2.3.3-alpha.0 (2021-09-10)
Bug Fixes
- babel-plugin-export-metadata: fix
method call (#1581) (9067ffb) - dev-env/basic: building and running development (#1646) (7baaaf2)
- docz: dependency issues (#1647) (5bdca48)
- examples: import alert component by correct lib name. (#1605) (fadb6dd)
- gatsby-theme-docz: wrong imports (ed169cf)
- add functions never to eslint rule (#1487) (becd589)
- add gatsby https flag to use in dev mode (#1569) (9d91503)
- docz-core: add modifyEntry plugin supported (#1621) (317987e)
- gatsby-theme-docz: configure SEO information from md/mdx files (#1477) (24bb600)
- gatsby-theme-docz: no reload on relative links (#1482) (ff7211c)