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meshline - npm Package Compare versions

Comparing version 3.1.0 to 3.1.1




@@ -1,58 +0,3 @@

import * as THREE from 'three'
export class MeshLineGeometry extends THREE.BufferGeometry {
geometry: THREE.BufferGeometry
points: Float32Array | Array<THREE.Vector3 | THREE.Vector2 | [number, number, number] | [number, number] | number>
isMeshLine: boolean
points: Float32Array | Array<THREE.Vector3 | THREE.Vector2 | [number, number, number] | [number, number] | number>,
wcb?: (p: number) => any,
): void
setMatrixWorld(matrixWorld: THREE.Matrix4): void
setGeometry(g: THREE.BufferGeometry, c: (p: number) => any): void
raycast: (raycaster: THREE.Raycaster, intersects: THREE.Intersection[]) => void
compareV3(a: number, b: number): number
copyV3(a: number): [number, number, number]
export class MeshLineMaterial extends THREE.ShaderMaterial {
constructor(parameters?: {
lineWidth?: number
map?: THREE.Texture
useMap?: number
alphaMap?: THREE.Texture
useAlphaMap?: number
color?: string | THREE.Color | number
opacity?: number
resolution: THREE.Vector2 // required
sizeAttenuation?: number
dashArray?: number
dashOffset?: number
dashRatio?: number
useDash?: number
visibility?: number
alphaTest?: number
repeat?: THREE.Vector2
lineWidth: number
map: THREE.Texture
useMap: number
alphaMap: THREE.Texture
useAlphaMap: number
color: THREE.Color | string | number
opacity: number
resolution: THREE.Vector2
sizeAttenuation: number
dashArray: number
dashOffset: number
dashRatio: number
useDesh: number
visibility: number
alphaTest: number
repeat: THREE.Vector2
export function raycast(raycaster: THREE.Raycaster, intersects: THREE.Intersection[]): void
export * from './MeshLineGeometry';
export * from './MeshLineMaterial';
export * from './raycast';

