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lodash-checkit - npm Package Compare versions

Comparing version 2.0.0 to 2.0.1



@@ -13,3 +13,3 @@ var lodash = require('lodash');

Object.keys(lodash).filter(function (fn) { return /^is/.test(fn); }).forEach(function (key) {
lodashNativeDict[key] = 'inherited from lodash module';
lodashNativeDict[key] = 'lodash [' + key + '](' + key + ')';

@@ -29,6 +29,8 @@

if (re) {
checkitRegexDict[fnName] = "from Checkit module's regex validator " + '"' + k + '"'
checkitRegexDict[fnName] = 'checkit "' + k + '" regex ' +
re.toString().replace(/\|/g, '|');
testFn = function (s) { return re.test(s); }
} else {
checkitOtherDict[fnName] = "from Checkit module's validator " + '"' + k + '"'
checkitOtherDict[fnName] =
'checkit validator [' + k + ']('
testFn = validatorInstance[k].bind(validatorInstance);

@@ -48,3 +50,3 @@ }

var fnName = 'is' + lodash.upperFirst(ldKey)
lodashCaseDict[fnName] = 'from lodash "...Case" function';
lodashCaseDict[fnName] = 'lodash [' + ldKey + '](' + ldKey +')';
checkitMixins[fnName] = testFn;

@@ -60,3 +62,3 @@ }

notDict[notName] = 'from not "' + ciKey + '"';
notDict[notName] = 'not "' + ciKey + '"';

@@ -63,0 +65,0 @@ });

"name": "lodash-checkit",
"version": "2.0.0",
"version": "2.0.1",
"description": "mashup of lodash with checkit module",

