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licenses - npm Package Compare versions

Comparing version 0.0.0 to 0.0.1



'use strict';
var url = require('url');
var debug = require('debug')('licenses::github')
, url = require('url');

@@ -43,3 +44,49 @@ /**

parse: function parse(data, next) {
data = this.get(data);
// We cannot detect a license so we call the callback without any arguments
// which symbolises a failed attempt.
if (!data) return next();
var parser = this;
this.exists(data, function exists(err, url) {
if (err || !url) return next(err);
var github = parser.repo(url)
, license;
parser.root(github, function root(err, files) {
if (err || !files || !files.length) return next(err);
// Fetch and parse the 'raw' content of the file so we can parse it.
parser.async.doWhilst(function does(next) {
var file = files.shift();
debug('searching %s for license information',;
parser.raw(github,, function raw(err, data) {
if (err) return next(err);
content: data,
}, function parse(err, data) {
license = data;
if (license) debug('extracted %s from %s', data,;
}, function select() {
return !license && files.length;
}, function done(err) {
next(err, parser.normalize(license));

@@ -55,2 +102,4 @@

repo: function repo(github) {
if (!github) return {};
var parsed = url.parse(github)

@@ -60,4 +109,4 @@ , parts = parsed.pathname.split('/');

return {
user: parts[0],
repo: parts[1]
user: parts[1],
repo: parts[2]

@@ -76,7 +125,7 @@ },

uri: ''+ github.user +'/'+ github.repo +'/'+ file,
uri: ''+ github.user +'/'+ github.repo +'/master/'+ file,
method: 'GET'
}, function fetched(err, res, body) {
if (err) return next(err);
if (res.statusCode !== 200) return next(new Error('Invalid status code'));
if (err || res.statusCode === 404) return next(err);
if (res.statusCode !== 200) return next(new Error('Invalid status code (raw:'+ res.statusCode +')'));

@@ -96,11 +145,17 @@ next(undefined, body);

root: function root(github, next) {
var parser = this;
var url = ''+ github.user +'/'+ github.repo +'/contents'
, parser = this;
debug('retreiving file list from %s', url);
uri: ''+ github.user +'/'+ github.repo +'/contents',
uri: url,
method: 'GET',
headers: {
'User-Agent': ''
json: true
}, function fetched(err, res, files) {
if (err) return next(err);
if (res.statusCode !== 200) return next(new Error('Invalid status code'));
if (err || res.statusCode === 404) return next(err);
if (res.statusCode !== 200) return next(new Error('Invalid status code (root:'+ res.statusCode +')'));

@@ -120,2 +175,29 @@ //

* It's possible that a user has moved the repository to a new location.
* Github automatically redirects you when you access the old page. But it
* doesn't provide any redirection for API calls causing them to fail with
* 404's.
* In order to detect the correct repository location we need to do a HEAD
* check of the public github URL and use the location header as source URL
* when we're presented with a 301 status code.
* @param {String} url The possible location of the repository.
* @param {Function} next Continuation
* @api private
exists: function exists(url, next) {
var github = this.repo(url);
uri: ''+ github.user +'/'+ github.repo,
method: 'HEAD'
}, function fetched(err, res, data) {
if (err) return next(err);
next(undefined, res.request.href || url);
* Is github based license detection an option for this package.

