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simple, flexible, fun test framework

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6.55 MB
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Package description

What is mocha?

Mocha is a feature-rich JavaScript test framework running on Node.js and in the browser, making asynchronous testing simple and fun. Mocha tests run serially, allowing for flexible and accurate reporting, while mapping uncaught exceptions to the correct test cases.

What are mocha's main functionalities?

Test Organization

Organize tests in suites and sub-suites using describe() and context(), and specify test cases using it().

"use strict";\nconst assert = require('assert');\ndescribe('Array', function() {\n  describe('#indexOf()', function() {\n    it('should return -1 when the value is not present', function() {\n      assert.equal([1, 2, 3].indexOf(4), -1);\n    });\n  });\n});

Asynchronous Testing

Support for testing asynchronous code with ease, using callbacks, promises, or async/await.

"use strict";\nconst assert = require('assert');\ndescribe('User', function() {\n  describe('#save()', function() {\n    it('should save without error', function(done) {\n      const user = new User('Luna');\n {\n        if (err) done(err);\n        else done();\n      });\n    });\n  });\n});


Lifecycle hooks such as before(), after(), beforeEach(), and afterEach() for setting up preconditions and clean-up after tests.

"use strict";\ndescribe('Connection', function() {\n  before(function() {\n    // runs once before the first test in this block\n  });\n\n  after(function() {\n    // runs once after the last test in this block\n  });\n\n  beforeEach(function() {\n    // runs before each test in this block\n  });\n\n  afterEach(function() {\n    // runs after each test in this block\n  });\n\n  // test cases\n});

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8.0.0 / 2020-06-10

In this major release, Mocha adds the ability to run tests in parallel. Better late than never! Please note the breaking changes detailed below.

Let's welcome @giltayar and @nicojs to the maintenance team!

:boom: Breaking Changes

  • #4164: Mocha v8.0.0 now requires Node.js v10.12.0 or newer. Mocha no longer supports the Node.js v8.x line ("Carbon"), which entered End-of-Life at the end of 2019 (@UlisesGascon)

  • #4175: Having been deprecated with a warning since v7.0.0, mocha.opts is no longer supported (@juergba)

    :sparkles: WORKAROUND: Replace mocha.opts with a configuration file.

  • #4260: Remove enableTimeout() (this.enableTimeout()) from the context object (@craigtaub)

    :sparkles: WORKAROUND: Replace usage of this.enableTimeout(false) in your tests with this.timeout(0).

  • #4315: The spec option no longer supports a comma-delimited list of files (@juergba)

    :sparkles: WORKAROUND: Use an array instead (e.g., "spec": "foo.js,bar.js" becomes "spec": ["foo.js", "bar.js"]).

  • #4309: Drop support for Node.js v13.x line, which is now End-of-Life (@juergba)

  • #4282: --forbid-only will throw an error even if exclusive tests are avoided via --grep or other means (@arvidOtt)

  • #4223: The context object's skip() (this.skip()) in a "before all" (before()) hook will no longer execute subsequent sibling hooks, in addition to hooks in child suites (@juergba)

  • #4178: Remove previously soft-deprecated APIs (@wnghdcjfe):

    • Mocha.prototype.ignoreLeaks()
    • Mocha.prototype.useColors()
    • Mocha.prototype.useInlineDiffs()
    • Mocha.prototype.hideDiff()

:tada: Enhancements

:book: Documentation

  • #4246: Add documentation for parallel mode and Root Hook plugins (@boneskull)

:nut_and_bolt: Other

:bug: Fixes

(All bug fixes in Mocha v8.0.0 are also breaking changes, and are listed above)



Mocha test framework

☕️ Simple, flexible, fun JavaScript test framework for Node.js & The Browser ☕️

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Mocha Browser Support h/t SauceLabs


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Does your company use Mocha? Ask your manager or marketing team if your company would be interested in supporting our project. Support will allow the maintainers to dedicate more time for maintenance and new features for everyone. Also, your company's logo will show on GitHub and on our site - who doesn't want a little extra exposure? Here's the info.

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You might want to know that:

  • Mocha is the most-depended-upon module on npm (source:, and
  • Mocha is an independent open-source project, maintained exclusively by volunteers.

You might want to help:

Finally, come chat with the maintainers on Gitter if you want to help with:

  • Triaging issues, answering questions
  • Review, merging, and closing pull requests
  • Other project-maintenance-y things


Copyright 2011-2020 OpenJS Foundation and contributors. Licensed MIT.

FOSSA Status



Last updated on 10 Jun 2020

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