A classless stylesheet for HTML documents and evolution of style.css.
Make a plain HTML page look good and readable with zero effort! Serves as a nice base layer default.
Check out the style guide to see what it looks like.
Some differences from style.css:
- CSS Variables
- Dark Mode
- Remove some old browser support
- Use post-css build pipeline
- Minor stylistic differences
<link rel="stylesheet" href="https://unpkg.com/mine.css">
<link rel="stylesheet" href="https://unpkg.com/mine.css@^4.0.0">
$ npm install mine.css
@import url('https://unpkg.com/mine.css');
If your bundler implements package.json exports
resolution, you can explicitly reference the js or css exports from mine.css doing the following:
@import 'mine.css/dist/mine.css';
import { toggleTheme } from 'mine.css/dist/theme-switcher.js';
import { toggleTheme } from 'mine.css';
<!doctype html>
<html lang="en">
<meta charset="utf-8">
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1">
<title>Hello World</title>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="https://unpkg.com/mine.css@^4.0.0">
The best way to get familiar with the look and feel of mine.css
is to visit the style guide. Detailed examples of every HTML element (and how to write them in markdown) are available there.
npm install mine.css --save-dev
Here are some modules out there for requiring CSS using JavaScript that should also work just fine:
CSS Variables
You can override defaults directly with CSS variables. Here are the default variable settings for mine.css
:root {
--font-body: var(--system-sans);
--font-code: var(--system-mono);
--font-size-body: 14px;
--font-size-scale: 0.25vw;
--line-height-body: 1.75;
--line-height-pre: 1.45;
--light-text: hsla(0, 0%, 7%, 1);
--light-background: white;
--light-layer-background: hsla(0, 0%, 100%, 0);
--light-accent-background: hsla(0, 0%, 95%, 1);
--light-accent-midground: hsla(0, 0%, 84%, 1);
--light-accent-foreground: hsla(0, 0%, 49%, 1);
--light-link-text: hsla(208, 100%, 50%, 1);
--light-mark-background: hsla(60, 100%, 50%, 1);
--light-code-text: var(--light-text);
--light-code-background: var(--light-accent-background);
--light-code-border: var(--light-accent-midground);
--dark-text: white;
--dark-background: hsla(0, 0%, 12%, 1);
--dark-layer-background: var(--transparent);
--dark-accent-background: hsla(0, 0%, 20%, 1);
--dark-accent-midground: hsla(0, 0%, 30%, 1);
--dark-accent-foreground: hsla(0, 0%, 60%, 1);
--dark-link-text: hsl(206, 100%, 70%);
--dark-mark-background: hsla(58, 66%, 30%, 1);
--dark-code-text: var(--dark-text);
--dark-code-background: var(--dark-accent-background);
--dark-code-border: var(--dark-accent-midground);
Overriding settings
You can override settings like so:
@import 'mine.css';
:root {
--font-size-body: 14px;
If you want to use the font stacks to override global font settings, you can do so like this:
@import 'mine.css';
:root {
--font-body: var(--system-serif);
Customizing colors
To customize colors, override the color variable for dark and light mode:
--light-text: red
--light-background: blue;
--dark-text: blue;
--dark-background: red;
If you want to implement other styles that follow the light/dark mode pattern in mine.css, use the theme agnostic color var:
.some-class {
color: var(--accent-foreground)
The theme agnostic variables are as follows:
.light-mode {
--text: var(--light-text);
--background: var(--light-background);
--layer-background: var(--light-layer-background);
--accent-background: var(--light-accent-background);
--accent-midground: var(--light-accent-midground);
--accent-foreground: var(--light-accent-foreground);
--link-text: var(--light-link-text);
--mark-background: var(--light-mark-background);
--code-text: var(--light-code-text);
--code-background: var(--light-code-background);
--code-border: var(--light-code-border);
.dark-mode {
--text: var(--dark-text);
--background: var(--dark-background);
--layer-background: var(--dark-layer-background);
--accent-background: var(--dark-accent-background);
--accent-midground: var(--dark-accent-midground);
--accent-foreground: var(--dark-accent-foreground);
--link-text: var(--dark-link-text);
--mark-background: var(--dark-mark-background);
--code-text: var(--dark-code-text);
--code-background: var(--dark-code-background);
--code-border: var(--dark-code-border);
@media (prefers-color-scheme: dark) {
:root {
@extend .dark-mode;
Overriding the system theme
If you want to allow users to switch between light and dark, indipendent of the system theme, you can apply the .light-mode
or .dark-mode
class the the document body.
Thought there is a subtle relationship between the class and the system preference, so it is better to use the theme switcher script (./src/theme-switcher.js) which handles user preference while still following the system preference.
<script type="module">
import { toggleTheme } from 'https://unpkg.com/bcomnes/mine.css@^4.0.0?module';
window.toggleTheme = toggleTheme
The toggleTheme
export is exclusively offered as an ESM module. If you need CJS, just vendor it.
See ./site/ for examples of this in action.
Additionally, when using theme-switcher.js
, you can easily target dark mode using the following selector:
.dark-mode:not(.light-mode) {
and the body tag will stay in sync with the system preferenc or user override. Otherwise you need to define duplicate css rules in the dark mode media query:
@media (prefers-color-scheme: dark) {
:root {
Dark mode images
Images can be swapped out using the <picture>
<source srcset="mojave-night.jpg" media="(prefers-color-scheme: dark)">
<img src="mojave-day.jpg">
See this webkit blogpost for more info on dark mode.
doesn't include any layout css, thought it does ship a simple layout css file that provides basic layout for a page and supports safe-area
that accommodates cell phone notches and whatnot.
<link rel="stylesheet" href="https://unpkg.com/mine.css@^4.0.0/dist/layout.css">
You can see this layout style in action on the mine.css
The two classes are:
: This should typically be applied to body
. This enables mobile notch padding when nessisary.mine-layout
: Simple, responsive margins for a document. Apply to the content body or whereever else you want a nice default margin.
stands on the shoulders of giants from the excellent work found in style.css. Thank you!