@@ -1,414 +0,4 @@

import * as r from "three";
function c(a, t, e, i, s) {
let n;
if (a = a.subarray || a.slice ? a : a.buffer, e = e.subarray || e.slice ? e : e.buffer, a = t ? a.subarray ? a.subarray(t, s && t + s) : a.slice(t, s && t + s) : a, e.set)
e.set(a, i);
for (n = 0; n < a.length; n++)
e[n + i] = a[n];
return e;
function C(a) {
return a instanceof Float32Array ? a : => {
const e = Array.isArray(t);
return t instanceof r.Vector3 ? [t.x, t.y, t.z] : t instanceof r.Vector2 ? [t.x, t.y, 0] : e && t.length === 3 ? [t[0], t[1], t[2]] : e && t.length === 2 ? [t[0], t[1], 0] : t;
class V extends r.BufferGeometry {
constructor() {
super(), this.type = "MeshLine", this.isMeshLine = !0, this.positions = [], this.previous = [], = [], this.side = [], this.width = [], this.indices_array = [], this.uvs = [], this.counters = [], this._points = [], this._geom = null, this.widthCallback = null, this.matrixWorld = new r.Matrix4(), Object.defineProperties(this, {
geometry: {
enumerable: !0,
get() {
return this._geom;
set(t) {
this.setGeometry(t, this.widthCallback);
points: {
enumerable: !0,
get() {
return this._points;
set(t) {
this.setPoints(t, this.widthCallback);
setMatrixWorld(t) {
this.matrixWorld = t;
setGeometry(t, e) {
t instanceof r.BufferGeometry && (this._geometry = t, this.setPoints(t.getAttribute("position").array, e));
setPoints(t, e) {
if (t = C(t), !(t instanceof Float32Array) && !(t instanceof Array)) {
console.error("ERROR: The BufferArray of points is not instancied correctly.");
if (this._points = t, this.widthCallback = e, this.positions = [], this.counters = [], t.length && t[0] instanceof r.Vector3)
for (let i = 0; i < t.length; i++) {
const s = t[i], n = i / (t.length - 1);
this.positions.push(s.x, s.y, s.z), this.positions.push(s.x, s.y, s.z), this.counters.push(n), this.counters.push(n);
for (let i = 0; i < t.length; i += 3) {
const s = i / (t.length - 1);
this.positions.push(t[i], t[i + 1], t[i + 2]), this.positions.push(t[i], t[i + 1], t[i + 2]), this.counters.push(s), this.counters.push(s);
compareV3(t, e) {
const i = t * 6, s = e * 6;
return this.positions[i] === this.positions[s] && this.positions[i + 1] === this.positions[s + 1] && this.positions[i + 2] === this.positions[s + 2];
copyV3(t) {
const e = t * 6;
return [this.positions[e], this.positions[e + 1], this.positions[e + 2]];
process() {
const t = this.positions.length / 6;
this.previous = [], = [], this.side = [], this.width = [], this.indices_array = [], this.uvs = [];
let e, i;
this.compareV3(0, t - 1) ? i = this.copyV3(t - 2) : i = this.copyV3(0), this.previous.push(i[0], i[1], i[2]), this.previous.push(i[0], i[1], i[2]);
for (let s = 0; s < t; s++) {
if (this.side.push(1), this.side.push(-1), this.widthCallback ? e = this.widthCallback(s / (t - 1)) : e = 1, this.width.push(e), this.width.push(e), this.uvs.push(s / (t - 1), 0), this.uvs.push(s / (t - 1), 1), s < t - 1) {
i = this.copyV3(s), this.previous.push(i[0], i[1], i[2]), this.previous.push(i[0], i[1], i[2]);
const n = s * 2;
this.indices_array.push(n, n + 1, n + 2), this.indices_array.push(n + 2, n + 1, n + 3);
s > 0 && (i = this.copyV3(s),[0], i[1], i[2]),[0], i[1], i[2]));
this.compareV3(t - 1, 0) ? i = this.copyV3(1) : i = this.copyV3(t - 1),[0], i[1], i[2]),[0], i[1], i[2]), !this._attributes || this._attributes.position.count !== this.positions.length ? this._attributes = {
position: new r.BufferAttribute(new Float32Array(this.positions), 3),
previous: new r.BufferAttribute(new Float32Array(this.previous), 3),
next: new r.BufferAttribute(new Float32Array(, 3),
side: new r.BufferAttribute(new Float32Array(this.side), 1),
width: new r.BufferAttribute(new Float32Array(this.width), 1),
uv: new r.BufferAttribute(new Float32Array(this.uvs), 2),
index: new r.BufferAttribute(new Uint16Array(this.indices_array), 1),
counters: new r.BufferAttribute(new Float32Array(this.counters), 1)
