2013-04-06, version 0.5.0
- Implemented data types Matrix and Range.
- Implemented matrix methods clone, concat, det, diag, eye, inv, ones, size,
squeeze, transpose, zeros.
- Implemented range operator
, and transpose operator '
in parser. - Changed: created construction methods for easy object creation for all data
types and for the parser. For example, a complex value is now created
math.complex(2, 3)
instead of new math.Complex(2, 3)
, and a parser
is now created with math.parser()
instead of new math.parser.Parser()
. - Changed: moved all data types under the namespace math.type, and moved the
Parser, Workspace, etc. under the namespace math.expr.
- Changed: changed operator precedence of the power operator:
- it is now right associative instead of left associative like most scripting
languages. So
is now calculated as 2^(3^4)
. - it has now higher precedence than unary minus most languages, thus
now calculated as -(3^2)
- Changed: renamed the parsers method 'put' into 'set'.
- Fixed: method 'in' did not check for units to have the same base.