A fully flexible sharp implementation for Metalsmith
npm install metalsmith-sharp
Just use it as regular Metalsmith plugin. An ES-Modules version is exposed as well, ready to be used with import sharp from 'metalsmith-sharp'
const Metalsmith = require('metalsmith')
const sharp = require('metalsmith-sharp')
methods: [
name: 'resize',
args: [200, 200],
name: 'resize',
args: { fit: 'inside' },
name: 'toFormat',
args: ['jpeg'],
.build((err) => {
if (err) return console.error(err)
console.log('Build successfully finished! It is 🥙 time!')
You can also do multiple image manipulations in one call:
const Metalsmith = require('metalsmith')
const sharp = require('metalsmith-sharp')
namingPattern: '{dir}{name}-version-1{ext}',
methods: [
{ name: 'normalize' },
{ name: 'flop' },
name: 'trim',
args: 15,
namingPattern: '{dir}{name}-version-2{ext}',
methods: [
{ name: 'normalize' },
name: 'trim',
args: 30,
.build((err) => {
if (err) return console.error(err)
console.log('Build successfully finished! It is 🥙 time!')
For further examples can be found in the test directory.
Default options:
src: '**/*.jpg',
namingPattern: '{dir}{base}',
methods: [],
moveFile: false
Array of method objects that will trigger the corresponding sharp method. They will be called with the passed arguments and in the given order.
Check the sharp API documentation for a full list of supported methods.
methods: [
name: 'anySharpMethod',
args: [400, 300],
args can be specified as an array that will be passed directly into the method or as a callback function.
The callback function will be provided with the image metadata and should return an array.
method: [
name: 'resize',
args: (metadata) => [
Math.round(metadata.width * 0.5),
Math.round(metadata.height * 0.5),
Glob for matching source files. All minimatch features are supported.
src: '**/*.jpg'
Renaming pattern for the resulting file. By default, the input file will be overwritten.
Supported placeholders:
: Directory of file followed by slash{base}
: Full filename with extension{name}
: Filename without extension{ext}
: File extension with leading dot
namingPattern: '{dir}/{name}-thumb{ext}'
If the resulting file has a different name, the default behavior is to create a new file and keep the input file. Set this option to true to delete the input file.
moveFile: true
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