,
async: true,
if (this.kochavaState.logging && this.kochavaState.verbose) {
console.log("kochava request: ", options);
request(this.kochavaState, options, this.kochavaState.maxRetries, callback);
catch (err) {
if (this.kochavaState.logging && this.kochavaState.verbose) {
console.log("kochava error: ", err.message);
Kochava.prototype.conversion = function (eventName, optsObject, callback) {
this.kochavaState.eventName = eventName || "";
this.activity("conversion_" + eventName, optsObject, callback);
Kochava.prototype.install = function (callback) {
this.activity("install", {}, callback);
Kochava.prototype.installWithIdentity = function (customTraits, callback) {
this.kochavaState.identityLink = sanitizeIdentityLink(customTraits);
Kochava.prototype.getKochavaId = function () {
return this.kochavaState.kochavaDeviceID;
Kochava.prototype.getMAID = function (apikey, nonce, authCode, async, callback) {
try {
var options = {
method: "GET",
endpoint: this.kochavaState.resolver + "/maid/get",
contentType: "application/json",
retries: this.kochavaState.maxRetries,
async: async,
appGuid: apikey,
authCode: authCode,
nonce: nonce,
withCredentials: true,
secure: true,
if (this.kochavaState.logging && this.kochavaState.verbose) {
console.log("kochava.getMAID request: ", options);
request(this.kochavaState, options, this.kochavaState.maxRetries, callback);
catch (err) {
if (this.kochavaState.logging && this.kochavaState.verbose) {
console.log("kochava.getMAID error: ", err.message);
return Kochava;
exports.Kochava = Kochava;
var request = function (state, request, currRetries, callback) {
if (!fetch) {
var err = "Fetch not supported in this browser, use a different browser or \
older version of the sdk";
if (callback instanceof Function) {
callback(true, err);
// ============================= PUBLIC =============================== //
static create() {
return new Kochava();
var method = request.method, endpoint = request.endpoint, body = request.body, contentType = request.contentType, secure =;
method = method || "GET";
body = body || {};
contentType = contentType || "application/json";
if (document && !secure) {
endpoint =
("https:" === document.location.protocol ? "https://" : "http://") +
static createForNode() {
const kochava = new Kochava();
kochava.executeAdvancedInstruction("wrapper", JSON.stringify({ name: "Node", version: "" }));
return kochava;
else {
endpoint = "https://" + endpoint;
static createForReact() {
const kochava = new Kochava();
kochava.executeAdvancedInstruction("wrapper", JSON.stringify({ name: "React", version: "" }));
return kochava;
var headers = new Headers();
headers.append("Content-Type", contentType);
if ("appGuid" in request) {
if ("authCode" in request && "nonce" in request) {
headers.append("Authorization", request.appGuid + ", "
+ request.nonce + ", "
+ request.authCode);
else {
headers.append("Authorization", request.appGuid);
static createForVue() {
const kochava = new Kochava();
kochava.executeAdvancedInstruction("wrapper", JSON.stringify({ name: "Vue", version: "" }));
return kochava;
//if (state.logging && state.verbose) {
//console.log("Preparing to send request via fetch...");
fetch(endpoint, {
method: method,
body: JSON.stringify(body),
headers: headers,
.then(function (response) {
//if (state.logging && state.verbose) {
//console.log("Fetch response received:", response);
return response.text();
.then(function (receivedResponse) {
//if (state.logging && state.verbose) {
//console.log("Response converted to text:", receivedResponse);
return handleRequestSuccess(state, receivedResponse, callback);
.catch(function (err) { return handleRequestError(err, state, currRetries, request, callback); });
var handleRequestSuccess = function (state, resp, callback) {
if (state.logging && state.verbose) {
console.log("event sent successfully");
static createForAngular() {
const kochava = new Kochava();
kochava.executeAdvancedInstruction("wrapper", JSON.stringify({ name: "Angular", version: "1.0.0" }));
return kochava;
if (callback instanceof Function) {
callback(false, JSON.parse(resp));
Set if the SDK should also store persisted values in cookie storage.
- Not all values can be persisted in cookies, such as event/idlink queues
due to size constraints.
