MessageMedia Lookups NodeJS SDK
The MessageMedia Lookups API provides a number of endpoints for validating the phone numbers you’re sending to by checking their validity, type and carrier records.
⭐️ Installing via NPM
Now install messagemedia-messages-sdk via npm by using:
npm install messagemedia-lookups-sdk
Alternatively, add the following to the dependencies section of your package.json:
"messagemedia-lookups-sdk": "^1.0.0"
🎬 Get Started
It's easy to get started. Simply enter the API Key and secret you obtained from the MessageMedia Developers Portal into the code snippet below and a mobile number you wish to send to.
👀 Lookup a number
const sdk = require('messagemedia-lookups-sdk');
lib.Configuration.basicAuthUserName = "YOUR_API_KEY";
lib.Configuration.basicAuthPassword = "YOUR_API_SECRET";
var controller = lib.LookupsController;
var phoneNumber = "YOUR_MOBILE_NUMBER";
var options = 'carrier,type';
controller.getLookupAPhoneNumber(phoneNumber, options, function(error, response, context) {
📕 Documentation
The NodeJS SDK Documentation can be viewed here
😕 Got Stuck?
Please contact developer support at or check out the developer portal at