} : (this._attributes.position.copyArray(new Float32Array(this.positions)), this._attributes.position.needsUpdate = !0, this._attributes.previous.copyArray(new Float32Array(this.previous)), this._attributes.previous.needsUpdate = !0, Float32Array(, = !0, this._attributes.side.copyArray(new Float32Array(this.side)), this._attributes.side.needsUpdate = !0, this._attributes.width.copyArray(new Float32Array(this.width)), this._attributes.width.needsUpdate = !0, this._attributes.uv.copyArray(new Float32Array(this.uvs)), this._attributes.uv.needsUpdate = !0, this._attributes.index.copyArray(new Uint16Array(this.indices_array)), this._attributes.index.needsUpdate = !0), this.setAttribute("position", this._attributes.position), this.setAttribute("previous", this._attributes.previous), this.setAttribute("next",, this.setAttribute("side", this._attributes.side), this.setAttribute("width", this._attributes.width), this.setAttribute("uv", this._attributes.uv), this.setAttribute("counters", this._attributes.counters), this.setIndex(this._attributes.index), this.computeBoundingSphere(), this.computeBoundingBox();
advance({ x: t, y: e, z: i }) {
const s = this._attributes.position.array, n = this._attributes.previous.array, u =, o = s.length;
c(s, 0, n, 0, o), c(s, 6, s, 0, o - 6), s[o - 6] = t, s[o - 5] = e, s[o - 4] = i, s[o - 3] = t, s[o - 2] = e, s[o - 1] = i, c(s, 6, u, 0, o - 6), u[o - 6] = t, u[o - 5] = e, u[o - 4] = i, u[o - 3] = t, u[o - 2] = e, u[o - 1] = i, this._attributes.position.needsUpdate = !0, this._attributes.previous.needsUpdate = !0, = !0;
r.ShaderChunk.meshline_vert = `
#include <common>
attribute vec3 previous;
attribute vec3 next;
attribute float side;
attribute float width;
attribute float counters;
uniform vec2 resolution;
uniform float lineWidth;
uniform vec3 color;
uniform float opacity;
uniform float sizeAttenuation;
varying vec2 vUV;
varying vec4 vColor;
varying float vCounters;
vec2 fix(vec4 i, float aspect) {
vec2 res = i.xy / i.w;
res.x *= aspect;
vCounters = counters;
return res;
void main() {
float aspect = resolution.x / resolution.y;
vColor = vec4(color, opacity);
vUV = uv;
mat4 m = projectionMatrix * modelViewMatrix;
vec4 finalPosition = m * vec4(position, 1.0);
vec4 prevPos = m * vec4(previous, 1.0);
vec4 nextPos = m * vec4(next, 1.0);
vec2 currentP = fix(finalPosition, aspect);
vec2 prevP = fix(prevPos, aspect);
vec2 nextP = fix(nextPos, aspect);
float w = lineWidth * width;
vec2 dir;
if (nextP == currentP) dir = normalize(currentP - prevP);
else if (prevP == currentP) dir = normalize(nextP - currentP);
else {
vec2 dir1 = normalize(currentP - prevP);
vec2 dir2 = normalize(nextP - currentP);
dir = normalize(dir1 + dir2);
vec2 perp = vec2(-dir1.y, dir1.x);
vec2 miter = vec2(-dir.y, dir.x);
//w = clamp(w / dot(miter, perp), 0., 4. * lineWidth * width);
//vec2 normal = (cross(vec3(dir, 0.), vec3(0., 0., 1.))).xy;
vec4 normal = vec4(-dir.y, dir.x, 0., 1.);
normal.xy *= .5 * w;
//normal *= projectionMatrix;
if (sizeAttenuation == 0.) {
normal.xy *= finalPosition.w;
normal.xy /= (vec4(resolution, 0., 1.) * projectionMatrix).xy;
finalPosition.xy += normal.xy * side;
gl_Position = finalPosition;
vec4 mvPosition = modelViewMatrix * vec4(position, 1.0);
r.ShaderChunk.meshline_frag = `
uniform sampler2D map;
uniform sampler2D alphaMap;
uniform float useMap;
uniform float useAlphaMap;
uniform float useDash;
uniform float dashArray;
uniform float dashOffset;
uniform float dashRatio;
uniform float visibility;
uniform float alphaTest;
uniform vec2 repeat;
varying vec2 vUV;
varying vec4 vColor;
varying float vCounters;
void main() {
vec4 c = vColor;
if (useMap == 1.) c *= texture2D(map, vUV * repeat);
if (useAlphaMap == 1.) c.a *= texture2D(alphaMap, vUV * repeat).a;
if (c.a < alphaTest) discard;
if (useDash == 1.) {
c.a *= ceil(mod(vCounters + dashOffset, dashArray) - (dashArray * dashRatio));
gl_FragColor = c;
gl_FragColor.a *= step(vCounters, visibility);
#include <tonemapping_fragment>
#include <encodings_fragment>
class k extends r.ShaderMaterial {
constructor(t) {
uniforms: Object.assign({}, r.UniformsLib.fog, {
lineWidth: { value: 1 },
map: { value: null },
useMap: { value: 0 },
alphaMap: { value: null },
useAlphaMap: { value: 0 },
color: { value: new r.Color(16777215) },
opacity: { value: 1 },
resolution: { value: new r.Vector2(1, 1) },
sizeAttenuation: { value: 1 },
dashArray: { value: 0 },
dashOffset: { value: 0 },
dashRatio: { value: 0.5 },
useDash: { value: 0 },
visibility: { value: 1 },
alphaTest: { value: 0 },
repeat: { value: new r.Vector2(1, 1) }
vertexShader: r.ShaderChunk.meshline_vert,
fragmentShader: r.ShaderChunk.meshline_frag
}), this.type = "MeshLineMaterial", Object.defineProperties(this, {
lineWidth: {
enumerable: !0,
get() {
return this.uniforms.lineWidth.value;
set(e) {
this.uniforms.lineWidth.value = e;
map: {
enumerable: !0,
get() {
set(e) { = e;
useMap: {
enumerable: !0,
get() {
return this.uniforms.useMap.value;
set(e) {
this.uniforms.useMap.value = e;
