Mage Client
This is a MAGE client written in pure ES6, it should be compatible with Node 5.x and should also
run in the browser if built through a tool like Babel.
npm i mage-sdk-node --save
At least NodeJS 6.x
const Mage = require('mage-sdk-node')
const config = require('./my-mage-config')
const client = new Mage(config)
.then(() => {
.catch(error => {
If async/await is available, the code above can be rewritten as follow:
const Mage = require('mage-sdk-node')
const config = require('./my-mage-config')
try {
const client = new Mage(config)
await client.user.register();
const game = await;
} catch (error) {
You will need to extract your client configuration from your mage project, to do
so create a javascript file at the root of your project (ie. config.js
) with
the following content:
const mage = require('./lib');
console.log(JSON.stringify(mage.getClientConfig('api'), null, 4));
Then run it with node, a JSON object should get output in your console, this is
your node config and can be used to instanciate the Mage
It could for example be saved in a file called config/production.js
in your
client project using this format:
module.exports = {
That way you can easily require it in your project.
Mage (EventEmitter)
When the mage client finish initializing, you should be able to run client.{module}.{command} for each
user command set on the server, those calls will return a promise.
constructor(config: MageClientConfig)
The Mage client config can be extracted from your server by running the command
described above.
get archivist
The archivist instance.
get commands
Returns the Command Center.
get session
Returns the current session.
set session
Sets the current session, must be a Session object.
get stream
Returns the message stream.
close() -> void
Closes all connections to the server.
{module}.{command}(any ...params) -> Promise(any)
Wrappers for CommandCenter.send
Archivist (EventEmitter)
get cache
Returns the underlying cache (defaults to Memory).
exists(string topic, Object index[, Object options]) -> Promise(boolean)
Checks if the given value exists.
get(string topic, Object index[, Object options]) -> Promise(any)
Retrieve a value from the server, unless cached locally.
list(string topic, Object partialIndex[, Object options]) -> Promise(any[])
List objects on the server using a partial index.
mget(Object|Object[] queries[, Object options]) -> Promise(Object|any[])
Run multiple gets on the server in one go.
event {topic}(string operation, Object index[, any value])
Whenether set
, applyDiff
or del
operations are run, emit an event for the topic.
set cookies
Set a cookie jar for use with the command center.
registerHook(string name, Function hook)
Register a hook with the command center, when hooks are called they should return an object that will then be
set as a header to the current call.
unregisterHook(string name)
Remove a hook.
send(string cmdName, any[] params) -> Promise(any)
Call the command center, returns a promise and queue the command, the promise only resolves
once the queue goes through.