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lists - npm Package Compare versions

Comparing version 0.0.9 to 0.1.0


"name": "lists",
"version": "0.0.9",
"version": "0.1.0",
"description": "A library of higher-order functions modeled after Haskell's Data.List module",

@@ -5,0 +5,0 @@ "main": "lists.js",

@@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ # [ l [ i [ s ] t ] s ]

* [`append`](#append) : arr|str -> arr|str|num -> [x]|str
2. [`head`](#head) : arr|str -> x
3. [`last`](#last) : arr|str -> x
4. [`init`](#init) : arr|str -> [x]
5. [`tail`](#tail) : arr|str -> [x]
6. [`nil`](#nil) : arr|str -> boolean
* [`head`](#head) : arr|str -> x
* [`last`](#last) : arr|str -> x
* [`init`](#init) : arr|str -> [x]
* [`tail`](#tail) : arr|str -> [x]
* [`nil`](#nil) : arr|str -> boolean

@@ -54,8 +54,8 @@ -----

* [`map`](#map) : [x] -> f -> [x]
8. [`rev`](#rev) : [x] -> [x]
9. [`intersperse`](#intersperse) : x -> [x] -> arr|str
10. [`intercalate`](#intercalate) : [x] -> [[x]] -> [x]
11. [`transpose`](#transpose) : [[x]] -> [[x]]
12. [`subsequences`](#subsequences) : [x] -> [[x]]
13. [`permutations`](#permutations) : [x]|str -> [[x]]|[str]
* [`rev`](#rev) : [x] -> [x]
* [`intersperse`](#intersperse) : x -> [x] -> arr|str
* [`intercalate`](#intercalate) : [x] -> [[x]] -> [x]
* [`transpose`](#transpose) : [[x]] -> [[x]]
* [`subsequences`](#subsequences) : [x] -> [[x]]
* [`permutations`](#permutations) : [x]|str -> [[x]]|[str]

@@ -67,17 +67,17 @@ -----

* [`foldl`](#foldl) : x -> [x]|str -> f -> x
15. [`foldl1`](#foldl1) : [x]|str -> f -> x
16. [`foldr`](#foldr) : x -> [x]|str -> f -> x
17. [`foldr1`](#foldr1) : [x]|str -> f -> x
18. [`flatten`](#flatten) || [`concat`](#flatten) : [[x]]|[str] -> [x]|str
19. [`concatMap`](#concatMap) : [x]|str -> f -> [x]|str
20. [`and`](#and) : [boolean] -> boolean
21. [`or`](#or) : [boolean] -> boolean
22. [`any`](#any) : [x]|str -> f -> boolean
23. [`all`](#all) : [x]|str -> f -> boolean
24. [`sum`](#sum) : [num] -> num
25. [`product`](#product) : [num] -> num
26. [`maximum`](#maximum) : [num] -> num
27. [`minimum`](#minimum) : [num] -> num
28. [`maxList`](#maxList) : [[x]] -> [x]
29. [`minList`](#minList) : [[x]] -> [x]
* [`foldl1`](#foldl1) : [x]|str -> f -> x
* [`foldr`](#foldr) : x -> [x]|str -> f -> x
* [`foldr1`](#foldr1) : [x]|str -> f -> x
* [`flatten`](#flatten) || [`concat`](#flatten) : [[x]]|[str] -> [x]|str
* [`concatMap`](#concatMap) : [x]|str -> f -> [x]|str
* [`and`](#and) : [boolean] -> boolean
* [`or`](#or) : [boolean] -> boolean
* [`any`](#any) : [x]|str -> f -> boolean
* [`all`](#all) : [x]|str -> f -> boolean
* [`sum`](#sum) : [num] -> num
* [`product`](#product) : [num] -> num
* [`maximum`](#maximum) : [num] -> num
* [`minimum`](#minimum) : [num] -> num
* [`maxList`](#maxList) : [[x]] -> [x]
* [`minList`](#minList) : [[x]] -> [x]

