Supercharge your state management with events, and predictable pure function state machines.
Adapt any existing class, MobX store, or Javascript Object to be event driven. Great for 3D projects in ThreeJS.
npm i mobus
You are looking for:
- pure function state machines, to avoid the pain from side effects
- event driven architecture, streaming solutions, or functional reactive programming
- how to leverage the power of RxJS (EGs in React with MobX)
Control state with commands
import { definedEntity, stateMachineFactory } from 'mobus';
export const counterStore = { count: 0 }
export const { commandFactory, subscribe } = stateMachineFactory('counter', {
storeSingle: counterStore
export const increment = commandFactory<void>({
eventHandler: (entity) => {
const counter = definedEntity(entity)
return counter
If you need it in a render cycle (EG: React with MobX)
import { definedEntity, stateMachineFactory } from 'mobus';
import { observable, runInAction } from 'mobx';
export const counterStore = observable({ count: 0 })
export const { commandFactory, subscribe } = stateMachineFactory('counter', {
wrapper: runInAction,
storeSingle: counterStore
Then render it in React, Preact etc.
import { increment, counterStore } from '../../domain/counter/counter.bus';
import { observer } from 'mobx-react-lite';
const Counter = observer(() => (
<div onClick={() => increment()}>
Counter: {counterStore.count}
Optimistic updates
This example uses a more advanced store. EG: Map<string, Pedometer>.
import { stateMachineFactory } from 'mobus';
import { pedometerStore } from './';
export const { commandFactory, subscribe } = stateMachineFactory(ENTITY, { wrapper: runInAction, store: pedometerStore });
const syncHeartRate = commandFactory<WithID & { rate: number }>({
eventHandler: (entity, event) => {
const pedometer = definedEntity(entity);
pedometer.heartRate = event.payload.rate;
return pedometer;
asyncEventHandler: async (entity, event) => {
const pedometer = definedEntity(entity);
await new Promise((resolve) => setTimeout(resolve, 2000));
runInAction(() => {
pedometer.heartRate = 100;
return pedometer;
Parallel handlers
By default, all stores will only handle one event at a time, and will queue any events that are triggered in the meantime.
import { stateMachineFactory } from 'mobus';
import { pedometerStore } from './';
export const { commandFactory, subscribe } = stateMachineFactory(ENTITY, {
wrapper: runInAction,
store: pedometerStore,
parallel: true,
Incredibly simple testing when compared to most RxJS implementations, because it exposes a promise that can be awaited.
describe('when incrementing the counter with a delay', () => {
beforeEach(async () => {
await delayedIncrement()
it('increases the count to 1', () => {
Future examples
With events driving the system, it is trivial to develop advanced features for your product such as:
- stream interactions over websockets for live collaboration
- analytics for user engagement or business changelog
graph TD
subgraph RxJS Events
Event1["Command 1"]
Event2["Command 2"]
Event3["Command 3"]
Event4["Command 4"]
subgraph Bus
Event4 --> Commands
Event3 --> Commands
Event2 --> Commands
Event1 --> Commands
Commands --> Get
Database -->Get
Get --> Function["Pure Function Bussiness Logic Handlers"]
Function --> Set
Set --> Database["MobX Store"]
Database --> React["React (any UI)"]
Function --> EntityStream["RxJS Stream"]
Developing & Publishing
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