- true = yes use cookies
- no = no don't use cookies
- defaults to false
useCookies(condition = false) {
__classPrivateFieldGet(this, _Kochava_instance, "f").useCookies = condition;
var handleRequestError = function (err, state, retriesLeft, options, callback) {
if (retriesLeft > 0) {
if (state.logging && state.verbose) {
console.log("Error: API call failed at the network level. Attempt: " + (state.maxRetries - retriesLeft));
- Set whether the sdk shouldn't automatically send a page or should.
- true = no auto page
- false = yes auto page
- defaults to false
disableAutoPage(condition = false) {
__classPrivateFieldGet(this, _Kochava_instance, "f").disableAutoPage = condition;
The primary means for starting the sdk.
- Checks for migrations.
- Creates the sdk instance.
- Checks for persisted state.
- Determines and sends kvinit.
- Determines and sends install.
- Optionally enqueues an auto_page.
- Starts the job queue.
startWithAppGuid(appGuid) {
if (!appGuid) {
Log.error(`Invalid appGuid ${appGuid}, start failed.`);
var delayFactor = state.maxRetries - retriesLeft;
var delay = delayFactor * delayFactor * 500;
if (delay > state.maxRetryDelayMs) {
delay = state.maxRetryDelayMs;
if (!__classPrivateFieldGet(this, _Kochava_instance, "f"))
__classPrivateFieldGet(this, _Kochava_instances, "m", _Kochava_resetInstance).call(this);
if (__classPrivateFieldGet(this, _Kochava_instance, "f").started) {
Log.warn("Kochava SDK already started.");
setTimeout(function () { return request(state, options, retriesLeft, callback); }, delay);
Log.diagDebug(`Host called API: Start With App Guid ${appGuid}`);
__classPrivateFieldGet(this, _Kochava_instance, "f").started = true;
__classPrivateFieldGet(this, _Kochava_instances, "m", _Kochava_checkFirstLaunchAndMigrate).call(this);
__classPrivateFieldGet(this, _Kochava_instances, "m", _Kochava_initInstance).call(this, appGuid);
if (!__classPrivateFieldGet(this, _Kochava_instance, "f").disableAutoPage)
__classPrivateFieldGet(this, _Kochava_instances, "m", _Kochava_checkPersistedState).call(this);
__classPrivateFieldGet(this, _Kochava_instances, "m", _Kochava_checkPersistedKvinit).call(this);
__classPrivateFieldGet(this, _Kochava_instances, "m", _Kochava_printStartupMsgs).call(this, appGuid);
__classPrivateFieldGet(this, _Kochava_instances, "m", _Kochava_beginStart).call(this);
else {
if (state.logging && state.verbose) {
console.log("Error: API call failed at the network level (retry limit hit).", err);
Primary means for stopping the sdk.
Will optionally delete all persisted data, and will shutdown the
sdk and job queue.
shutdown(deleteData) {
Log.diagDebug(`Host called API: Shutdown and ${deleteData ? "delete data" : "keep data"}`);
if (deleteData) {
Log.debug("Deleting persisted values");
if (callback instanceof Function) {
callback(true, err);
if (!__classPrivateFieldGet(this, _Kochava_instance, "f").started) {
Log.warn("SDK already shutdown.");
}"SDK shutting down.");
__classPrivateFieldGet(this, _Kochava_jobQueue, "f").stop();
// wipe whatever was previously in the queue
__classPrivateFieldSet(this, _Kochava_jobQueue, new JobQueue(), "f");
__classPrivateFieldGet(this, _Kochava_instances, "m", _Kochava_resetInstance).call(this);
var getPayloadBody = function (state, eventName, optsObject) {
//if (state.logging && state.verbose) {
//console.log("Assembling request payload.");
var basePayload = getBasePayload(state, eventName);
var baseData = getBaseDataPoints(state);
var specificData;
var conversionData;
if (state.utm) {
conversionData = { utm_source: state.utm };
Changes the current logLevel.
