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meadow - npm Package Compare versions

Comparing version 0.0.0 to 0.1.3



"name": "meadow",
"version": "0.0.0",
"version": "0.1.3",
"description": "A data access library.",

@@ -27,2 +27,4 @@ "main": "source/Meadow.js",

"chai": "2.0.0",
"codeclimate-test-reporter": "0.0.4",
"coveralls": "^2.11.2",
"istanbul": "0.3.5",

@@ -32,8 +34,9 @@ "mocha": "2.1.0"

"dependencies": {
"foxhound": "0.0.0",
"biguint-format": "1.0.0",
"bunyan": "1.3.3",
"flake-idgen": "1.0.0",
"async": "^0.9.0",
"fable": "^0.1.6",
"foxhound": "0.0.9",
"is-my-json-valid": "^2.10.1",
"mysql2": "0.15.2",
"underscore": "1.7.0"

@@ -1,5 +0,10 @@

# Meadow
A Javascript Data Broker.
_Do not use this yet._ You've been warned.
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_Do not use this yet._

@@ -10,15 +10,2 @@ /**

// We use Underscore.js for utility
var libUnderscore = require('underscore');
// The logger uses Bunyan to write logs
var libLog = require('./Logger.js');
// Each query object gets a UUID, using flake-idgen and biguint-format
var libFlakeIDGen = require('flake-idgen');
var flakeIDGen = new libFlakeIDGen();
var libIntFormat = require('biguint-format')
// TODO: Load parameters for FlakeID generation from a .json config if it exists
// FoxHound is the default query generator
var libFoxHound = require('foxhound');

