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Package description

What is libmime?

The libmime npm package is a utility library for handling MIME types. It provides functionalities for parsing and formatting MIME types, which are essential for handling file types and content negotiation in web and email development. With libmime, developers can easily determine the MIME type of a file, create MIME-encoded words, and parse MIME-encoded strings.

What are libmime's main functionalities?

Determining MIME type from a filename

This feature allows you to get the MIME type of a file based on its extension. It's useful for setting Content-Type headers when serving files over HTTP.

const libmime = require('libmime');
const mimeType = libmime.getType('example.pdf');
console.log(mimeType); // 'application/pdf'

Getting a file extension from a MIME type

This functionality enables you to find the appropriate file extension for a given MIME type, which can be useful when generating files dynamically.

const libmime = require('libmime');
const extension = libmime.getExtension('application/pdf');
console.log(extension); // 'pdf'

Encoding and decoding MIME-encoded words

libmime can encode and decode MIME-encoded words, which is particularly useful for handling email headers that include characters outside the ASCII range.

const libmime = require('libmime');
const encodedWord = libmime.encodeWord('Hello äöü', 'Q');
const decodedWord = libmime.decodeWord(encodedWord);

Other packages similar to libmime



v0.1.5 2014-09-12

Do not use quotes for continuation encoded filename parts. Fixes an issue with Gmail where the Gmail webmail keeps the charset as part of the filename.




libmime provides useful MIME related functions. For Quoted-Printable and Base64 encoding and decoding see libqp and libbase64.



npm install libmime


var libmime = require('libmime');


Encoded Words


Encodes a string into mime encoded word format.

libmime.encodeWord(str [, mimeWordEncoding[, maxLength]]) → String
  • str - String or Buffer to be encoded
  • mimeWordEncoding - Encoding for the mime word, either Q or B (default is 'Q')
  • maxLength - If set, split mime words into several chunks if needed


libmime.encodeWord('See on õhin test', 'Q');

Becomes with UTF-8 and Quoted-printable encoding


Decodes a string from mime encoded word format.

libmime.decodeWord(str) → String
  • str - String to be decoded



will become

See on õhin test

Encodes non ascii sequences in a string to mime words.

libmime.encodeWords(str[, mimeWordEncoding[, maxLength]) → String
  • str - String or Buffer to be encoded
  • mimeWordEncoding - Encoding for the mime word, either Q or B (default is 'Q')
  • maxLength - If set, split mime words into several chunks if needed

Decodes a string that might include one or several mime words. If no mime words are found from the string, the original string is returned

libmime.decodeWords(str) → String
  • str - String to be decoded



Folds a long line according to the RFC 5322. Mostly needed for folding header lines.

libmime.foldLines(str [, lineLength[, afterSpace]]) → String
  • str - String to be folded
  • lineLength - Maximum length of a line (defaults to 76)
  • afterSpace - If true, leave a space in the end of a line


libmime.foldLines('Content-Type: multipart/alternative; boundary="----zzzz----"')

results in

Content-Type: multipart/alternative;

Adds soft line breaks to content marked with format=flowed options to ensure that no line in the message is never longer than lineLength.

libmime.encodeFlowed(str [, lineLength]) → String
  • str Plaintext string that requires wrapping
  • lineLength (defaults to 76) Maximum length of a line

Unwraps a plaintext string in format=flowed wrapping.

libmime.decodeFlowed(str [, delSp]) → String
  • str Plaintext string with format=flowed to decode
  • delSp If true, delete leading spaces (delsp=yes)



Unfolds a header line and splits it to key and value pair. The return value is in the form of {key: 'subject', value: 'test'}. The value is not mime word decoded, you need to do your own decoding based on the rules for the specific header key.

libmime.decodeHeader(headerLine) → Object
  • headerLine - Single header line, might include linebreaks as well if folded

Parses a block of header lines. Does not decode mime words as every header might have its own rules (eg. formatted email addresses and such).

Return value is an object of headers, where header keys are object keys and values are arrays.

libmime.decodeHeaders(headers) → Object
  • headers - Headers string

Parses a header value with key=value arguments into a structured object. Useful when dealing with content-type and such. Continuation encoded params are joined into mime encoded words.

parseHeaderValue(valueString) → Object
  • valueString - a header value without the key


parseHeaderValue('content-type: text/plain; CHARSET="UTF-8"');


    "value": "text/plain",
    "params": {
        "charset": "UTF-8"

Joins structured header value together as 'value; param1=value1; param2=value2'

buildHeaderValue(structuredHeader) → String
  • structuredHeader - a header value formatted with parseHeaderValue

filename argument is encoded with continuation encoding if needed


Encodes and splits a header param value according to RFC2231 Parameter Value Continuations.

libmime.buildHeaderParam(key, str, maxLength) → Array
  • key - Parameter key (eg. filename)
  • str - String or an Buffer value to encode
  • maxLength - Maximum length of the encoded string part (not line length). Defaults to 50

The method returns an array of encoded parts with the following structure: [{key:'...', value: '...'}]


libmime.buildHeaderParam('filename', 'filename õäöü.txt', 20);
[ { key: 'filename*0*', value: 'utf-8\'\'filename%20' },
  { key: 'filename*1*', value: '%C3%B5%C3%A4%C3%B6' },
  { key: 'filename*2*', value: '%C3%BC.txt' } ]

This can be combined into a properly formatted header:

Content-disposition: attachment; filename*0*="utf-8''filename%20"
  filename*1*="%C3%B5%C3%A4%C3%B6"; filename*2*="%C3%BC.txt"

MIME Types


Returns file extension for a content type string. If no suitable extensions are found, 'bin' is used as the default extension.

libmime.detectExtension(mimeType) → String
  • mimeType - Content type to be checked for


libmime.detectExtension('image/jpeg') // returns 'jpeg'

Returns content type for a file extension. If no suitable content types are found, 'application/octet-stream' is used as the default content type

libmime.detectMimeType(extension) → String
  • extension Extension (or filename) to be checked for


libmime.detectExtension('logo.jpg') // returns 'image/jpeg'





Last updated on 12 Sep 2014

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