@@ -89,9 +89,9 @@ -----

* [`scanl`](#scanl) : x -> [x]|str -> f -> [x]
31. [`scanr`](#scanr) : x -> [x]|str -> f -> [x]
32. [`mapAccumL`](#mapAccumL) : x -> [x]|str -> f -> [x, [x]]
33. [`mapAccumR`](#mapAccumR) : x -> [x]|str -> f -> [x, [x]]
34. [`iterate`](#iterate) : x -> num -> f -> [x]
35. [`replicate`](#replicate) : x -> num -> [x]
36. [`cycle`](#cycle) : [x]|str -> num -> [x]|str
37. [`unfold`](#unfold) : f -> f -> f -> x -> [x]|str
* [`scanr`](#scanr) : x -> [x]|str -> f -> [x]
* [`mapAccumL`](#mapAccumL) : x -> [x]|str -> f -> [x, [x]]
* [`mapAccumR`](#mapAccumR) : x -> [x]|str -> f -> [x, [x]]
* [`iterate`](#iterate) : x -> num -> f -> [x]
* [`replicate`](#replicate) : x -> num -> [x]
* [`cycle`](#cycle) : [x]|str -> num -> [x]|str
* [`unfold`](#unfold) : f -> f -> f -> x -> [x]|str

@@ -103,15 +103,15 @@ -----

* [`take`](#take) : num -> [x]|str -> [x]
39. [`drop`](#drop) : num -> [x]|str -> [x]
40. [`splitAt`](#splitAt) : num -> [x]|str -> [[x],[x]]
41. [`takeWhile`](#takeWhile) : f -> [x]|str -> [x]
42. [`dropWhile`](#dropWhile) : f -> [x]|str -> [x]
43. [`span`](#span) : arr|str -> f -> [[x], [x]|str]
44. [`break`](#break) : arr|str -> f -> [[x], [x]|str]
45. [`stripPrefix`](#stripPrefix) : [num]|str -> [num]|str -> [num]|[str]
46. group : Eq a => [a] -> [[a]]
47. inits : [a] -> [[a]]
48. tails : [a] -> [[a]]
49. isPrefixOf : Eq a => [a] -> [a] -> Bool
50. isSuffixOf : Eq a => [a] -> [a] -> Bool
51. isInfixOf : Eq a => [a] -> [a] -> Bool
* [`drop`](#drop) : num -> [x]|str -> [x]
* [`splitAt`](#splitAt) : num -> [x]|str -> [[x],[x]]
* [`takeWhile`](#takeWhile) : f -> [x]|str -> [x]
* [`dropWhile`](#dropWhile) : f -> [x]|str -> [x]
* [`span`](#span) : arr|str -> f -> [[x], [x]|str]
* [`break`](#break) : arr|str -> f -> [[x], [x]|str]
* [`stripPrefix`](#stripPrefix) : [num]|str -> [num]|str -> [num]|[str]
* group : Eq a => [a] -> [[a]]
* inits : [a] -> [[a]]
* tails : [a] -> [[a]]
* isPrefixOf : Eq a => [a] -> [a] -> Bool
* isSuffixOf : Eq a => [a] -> [a] -> Bool
* isInfixOf : Eq a => [a] -> [a] -> Bool

@@ -121,7 +121,7 @@ **Searching Lists**

* elem : Eq a => a -> [a] -> Bool
53. notElem : Eq a => a -> [a] -> Bool
54. lookup : Eq a => a -> [(a, b)] -> Maybe b
55. find : (a -> Bool) -> [a] -> Maybe a
56. filter : (a -> Bool) -> [a] -> [a]
57. partition : (a -> Bool) -> [a] -> ([a], [a])
* notElem : Eq a => a -> [a] -> Bool
* lookup : Eq a => a -> [(a, b)] -> Maybe b
* find : (a -> Bool) -> [a] -> Maybe a
* filter : (a -> Bool) -> [a] -> [a]
* partition : (a -> Bool) -> [a] -> ([a], [a])