Options include:
- Off :: No logging whatsoever
- Error :: Only critical errors
- Warn :: Only critical errors and non-critical warnings
- Info :: High-level sdk behavior logs (default)
- Debug :: More in-depth sdk behavior logs and payload logs
- Trace :: Everything, granular detail
setLogLevel(logLevel) {
Log.diagDebug(`Host called API: Set Log Level ${logLevel}`);
switch (eventName) {
case "install":
specificData = setInstallData(state, baseData);
case "page":
specificData = setPageData(state, baseData, optsObject);
specificData = setEventData(state, baseData, eventName, optsObject);
Used internally, for special SDK behavior not utilized by a client.
Examples include:
- urls :: purposefully changing an endpoint for testing
- wrapper :: overwriting the version of a wrapper
several more ...
executeAdvancedInstruction(key, valueStr, callback) {
Log.diagDebug(`Host called API: Execute Advanced Instruction ${key}`);
switch (key) {
case "wrapper":
const wrapperVersion = JSON.parse(valueStr);
if (!__classPrivateFieldGet(this, _Kochava_instance, "f").version)
__classPrivateFieldGet(this, _Kochava_instance, "f").version = "WebTracker 3.0.0";
switch ( {
case "Angular":
__classPrivateFieldGet(this, _Kochava_instance, "f").version += ` (${} ${wrapperVersion.version})`;
__classPrivateFieldGet(this, _Kochava_instance, "f").version += ` (${})`;
case "urls":
const overrideUrls = JSON.parse(valueStr);
if (overrideUrls.init)
__classPrivateFieldGet(this, _Kochava_instance, "f").overrideUrls.init = overrideUrls.init;
if (overrideUrls.event)
__classPrivateFieldGet(this, _Kochava_instance, "f").overrideUrls.event = overrideUrls.event;
if (overrideUrls.install)
__classPrivateFieldGet(this, _Kochava_instance, "f").overrideUrls.install = overrideUrls.install;
if (overrideUrls.identityLink)
__classPrivateFieldGet(this, _Kochava_instance, "f").overrideUrls.identityLink = overrideUrls.identityLink;
case "urlsRestore":
const restoreUrls = JSON.parse(valueStr);
for (const url of restoreUrls) {
if (url === "init")
__classPrivateFieldGet(this, _Kochava_instance, "f").overrideUrls.init = DEFAULTS.networking.urls.init;
if (url === "event")
__classPrivateFieldGet(this, _Kochava_instance, "f").overrideUrls.event = DEFAULTS.networking.urls.event;
if (url === "install")
__classPrivateFieldGet(this, _Kochava_instance, "f").overrideUrls.install =
if (url === "identityLink")
__classPrivateFieldGet(this, _Kochava_instance, "f").overrideUrls.identityLink =
case "logFilter":
const disabled = JSON.parse(valueStr);
disabled.forEach((level) => Log.disableLogType(level));
case "getInstance":
const currInstance = JSON.stringify(__classPrivateFieldGet(this, _Kochava_instance, "f"));
Log.debug(`capturing instance: ${valueStr}`);
case "logObjects":
var fullPayload = __assign(__assign({}, basePayload), { data: __assign(__assign({}, specificData), conversionData) });
//if (state.logging && state.verbose) {
//console.log("Full payload assembled", fullPayload);
return JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(fullPayload));
var setInstallData = function (state, baseData) {
setLocalValue("kv_install_sent", String(new Date().getTime()), state.useCookie);
return getInstallDataPoints(state, baseData);
var setPageData = function (state, baseData, optsObject) {
var eventData = { page_name: state.pageName, };
if (optsObject && Object.keys(optsObject).length > 0) {
eventData = __assign(__assign({}, eventData), optsObject);
Builds and enqueues a kochava event. Must include an event_name string,
with optional event_data as either another string or object.
sendEvent(name, data) {
Log.diagDebug(`Host called API: Send Event`);
if (!name) {
Log.warn("Invalid event name, ignoring call.");
__classPrivateFieldGet(this, _Kochava_jobQueue, "f").enqueueEvent(__classPrivateFieldGet(this, _Kochava_instance, "f"), [name, data]);
return getEventDataPoints(baseData, "page", eventData);
var setEventData = function (state, baseData, eventName, optsObject) {
var eventTime = new Date().getTime();
var timeElapsed = eventTime - state.startTime;
var timeOnPage = Math.round(timeElapsed / 1000);
var eventData = {
page_name: state.pageName,
time_on_page: timeOnPage
if (optsObject && Object.keys(optsObject).length > 0) {
eventData = __assign(__assign({}, eventData), optsObject);
Wraps the sendEvent call with predefined data specific to page events.
