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A simple Observable library that can be used for easy state management in React applications.

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A simple Observable library that can be used for easy state-management in React applications.


  • 💆‍♂️ Easy to learn: No boilerplate required, write code as you would naturally. Just wrap values that you want to expose to your UI into observables. Micro-observables only exposes a few methods to create and transform observables
  • ⚛️ React support: Out-of-the-box React support based on React Hooks
  • 🐥 Lightweight: The whole source code is made of less than 400 lines of code, resulting in 6kb production bundle
  • 🔥 Peformant: Observables are evaluated only when needed. Micro-observables also supports React and React Native batching, minimizing the amount of re-renders
  • 🔮 Debuggable: Micro-observables does not rely on ES6 proxies, making it easy to identify lines of code that trigger renders. Code execution is easy to follow, making debugging straightforward
  • 🛠 TypeScript support: Being written entirely in TypeScript, types are first-class citizen


In micro-observables, observables are objects that store a single value. They are used to store a piece of state of your app. An observable notifies listeners each time its value changes, triggering a re-render of all components that are using that observable.

Observables can be easily derived into new observables by applying functions on them, such as transform(), onlyIf() or default().

Micro-observables works great in combination with React thanks to the use of the useObservable() and useComputedObservable() hooks. It can be used as a simple yet powerful alternative to Redux or MobX.

Micro-observables has been inspired by the simplicity of micro-signals. We recommend checking out this library for event-driven programming.

Note: If you are used to RxJS, you can think of micro-observables as a React-friendly subset of RxJS exposing only the BehaviorSubject class.

Basic usage

import assert from "assert";
import { observable } from "micro-observables";

const favoriteBook = observable({ title: "The Jungle Book", author: "Kipling" });
const favoriteAuthor = favoriteBook.transform(book =>;

assert.deepEqual(favoriteBook.get(), { title: "The Jungle Book", author: "Kipling" });
assert.equal(favoriteAuthor.get(), "Kipling");

const receivedAuthors: string[] = [];
favoriteAuthor.onChange(author => receivedAuthors.push(author));

favoriteBook.set({ title: "Pride and Prejudice", author: "Austen" });
assert.deepEqual(receivedAuthors, ["Austen"]);

favoriteBook.set({ title: "Hamlet", author: "Shakespeare" });
assert.deepEqual(receivedAuthors, ["Austen", "Shakespeare"]);

Using micro-observables with React

Micro-observables works great with React and can be used to replace state-management libraries such as Redux or MobX. It allows to easily keep components in sync with shared state by storing pieces of state into observables. The useObservable() and useComputedObservable() hooks are used to access these values from a component.

Obligatory TodoList example

type Todo = { text: string; done: boolean };

class TodoStore {
  private _todos = observable<readonly Todo[]>([]);

  readonly todos = this._todos.readOnly();
  readonly pendingTodos = this._todos.transform(todos => todos.filter(it => !it.done));

  addTodo(text: string) {
    this._todos.update(todos => [...todos, { text, done: false }]);

  toggleTodo(index: number) {
    this._todos.update(todos =>, i) => (i === index ? { ...todo, done: !todo.done } : todo))

const todoStore = new TodoStore();
todoStore.addTodo("Eat my brocolli");
todoStore.addTodo("Plan trip to Bordeaux");

export const TodoList: React.FC = () => {
  const todos = useObservable(todoStore.todos);
  return (
      <TodoListHeader />
        {, index) => (
          <TodoItem key={index} todo={todo} index={index} />
      <AddTodo />

const TodoListHeader: React.FC = () => {
  const pendingCount = useObservable(todoStore.pendingTodos.transform(it => it.length));
  return <h3>{pendingCount} pending todos</h3>;

const TodoItem: React.FC<{ todo: Todo; index: number }> = ({ todo, index }) => {
  return (
      style={{ textDecoration: todo.done ? "line-through" : "none" }}
      onClick={() => todoStore.toggleTodo(index)}

const AddTodo: React.FC = () => {
  const input = useRef<HTMLInputElement>(null);

  const addTodo = (event: React.FormEvent) => {
    input.current!.value = "";

  return (
    <form onSubmit={addTodo}>
      <input ref={input} />

This example can be run on CodeSandbox.

React Batching

Micro-observables supports React batched updates: when modifying an observable, all re-renders caused by the changes from the observable and its derived observables are batched, minimizing the total amount of re-renders.

Another important benefit of React Batching is that it ensures consistency in renders: you can learn more about this on MobX Github.

