MeeusJs is an implementation of some algorithms of the Book 'Astronomical Algorithms of Jean Meeus' in Javascript.
It follows the second edition, copyright 1998, with corrections as of August 10, 2009.
The library can be used to calculate sun and moon positions and their phases (rise, transmit, set) on a high accuracy.
The library is about 20kb (minimized) and licensed under MIT. It includes various unit tests against the data of
The sourcecode is written by Fabio Soldati (@fabiz) from
Package contents
Currently the following chapters are implemented:
Chapter | Module |
3. Interpolation | A.Interp |
7. Julian Day | A.JulianDay |
10. Dynamical Time and Universal Time | A.DeltaT |
11. The Earth's Globe | A.Globe |
12. Sidereal Time at Greenwich | A.Sidereal |
13. Transformation of Coordinates | A.Coord |
14. The Parallactic Angle, and three other Topics | A.Moon |
15. Rising, Transit, and Setting | A.Rise |
16. Atmospheric Refraction | A.Refraction |
22. Nutation and the Obliquity of the Ecliptic | A.Nutation |
23. Apparent Place of a Star | A.Nutation |
25. Solar Coordinates | A.Solar |
27. Equinoxes and Solstices | A.Solstice |
40. Correction for Parallax | A.Parallax |
47. Position of the Moon | A.Moon |
48. Illuminated Fraction of the Moon's Disk | A.MoonIllum |
49. Phases of the Moon | A.MoonPhase |
Usage example
var jdo = new A.JulianDay(new Date());
var coord = A.EclCoord.fromWgs84(47.3957, 8.4867, 440);
var tp = A.Solar.topocentricPosition(jdo, coord, true);
var times = A.Solar.times(jdo, coord);
console.log("rise:" + A.Coord.secondsToHMSStr(times.rise) +
", transit:" + A.Coord.secondsToHMSStr(times.transit) +
", set:" + A.Coord.secondsToHMSStr(times.set));
var jdo = new A.JulianDay(new Date());
var coord = A.EclCoord.fromWgs84(47.3957, 8.4867, 440);
var tp = A.Moon.topocentricPosition(jdo, coord, true);
console.log(tp.hz.toString() + ", dist:" +;
var times = A.Moon.times(jdo, coord);
console.log("rise:" + A.Coord.secondsToHMSStr(times.rise) +
", transit:" + A.Coord.secondsToHMSStr(times.transit) +
", set:" + A.Coord.secondsToHMSStr(times.set));
var suneq = A.Solar.apparentTopocentric(jdo, coord);
var i = A.MoonIllum.phaseAngleEq2(tp.eq, suneq);
var k = A.MoonIllum.illuminated(i);
var chi = A.MoonIllum.positionAngle(moontp.eq, suneq);
console.log("phase:" + i + ", illuminated:" + k + ", angle:" + chi);
1.0.3 — Jan 18, 2017
- Fixed bug on A.JulianDay.jdToDate
1.0.2 — Mar 18, 2016
1.0.1 — Mar 04, 2016
- Fixed bug of MoonIllum
- Added approxTransit to Moon and Solar
- Added toDate method the JulianDay
1.0.0 — Mar 02, 2016