@@ -30,25 +17,565 @@ * Meadow Data Broker Library

var libAsync = require('async');
var libUnderscore = require('underscore')
// Multi server query generation
var libFoxHound = require('foxhound');
var Meadow = function()
function createNew(pScope, pSchema)
function createNew(pFable, pScope, pJsonSchema, pSchema)
// A universally unique identifier for this object
var _UUID = libIntFormat(, 'hex', { prefix: '0x' });
// If a valid Fable object isn't passed in, return a constructor
if ((typeof(pFable) !== 'object') || (!pFable.hasOwnProperty('fable')))
return {new: createNew};
var _Fable = pFable;
// Make sure there is a valid data broker set
// The scope for this broker. This is the only internal state for this object.
var _Scope = 'Unknown';
var _IDUser = 0;
// The scope of this broker.
var _Scope = (typeof(pScope) === 'string') ? pScope : 'Unknown';
// The schema for this broker
var _Schema = require('./Meadow-Schema.js').new(pJsonSchema, pSchema);
// The query for this broker
var _Query =;
// The data provider
var _Provider = false;
var _ProviderName = false;
// The default identifier for this broker.
// This is what is used for the automated endpoint queries
// For example the 198 in GET
// Our development model prefers IDWidget as the column name for the default identifier.
var _DefaultIdentifier = 'ID'+_Scope;
* Clone the current FoxHound Query into a new Query object, copying all
* parameters as the new default. Clone also copies the log level.
* Load the schema and metadata from a package file
* @method createQuery
* @return {Object} Returns a Query object. This is chainable.
* @method loadFromPackage
* @return {Object} Returns a new Meadow, or false if it failed
var createQuery = function()
var loadFromPackage = function(pPackage)
return libFoxHound.clone().setScope(_Scope);
// Use the package loader to grab the configuration objects and clone a new Meadow.
var tmpPackage = false;
tmpPackage = require(pPackage);
_Fable.log.error('Error loading Fable package', {Package:pPackage});
return false;
// Spool up a new Meadow object
var tmpNewMeadow = createNew(_Fable);
// Safely set the parameters
if (typeof(tmpPackage.Scope) === 'string')
if (typeof(tmpPackage.DefaultIdentifier) === 'string')
if (Array.isArray(tmpPackage.Schema))
if (typeof(tmpPackage.JsonSchema) === 'object')
if (typeof(tmpPackage.DefaultObject) === 'object')
return tmpNewMeadow;
* Set the scope
* @method setScope
* @return {Object} Returns the current Meadow for chaining.
var setScope = function(pScope)
_Scope = pScope;
return this;
* Set the user ID for inserts and updates
* @method setIDUser
* @return {Object} Returns the current Meadow for chaining.
var setIDUser = function(pIDUser)
_IDUser = pIDUser;
return this;
* Set the Provider for Query execution.
* This function expects a string, case sensitive, which matches the
* provider filename
* @method setProvider
* @param {String} pProviderName The provider for query generation.
* @return {Object} Returns the current Meadow for chaining.
var setProvider = function(pProviderName)
if (typeof(pProviderName) !== 'string')
return setProvider('None');
var tmpProviderModuleFile = './providers/Meadow-Provider-'+pProviderName+'.js';
var tmpProviderModule = require(tmpProviderModuleFile).new(_Fable);
_ProviderName = pProviderName;
_Provider = tmpProviderModule;
catch (pError)
_Fable.log.error({ProviderModuleFile:tmpProviderModuleFile, InvalidProvider:pProviderName, error:pError}, 'Provider not set - require load problem');
return this;
* Set the schema to be something else
* @method setSchema
* @return {Object} This is chainable.
var setSchema = function(pSchema)
return this;
* Set the Jsonschema to be something else
* @method setJsonSchema
* @return {Object} This is chainable.
var setJsonSchema = function(pJsonSchema)
return this;
* Set the default object to be something else
* @method setDefault
* @return {Object} This is chainable.
var setDefault = function(pDefault)
return this;
* Set the default identifier
* @method setDefaultIdentifier
* @return {Object} This is chainable.
var setDefaultIdentifier = function(pDefaultIdentifier)
_DefaultIdentifier = pDefaultIdentifier;
return this;
* Create a record asynchronously, calling fCallBack with the marshalled record(s) or error in them at end
* TODO: Add a second behavior that creates records without returning them and takes an array of records.
var doCreate = function(pQuery, fCallBack)
// Step 1: Get the record from the data source
function (fStageComplete)
pQuery.query.IDUser = _IDUser;
// Make sure the user submitted a record
if (!pQuery.query.records)
return fStageComplete('No record submitted', pQuery, false);
// Merge in the default record with the passed-in record for completeness