@@ -122,0 +204,0 @@ *

'use strict';
exports.parsers = {
markdown: new(require('./markdown')),
github: new(require('./github')),
npm: new(require('./npm'))
var debug = require('debug')('licenses::parse')
, request = require('request')
, async = require('async')
, url = require('url');
* @param {String} name The module name or the package.json contents.
* @param {Object} options Configuration of the parse process.
* @param {Function} fn Callback.
* @api public
function parse(name, options, fn) {
if ('function' === typeof options) {
fn = options;
options = null;
options = options || {};
options.registry = options.registry || '';
options.order = options.order || ['npm', 'content', 'github'];
// Make sure that we have the correct contents to start searching for
// license information.
function fetch(next) {
if ('string' !== typeof name) return next(undefined, name);
debug('was given a string, retreiving package from npm : %s', options.registry);
uri: url.resolve(options.registry, name),
method: 'GET',
json: true
}, function fetched(err, res, data) {
if (err) return next(err);
if (res.statusCode !== 200) return next(new Error('Invalid statusCode: '+ res.statusCode));
// With npm you can never be sure of the data structure. We want to get
// the latest package from the data structure so we need double, triple
// checks.
if (
'object' === typeof data
&& 'dist-tags' in data
&& 'object' === typeof data.versions
&& 'latest' in data['dist-tags']
&& data['dist-tags'].latest in data.versions
) {
var readme = data.readme;
data = data.versions[data['dist-tags'].latest];
data.readme = data.readme || readme;
debug('found "dist-tags" updating data to latest version');
next(err, data);
// Search for the correct way of parsing out the license information.
function search(data, next) {
if (!options.order.length) return next();
var parser, result;
async.doWhilst(function does(next) {
var name = options.order.shift()
, parser = parse.parsers[name];
if (!parser.supported(data)) return next();
debug('attempting to extract the license information using: %s', name);
parser.parse(data, function parsed(err, license) {
if (err) return next(err);
result = license;
if (result) debug('parsing with %s was successful', name);
}, function select() {
return !result && options.order.length;
}, function done(err) {
next(err, result);
], fn);
// Expose our primary parsers that we can leverage to retrieve license content.
parse.parsers = {};
parse.parsers.content = new(require('./content'))(parse.parsers);
parse.parsers.github = new(require('./github'))(parse.parsers);
parse.parsers.npm = new(require('./npm'))(parse.parsers);
// Expose the Parser class so we easily add new parsers through third-party if
// needed. (Think bitbucket and other code hosting sites)
parse.Parser = require('./Parser');
// Expose the actual module.
module.exports = parse;
'use strict';
var debug = require('debug')('licenses::npm');
* Parser for npm based license information.
* @constructor
* @api public

@@ -15,7 +20,27 @@ module.exports = require('./parser').extend({

parse: function parse(data, next) {
data = this.get(data);
// We cannot detect a license so we call the callback without any arguments
// which symbolises a failed attempt.
if (!data) return next();
debug('found %s in the package contents', data);
// @TODO handle the edge case where people give us an URL instead of an
// actual license.
next(undefined, this.normalize(data));
get: function get() {
* @param {Object} data The object that should contain the license.
* @returns {String}
* @api private
license: function licenses(data) {
if ('string' === typeof data && data) return data;
if ('type' in data && data.type) return data.type;

@@ -31,6 +56,45 @@

supported: function supported(data) {
return 'string' === typeof data.license
|| 'string' === typeof data.licenses
|| 'object' === typeof data.licenses && Object.keys(data.licenses).length;
return !!this.get(data);
* Retrieve the possible locations of the license information.
* @param {Object} data The package.json or npm package contents.
* @returns {Array}
* @api private
get: function get(data) {
var parser = this
, matches = [];
if ('string' === typeof data.license) {
return [data.license];
if ('string' === typeof data.licenses) {
return [data.licenses];
if (Array.isArray(data.licenses)) {
matches, filter(item) {
return parser.license(item);
if ('object' === typeof data.licenses && Object.keys(data.licenses).length) {
Object.keys(data.licenses).map(function map(key) {
if (!parser.license(data.licenses[key])) return undefined;
return data.licenses[key];
if (matches.length) return matches;


"name": "licenses",
"version": "0.0.0",
"version": "0.0.1",
"description": "A small tool that detects licensing information for a given Node.js module",
"main": "index.js",
"scripts": {
"test": "echo \"Error: no test specified\" && exit 1"
"test": "mocha $(find test -name '*.test.js')"