sendPageEvent(pageName, additionalData) {
if (pageName)
this.sendEvent("page", Object.assign({ page_name: pageName }, additionalData));
this.sendEvent("page", Object.assign({ page_name: getPageName() }, additionalData));
return getEventDataPoints(baseData, eventName, eventData);
var getIdentityPayload = function (state) { return ({
kochava_app_id: state.appID,
device_id: {
kochava_device_id: state.kochavaDeviceID,
data: state.identityLink,
}); };
var getBasePayload = function (state, eventName) { return ({
action: getActionName(eventName),
kochava_app_id: state.appID,
kochava_device_id: state.kochavaDeviceID,
sdk_version: state.sdkVersion,
nt_id: generateNtID(state),
}); };
var getBaseDataPoints = function (state) { return ({
language: getLanguage(),
device_orientation: getScreenOrientation(),
usertime: getCurrentUnixTime(),
user_agent: getUserAgent(),
device_ids: {
kochava_device_id: state.kochavaDeviceID,
disp_w: (getScreenWidth()) ? getScreenWidth() : 0,
disp_h: (getScreenHeight()) ? getScreenHeight() : 0,
}); };
var getEventDataPoints = function (baseData, eventName, eventData) {
return (__assign(__assign({}, baseData), { event_name: eventName, event_data: eventData }));
var getInstallDataPoints = function (state, baseData) {
return (__assign(__assign({}, baseData), { identity_link: state.identityLink }));
var determineKvID = function (rawID, use_cookie) {
return (rawID === "") ? assignNewID(use_cookie) : rawID;
var sanitizeIdentityLink = function (idLink) {
if (idLink && typeof idLink !== "string" && Object.keys(idLink).length > 0) {
return idLink;
- Registers new identity links with the sdk, either to be sent out with
the install, or standalone.
- Will update an identity link if its key already exists in storage.
- A max of 10 identity links are currently allowed to be stored
at any one time.
registerIdentityLink(name, identifier) {
Log.diagDebug(`Host called API: Register Identity Link ${name}`);
if (!name || !identifier) {
Log.warn("Invalid identity link, ignoring call.");
if (checkDuplicateIdLink(name, identifier)) {
Log.debug("Duplicate Identity Link found, ignoring.");
const idLink = {};
idLink[name] = identifier;
addPersistedIdLinks(name, identifier, __classPrivateFieldGet(this, _Kochava_instance, "f").useCookies);
if (__classPrivateFieldGet(this, _Kochava_instance, "f").installStarted || __classPrivateFieldGet(this, _Kochava_instance, "f").installDone) {
// it will be sent standalone
__classPrivateFieldGet(this, _Kochava_jobQueue, "f").enqueueIdLink(__classPrivateFieldGet(this, _Kochava_instance, "f"), idLink);
// will be sent in install
else if (typeof idLink === "string") {
return { "custom_id": idLink };
// Allows the client to attach arbitrary data to certain payloads.
registerCustomValue(name, value) {
Log.diagDebug(`Host called API: Register Custom Value ${name}`);
if (!name || !value) {
Log.warn("Invalid custom value, ignoring call.");
const dataToAdorn = {};
dataToAdorn[name] = value;
__classPrivateFieldGet(this, _Kochava_instance, "f").customValues.push({ data: dataToAdorn, isDeviceId: false });
else {
return undefined;
// Allows the client to attach arbitrary identifiers to go out in the install.
registerCustomDeviceIdentifier(name, value) {
Log.diagDebug(`Host called API: Register Custom Device Identifier ${name}`);
if (!name || !value) {
Log.warn("Invalid custom device identifier, ignoring call.");
const dataToAdorn = {};
dataToAdorn[name] = value;
__classPrivateFieldGet(this, _Kochava_instance, "f").customValues.push({ data: dataToAdorn, isDeviceId: true });
var getActionName = function (eventName) {
return eventName === "install" ? "install" : "event";
var getUrlParameter = function (name) {
if (!location || ! {
return "";
Returns whether or not the sdk is in a "started" state.
