Laravel Elixir Icon fonts
This is a simple gulp-iconfont
and gulp-iconfont-css wrapper for Laravel Elixir.
Install this package over npm.
npm install laravel-elixir-fonts --save-dev
Require it in your gulpfile.js
and use it.
var elixir = require('laravel-elixir');
elixir(function(mix) {
mix.fonts([elixir.config.assetsPath + '/svg/**/*.svg'], elixir.config.publicPath + '/fonts/', { font: { fontName: 'my_icons' } });
How To
If you run mix.fonts()
without parameters, it looks for all SVG-Files in resources/assets/svg
(folders included).
The output of the icons.css
file is in resources/assets/css
The output of your fonts
is in public/assets/fonts
These are the default paths, they can be overwritten by elixir.config.assetsPath
and elixir.config.css.outputFolder
or by pass options. See the config file from elixir for more options.
Default options
font: {
normalize: true,
fontName: fontName, // required
prependUnicode: false, // recommended option
formats: ['ttf', 'eot', 'woff', 'woff2', 'svg'], // default, 'woff2' and 'svg' are available
timestamp: runTimestamp // recommended to get consistent builds when watching files
css: {
fontName: fontName,
targetPath: '../../' + elixirConfig.assetsPath + '/' + elixirConfig.css.sass.folder + '/' + fontName + '.scss',
fontPath: '../fonts/'