⎛ℹ️⎞ About
Luma Package it's a unique package made by Jeotique that allows you to create online database...
⎜📥⎟ Installation
Open your application's terminal and type:
$ npm install luma-db
⎜➡️⎟ Usage
How to use :
First step you need to declare your tables (yes before the database.) :
const {Table} = require('luma-db')
const table1 = new Table("table1")
const table2 = new Table("table2")
After that you can declare your database :
const {Database} = require('luma-db')
const myDb = new Database({
name: "my_new_database",
password: "myStrongPass",
tables: [table1, table2]
And now you are ready to use your new database system :
table1.set('message', 'hello world').save()
All functions :
<table>.get('key', true, 'hello i am a key')
<table>.set('key', 'im always a key')
<table>.tempo('key', 'im here for 3sec', '3s')
<table>.push('key', 'blabla')
<table>.remove('key', 'blabla')
<table>.add('key', 2)
<table>.subtrack('key', 2)
⎝🔶⎠ Contact us
In case you have idea's to improve the package, or maybe you found some bugs or you need help, you can contact us from our discord server!
Discord support server