This basically amounts to if start has been called,
not if kvinit is done or the queue is started.
Likewise, shutdown will set "started" to false;
getStarted() {
return __classPrivateFieldGet(this, _Kochava_instance, "f").started;
name = name.replace(/[[]/, "\\[").replace(/[\]]/, "\\]");
var regex = new RegExp("[\\?&]" + name + "=([^&#]*)");
var results = regex.exec(;
return results === null
? ""
: decodeURIComponent(results[1].replace(/\+/g, " "));
var setLocalStorageValue = function (key, val) {
if (!localStorage) {
return false;
Returns the current kochavaDeviceId, or "" if called too early.
getDeviceId() {
Log.diagDebug(`Host called API: Get Kochava Device Id`);
if (__classPrivateFieldGet(this, _Kochava_instance, "f").started)
return __classPrivateFieldGet(this, _Kochava_instance, "f").kochavaDeviceId;
return "";
try {
localStorage.setItem(key, val);
Puts the sdk in a "sleep" state. This will stop the sdk from dequeuing
new jobs and retrying failed jobs. Different than shutdown, because the
current state is not destroyed.
setSleep(sleep) {
Log.diagDebug(`Host called API: Sleep ${sleep ? "Stop" : "Start"}`);
if (sleep && !__classPrivateFieldGet(this, _Kochava_instance, "f").sleep) {
// only pause if it was running
__classPrivateFieldGet(this, _Kochava_instance, "f").sleep = sleep;
__classPrivateFieldGet(this, _Kochava_jobQueue, "f").pause();
else if (!sleep && __classPrivateFieldGet(this, _Kochava_instance, "f").sleep) {
// only resume queueing if it was paused
__classPrivateFieldGet(this, _Kochava_instance, "f").sleep = sleep;
__classPrivateFieldGet(this, _Kochava_instances, "m", _Kochava_beginStart).call(this);
catch (err) {
return false;
_Kochava_instance = new WeakMap(), _Kochava_jobQueue = new WeakMap(), _Kochava_instances = new WeakSet(), _Kochava_resetInstance = function _Kochava_resetInstance() {
__classPrivateFieldSet(this, _Kochava_instance, {
appGuid: "",
started: false,
installStarted: false,
kvinitDone: false,
installDone: false,
disableAutoPage: false,
useCookies: false,
sleep: false,
version: "",
buildDate: "",
overrideUrls: {
init: "",
install: "",
event: "",
identityLink: "",
customValues: [],
kochavaSession: "",
retryWaterfall: [],
startTimeMS: 0,
utm: "",
kochavaDeviceId: "",
kochavaInstallId: "",
kochavaSessionCount: -1,
kochavaInstallDate: -1,
kochavaConfig: undefined,
}, "f");
}, _Kochava_initInstance = function _Kochava_initInstance(appGuid) {
// init instance with defaults
__classPrivateFieldGet(this, _Kochava_instance, "f").appGuid = appGuid;
__classPrivateFieldGet(this, _Kochava_instance, "f").disableAutoPage = __classPrivateFieldGet(this, _Kochava_instance, "f").disableAutoPage || false;
__classPrivateFieldGet(this, _Kochava_instance, "f").useCookies = __classPrivateFieldGet(this, _Kochava_instance, "f").useCookies || false;
__classPrivateFieldGet(this, _Kochava_instance, "f").version = __classPrivateFieldGet(this, _Kochava_instance, "f").version || "WebTracker 3.0.0";
__classPrivateFieldGet(this, _Kochava_instance, "f").buildDate = "kbd: 5/16/2022, 9:51:59 AM";
__classPrivateFieldGet(this, _Kochava_instance, "f").kochavaSession = utils.uuidv4().substring(0, 5);
__classPrivateFieldGet(this, _Kochava_instance, "f").startTimeMS = utils.getCurrTimeMS();
__classPrivateFieldGet(this, _Kochava_instance, "f").retryWaterfall = [7, 30, 300, 1800];
__classPrivateFieldGet(this, _Kochava_instance, "f").kochavaConfig = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(DEFAULTS));
}, _Kochava_checkFirstLaunchAndMigrate = function _Kochava_checkFirstLaunchAndMigrate() {
// If this is our first launch ever, set it in persistence.
