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mercurius-cache - npm Package Compare versions

Comparing version 0.9.0 to 0.10.0



@@ -6,3 +6,3 @@ 'use strict'

module.exports = fp(async function (app, { all, policy, ttl, cacheSize, skip, storage, onHit, onMiss, onSkip }) {
module.exports = fp(async function (app, { all, policy, ttl, cacheSize, skip, storage, onHit, onMiss, onSkip, ...other }) {
if (typeof policy !== 'object' && !all) {

@@ -9,0 +9,0 @@ throw new Error('policy must be an object')

"name": "mercurius-cache",
"version": "0.9.0",
"version": "0.10.0",
"description": "Cache the results of your GraphQL resolvers, for Mercurius",

@@ -27,2 +27,4 @@ "main": "index.js",

"@sinonjs/fake-timers": "^8.0.0",
"autocannon": "^7.5.0",
"concurrently": "^6.3.0",
"fastify": "^3.21.3",

@@ -32,6 +34,7 @@ "mercurius": "^8.2.1",

"standard": "^16.0.3",
"tap": "^15.0.9"
"tap": "^15.0.9",
"wait-on": "^6.0.0"
"dependencies": {
"async-cache-dedupe": "^0.4.0",
"async-cache-dedupe": "^0.5.0",
"fastify-plugin": "^3.0.0"

@@ -38,0 +41,0 @@ },

@@ -240,4 +240,106 @@ # mercurius-cache

## Benchmarks
We have experienced up to 10x performance improvements in real-world scenarios.
This repository also include a benchmark of a gateway and two federated services that shows
that adding a cache with 10ms TTL can improve the performance by 4x:
$ sh
= Gateway Mode (not cache) =
Running 10s test @ http://localhost:3000/graphql
100 connections
│ Stat │ 2.5% │ 50% │ 97.5% │ 99% │ Avg │ Stdev │ Max │
│ Latency │ 28 ms │ 31 ms │ 57 ms │ 86 ms │ 33.47 ms │ 12.2 ms │ 238 ms │
│ Stat │ 1% │ 2.5% │ 50% │ 97.5% │ Avg │ Stdev │ Min │
│ Req/Sec │ 1291 │ 1291 │ 3201 │ 3347 │ 2942.1 │ 559.51 │ 1291 │
│ Bytes/Sec │ 452 kB │ 452 kB │ 1.12 MB │ 1.17 MB │ 1.03 MB │ 196 kB │ 452 kB │
Req/Bytes counts sampled once per second.
32k requests in 11.03s, 11.3 MB read
= Gateway Mode (0s TTL) =
Running 10s test @ http://localhost:3000/graphql
100 connections
│ Stat │ 2.5% │ 50% │ 97.5% │ 99% │ Avg │ Stdev │ Max │
│ Latency │ 6 ms │ 7 ms │ 12 ms │ 17 ms │ 7.29 ms │ 3.32 ms │ 125 ms │
│ Stat │ 1% │ 2.5% │ 50% │ 97.5% │ Avg │ Stdev │ Min │
│ Req/Sec │ 7403 │ 7403 │ 13359 │ 13751 │ 12759 │ 1831.94 │ 7400 │
│ Bytes/Sec │ 2.59 MB │ 2.59 MB │ 4.68 MB │ 4.81 MB │ 4.47 MB │ 642 kB │ 2.59 MB │
Req/Bytes counts sampled once per second.
128k requests in 10.03s, 44.7 MB read
= Gateway Mode (1s TTL) =
Running 10s test @ http://localhost:3000/graphql
100 connections
│ Stat │ 2.5% │ 50% │ 97.5% │ 99% │ Avg │ Stdev │ Max │
│ Latency │ 7 ms │ 7 ms │ 13 ms │ 19 ms │ 7.68 ms │ 4.01 ms │ 149 ms │
│ Stat │ 1% │ 2.5% │ 50% │ 97.5% │ Avg │ Stdev │ Min │
│ Req/Sec │ 6735 │ 6735 │ 12879 │ 12951 │ 12173 │ 1828.86 │ 6735 │
│ Bytes/Sec │ 2.36 MB │ 2.36 MB │ 4.51 MB │ 4.53 MB │ 4.26 MB │ 640 kB │ 2.36 MB │
Req/Bytes counts sampled once per second.
122k requests in 10.03s, 42.6 MB read
= Gateway Mode (10s TTL) =
Running 10s test @ http://localhost:3000/graphql
100 connections
│ Stat │ 2.5% │ 50% │ 97.5% │ 99% │ Avg │ Stdev │ Max │
│ Latency │ 7 ms │ 7 ms │ 13 ms │ 18 ms │ 7.51 ms │ 3.22 ms │ 121 ms │
│ Stat │ 1% │ 2.5% │ 50% │ 97.5% │ Avg │ Stdev │ Min │
│ Req/Sec │ 7147 │ 7147 │ 13231 │ 13303 │ 12498.2 │ 1807.01 │ 7144 │
│ Bytes/Sec │ 2.5 MB │ 2.5 MB │ 4.63 MB │ 4.66 MB │ 4.37 MB │ 633 kB │ 2.5 MB │
Req/Bytes counts sampled once per second.
125k requests in 10.03s, 43.7 MB read
## License

