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A full-featured markdown parser and compiler, written in JavaScript. Built
for speed.
This is fork of popular library marked
from this commit
(Merge pull request #961 from chjj/release-0.3.7, Dec 1, 2017).
For now - work in progress (there is only alpha.2 version).
npm install marked-ts --save
Usage with TypeScript
Minimal usage:
import { Marked } from 'marked-ts';
console.log(Marked.parse('I am using __markdown__.'));
Example setting options with default values:
import { Marked, Renderer } from 'marked-ts';
renderer: new Renderer,
gfm: true,
tables: true,
breaks: false,
pedantic: false,
sanitize: false,
smartLists: true,
smartypants: false
console.log(Marked.parse('I am using __markdown__.'));
Usage with JavaScript
Minimal usage:
const marked = require('marked-ts');
console.log(marked.Marked.parse('I am using __markdown__.'));
Example setting options with default values:
const marked = require('marked-ts');
renderer: new marked.Renderer(),
gfm: true,
tables: true,
breaks: false,
pedantic: false,
sanitize: false,
smartLists: true,
smartypants: false
console.log(marked.Marked.parse('I am using __markdown__.'));
Methods of Marked class
static parse(src: string): string;
static parse(src: string, options: object): string;
static parse(src: string, callback: ParseCallback): string;
static parse(src: string, options: object, callback: ParseCallback): string;
type ParseCallback = (err: Error, output?: string) => any;
static setOptions(options: MarkedOptions): this;
class MarkedOptions
gfm?: boolean = true;
tables?: boolean = true;
breaks?: boolean = false;
pedantic?: boolean = false;
sanitize?: boolean = false;
sanitizer?: any = null;
mangle?: boolean = true;
smartLists?: boolean = false;
silent?: boolean = false;
highlight?: (code: string, lang: string, callback?: ParseCallback) => string = null;
langPrefix?: string = 'lang-';
smartypants?: boolean = false;
headerPrefix?: string = '';
renderer?: Renderer;
xhtml?: boolean = false;
Example useage with highlight.js
npm install highlight.js @types/highlight.js --save
A function to highlight code blocks:
import { Marked } from 'marked-ts';
import { highlightAuto } from 'highlight.js';
let md = '```js\n console.log("hello"); \n```';
Marked.parse(md, (err, output) =>
throw err;
Marked.setOptions({ highlight: code => highlightAuto(code).value; });
Overriding renderer methods
The renderer option allows you to render tokens in a custom manner. Here is an
example of overriding the default heading token rendering by adding custom head id:
import { Marked, Renderer, MarkedOptions } from 'marked-ts';
const markedOptions: MarkedOptions = {};
const renderer = new Renderer(markedOptions);
renderer.heading = function (text, level)
const patt = /\s?{([^}]+)}$/;
const link = patt.exec(text);
let linkStr: string;
if(link && link.length && link[1])
text = text.replace(patt, '');
linkStr = link[1];
linkStr = text.toLocaleLowerCase().replace(/[^\wа-яіїє]+/gi, '-');
return '<h' + level + ' id="' + linkStr + '">' + text + '</h' + level + '>';
markedOptions.renderer = renderer;
console.log(Marked.parse('# heading {my-custom-hash}'));
This code will output the following HTML:
<h1 id="my-custom-hash">heading</h1>
Renderer methods API
code(code: string, lang?: string, escaped?: boolean): string;
blockquote(quote: string): string;
html(html: string): string;
heading(text: string, level: number, raw: string): string;
hr(): string;
list(body: string, ordered?: boolean): string;
listitem(text: string): string;
paragraph(text: string): string;
table(header: string, body: string): string;
tablerow(content: string): string;
tablecell(content: string, flags: {header?: boolean, align?: Align}): string;
strong(text: string): string;
em(text: string): string;
codespan(text: string): string;
br(): string;
del(text: string): string;
link(href: string, title: string, text: string): string;
image(href: string, title: string, text: string): string;
text(text: string): string;
Philosophy behind marked
The point of marked was to create a markdown compiler where it was possible to
frequently parse huge chunks of markdown without having to worry about
caching the compiled output somehow...or blocking for an unnecessarily long time.
Marked is very concise and still implements all markdown features.
Marked more or less passes the official markdown test suite in its
entirety. This is important because a surprising number of markdown compilers
cannot pass more than a few tests. It was very difficult to get marked as
compliant as it is. It could have cut corners in several areas for the sake
of performance, but did not in order to be exactly what you expect in terms
of a markdown rendering. In fact, this is why marked could be considered at a
disadvantage in the benchmarks above.
Along with implementing every markdown feature, marked also implements GFM
node v8.9.x
$ node dist-test/index.js --bench
engine | completed in ms |
marked-ts alpha.2 | 4 563 |
marked-ts (gfm) alpha.2 | 4 785 |
marked-ts (pedantic) alpha.2 | 4 245 |
marked v0.3.7 | 6 429 |
marked (gfm) v0.3.7 | 6 818 |
marked (pedantic) v0.3.7 | 6 205 |
remarkable v1.7.1 | 6 260 |
markdown-it v8.4.0 | 7 026 |
markdown v0.5.0 | 27 180 |
showdown v1.8.5 | 42 775 |
For those feeling skeptical: These benchmarks run the entire markdown test suite 1000 times. The test suite tests every feature. It doesn't cater to specific aspects.
Contribution and License Agreement
If you contribute code to this project, you are implicitly allowing your code
to be distributed under the MIT license. You are also implicitly verifying that
all code is your original work. </legalese>
Copyright (c) 2011-2014, Christopher Jeffrey. (MIT License)
Copyright (c) 2018, Костя Третяк. (MIT License)
See LICENSE for more info.