if (!readAndUpdatePersistedValue(PersistKey.FirstStartDate, __classPrivateFieldGet(this, _Kochava_instance, "f").useCookies)) {
updatePersistedValue(PersistKey.FirstStartDate, String(utils.getCurrTimeSec()), __classPrivateFieldGet(this, _Kochava_instance, "f").useCookies);
On a first launch of the v3 sdk, we need to migrate old persisted kv_id
from v2.2, v2.3, and v2.5
// perform migration
const oldKvId = readAndUpdatePersistedValue(PersistKey.OldKvid, __classPrivateFieldGet(this, _Kochava_instance, "f").useCookies);
if (oldKvId) {
updatePersistedValue(PersistKey.DeviceId, oldKvId, __classPrivateFieldGet(this, _Kochava_instance, "f").useCookies);
updatePersistedValue(PersistKey.InstallSentDate, JSON.stringify(utils.getCurrTimeSec()), __classPrivateFieldGet(this, _Kochava_instance, "f").useCookies);
return true;
var getLocalStorageValue = function (name) {
if (!localStorage) {
return "";
}, _Kochava_checkPersistedKvinit = function _Kochava_checkPersistedKvinit() {
// check if persisted kvinit
let persistedKvinit = {};
const persistedKvinitStr = readAndUpdatePersistedValue(PersistKey.LastKvinit, __classPrivateFieldGet(this, _Kochava_instance, "f").useCookies);
if (persistedKvinitStr) {
persistedKvinit = JSON.parse(persistedKvinitStr);
if (persistedKvinit) {
// if persisted kvinit, apply it
Log.trace("Found persisted kvinit.", persistedKvinit);
Kvinit.applyKvinitResp(__classPrivateFieldGet(this, _Kochava_instance, "f"), persistedKvinit);
Log.trace("KochavaConfig after persistedKvinit:", JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(__classPrivateFieldGet(this, _Kochava_instance, "f").kochavaConfig)));
var val = "";
try {
val = localStorage.getItem(name) || "";
// check refresh minimum too
const persistedKvinitDateStr = readAndUpdatePersistedValue(PersistKey.KvinitSentDate, __classPrivateFieldGet(this, _Kochava_instance, "f").useCookies);
if (persistedKvinitDateStr) {
const lastKvinitDate = JSON.parse(persistedKvinitDateStr);
if (lastKvinitDate) {
const refreshMin = __classPrivateFieldGet(this, _Kochava_instance, "f").kochavaConfig.config.refresh_minimum;
if (utils.getCurrTimeSec() - lastKvinitDate < refreshMin)
__classPrivateFieldGet(this, _Kochava_instance, "f").kvinitDone = true;
catch (err) {
return "";
}, _Kochava_checkPersistedState = function _Kochava_checkPersistedState() {
__classPrivateFieldGet(this, _Kochava_instance, "f").installDone =
readAndUpdatePersistedValue(PersistKey.InstallSentDate, __classPrivateFieldGet(this, _Kochava_instance, "f").useCookies).length > 0;
__classPrivateFieldGet(this, _Kochava_instance, "f").kochavaInstallId = readAndUpdatePersistedValue(PersistKey.InstallId, __classPrivateFieldGet(this, _Kochava_instance, "f").useCookies);
__classPrivateFieldGet(this, _Kochava_instance, "f").kochavaDeviceId = readAndUpdateDeviceId(__classPrivateFieldGet(this, _Kochava_instance, "f").useCookies);
__classPrivateFieldGet(this, _Kochava_instance, "f").kochavaSessionCount = readAndUpdateSessionCount(__classPrivateFieldGet(this, _Kochava_instance, "f").useCookies);
__classPrivateFieldGet(this, _Kochava_instance, "f").utm = readAndUpdateUTM(__classPrivateFieldGet(this, _Kochava_instance, "f").appGuid, __classPrivateFieldGet(this, _Kochava_instance, "f").useCookies);
}, _Kochava_printStartupMsgs = function _Kochava_printStartupMsgs(appGuid) {
Log.diagInfo(`Started SDK ${__classPrivateFieldGet(this, _Kochava_instance, "f").version}
published ${__classPrivateFieldGet(this, _Kochava_instance, "f").buildDate}`);
Log.diagInfo(`The log level is set to ${Log.getLogLevel()}`);
