Logworks node.js bindings
Node library to access the Logworks API using Immutable collections
Expects Fetch and Promise.
$ npm install logworks
See https://github.com/logworks/logworks-test
Every resource is accessed via your logworks
var logworks = require('logworks')('logworks_api_url');
// logworks.{ RESOURCE NAME }.{ METHOD NAME }
Every resource method accepts an optional callback as the last argument:
logworks.logs.create(function(err, log) {
err; // null if no error ocurred
log; // Immutable Map with 'id', 'data' and 'entries' where 'data' is an Immutable Map and 'entries' is an Immutable List
Additionally, every resource method returns a promise, so you don't have to use the regular callback, e.g:
// Create a new log and then a new entry in that log:
logworks.logs.create().then(function(log) {
return logworks.entries.create(log.id, {type:'text', data:'Hello World'});
}).then(function(entry) {
entry; // Immutable map with 'id', 'type', 'data', 'created' and 'updated'
// New entry was created
}, function(err) {
// Deal with the error
Available resources & methods
- create()
- show(logurl)
- edit(logid, data)
- del(logid)
- generateSignedURL(logid)
- create(logid, {type: "type", data: "data"})
- edit(logid, entryid, {type: "type", data: "newdata"})
- del(logid, entryid)
generates URLs that can be used to upload images. The response looks like {signedURL: 'foo', url: 'bar'}
where url
is the url that the image will be accessible on, and signedURL
is the url that you should use to upload the image.