@@ -131,6 +131,6 @@ **Indexing Lists**

* bang : [a] -> Int -> a
59. elemIndex : Eq a => a -> [a] -> Maybe Int
60. elemIndices : Eq a => a -> [a] -> [Int]
61. findIndex : (a -> Bool) -> [a] -> Maybe Int
62. findIndices : (a -> Bool) -> [a] -> [Int]
* elemIndex : Eq a => a -> [a] -> Maybe Int
* elemIndices : Eq a => a -> [a] -> [Int]
* findIndex : (a -> Bool) -> [a] -> Maybe Int
* findIndices : (a -> Bool) -> [a] -> [Int]

@@ -140,3 +140,3 @@ **Zipping and Unzipping Lists**

* zip || unzip : [[a],[b],..,[n]] -> [[a,b,..,n]]
64. zipWith : (a -> b -> c) -> [[a],[b],..,[n]] -> [c,..,n]
* zipWith : (a -> b -> c) -> [[a],[b],..,[n]] -> [c,..,n]

@@ -146,12 +146,12 @@ **Special Lists**

* lines : String -> [String]
66. words : String -> [String]
67. unlines : [String] -> String
68. unwords : [String] -> String
69. nub : Eq a => [a] -> [a]
70. delete : Eq a => a -> [a] -> [a]
71. difference || diff : Eq a => [a] -> [a] -> [a]
72. union : Eq a => [a] -> [a] -> [a]
73. intersect : Eq a => [a] -> [a] -> [a]
74. sort : Ord a => [a] -> [a]
75. insert : Ord a => a -> [a] -> [a]
* words : String -> [String]
* unlines : [String] -> String
* unwords : [String] -> String
* nub : Eq a => [a] -> [a]
* delete : Eq a => a -> [a] -> [a]
* difference || diff : Eq a => [a] -> [a] -> [a]
* union : Eq a => [a] -> [a] -> [a]
* intersect : Eq a => [a] -> [a] -> [a]
* sort : Ord a => [a] -> [a]
* insert : Ord a => a -> [a] -> [a]

@@ -161,11 +161,11 @@ **Generalized Functions**

* nubBy : (a -> a -> Bool) -> [a] -> [a]
77. deleteBy : (a -> a -> Bool) -> a -> [a] -> [a]
78. deleteFirstsBy : (a -> a -> Bool) -> [a] -> [a] -> [a]
79. unionBy : (a -> a -> Bool) -> [a] -> [a] -> [a]
80. intersectBy : (a -> a -> Bool) -> [a] -> [a] -> [a]
81. groupBy : (a -> a -> Bool) -> [a] -> [[a]]
82. sortBy : (a -> a -> Ordering) -> [a] -> [a]
83. insertBy : (a -> a -> Ordering) -> a -> [a] -> [a]
84. maximumBy : (a -> a -> Ordering) -> [a] -> a
85. minimumBy : (a -> a -> Ordering) -> [a] -> a
* deleteBy : (a -> a -> Bool) -> a -> [a] -> [a]
* deleteFirstsBy : (a -> a -> Bool) -> [a] -> [a] -> [a]
* unionBy : (a -> a -> Bool) -> [a] -> [a] -> [a]
* intersectBy : (a -> a -> Bool) -> [a] -> [a] -> [a]
* groupBy : (a -> a -> Bool) -> [a] -> [[a]]
* sortBy : (a -> a -> Ordering) -> [a] -> [a]
* insertBy : (a -> a -> Ordering) -> a -> [a] -> [a]
* maximumBy : (a -> a -> Ordering) -> [a] -> a
* minimumBy : (a -> a -> Ordering) -> [a] -> a

@@ -175,13 +175,13 @@ **Extra Functional Utilities**

* genericExcludeChar :
87. forEach || each :
88. keys :
89. enumeration || enum :
90. composeL || pipe :
91. composeR || sequence :
92. partial || part :
93. flip :
94. compare :
95. GT,LT,EQ :
96. bubbleSort :
97. mergeSort :
* forEach || each :
* keys :
* enumeration || enum :
* composeL || pipe :
* composeR || sequence :
* partial || part :
* flip :
* compare :
* GT,LT,EQ :
* bubbleSort :
* mergeSort :

@@ -188,0 +188,0 @@ ------

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