Log.diagDebug(`This ${!__classPrivateFieldGet(this, _Kochava_instance, "f").installDone ? "is" : "is not"} the first tracker SDK launch`);
Log.diagDebug(`The kochava device id is ${__classPrivateFieldGet(this, _Kochava_instance, "f").kochavaDeviceId}`);
Log.diagDebug(`The kochava app GUID provided was ${appGuid}`);
}, _Kochava_beginStart = async function _Kochava_beginStart() {
// if we need to send a new kvinit, send it
if (!__classPrivateFieldGet(this, _Kochava_instance, "f").kvinitDone) {
Log.diagDebug(`A new kvinit will be sent`);
await __classPrivateFieldGet(this, _Kochava_instances, "m", _Kochava_performNewKvinit).call(this);
return !(val) ? "" : val;
var setCookie = function (name, value) {
var expires = "";
var date = new Date();
date.setTime(date.getTime() + 3650 * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000);
expires = "; expires=" + date.toUTCString();
document.cookie =
name +
"=" +
(value || "") +
expires +
"; path=/;domain=" +
var getCookie = function (name) {
var nameEQ = name + "=";
var carray = document.cookie.split(";");
carray.forEach(function (c) {
while (c.charAt(0) == " ")
c = c.substring(1, c.length);
if (c.indexOf(nameEQ) == 0)
return c.substring(nameEQ.length, c.length);
return "";
var setLocalValue = function (key, val, useCookie) {
setLocalStorageValue(key, val);
if (useCookie) {
setCookie(key, val);
var getLocalValue = function (name, storageName, useCookie) {
var val = getUrlParameter(name);
if (val === "") {
val = getLocalStorageValue(storageName);
else {
setLocalValue(storageName, val, useCookie);
Log.diagDebug(`A new kvinit will not be sent`);
if (useCookie) {
if (val === "") {
val = getCookie(storageName);
else {
setCookie(storageName, val);
return val;
if (val !== "") {
setLocalValue(storageName, val, useCookie);
// if the install_id changed and thus a new install must go out
if (__classPrivateFieldGet(this, _Kochava_instances, "m", _Kochava_checkResendId).call(this))
__classPrivateFieldGet(this, _Kochava_instance, "f").installDone = false;
Log.diagDebug(`The install ${__classPrivateFieldGet(this, _Kochava_instance, "f").installDone ? "has already" : "has not yet"} been sent`);
if (__classPrivateFieldGet(this, _Kochava_instance, "f").sleep)
if (!__classPrivateFieldGet(this, _Kochava_instance, "f").installDone) {
await __classPrivateFieldGet(this, _Kochava_instances, "m", _Kochava_performInstall).call(this);
return !(val) ? "" : val;
var getPageName = function () {
var page = "";
if (location) {
page = location.pathname.substring(1);
page = page.replace(/\/+$/, "");
if (__classPrivateFieldGet(this, _Kochava_instance, "f").kvinitDone && __classPrivateFieldGet(this, _Kochava_instance, "f").installDone) {
await __classPrivateFieldGet(this, _Kochava_jobQueue, "f").start(__classPrivateFieldGet(this, _Kochava_instance, "f"));
return page === "" ? "/" : page;
var getBaseDomain = function () {
try {
}, _Kochava_performNewKvinit = async function _Kochava_performNewKvinit() {
__classPrivateFieldGet(this, _Kochava_instance, "f").kvinitDone = await Kvinit.send(__classPrivateFieldGet(this, _Kochava_instance, "f"), __classPrivateFieldGet(this, _Kochava_instance, "f").retryWaterfall);
updatePersistedValue(PersistKey.KvinitSentDate, String(utils.getCurrTimeSec()), __classPrivateFieldGet(this, _Kochava_instance, "f").useCookies);
// if new kvinit, apply it
let newKvinit = {};
const newKvinitStr = readAndUpdatePersistedValue(PersistKey.LastKvinit, __classPrivateFieldGet(this, _Kochava_instance, "f").useCookies);
if (newKvinitStr) {
newKvinit = JSON.parse(newKvinitStr);
catch (err) {