alphaMap: {
enumerable: !0,
get() {
return this.uniforms.alphaMap.value;
set(e) {
this.uniforms.alphaMap.value = e;
useAlphaMap: {
enumerable: !0,
get() {
return this.uniforms.useAlphaMap.value;
set(e) {
this.uniforms.useAlphaMap.value = e;
color: {
enumerable: !0,
get() {
return this.uniforms.color.value;
set(e) {
this.uniforms.color.value = e;
opacity: {
enumerable: !0,
get() {
return this.uniforms.opacity.value;
set(e) {
this.uniforms.opacity.value = e;
resolution: {
enumerable: !0,
get() {
return this.uniforms.resolution.value;
set(e) {
sizeAttenuation: {
enumerable: !0,
get() {
return this.uniforms.sizeAttenuation.value;
set(e) {
this.uniforms.sizeAttenuation.value = e;
dashArray: {
enumerable: !0,
get() {
return this.uniforms.dashArray.value;
set(e) {
this.uniforms.dashArray.value = e, this.useDash = e !== 0 ? 1 : 0;
dashOffset: {
enumerable: !0,
get() {
return this.uniforms.dashOffset.value;
set(e) {
this.uniforms.dashOffset.value = e;
dashRatio: {
enumerable: !0,
get() {
return this.uniforms.dashRatio.value;
set(e) {
this.uniforms.dashRatio.value = e;
useDash: {
enumerable: !0,
get() {
return this.uniforms.useDash.value;
set(e) {
this.uniforms.useDash.value = e;
visibility: {
enumerable: !0,
get() {
return this.uniforms.visibility.value;
set(e) {
this.uniforms.visibility.value = e;
alphaTest: {
enumerable: !0,
get() {
return this.uniforms.alphaTest.value;
set(e) {
this.uniforms.alphaTest.value = e;
repeat: {
enumerable: !0,
get() {
return this.uniforms.repeat.value;
set(e) {
}), this.setValues(t);
copy(t) {
return super.copy(t), this.lineWidth = t.lineWidth, =, this.useMap = t.useMap, this.alphaMap = t.alphaMap, this.useAlphaMap = t.useAlphaMap, this.color.copy(t.color), this.opacity = t.opacity, this.resolution.copy(t.resolution), this.sizeAttenuation = t.sizeAttenuation, this.dashArray.copy(t.dashArray), this.dashOffset.copy(t.dashOffset), this.dashRatio.copy(t.dashRatio), this.useDash = t.useDash, this.visibility = t.visibility, this.alphaTest = t.alphaTest, this.repeat.copy(t.repeat), this;
function U(a, t) {
const e = new r.Matrix4(), i = new r.Ray(), s = new r.Sphere(), n = new r.Vector3(), u = this.geometry;
if (s.copy(u.boundingSphere), s.applyMatrix4(this.matrixWorld), a.ray.intersectSphere(s, n) === !1)
e.copy(this.matrixWorld).invert(), i.copy(a.ray).applyMatrix4(e);
const o = new r.Vector3(), f = new r.Vector3(), d = new r.Vector3(), A = this instanceof r.LineSegments ? 2 : 1, v = u.index, m = u.attributes;
if (v !== null) {
const l = v.array, y = m.position.array, b = m.width.array;
for (let h = 0, x = l.length - 1; h < x; h += A) {
const w = l[h], _ = l[h + 1];
o.fromArray(y, w * 3), f.fromArray(y, _ * 3);
const M = b[Math.floor(h / 3)] != null ? b[Math.floor(h / 3)] : 1, g = a.params.Line.threshold + this.material.lineWidth * M / 2, P = g * g;
if (i.distanceSqToSegment(o, f, n, d) > P)
const p = a.ray.origin.distanceTo(n);
p < a.near || p > a.far || (t.push({
distance: p,
point: d.clone().applyMatrix4(this.matrixWorld),
index: h,
face: null,
faceIndex: null,
object: this
}), h = x);
export {
V as MeshLineGeometry,
k as MeshLineMaterial,
U as raycast
export * from './MeshLineGeometry';
export * from './MeshLineMaterial';
export * from './raycast';
"name": "meshline",
"version": "3.1.0",
"version": "3.1.1",
"author": "Jaume Sanchez <> (",

@@ -12,3 +12,3 @@ "license": "MIT",

"dev": "vite",
"build": "vite build && cp ./src/index.d.ts ./dist",
"build": "vite build && tsc",
"serve": "vite preview"

@@ -15,0 +15,0 @@ },

@@ -27,4 +27,2 @@ # MeshLine

Create a `MeshLineGeometry` instance.

@@ -59,3 +57,3 @@ const geometry = new MeshLineGeometry()

Cou can also provide a `BufferGeometry` by calling `.setGeometry()` instead.
You can also provide a `BufferGeometry` by calling `.setGeometry()` instead.

@@ -119,3 +117,3 @@ ```jsx

`MeshLineGeometry` has two convenience setter/getters, `points`, which accepts a `Float32Array` or an `Array<number>`, and `geometry`, which accepts a `BufferGeometry`. You don't have to explicitely call `.setPoints` or `.setGeometry`.
`MeshLineGeometry` has two convenience setter/getters, `points` for `.setPoints()`, and `geometry` for `.setGeometry()`.

@@ -147,3 +145,3 @@ ```jsx

Dynamic line widths can be set along each point using the `widthCallback` prop.
Dynamic line widths can be set for each point using the `widthCallback` prop.

@@ -150,0 +148,0 @@ ```jsx

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