@@ -8,4 +8,6 @@ 'use strict'

const FakeTimers = require('@sinonjs/fake-timers')
const { promisify } = require('util')
const immediate = promisify(setImmediate)
test('cache a resolver', async ({ equal, same, pass, plan, teardown }) => {

@@ -42,2 +44,3 @@ plan(11)

app.register(cache, {
ttl: 4242,
onHit (type, name) {

@@ -100,2 +103,79 @@ equal(type, 'Query')

test('No TTL', async ({ equal, same, pass, plan, teardown }) => {
const app = fastify()
const schema = `
type Query {
add(x: Int, y: Int): Int
hello: String
const resolvers = {
Query: {
async add (_, { x, y }) {
pass('add called only once')
await immediate()
return x + y
app.register(mercurius, {
let hits = 0
let misses = 0
app.register(cache, {
onHit (type, name) {
equal(type, 'Query', 'on hit')
equal(name, 'add')
onMiss (type, name) {
equal(type, 'Query', 'on miss')
equal(name, 'add')
policy: {
Query: {
add: true
await Promise.all([
equal(hits, 1)
equal(misses, 2)
async function query () {
const query = '{ add(x: 2, y: 2) }'
const res = await app.inject({
method: 'POST',
url: '/graphql',
body: {
equal(res.statusCode, 200)
same(res.json(), {
data: {
add: 4
test('cache a nested resolver with loaders', async ({ same, pass, plan, teardown }) => {

@@ -488,95 +568,2 @@ pass(4)

test('external cache', async ({ equal, same, pass, plan, teardown }) => {
const clock = FakeTimers.install({
shouldAdvanceTime: true,
advanceTimeDelta: 40
teardown(() => clock.uninstall())
const app = fastify()
const schema = `
type Query {
add(x: Int, y: Int): Int
hello: String
const resolvers = {
Query: {
async add (_, { x, y }) {
pass('add called once')
return x + y
app.register(mercurius, {
const map = new Map()
app.register(cache, {
ttl: 1,
storage: {
async get (key) {
pass('get called with ' + key)
return map.get(key)
async set (key, value) {
pass('set called')
map.set(key, value)
policy: {
Query: {
add: true
const query = '{ add(x: 2, y: 2) }'
const res = await app.inject({
method: 'POST',
url: '/graphql',
body: {
equal(res.statusCode, 200)
same(res.json(), {
data: {
add: 4
await clock.tickAsync(2000)
const res = await app.inject({
method: 'POST',
url: '/graphql',
body: {
equal(res.statusCode, 200)
same(res.json(), {
data: {
add: 4
test('using both policy and all options', async (t) => {

@@ -583,0 +570,0 @@ const app = fastify()

@@ -7,3 +7,2 @@ 'use strict'

const mercuriusCache = require('..')
async function createTestService (t, schema, resolvers = {}) {

@@ -161,2 +160,3 @@ const service = Fastify({ logger: { level: 'error' } })

const app = await createTestGatewayServer(t, {
ttl: 4242,
// cache it all

@@ -288,2 +288,3 @@ policy: {

const app = await createTestGatewayServer(t, {
ttl: 4242,
// cache it all

@@ -290,0 +291,0 @@ policy: {

@@ -76,2 +76,3 @@ 'use strict'

await gateway.register(mercuriusCache, {
ttl: 4242,
policy: {

@@ -208,2 +209,3 @@ Query: {

userService.register(mercuriusCache, {
ttl: 4242,
policy: {

@@ -210,0 +212,0 @@ Query: {

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

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