Kvinit.applyKvinitResp(__classPrivateFieldGet(this, _Kochava_instance, "f"), newKvinit);
Log.trace("KochavaConfig after new Kvinit:", JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(__classPrivateFieldGet(this, _Kochava_instance, "f").kochavaConfig)));
}, _Kochava_checkResendId = function _Kochava_checkResendId() {
let resendId = "";
if (__classPrivateFieldGet(this, _Kochava_instance, "f").kochavaConfig.install) {
resendId = __classPrivateFieldGet(this, _Kochava_instance, "f").kochavaConfig.install.resend_id;
var getUserAgent = function () {
return (navigator) ? navigator.userAgent : "";
var getLanguage = function () {
return (navigator) ? navigator.language : "";
var getScreenWidth = function () {
return (window) ? window.screen.availWidth : 0;
var getScreenHeight = function () {
return (window) ? window.screen.availHeight : 0;
var getScreenOrientation = function () {
return (window) ? window.innerWidth < window.innerHeight
? "portrait"
: "landscape"
: "";
var getCurrentUnixTime = function () { return Math.floor( / 1000); };
var assignNewID = function (useCookie) {
// const newId: string = uuid();
var newID = "KWE" + getCurrentUnixTime() + "T" + uuidv4();
setLocalValue("kv_id", newID, useCookie);
return newID;
var uuidv4 = function () {
return (1e7 + "-" + 1e3 + "-" + 4e3 + "-" + 8e3 + "-" + 1e11).replace(/[018]/g, function (c) {
return (c ^ crypto.getRandomValues(new Uint8Array(1))[0] & 15 >> c / 4).toString(16);
var readAndUpdateSessionCount = function (useCookie) {
var storedSessionCount = getLocalValue("kv_session_count", "kv_session_count", useCookie);
var sessionCount = 1;
if (storedSessionCount) {
sessionCount = parseInt(storedSessionCount);
const needsNewInstall = checkInstallIdChange(resendId, __classPrivateFieldGet(this, _Kochava_instance, "f").useCookies);
if (needsNewInstall) {
Log.debug(`resend_id ${resendId} found, forcing new install`);
setLocalValue("kv_session_count", sessionCount.toString(), useCookie);
return sessionCount;
return needsNewInstall;
}, _Kochava_performInstall = async function _Kochava_performInstall() {
const request =, _Kochava_instance, "f"));
__classPrivateFieldGet(this, _Kochava_instance, "f").installDone = await Install.send(__classPrivateFieldGet(this, _Kochava_instance, "f"), request);
if (!__classPrivateFieldGet(this, _Kochava_instance, "f").installDone)
// If the install succeeded, remove all idLink that were passed to it
Install.onSuccess(__classPrivateFieldGet(this, _Kochava_instance, "f"));
updatePersistedValue(PersistKey.IdLinkQueue, JSON.stringify(__classPrivateFieldGet(this, _Kochava_jobQueue, "f").idLinkQueue), false);
var generateNtID = function (state) {
return state.session + "-" + state.session_count + "-" + uuidv4();
// const uuid = (): string => {
// let dt: number = new Date().getTime();
// const uuid: string = "kwxxxxxxxxxxxxx".replace(/[xy]/g, function (c) {
// const r: number = (dt + Math.random() * 16) % 16 | 0;
// dt = Math.floor(dt / 16);
// return (c == "x" ? r : (r & 0x3) | 0x8).toString(16);
// });
// return uuid;
// };
// Only here for generic Web integration
window.kochava = Kochava.create();
"type": "module",
"name": "kochava",
"version": "1.0.10",
"version": "3.0.0",
"main": "dist/kochava.js",
"files": [
"description": "",
"scripts": {
"test": "echo \"Error: no test specified\" && exit 1",
"build": "tsc"
"build": "tsc -p ../../src/tsconfig.node.json",
"test": "tsc -p ."
"devDependencies": {
"typescript": "^4.5.5"
"author": "",
"license": "ISC",
"keywords": [],
"description": ""
"license": "ISC"
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