pQuery.query.records[0] = libUnderscore.extend(_Schema.defaultObject, pQuery.query.records[0]);
// This odd lambda is to use the async waterfall without spilling logic into the provider create code complexity
_Provider.Create(pQuery, function(){ fStageComplete(pQuery.result.error, pQuery); });
// Step 2: Marshal the record into a POJO
function (pQuery, fStageComplete)
if (
// The query wasn't run yet
(pQuery.parameters.result.executed == false) ||
// The value is not set (it should be set to the value for our DefaultIdentifier)
(pQuery.parameters.result.value === false)
return fStageComplete('Creation failed', pQuery, false);
var tmpIDRecord = pQuery.result.value;
fStageComplete(pQuery.result.error, pQuery, tmpIDRecord);
// Step 3: Read the record
function (pQuery, pIDRecord, fStageComplete)
var tmpQueryRead = pQuery.clone().addFilter(_DefaultIdentifier, pIDRecord);
// This odd lambda is to use the async waterfall without spilling logic into the provider read code complexity
_Provider.Read(tmpQueryRead, function(){ fStageComplete(tmpQueryRead.result.error, pQuery, tmpQueryRead); });
// Step 4: Marshal the record into a POJO
function (pQuery, pQueryRead, fStageComplete)
if (
// The value is not an array
(!Array.isArray(pQueryRead.parameters.result.value)) ||
// There is not at least one record returned
(pQueryRead.parameters.result.value.length < 1)
return fStageComplete('No record found after create.', pQuery, pQueryRead, false);
var tmpRecord = marshalRecordFromSourceToObject(pQueryRead.result.value[0]);
fStageComplete(pQuery.result.error, pQuery, pQueryRead, tmpRecord);
function(pError, pQuery, pQueryRead, pRecord)
if (pError)
_Fable.log.warn('Error during the create waterfall', {Error:pError, Query: pQuery.query});
// Call the callback passed in with the record as the first parameter, query second.
fCallBack(pError, pQuery, pQueryRead, pRecord);
return this;
* Read a record asynchronously, calling fCallBack with the marshalled record(s) or error in them at end
var doRead = function(pQuery, fCallBack)
// Read the record from the source
// Step 1: Get the record from the data source
function (fStageComplete)
// This odd lambda is to use the async waterfall without spilling logic into the provider read code complexity
_Provider.Read(pQuery, function(){ fStageComplete(pQuery.result.error, pQuery); });
// Step 2: Marshal the record into a POJO
function (pQuery, fStageComplete)
if (
// The value is not an array
(!Array.isArray(pQuery.parameters.result.value)) ||
// There is not at least one record returned
(pQuery.parameters.result.value.length < 1)
return fStageComplete('Invalid query result in Read', pQuery, false);
var tmpRecord = marshalRecordFromSourceToObject(pQuery.result.value[0]);
// TODO: Add error handling for marshaling
fStageComplete(pQuery.result.error, pQuery, tmpRecord);
function(pError, pQuery, pRecord)
if (pError)
_Fable.log.warn('Error during the read waterfall', {Error:pError, Query: pQuery.query});
// Call the callback passed in with the record as the first parameter, query second.
fCallBack(pError, pQuery, pRecord);
return this;
* Read many records asynchronously, calling fCallBack with the marshalled record(s) or error in them at end
var doReads = function(pQuery, fCallBack)
// Read the record(s) from the source
// Step 1: Get a record from the data source
function (fStageComplete)
// This odd lambda is to use the async waterfall without spilling logic into the provider read code complexity
_Provider.Read(pQuery, function(){ fStageComplete(pQuery.result.error, pQuery); });
// Step 2: Marshal all the records into a POJO asynchronously
function (pQuery, fStageComplete)
if (
// The value is not an array
(!Array.isArray(pQuery.parameters.result.value)) ||
// There is not at least one record returned
(pQuery.parameters.result.value.length < 1)
return fStageComplete('No records read.', pQuery, false);
var tmpRecords = [];
function(pRow, pQueueCallback)
// Now complete the waterfall
fStageComplete(pQuery.result.error, pQuery, tmpRecords);
function(pError, pQuery, pRecord)
if (pError)
_Fable.log.warn('Error during the read multiple waterfall', {Error:pError, Query: pQuery.query});
fCallBack(pError, pQuery, pRecord);
return this;
* Update a record asynchronously, calling fCallBack with the marshalled record(s) or error in them at end
var doUpdate = function(pQuery, fCallBack)
// Update the record(s) from the source
// Step 1: Update the record
function (fStageComplete)
pQuery.query.IDUser = _IDUser;
// Make sure the user submitted a record
if (!pQuery.query.records)
return fStageComplete('No record submitted', pQuery, false);
// Make sure there is a default identifier
