Native addon to communicate with linux input devices.
Install with npm
$ npm install linux-input-device
new LinuxInputListener( String devicePath )
Creates a new LinuxInputListener instance.
A path to a linux input device
Event: state( Boolean state, Number keyCode, String keyKind )
Fired when a key state changes or when a key is queried.
True if the key is pressed, false otherwisekeyCode
Code of the key whose state has changedkeyKind
Category of the key.
String[] LinuxInputListener.KEY_KINDS
Array containing all supported key kinds, like EV_KEY, EV_SW, or EV_LED.
LinuxInputListener.query( String keyKind, Number keyCode )
Query the current key. Also fires the state event.
Code of the key whose state to querykeyKind
Category of the key. Must be one of the strings in LinuxInputListener.KEY_KINDS
LinuxInputListener.close([Function callback()])
Closes the current device and invoke callback when the device is closed.
[optional] A callback function
var LinuxInputListener = require('linux-input-device');
var SW_LID = 0x00;
var input = new LinuxInputListener('/dev/input/event0');
input.on('state', function(value, key, kind) {
console.log('State is now:', value, 'for key', key, 'of kind', kind);
input.on('error', console.error);
//start by querying for the initial state.
input.on('open' => input.query('EV_SW', SW_LID));