A reporter for mocha that plays mp3 tunes on mocha events
##Known Issues
the lame encoder and/or speaker aren't very stable and have a tendency to crash
The automated tests for this reporter are in mocha-audio-reporter-test repo
$ git clone https://github.com/coyotebringsfire/mocha-audio-reporter-test.git
$ cd mocha-audio-reporter-test
mocha-audio-reporter-test $ npm install
mocha-audio-reporter-test$ npm test
var mocha = new Mocha({
ui: 'bdd',
reporter: "mocha-audio-reporter",
reporterOption: {
onStart: __dirname+"/audio/start.mp3",
onPass: __dirname+"/audio/pass.mp3",
onFail: __dirname+"/audio/fail.mp3",
onSuiteFailure: __dirname+"/audio/suite_failure.mp3",
onSuitePass: __dirname+"/audio/suite_pass.mp3"
I like to use this with mocha-multi reporter, using spec to print test results, something like this
$ npm install mocha-multi
$ npm install mocha-audio-reporter
var mocha = new Mocha({
ui: 'bdd',
reporter: "mocha-multi",
reporterOption: {
mocha-audio-reporter: {
stdout: '/dev/null',
options: {
onStart: __dirname+"/audio/start.mp3",
onPass: __dirname+"/audio/pass.mp3",
onFail: __dirname+"/audio/fail.mp3",
onSuiteFailure: __dirname+"/audio/suite_failure.mp3",
onSuitePass: __dirname+"/audio/suite_pass.mp3"
spec: {
stdout: "-"