A strongly-typed language extension framework. We found a slick way to make strongly typed parsers in TypeScript, and are building a language extension framework around it. Very much a work in progress.
Getting Started
Let's build a super simple parser to parse the following JavaScript snippet:
const myString = "Hello, world!";
let myNumber = 42;
myNumber = 0;
We can define a parser for this like so:
import { AstNode, token, and, or, optional, many } from "./Langshot";
class File extends AstNode.from(() => ({
statements: many(Statement),
})) {
get lineCount() {
return this.statements.length;
class Statement extends AstNode.from(() => ({
statement: or(VarDef, VarAssign),
separator: optional(token(`Separator`, /;/)),
})) {}
class VarDef extends AstNode.from(() => ({
modifier: token(`Modifier`, /var|let|const/),
ident: Ident,
defOp: AssignOp,
initValue: or(Ident, LitNum, LitStr),
})) {
get isConst() {
return this.modifier.text === "const";
class VarAssign extends AstNode.from(() => ({
ident: Ident,
assignOp: AssignOp,
value: or(Ident, LitNum, LitStr),
})) {}
class AssignOp extends AstNode.from(() => /=/) {}
class Ident extends AstNode.from(() => /_*[A-Za-z][A-Za-z0-9_]*/) {}
class LitNum extends AstNode.from(() => /-?[0-9]+(\.[0-9]+)?/) {
get asFloat() {
return parseFloat(this.text);
class LitStr extends AstNode.from(() => /"([^"\\]*(\\.[^"\\]*)*)"/) {
get asString() {
return this.text.slice(1, -1);
If we parse the snippet above using File.parse(testFile)
, which yields the following AST:
"nodeType": "File",
"startIndex": 0,
"endIndex": 66,
"statements": [
"nodeType": "Statement",
"startIndex": 0,
"endIndex": 33,
"statement": {
"nodeType": "VarDef",
"startIndex": 0,
"endIndex": 32,
"modifier": {
"nodeType": "Modifier",
"startIndex": 0,
"endIndex": 5,
"text": "const"
"ident": {
"nodeType": "Ident",
"startIndex": 6,
"endIndex": 14,
"text": "myString"
"defOp": {
"nodeType": "AssignOp",
"startIndex": 15,
"endIndex": 16,
"text": "="
"initValue": {
"nodeType": "LitStr",
"startIndex": 17,
"endIndex": 32,
"text": "\"Hello, world!\""
"separator": {
"nodeType": "Separator",
"startIndex": 32,
"endIndex": 33,
"text": ";"
"nodeType": "Statement",
"startIndex": 34,
"endIndex": 52,
"statement": {
"nodeType": "VarDef",
"startIndex": 34,
"endIndex": 51,
"modifier": {
"nodeType": "Modifier",
"startIndex": 34,
"endIndex": 37,
"text": "let"
"ident": {
"nodeType": "Ident",
"startIndex": 38,
"endIndex": 46,
"text": "myNumber"
"defOp": {
"nodeType": "AssignOp",
"startIndex": 47,
"endIndex": 48,
"text": "="
"initValue": {
"nodeType": "LitNum",
"startIndex": 49,
"endIndex": 51,
"text": "42"
"separator": {
"nodeType": "Separator",
"startIndex": 51,
"endIndex": 52,
"text": ";"
"nodeType": "Statement",
"startIndex": 53,
"endIndex": 66,
"statement": {
"nodeType": "VarAssign",
"startIndex": 53,
"endIndex": 65,
"ident": {
"nodeType": "Ident",
"startIndex": 53,
"endIndex": 61,
"text": "myNumber"
"assignOp": {
"nodeType": "AssignOp",
"startIndex": 62,
"endIndex": 63,
"text": "="
"value": {
"nodeType": "LitNum",
"startIndex": 64,
"endIndex": 65,
"text": "0"
"separator": {
"nodeType": "Separator",
"startIndex": 65,
"endIndex": 66,
"text": ";"
We have big dreams for Langshot, but right now it's really small and has a lot of limitations.
- Only parsing works right now.
- There is no elegant system for comments yet.
- There is no elegant parser logging system yet.
- There is no elegant system to handle code actively being typed.