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Bluebird aware mongoDB driver.
Install the module via npm:
npm install mongobird
This simple example connects to a mongoDB instance, gets a specific database and collections and uses this collection
to add data and assert that it worked:
var mongobird = require('mongobird'),
connectionString = 'mongodb://localhost';
connection = mongobird.connect(connectionString);
anyDb = connection.getDb('anyDb');
usersCollection = anyDb.getCollection('users');
function logAddedUser(user) {
console.log('Added user ' + user.username);
function countUser(username) {
return usersCollection.count({ username: username });
usersCollection.insert({ username: 'anyUser' })
.then(countUser.bind(null, 'anyUser')
.then(function (count) {
if (count !== 1) {
throw new Error('User was not added correctly or exists more than once');
.catch(function(error) {
console.log('Handle errors or rethrow them if you are not able to');
As mentioned above, it is important to understand, that the database and collection representations are not connecting
to any specific database or collection before they are really used (e.g. for inserting data). One consequence of this is
that errors accessing these databases or collection (e.g. for not existing databases) will be thrown later when the
collection or database are really used.
See the more detailed "explained example" below for a better understanding how everything works.
explained example
This is a more complex example. See the notes below it to understand how it works internally.
'use strict';
var mongobird = require('mongobird'),
connectionString = 'mongodb://localhost',
connection = mongobird.connect(connectionString),
anyDb = connection.getDb('anyDb'),
usersCollection = anyDb.getCollection('users'),
defaultUser = { username: 'anyUser' },
demoFinishedMessage = 'Demo finished succesfully. Have fun using mongobird';
function findDefaultUser() {
return usersCollection.findOne(defaultUser);
function assertDefaultUserDoesNotExist(user) {
if (user) {
throw new Error('Default user already exists');
function removeUser(user) {
console.log('Removing user:', user);
return usersCollection.remove({ username: user.username });
module.exports = function () {
return usersCollection.remove({})
.then(usersCollection.insert.bind(null, defaultUser))
.tap(function (addedUsers) {
if (addedUsers.length !== 1) {
throw new Error('Not the right amount of users were added');
} else if (addedUsers[0].username !== defaultUser.username) {
throw new Error('Added user was not the default user');
console.log('Added default user:', defaultUser.username);
.then(function (user) {
if (!user) {
throw new Error('Default user does not exist');
return user;
.then(function () {
throw new Error('Something bad happened');
.then(console.log.bind(null, 'This is not executed if there is an uncaught error'))
.catch(console.log.bind(null, 'Catching error'))
.then(console.log.bind(null, 'Error was handled in last catch step'))
.finally(function () {
Create a connection representation using the connect
method providing a valid connection string (as specified in
the mongoDB documentation about connection strings
connection = mongobird.connect(connectionString);
The connect
method is a synchronous function. The reason for this is that mongobird
connects to mongodb
instances lazily and caches the used database connections once they are established.
The returned connection
object has the important method getDb
which takes a database name and returns a database
representation. The method works synchronous and does not connect to the database instantly but saves only the required
data to connect to it later.
anyDb = connection.getDb('anyDb');
This returned database representation can be used to work on mongoDB collections. All
[collection methods provided by the native mongoDB driver]
(http://mongodb.github.io/node-mongodb-native/2.0/api/Collection.html) are available and return bluebird
Using one of these methods triggers a real connection to the specified mongo database.
usersCollection = anyDb.getCollection('users');
The most interesting part happens on this collection representation - some of the more common mongoDB methods are
called and all is done using promises
See the general bluebird documentation to learn more about promises
in general and how bluebird
promises help you writing better readable, understandable and good-looking (in the
opinionated view of the creators of this library) way
Read the more specific bluebird api documentation
to get used more specifically to the bluebird
methods. E.g. you can find documentation on the very useful methods
and Promise.try
that were used in the example above
One further very good read recommendation is the [documentation about promise anti-patterns]
- The
method provides a connection representation
connection = mongobird.connect(connectionString);
- This
connection representation
can be used to get a database representation
database = connection.getDb(databaseName);
- This
database representations
can be used to get collection representations
collection = database.getCollection(collectionName);
core concept and technology stack
This project is in a very early state and many planned features are missing for now.
Nevertheless there is some interesting additional information:
- The core concepts were discussed and can be found in this issue
- The technology stack was discussed and can be found in this issue