The Libmon Library helps you monetize your library by handling token validation and enforcing usage limits for a library.
It validates tokens against the Libmon service.
This package is open-source.
Unfortunately, the library does not work without make a call to the internet.
npm install libmon --save
const { Libmon } = require("libmon")
Libmon exposes a few methods such as crash()
and increment()
that can be used to set limits on a program.
If a token is valid, Libmon methods will not crash a program.
The libmon library should not be exposed to the end user. It's used internally by your library, and users should pass in a token.
class MyCalculatorLibrary(){
Libmon.setupCounter("number-of-prime-calls", 10)
function myPaidMethod() {
return "hello world"
function getPrimeNumber() {
return 3
Our intention is to make programs a little more inconvenient without a valid token rather than create strict payment models.
The consumer of a library and purchaser of a token always has benefit of the doubt.
- If there is no internet, validation will always pass.
- If the libmon server is down, validation will always pass
Generating Tokens
You can use our token generation service. To publish to Libmon, and get free tokens, purchase here. It costs $20 for 100 tokens.
We can help you setup a payment portal, and you can monetize your library.