IPv4/IPv6 Address Library
This is a simple library to parse, encode and match IP addresses.
IPv4 Class
IPv4 Getters
a-d: number
Gets the 1-4'th byte.
binary: number[]
Gets the bytes of the address.
cidr_range: number
Gets the possibly parsed CIDR range.
cidr: boolean
If the address is a CIDR range.
IPv4 Static Methods
decode(raw: string): IPv4Address
Parses the raw IPv4 address (possible CIDR Range) and returns the address.
IPv4 Methods
encode(): string
Encodes the current address (possible CIDR range) to an string.
cidr_match(cidr: IPv4Address): boolean
Checks if the current address is in the given range.
equals(other: IPv4Address): boolean
Checks if the current address quals the other.
IPv6 class
IPv6 Getters
Gets the CIDR range if there.
Checks if the address is a CIDR range.
Gets all the IPv6 Pairs (2-byte pairs)
Gets the bytes array of the address.
Gets the binary version of the address (128-bit bigint).
IPv6 Static Methods
decode(raw: string): IPv6Address
Decodes the given raw IPv6 address / CIDR range, and returns it as an address class.
IPv6 Method
encode(): string
Encodes the current address to a string.
cidr_match(cidr: IPv6Address): boolean
Checks if the current address is in the given CIDR range.
equals(other: IPv6Address): boolean
Checks if both addresses are equal.