Data Mining
Functions to help in js data mining.
To install this module, just need to: npm install mining-utils
You can use as node or Typescript follow instructions below:
const mining = require('mining-utils')
import * as mining from mining-utils
import { removeAccents } from mining-utils
String Manipulation
removeAccents('Em linguística, a noção de texto é ampla e ainda aberta a uma definição mais precisa. Grosso modo, pode ser entendido como manifestação linguística das ideias de um autor, que serão interpretadas pelo leitor de acordo com seus conhecimentos linguísticos e culturais. Seu tamanho é variável.')
removeAccentsArray(['Em linguística, a noção de texto é ampla', 'definição mais precisa. Grosso modo, pode ser entendido como manifestação linguística'])
removePunctuation('Hey there!!! How are you???')
removePunctuationArray(['Hey there!!', 'How are you??', 'go, now'])
removeBlankSpace('Hey , how are you ?')
removeBlankSpaceArray(['Hey , how are you ?', 'I am good!!'])
removeLinks('This is an example to remove links from a single phrase, and text after the link.')
removeLinks('This is an example to remove links from a single phrase, mms:// and text after the link.', 'mms')
removeLinksArray(['This is an example to remove links from a single phrase, and text after the link.', 'This is an example to remove links from a single phrase, and text after the link.', 'This is an example to remove links from a single phrase, and text after the link.'])
removeRT('RT @sports: ¿ #QuestionOfTheDay ? @footbal 4-4-2 Shout ‘Em out #Footbal Fans! Who’s Your #Tram? I’m ALL #Saints!!! #W124ãHODAT #WHODATNATION ⚜️…')
removeHashtag('RT @sports: ¿ #QuestionOfTheDay ? @footbal 4-4-2 Shout ‘Em out #Footbal Fans! Who’s Your #Tram? I’m ALL #Saints!!! #W124ãHODAT #WHODATNATION ⚜️…')
removeTag('RT @sports: ¿ #QuestionOfTheDay ? @footbal 4-4-2 Shout ‘Em out #Footbal Fans! Who’s Your #Tram? I’m ALL #Saints!!! #W124ãHODAT #WHODATNATION ⚜️…')
removeNumber('RT @sports: ¿ #QuestionOfTheDay ? @footbal 4-4-2 Shout ‘Em out #Footbal Fans! Who’s Your #Tram? I’m ALL #Saints!!! #W124ãHODAT #WHODATNATION ⚜️…')
clearTweets('RT @sports: ¿ #QuestionOfTheDay ? @footbal 4-4-2 Shout ‘Em out #Footbal Fans! Who’s Your #Tram? I’m ALL #Saints!!! #W124ãHODAT #WHODATNATION ⚜️…')
Mining-utils is freely distributable under the terms of the MIT license
Contributors ✨
Thanks goes to these wonderful people (emoji key):