@@ -16,4 +16,12 @@ "keywords": [

"dependencies": {
"fusing": "0.0.0"
"fusing": "0.0.x",
"async": "0.2.x",
"request": "2.33.x",
"debug": "0.7.x"
"devDependencies": {
"mocha": "1.17.x",
"chai": "1.9.x",
"pre-commit": "0.0.x"
'use strict';
var request = require('request')
, fuse = require('fusing');
var debug = require('debug')('licenses::parser')
, normalized = require('./normalize')
, fuse = require('fusing')
, fs = require('fs');
function Parser() { }
* The base parser class where all parsers inherit from. This provides some
* common functionality which the parsers can use to detect licensing.
* @constructor
* @param {Object} parsers An object which contains all available parsers.
* @api public
function Parser(parsers) {
if (!(this instanceof Parser)) return new Parser(parsers);
this.parsers = parsers;
Parser.readable('request', request);
* Expose some core modules through the instance.
* @type {Function}
* @api pubilc
Parser.readable('async', require('async'));
Parser.readable('request', require('request'));
* Simple regular expression based tests for figuring out which license we're
* dealing with.
* @param {String} str
* @returns {String}
* @api private
* @returns {Array}
* @api public
Parser.readable('test', function test(str) {
if (/\sBSD\s/.test(str)) return 'BSD';
if (/\sGPL\s/.test(str) || /\sGPLv2\s/.test(str)) return 'GPL';
if (/\sLGPL\s/.test(str)) return 'LGPL';
if (/\sMIT\s/.test(str) || /\s\(MIT\)\s/.test(str)) return 'MIT';
if (/\sApache\sLicen[cs]e\s/.test(str)) return 'Apache';
if (/\sMPL\s/.test(str)) return 'MPL';
if (/BSD/.test(str)) return ['BSD'];
if (/GPL/.test(str) || /GPLv2/.test(str)) return ['GPL'];
if (/LGPL/.test(str)) return ['LGPL'];
if (/MIT/.test(str) || /\(MIT\)/.test(str)) return ['MIT'];
if (/Apache\s?Licen[cs]e/.test(str)) return ['Apache'];
if (/MPL/.test(str)) return ['MPL'];

@@ -29,8 +52,47 @@ //

if (/\sDO\sWHAT\sTHE\sFUCK\sYOU\sWANT\sTO\sPUBLIC\sLICEN[CS]E\s/i.test(str)
|| /\sWTFPL\s/.test(str)
) return 'WTFPL';
|| /WTFPL/.test(str)
) return ['WTFPL'];
* There are 1000 ways of writing that you're using an MIT module. This
* normalization module attempts to normalize the licenses in to one common
* name.
* @param {Array} data A list of license information that needs to be normalized.
* @api public
Parser.readable('normalize', function normalize(data) {
if (!data) return data;
// First we need to pass the data through our dual license checker so can
// figure out if the module is dual licensed as both license values needs to
// be normalized.
return this.dual(data).map(function map(license) {
// 1. Direct match. Check for direct matches against our normalized license
// file.
if (license in normalized) {
debug('normalized %s to %s using the "direct match" method', license, normalized[license]);
return normalized[license];
// 2. toUpperCase. Transform the given license string and the key of
// normalization to lowercase to see if it matches.
var transformed = license.toUpperCase();
if (transformed in normalized) {
debug('normalized %s to %s using the "transform" method', license, normalized[transformed]);
return normalized[transformed];
return license;
* Find an URL in the data structure.