@@ -5,0 +5,0 @@ "main": "index.js",

@@ -18,104 +18,104 @@ # lodash-checkit

| --- | --- |
| isAlpha | from Checkit module's regex validator "alpha" |
| isAlphaDash | from Checkit module's regex validator "alphaDash" |
| isAlphaNumeric | from Checkit module's regex validator "alphaNumeric" |
| isAlphaUnderscore | from Checkit module's regex validator "alphaUnderscore" |
| isArguments | inherited from lodash module |
| isArray | inherited from lodash module |
| isArrayBuffer | inherited from lodash module |
| isArrayLike | inherited from lodash module |
| isArrayLikeObject | inherited from lodash module |
| isBase64 | from Checkit module's regex validator "base64" |
| isBetween | from Checkit module's validator "between" |
| isBoolean | inherited from lodash module |
| isBuffer | inherited from lodash module |
| isCamelCase | from lodash "...Case" function |
| isContainerFor | from Checkit module's validator "contains" |
| isDate | inherited from lodash module |
| isDifferent | from Checkit module's validator "different" |
| isElement | inherited from lodash module |
| isEmail | from Checkit module's regex validator "email" |
| isEmpty | inherited from lodash module |
| isEqual | inherited from lodash module |
| isEqualWith | inherited from lodash module |
| isError | inherited from lodash module |
| isExactLength | from Checkit module's validator "exactLength" |
| isExists | from Checkit module's validator "exists" |
| isFinite | inherited from lodash module |
| isFunction | inherited from lodash module |
| isGreaterThan | from Checkit module's validator "greaterThan" |
| isGreaterThanEqualTo | from Checkit module's validator "greaterThanEqualTo" |
| isInRange | from Checkit module's validator "range" |
| isInteger | inherited from lodash module |
| isIpv4 | from Checkit module's regex validator "ipv4" |
| isIpv6 | from Checkit module's regex validator "ipv6" |
| isKebabCase | from lodash "...Case" function |
| isLength | inherited from lodash module |
| isLessThan | from Checkit module's validator "lessThan" |
| isLessThanEqualTo | from Checkit module's validator "lessThanEqualTo" |
| isLowerCase | from lodash "...Case" function |
| isLuhn | from Checkit module's regex validator "luhn" |
| isMap | inherited from lodash module |
| isMatch | inherited from lodash module |
| isMatchWith | inherited from lodash module |
| isMaxLength | from Checkit module's validator "maxLength" |
| isMinLength | from Checkit module's validator "minLength" |
| isNaN | inherited from lodash module |
| isNative | inherited from lodash module |
| isNatural | from Checkit module's regex validator "natural" |
| isNaturalNonZero | from Checkit module's regex validator "naturalNonZero" |
| isNil | inherited from lodash module |
| isNotAlpha | from not "isAlpha" |
| isNotAlphaDash | from not "isAlphaDash" |
| isNotAlphaNumeric | from not "isAlphaNumeric" |
| isNotAlphaUnderscore | from not "isAlphaUnderscore" |
| isNotBase64 | from not "isBase64" |
| isNotBetween | from not "isBetween" |
| isNotCamelCase | from not "isCamelCase" |
| isNotContainerFor | from not "isContainerFor" |
| isNotDifferent | from not "isDifferent" |
| isNotEmail | from not "isEmail" |
| isNotExactLength | from not "isExactLength" |
| isNotExists | from not "isExists" |
| isNotGreaterThan | from not "isGreaterThan" |
| isNotGreaterThanEqualTo | from not "isGreaterThanEqualTo" |
| isNotInRange | from not "isInRange" |
| isNotIpv4 | from not "isIpv4" |
| isNotIpv6 | from not "isIpv6" |
| isNotKebabCase | from not "isKebabCase" |
| isNotLessThan | from not "isLessThan" |
| isNotLessThanEqualTo | from not "isLessThanEqualTo" |
| isNotLowerCase | from not "isLowerCase" |
| isNotLuhn | from not "isLuhn" |
| isNotMaxLength | from not "isMaxLength" |
| isNotMinLength | from not "isMinLength" |
| isNotNatural | from not "isNatural" |
| isNotNaturalNonZero | from not "isNaturalNonZero" |
| isNotNumeric | from not "isNumeric" |
| isNotRequired | from not "isRequired" |
| isNotSnakeCase | from not "isSnakeCase" |
| isNotStartCase | from not "isStartCase" |
| isNotUpperCase | from not "isUpperCase" |
| isNotUrl | from not "isUrl" |
| isNotUuid | from not "isUuid" |
| isNull | inherited from lodash module |
| isNumber | inherited from lodash module |
| isNumeric | from Checkit module's validator "numeric" |
| isObject | inherited from lodash module |
| isObjectLike | inherited from lodash module |
| isPlainObject | inherited from lodash module |
| isRegExp | inherited from lodash module |
| isRequired | from Checkit module's validator "required" |
| isSafeInteger | inherited from lodash module |
| isSet | inherited from lodash module |
| isSnakeCase | from lodash "...Case" function |
| isStartCase | from lodash "...Case" function |
| isString | inherited from lodash module |
| isSymbol | inherited from lodash module |
| isTypedArray | inherited from lodash module |
| isUndefined | inherited from lodash module |
| isUpperCase | from lodash "...Case" function |
| isUrl | from Checkit module's regex validator "url" |
