Language independent module providing minecraft data for minecraft clients, servers and libraries.
Support minecraft 1.8.3.
Minecraft-data is language independent, you can use it with these language specific modules :
Minecraft data provides a few extractors to update the data :
- bin/wiki_extractor/item_extractor.js extracts items.json from the minecraft wiki
- bin/wiki_extractor/entities_extractor.js extracts entities.json from the minecraft wiki
- bin/wiki_extractor/blocks_extractor.js extracts blocks.json from the minecraft wiki
- manual filling of materials.json : this file is very simple, it is there to make it easier to handle some edge cases
- manual filling of instruments.json : data coming from http://wiki.vg/Block_Actions
- bin/wiki_extractor/recipes_extractor.js extracts recipes.json from the minecraft wiki
- bin/generate_enums.js is a script to generate the item, block, biome and recipe enums using a burger.json file generated by https://github.com/mcdevs/Burger which is not up to date with minecraft 1.8
- manual filling of biomes.json : see https://github.com/andrewrk/mineflayer/pull/197 for more detail
Data quality
Minecraft data provides scripts to audit the data, they can be useful to check the data is correct :
- bin/audit_block_enum.js audits blocks.json : it checks for duplicates names and jumps in ids
- bin/audit_item_enum.js audits items.json : it checks for duplicates names and jumps in ids
- bin/audit_recipes.js audits recipes.json : it counts the number of recipes with a shape, without one and with an outShape
Minecraft data also provides json schemas in enums_schemas/ that are used in test/test.js to check the json file are valid relative to these schemas.
These schemas can also be used to understand better how the json files are formatted in order to use it.