By default, batching is disabled as it depends on the platform your app is targeting. To enable it, import one of these files before using micro-observables (typically in your index.js file):

For React DOM: import "micro-observables/batchingForReactDom"

For React Native: import "micro-observables/batchingForReactNative"

For other platforms: You can use the custom batching function provided by the platform by calling the setBatchedUpdater() function from micro-observables.


In micro-observables, there are two types of observables: WritableObservable and Observable. A WritableObservable allows to modify its value with the set() or update() methods. An Observable is read-only and can be created from a WritableObservable with readOnly(), transform(), onlyIf() and other methods.


observable(initialValue): WritableObservable

observable(initialValue) is a convenient function to create a WritableObservable. It is equivalent to new WritableObservable(initialValue).

Wrapping a value with the observable() function is all is needed to observe changes of a given value.

Note: initialValue can be another observable. In this case, the new observable will be automatically updated when initialValue changes.

const book = observable("The Jungle Book");

Instance Methods


Return the value contained by the observable without having to subscribe to it.

const book = observable("The Jungle Book");
assert.equal(book.get(), "The Jungle Book");

Set the new value contained by the observable. If the new value is not equal to the current one, listeners will be called with the new value.

const book = observable("The Jungle Book");
book.set("Pride and Prejudice");
assert.equal(book.get(), "Pride and Prejudice");

Note: newValue can be another observable. In this case, the observable will be automatically updated when newValue changes.

WritableObservable.update(updater: (value) => newValue)

Convenient method to modify the value contained by the observable, using its current value. It is equivalent to observable.set(updater(observable.get())). This is especially useful to work with collections or to increment values for example.

const books = observable(["The Jungle Book"]);
books.update(it => [, "Pride and Prejudice"]);
assert.deepEqual(books.get(), ["The Jungle Book", "Pride and Prejudice"]);
Observable.onChange(listener: (value, prevValue) => void)

Add a listener that will be called when the observable's value changes. It returns a function to call to unsubscribe from the observable. Each time the value changes, all the listeners are called with the new value and the previous value. Note: Unlike other observable libraries, the listener is not called immediately with the current value when onChange() is called.

const book = observable("The Jungle Book");

const received: string[] = [];
const prevReceived: string[] = [];
const unsubscribe = book.onChange((newBook, prevBook) => {
assert.deepEqual(received, []);
assert.deepEqual(prevReceived, []);

book.set("Pride and Prejudice");
assert.deepEqual(received, ["Pride and Prejudice"]);
assert.deepEqual(prevReceived, ["The Jungle Book"]);

assert.deepEqual(received, ["Pride and Prejudice"]);
assert.deepEqual(prevReceived, ["The Jungle Book"]);

Cast the observable into a read-only observable without the set() and update() methods. This is used for better encapsulation, preventing outside modifications when an observable is exposed.

class BookStore {
  private _book = observable("The Jungle Book");

  readonly book = this._book.readOnly();

Note: This method only makes sense with TypeScript as the returned observable is the same unchanged observable.

Observable.transform(transform: (value) => transformedValue)

Create a new observable with the result of the given transform applied on the input observable. Each time the input observable changes, the returned observable will reflect this changes.

const book = observable({ title: "The Jungle Book", author: "Kipling" });
const author = book.transform(it =>;
assert.equal(author.get(), "Kipling");
book.set({ title: "Hamlet", author: "Shakespeare" });
assert.equal(author.get(), "Shakespeare");

Note: The provided transform function can return another observable. In this case, the transformed observable will get its value from the returned observable and will be automatically updated when the value from the returned observable changes.

Observable.onlyIf(predicate: (value) => boolean)

Create a new observable that is only updated when the value of the input observable passes the given predicate. When onlyIf() is called, if the current value of the input observable does not pass the predicate, the new observable is initialized with undefined

const counter = observable(0);
const even = counter.onlyIf(it => it % 2 === 0);
const odd = counter.onlyIf(it => it % 2 === 1);
assert.equal(even.get(), 0);
assert.equal(odd.get(), undefined);

counter.update(it => it + 1);
assert.equal(even.get(), 0);
assert.equal(odd.get(), 1);

counter.update(it => it + 1);
assert.equal(even.get(), 2);
assert.equal(odd.get(), 1);

Transform the observable into a new observable that contains the value of the input observable if it is not undefined or null, or defaultValue otherwise. It is equivalent to observable.transform(val => val ?? defaultValue). This is especially useful in combination with onlyIf() to provide a default value if current value does not initially pass the predicate.

const userLocation = observable<string | null>(null);
const lastSeenLocation = userLocation.onlyIf(it => it !== null).default("Unknown");
assert.equal(lastSeenLocation.get(), "Unknown");

assert.equal(lastSeenLocation.get(), "Paris");

assert.equal(lastSeenLocation.get(), "Paris");

assert.equal(lastSeenLocation.get(), "Bordeaux");

Convert the observable into a promise. The promise will be resolved the next time the observable changes. This is especially useful in order to await a change from an observable.

const age = observable(34);
(async () => {
  await age.toPromise();
  console.log("Happy Birthday!");

Static Methods

Observable.from(observable1, observable2, ...)