| isUuid | from Checkit module's regex validator "uuid" |
| isWeakMap | inherited from lodash module |
| isWeakSet | inherited from lodash module |
| isAlpha | checkit "alpha" regex /^[a-z]+$/i |
| isAlphaDash | checkit "alphaDash" regex /^[a-z0-9_\-]+$/i |
| isAlphaNumeric | checkit "alphaNumeric" regex /^[a-z0-9]+$/i |
| isAlphaUnderscore | checkit "alphaUnderscore" regex /^[a-z0-9_]+$/i |
| isArguments | lodash [isArguments]( |
| isArray | lodash [isArray]( |
| isArrayBuffer | lodash [isArrayBuffer]( |
| isArrayLike | lodash [isArrayLike]( |
| isArrayLikeObject | lodash [isArrayLikeObject]( |
| isBase64 | checkit "base64" regex /^(?:[A-Za-z0-9+\/]{4})*(?:[A-Za-z0-9+\/]{2}==|[A-Za-z0-9+\/]{3}=)?$/ |
| isBetween | checkit validator [between]( |
| isBoolean | lodash [isBoolean]( |
| isBuffer | lodash [isBuffer]( |
| isCamelCase | lodash [camelCase]( |
| isContainerFor | checkit validator [contains]( |
| isDate | lodash [isDate]( |
| isDifferent | checkit validator [different]( |
| isElement | lodash [isElement]( |
| isEmail | checkit "email" regex /^(.+)@(.+)\.(.+)$/i |
| isEmpty | lodash [isEmpty]( |
| isEqual | lodash [isEqual]( |
| isEqualWith | lodash [isEqualWith]( |
| isError | lodash [isError]( |
| isExactLength | checkit validator [exactLength]( |
| isExists | checkit validator [exists]( |
| isFinite | lodash [isFinite]( |
| isFunction | lodash [isFunction]( |
| isGreaterThan | checkit validator [greaterThan]( |
| isGreaterThanEqualTo | checkit validator [greaterThanEqualTo]( |
| isInRange | checkit validator [range]( |
| isInteger | lodash [isInteger]( |
| isIpv4 | checkit "ipv4" regex /^((25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|1[0-9]{2}|[0-9]{1,2})\.){3}(25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|1[0-9]{2}|[0-9]{1,2})$/i |
| isIpv6 | checkit "ipv6" regex /^((?=.*::)(?!.*::.+::)(::)?([\dA-F]{1,4}:(:|\b)|){5}|([\dA-F]{1,4}:){6})((([\dA-F]{1,4}((?!\3)::|:\b|$))|(?!\2\3)){2}|(((2[0-4]|1\d|[1-9])?\d|25[0-5])\.?\b){4})$/i |
| isKebabCase | lodash [kebabCase]( |
| isLength | lodash [isLength]( |
| isLessThan | checkit validator [lessThan]( |
| isLessThanEqualTo | checkit validator [lessThanEqualTo]( |
| isLowerCase | lodash [lowerCase]( |
| isLuhn | checkit "luhn" regex /^(?:4[0-9]{12}(?:[0-9]{3})?|5[1-5][0-9]{14}|6(?:011|5[0-9][0-9])[0-9]{12}|3[47][0-9]{13}|3(?:0[0-5]|[68][0-9])[0-9]{11}|(?:2131|1800|35\d{3})\d{11})$/ |
| isMap | lodash [isMap]( |
| isMatch | lodash [isMatch]( |
| isMatchWith | lodash [isMatchWith]( |
| isMaxLength | checkit validator [maxLength]( |
| isMinLength | checkit validator [minLength]( |
| isNaN | lodash [isNaN]( |
| isNative | lodash [isNative]( |
| isNatural | checkit "natural" regex /^[0-9]+$/i |
| isNaturalNonZero | checkit "naturalNonZero" regex /^[1-9][0-9]*$/i |
| isNil | lodash [isNil]( |
| isNotAlpha | not "isAlpha" |
| isNotAlphaDash | not "isAlphaDash" |
| isNotAlphaNumeric | not "isAlphaNumeric" |
| isNotAlphaUnderscore | not "isAlphaUnderscore" |
| isNotBase64 | not "isBase64" |
| isNotBetween | not "isBetween" |
| isNotCamelCase | not "isCamelCase" |
| isNotContainerFor | not "isContainerFor" |
| isNotDifferent | not "isDifferent" |
| isNotEmail | not "isEmail" |
| isNotExactLength | not "isExactLength" |
| isNotExists | not "isExists" |
| isNotGreaterThan | not "isGreaterThan" |
| isNotGreaterThanEqualTo | not "isGreaterThanEqualTo" |
| isNotInRange | not "isInRange" |
| isNotIpv4 | not "isIpv4" |
| isNotIpv6 | not "isIpv6" |
| isNotKebabCase | not "isKebabCase" |
| isNotLessThan | not "isLessThan" |
| isNotLessThanEqualTo | not "isLessThanEqualTo" |
| isNotLowerCase | not "isLowerCase" |
| isNotLuhn | not "isLuhn" |
| isNotMaxLength | not "isMaxLength" |
| isNotMinLength | not "isMinLength" |
| isNotNatural | not "isNatural" |
| isNotNaturalNonZero | not "isNaturalNonZero" |
| isNotNumeric | not "isNumeric" |
| isNotRequired | not "isRequired" |
| isNotSnakeCase | not "isSnakeCase" |
| isNotStartCase | not "isStartCase" |
| isNotUpperCase | not "isUpperCase" |
| isNotUrl | not "isUrl" |
| isNotUuid | not "isUuid" |
| isNull | lodash [isNull]( |
| isNumber | lodash [isNumber]( |
| isNumeric | checkit validator [numeric]( |
| isObject | lodash [isObject]( |
| isObjectLike | lodash [isObjectLike]( |
| isPlainObject | lodash [isPlainObject]( |
| isRegExp | lodash [isRegExp]( |
| isRequired | checkit validator [required]( |
| isSafeInteger | lodash [isSafeInteger]( |
| isSet | lodash [isSet]( |
| isSnakeCase | lodash [snakeCase]( |
| isStartCase | lodash [startCase]( |
| isString | lodash [isString]( |
| isSymbol | lodash [isSymbol]( |
| isTypedArray | lodash [isTypedArray]( |
| isUndefined | lodash [isUndefined]( |
| isUpperCase | lodash [upperCase]( |
| isUrl | checkit "url" regex /^((http|https):\/\/(\w+:{0,1}\w*@)?(\S+)|)(:[0-9]+)?(\/|\/([\w#!:.?+=&%@!\-\/]))?$/ |
| isUuid | checkit "uuid" regex /^[0-9a-f]{8}-[0-9a-f]{4}-[1-5][0-9a-f]{3}-[89ab][0-9a-f]{3}-[0-9a-f]{12}$/i |
| isWeakMap | lodash [isWeakMap]( |
| isWeakSet | lodash [isWeakSet]( |
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