if (!pQuery.query.records[0].hasOwnProperty(_DefaultIdentifier))
return fStageComplete('Automated update missing default identifier', pQuery, false);
// Now see if there is anything in the schema that is an Update action that isn't in this query
for (var i = 0; i < _Schema.schema.length; i++)
switch (_Schema.schema[i].Type)
case 'UpdateIDUser':
case 'UpdateDate':
pQuery.query.records[0][_Schema.schema[i].Column] = false;
// Set the update filter
pQuery.addFilter(_DefaultIdentifier, pQuery.query.records[0][_DefaultIdentifier]);
// This odd lambda is to use the async waterfall without spilling logic into the provider read code complexity
_Provider.Update(pQuery, function(){ fStageComplete(pQuery.result.error, pQuery); });
// Step 2: Check that the record was updated
function (pQuery, fStageComplete)
if (
// The query wasn't run yet
(pQuery.parameters.result.executed == false) ||
// The value is not an object
(typeof(pQuery.parameters.result.value) !== 'object')
return fStageComplete('No record created.', pQuery, false);
fStageComplete(pQuery.result.error, pQuery);
// Step 3: Read the record
function (pQuery, fStageComplete)
// We can clone the query, since it has the criteria for the update in it already (filters survive a clone)
var tmpQueryRead = pQuery.clone();
// This odd lambda is to use the async waterfall without spilling logic into the provider read code complexity
_Provider.Read(tmpQueryRead, function(){ fStageComplete(tmpQueryRead.result.error, pQuery, tmpQueryRead); });
// Step 4: Marshal the record into a POJO
function (pQuery, pQueryRead, fStageComplete)
// This is a theoretical error ... it is pretty much impossible to simulate because
// the waterfall error handling in step 3 catches problems in the underlying update.
// Therefore we'll leave the guard commented out for now. But here for moral support.
if (
// The value is not an array
(!Array.isArray(pQueryRead.parameters.result.value)) ||
// There is not at least one record returned
(pQueryRead.parameters.result.value.length < 1)
return fStageComplete('There was an issue loading a record after save.', pQuery, pQueryRead, false);
var tmpRecord = marshalRecordFromSourceToObject(pQueryRead.result.value[0]);
// TODO: Add error handling for marshaling
fStageComplete(pQuery.result.error, pQuery, pQueryRead, tmpRecord);
function(pError, pQuery, pQueryRead, pRecord)
if (pError)
_Fable.log.warn('Error during Update waterfall', {Error:pError, Query: pQuery.query});
fCallBack(pError, pQuery, pQueryRead, pRecord);
return this;
* Delete a record asynchronously, calling fCallBack with the marshalled record(s) or error in them at end
var doDelete = function(pQuery, fCallBack)
// TODO: Check if this recordset has implicit delete tracking
// Delete the record(s) from the source
// Step 1: Delete the record
function (fStageComplete)
// This odd lambda is to use the async waterfall without spilling logic into the provider read code complexity
_Provider.Delete(pQuery, function(){ fStageComplete(pQuery.result.error, pQuery, pQuery.result.value); });
function(pError, pQuery, pRecord)
if (pError)
_Fable.log.warn('Error during Count waterfall', {Error:pError, Query: pQuery.query});
fCallBack(pError, pQuery, pRecord);
return this;
* Count a record asynchronously, calling fCallBack with the marshalled record(s) or error in them at end
var doCount = function(pQuery, fCallBack)
// Count the record(s) from the source
// Step 1: Get the record from the data source
function (fStageComplete)
// This odd lambda is to use the async waterfall without spilling logic into the provider read code complexity
_Provider.Count(pQuery, function(){ fStageComplete(pQuery.result.error, pQuery); });
// Step 2: Marshal the record into a POJO
function (pQuery, fStageComplete)
if (
// The value is not a number
(typeof(pQuery.parameters.result.value) !== 'number')
return fStageComplete('Count did not return valid results.', pQuery, false);
fStageComplete(pQuery.result.error, pQuery, pQuery.result.value);
function(pError, pQuery, pCount)
fCallBack(pError, pQuery, pCount);
return this;
* Take the stored representation of our object and stuff the proper values
* into our record, translating where necessary.
var marshalRecordFromSourceToObject = function(pRecord)
// Create an object from the default schema object
var tmpNewObject = libUnderscore.extend({}, _Schema.defaultObject);
// Now marshal the values from pRecord into tmpNewObject, based on schema
_Provider.marshalRecordFromSourceToObject(tmpNewObject, pRecord, _Schema.schema);
//_Fable.log.trace('Validation', {Value:tmpNewObject, Validation:_Schema.validateObject(tmpNewObject)})
// Now return the new object
return tmpNewObject;
* Container Object for our Factory Pattern