@@ -54,2 +116,153 @@ *

* Check for potential dual licensing in the given license arrays. Most people
* specify them in their package.json as : MIT/GPL because the `npm init`
* doesn't really allow dual licensing.
* It supports the following possibilities:
* - MIT and GPL
* - MIT or GPL
* - MIT, GPL
* @param {Array} licenses
* @returns {Array} licenses
* @api public
Parser.readable('dual', function dual(licenses) {
var licensing = [];
if (!licenses) return [];
return licenses.reduce(function reduce(licenses, license) {
license = (license || '').trim();
if (!license) return;
return licenses;
}, []).filter(function duplicate(item, index, all) {
if (!item) return false;
return all.indexOf(item) === index;
Parser.readable('tokenizer', function tokenizer(str, amount) {
var tokens = str.toLowerCase().split(/\W+/g).filter(Boolean);
if (!amount) return tokens.join('');
return tokens.reduce(function reduce(words, word, index) {
if (!reduce.index) reduce.index = 0;
if (!reduce.position) {
reduce.position = 0;
words[reduce.index][++reduce.position] = word;
// We've reached our maximum amount of words that we allow for matching so
// we need to concat our collection of words in to a single string to
// improve matching.
if (reduce.position === amount || index === (tokens.length - 1)) {
words[reduce.index] = words[reduce.index].join('');
reduce.position = 0;
return words;
}, []);
* Scan the given string for occurrences of the license text. If the given
* percentage of matching lines is reached, we'll assume a match.
* @param {String} str The string that needs to have licence matching.
* @param {Number} percentage Percentage for accepted match.
* @returns {Array} License name if we have a match.
* @api public
Parser.readable('scan', function scan(str, percentage) {
percentage = percentage || 80;
str = this.tokenizer(str);
var matches = []
, match;
this.licenses.forEach(function each(license) {
var test = {
total: license.file.length,
percentage: 0,
matches: 0
license.file.forEach(function each(line) {
if (str.indexOf(line) !== -1) test.matches++;
test.percentage = test.matches / * 100;
if (test.percentage >= percentage) matches.push(test);
debug('had a %s% match for %s', test.percentage, test.license);
match = matches.sort(function sort(a, b) {
return a.percentage < b.percentage;
if (match) return [match.license];
* The contents of various of license types that we can use for comparison.
* @type {Array}
* @api private
Parser.readable('licenses', [
{ file: 'AFL2.1.txt', as: 'AFL 2.1' },
{ file: 'AFL3.0.txt', as: 'AFL 3.0' },
{ file: 'AGPL3.0.txt', as: 'AGPL 3.0' },
{ file: 'APL-1.0.txt', as: 'APL 1.0' },
{ file: 'Apache2.0.txt', as: 'Apache 2.0' },
{ file: 'Artistic2.0.txt', as: 'Artistic 2.0' },
{ file: 'BSD-2-Clause.txt', as: 'BSD 2-Clause' },
{ file: 'BSD-3-Clause.txt', as: 'BSD 3-Clause' },
{ file: 'BSD.txt', as: 'BSD 4-Clouse' },
{ file: 'BSL1.0.txt', as: 'BSL 1.0' },
{ file: 'EPL-1.0.txt', as: 'EPL 1.0' },
{ file: 'GPL-2.0.txt', as: 'GPL 2.0' },
{ file: 'GPL-3.0.txt', as: 'GPL 3.0' },
{ file: 'ISC.txt', as: 'ISC.txt' },
{ file: 'LGPL-2.1.txt', as: 'LGPL 2.1' },
{ file: 'LGPL-3.0.txt', as: 'LGPL 3.0' },
{ file: 'MIT.txt', as: 'MIT' },
{ file: 'MPL-1.0.txt', as: 'MPL' },
{ file: 'MPL-2.0.txt', as: 'MPL 2.0' },
{ file: 'Python2.txt', as: 'Python 2.0' },
{ file: 'UNLICENSE.txt', as: 'UNLICENSE' },
{ file: 'WTFPL.txt', as: 'WTFPL' },
{ file: 'beerware.txt', as: 'Beerware' },
{ file: 'cddl1.txt', as: 'CDDL 1.0' },
{ file: 'nasa.txt', as: 'NASA 1.3' },
{ file: 'zlib.txt', as: 'zlib/libpng' }
].map(function map(license) {
license.file = this.tokenizer(
fs.readFileSync(__dirname +'/licenses/'+ license.file, 'utf-8'),
return license;

@@ -56,0 +269,0 @@ // Expose the parser.

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

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