Take several observables and transform them into a single observable containing an array with the values from each observable. This is often used in combination with transform() to combine several observables into a single one.

const author = observable("Shakespeare");
const book = observable("Hamlet");
const bookWithAuthor = Observable.from(author, book).transform(([a, b]) => ({
  title: b,
  author: a,
assert.deepEqual(bookWithAuthor.get(), { title: "Hamlet", author: "Shakespeare" });

book.set("Romeo and Juliet");
assert.deepEqual(bookWithAuthor.get(), { title: "Romeo and Juliet", author: "Shakespeare" });

book.set("The Jungle Book");
assert.deepEqual(bookWithAuthor.get(), { title: "The Jungle Book", author: "Kipling" });

Transform an array of observables into a single observable containing an array with the values from each observable. This is almost the identical to Observable.from(), except it takes a single array argument while Observable.from() takes several observable arguments.

const booksWithId = [
  { id: 1, book: observable("The Jungle Book") },
  { id: 2, book: observable("Pride and Prejudice") },
  { id: 3, book: observable("Hamlet") },
const books = Observable.merge( =>;
assert.deepEqual(books.get(), ["The Jungle Book", "Pride and Prejudice", "Hamlet"]);
Observable.latest(observable1, observable2, ...)

Take several observables and transform them into a single observable containing the value from the last-modified observable. The returned observable is initialized with the value from the first given observable.

const lastMovie = observable("Minority Report");
const lastTvShow = observable("The Big Bang Theory");
const lastWatched = Observable.latest(lastMovie, lastTvShow);
assert.equal(lastWatched.get(), "Minority Report");

lastTvShow.set("Game of Thrones");
assert.equal(lastWatched.get(), "Game of Thrones");

lastMovie.set("Forrest Gump");
assert.equal(lastWatched.get(), "Forrest Gump");
Observable.fromPromise(promise, onError?: (error) => value)

Convert the promise into an observable. The observable is initialized with undefined and will be updated with the value of the promise when it is resolved. If the promise is rejected, the optional onError function is called with the error and should return the value to store in the observable. If no onError function is provided, the observable keeps its undefined value.

async function fetchBook(title: string): Promise<Book> {
  // ...

const book = Observable.fromPromise(fetchBook("The Jungle Book"));
assert.equal(book.get(), undefined);
book.onChange(book => console.log(`Retrieved book: ${book}));

Group several observable modifications for batching. You usually don't need to call this function, but it can sometimes be useful for better control over batching. You can learn more about batching and how to enable it here.

const location = observable<Location | null>(null);
const permissionDenied = observable(false);

  location =>
    Observable.batch(l => {
  error =>
    Observable.batch(l => {

React Hooks


Return the value of the observable and trigger a re-render when the value changes.

const TodoList: React.FC = () => {
  const todos = useObservable(todoService.todos);
  return (
      {, index) => (
        <TodoItem key={index} todo={todo} />
useComputedObservable(compute: () => Observable, deps?: any[])

Shortcut for useObservable(useMemo(compute, deps)). Return the value of the observable computed by the compute parameter and trigger a re-render when this value changes.

The compute function is evaluated each time one of the values in deps changes. If unspecified, deps defaults to [], resulting in the compute function being called only once.

type User = { id: string; displayName: string };
type Todo = { text: string; completed: boolean; assigneeId: string };

class UserStore {
  private _user = observable<User>();

  readonly user = this._user.readOnly();

class TodoStore {
  private _todos = observable<readonly Todo[]>([]);

  readonly todos = this._todos.readOnly();

  getTodosAssignedTo(assigneeId: string): Observable<Todo[]> {
    return this._todos.transform(todos => todos.filter(it => it.assigneeId === assigneeId));

const TodoList: React.FC = () => {
  const todos = useComputedObservable(() =>
    userStore.user.transform(user => todoStore.getTodosAssignedTo(
  return (
        {, index) => (
          <TodoItem key={index} todo={todo} index={index} />

Note: useComputedObservable() is an optimized version of useObservable() that avoids recreating a new observable and reevaluating its value at each render. It will not decrease the amount of renders. Most of the time, you actually don't even need it, creating an observable is a fast operation and if your observable evaluation does not require heavy computation, you can use useObservable() instead.



Package last updated on 28 Jun 2020

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