@@ -58,14 +585,32 @@ */

createQuery: createQuery,
doCreate: doCreate,
doRead: doRead,
doReads: doReads,
doUpdate: doUpdate,
doDelete: doDelete,
doCount: doCount,
validateObject: _Schema.validateObject,
setProvider: setProvider,
setIDUser: setIDUser,
// Schema management
loadFromPackage: loadFromPackage,
setScope: setScope,
setSchema: setSchema,
setJsonSchema: setJsonSchema,
setDefault: setDefault,
setDefaultIdentifier: setDefaultIdentifier,
// Factory
new: createNew
* Scope
* Entity Scope -- usually the name of the entity it represents
* @property scope
* @type String
* @type string

@@ -75,28 +620,66 @@ Object.defineProperty(tmpNewMeadowObject, 'scope',

get: function() { return _Scope; },
set: function(pScope) { _Scope = pScope; },
enumerable: true
* Entity Schema
* @property schema
* @type object
Object.defineProperty(tmpNewMeadowObject, 'schema',
get: function() { return _Schema.schema; },
enumerable: true
* Json Schema
* @property schema
* @type object
Object.defineProperty(tmpNewMeadowObject, 'jsonSchema',
get: function() { return _Schema.jsonSchema; },
enumerable: true
* Universally Unique Identifier
* Query (FoxHound) object
* @property uuid
* @type string
* This always returns a cloned query, so it's safe to get queries with a simple:
* var tmpQuery = libSomeFableObject.query;
* and not expect leakage of basic (cap, begin, filter, dataelements) cloned values.
* @property query
* @type object
Object.defineProperty(tmpNewMeadowObject, 'uuid',
Object.defineProperty(tmpNewMeadowObject, 'query',
get: function() { return _UUID; },
get: function()
var tmpQuery = _Query.clone();
// Set the default schema
tmpQuery.query.schema = _Schema.schema;
return tmpQuery;
enumerable: true
* Provider Name
* @property providerName
* @type object
Object.defineProperty(tmpNewMeadowObject, 'providerName',
get: function() { return _ProviderName; },
enumerable: true
var __initialize = function ()
// TODO: Load a json file with any necessary config settings.
return tmpNewMeadowObject;

@@ -108,2 +691,2 @@ }

module.exports = Meadow();
module.exports = new Meadow();

@@ -13,2 +13,40 @@ /**

var libFable = require('fable');
var _TestAnimalJsonSchema = (
"title": "Animal",
"description": "A creature that lives in a meadow.",
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"id": {
"description": "The unique identifier for an animal",
"type": "integer"
"type": {
"description": "The type of the animal",
"type": "string"
"name": {
"description": "The animal's name",
"type": "string"
"age": {
"description": "How old the animal is in days",
"type": "number",
"minimum": 0,
"exclusiveMinimum": true
"tags": {
"type": "array",
"items": {
"type": "string"
"minItems": 0,
"uniqueItems": true
"required": ["id", "name", "age"]

@@ -19,4 +57,2 @@ (

var testMeadow = false;

@@ -26,3 +62,2 @@ (

testMeadow = require('../source/Meadow.js');

@@ -41,2 +76,3 @@ );

var testMeadow = require('../source/Meadow.js').new();
Expect(testMeadow)'object', 'Meadow should initialize as an object directly from the require statement.');

@@ -47,13 +83,119 @@ }

'There should be some basic metadata on the class parameters',
'There should be some basic metadata on the class properties',
var testMeadow = require('../source/Meadow.js').new(libFable);
Expect(testMeadow)'scope')'string'); // Scope is always a string
'Initialize with values',
var testMeadow = require('../source/Meadow.js').new(libFable, 'Animal', _TestAnimalJsonSchema);
'Alternative initialization',
var testMeadow = require('../source/Meadow.js').new(libFable)
var tmpValidationResults = testMeadow.validateObject({id:10, type:'bunny', name:'foofoo', age:3});
'Validate a proper animal',
var testMeadow = require('../source/Meadow.js').new(libFable, 'Animal', _TestAnimalJsonSchema);
var tmpValidationResults = testMeadow.validateObject({id:10, type:'bunny', name:'foofoo', age:3});
'Validate a messed up animal',
var testMeadow = require('../source/Meadow.js').new(libFable, 'Animal', _TestAnimalJsonSchema);
// Our zombie needs a name!
var tmpValidationResults = testMeadow.validateObject({id:9, type:'zombie', age:3});'Bad Unnamed Zombie Validation Results', tmpValidationResults);
'Change provider',
var testMeadow = require('../source/Meadow.js').new(libFable, 'Animal', _TestAnimalJsonSchema);
'Try to change to a bad provider',
var testMeadow = require('../source/Meadow.js').new(libFable, 'Animal', _TestAnimalJsonSchema);
'Try to load from a json package',
var testMeadow = require('../source/Meadow.js').new(libFable).loadFromPackage(__dirname+'/Animal.json');
'Try to load from an empty json package',
var testMeadow = require('../source/Meadow.js').new(libFable).loadFromPackage(__dirname+'/EmptyPackage.json');
'Try to load from a bad json package',
var testMeadow = require('../source/Meadow.js').new(libFable).loadFromPackage(__dirname+'/BadAnimal.json');

@@ -60,0 +202,0 @@ );

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

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