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Official client encryption module for the MongoDB Node.js driver

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MongoDB Client Encryption

The Node.js wrapper for libmongocrypt


You can install mongodb-client-encryption with the following:

npm install mongodb-client-encryption



Run the following command to build libmongocrypt and setup the node bindings for development:

bash ./etc/

Some tests require a standalone server to be running with authentication enabled. Set up a single server running with the following conditions:


This is the standard setup for a standalone server with no authentication.

Run the test suite using:

npm test




An internal class to be used by the driver for auto encryption NOTE: Not meant to be instantiated directly, this is for internal use only.


The public interface for explicit in-use encryption


An error indicating that something went wrong specifically with MongoDB Client Encryption


An error indicating that ClientEncryption.createEncryptedCollection() failed to create data keys


An error indicating that ClientEncryption.createEncryptedCollection() failed to create a collection


BSONValue : *

any serializable BSON value

Long : BSON.Long

A 64 bit integer, represented by the js-bson Long type.

KMSProviders : object

Configuration options that are used by specific KMS providers during key generation, encryption, and decryption.

DataKey : object

A data key as stored in the database.

KmsProvider : string

A string containing the name of a kms provider. Valid options are 'aws', 'azure', 'gcp', 'kmip', or 'local'

ClientSession : object

The ClientSession class from the MongoDB Node driver (see

DeleteResult : object

The result of a delete operation from the MongoDB Node driver (see

BulkWriteResult : object

The BulkWriteResult class from the MongoDB Node driver (

FindCursor : object

The FindCursor class from the MongoDB Node driver (see

ClientEncryptionDataKeyId : Binary

The id of an existing dataKey. Is a bson Binary value. Can be used for ClientEncryption.encrypt, and can be used to directly query for the data key itself against the key vault namespace.

ClientEncryptionCreateDataKeyCallback : function
AWSEncryptionKeyOptions : object

Configuration options for making an AWS encryption key

GCPEncryptionKeyOptions : object

Configuration options for making a GCP encryption key

AzureEncryptionKeyOptions : object

Configuration options for making an Azure encryption key

RewrapManyDataKeyResult : object
ClientEncryptionEncryptCallback : function
RangeOptions : object

min, max, sparsity, and range must match the values set in the encryptedFields of the destination collection. For double and decimal128, min/max/precision must all be set, or all be unset.

EncryptOptions : object

Options to provide when encrypting data.


An internal class to be used by the driver for auto encryption NOTE: Not meant to be instantiated directly, this is for internal use only.

new AutoEncrypter(client, [options])

clientMongoClientThe client autoEncryption is enabled on
[options]AutoEncryptionOptionsOptional settings

Create an AutoEncrypter

Note: Do not instantiate this class directly. Rather, supply the relevant options to a MongoClient

Note: Supplying options.schemaMap provides more security than relying on JSON Schemas obtained from the server. It protects against a malicious server advertising a false JSON Schema, which could trick the client into sending unencrypted data that should be encrypted. Schemas supplied in the schemaMap only apply to configuring automatic encryption for Client-Side Field Level Encryption. Other validation rules in the JSON schema will not be enforced by the driver and will result in an error.


// Enabling autoEncryption via a MongoClient
const { MongoClient } = require('mongodb');
const client = new MongoClient(URL, {
  autoEncryption: {
    kmsProviders: {
      aws: {
        accessKeyId: AWS_ACCESS_KEY,
        secretAccessKey: AWS_SECRET_KEY

await client.connect();
// From here on, the client will be encrypting / decrypting automatically


Return the current libmongocrypt's CSFLE shared library version as { version: bigint, versionStr: string }, or null if no CSFLE shared library was loaded.


Ask the user for KMS credentials.

This returns anything that looks like the kmsProviders original input option. It can be empty, and any provider specified here will override the original ones.


The level of severity of the log message

0Fatal Error



[keyVaultClient]MongoClientA MongoClient used to fetch keys from a key vault
[keyVaultNamespace]stringThe namespace where keys are stored in the key vault
[kmsProviders]KMSProvidersConfiguration options that are used by specific KMS providers during key generation, encryption, and decryption.
[schemaMap]objectA map of namespaces to a local JSON schema for encryption
[bypassAutoEncryption]booleanAllows the user to bypass auto encryption, maintaining implicit decryption
[options.logger]loggerAn optional hook to catch logging messages from the underlying encryption engine
[extraOptions]AutoEncryptionExtraOptionsExtra options related to the mongocryptd process

Configuration options for a automatic client encryption.



[mongocryptdURI]stringA local process the driver communicates with to determine how to encrypt values in a command. Defaults to "mongodb://%2Fvar%2Fmongocryptd.sock" if domain sockets are available or "mongodb://localhost:27020" otherwise
[mongocryptdBypassSpawn]booleanfalseIf true, autoEncryption will not attempt to spawn a mongocryptd before connecting
[mongocryptdSpawnPath]stringThe path to the mongocryptd executable on the system
[mongocryptdSpawnArgs]Array.<string>Command line arguments to use when auto-spawning a mongocryptd

Extra options related to the mongocryptd process


levellogLevelThe level of logging.
messagestringThe message to log

A callback that is invoked with logging information from the underlying C++ Bindings.


The public interface for explicit in-use encryption

new ClientEncryption(client, options)

clientMongoClientThe client used for encryption
optionsobjectAdditional settings
options.keyVaultNamespacestringThe namespace of the key vault, used to store encryption keys
options.tlsOptionsobjectAn object that maps KMS provider names to TLS options.
[options.keyVaultClient]MongoClientA MongoClient used to fetch keys from a key vault. Defaults to client
[options.kmsProviders]KMSProvidersoptions for specific KMS providers to use

Create a new encryption instance


new ClientEncryption(mongoClient, {
  keyVaultNamespace: 'client.encryption',
  kmsProviders: {
    local: {
      key: masterKey // The master key used for encryption/decryption. A 96-byte long Buffer


new ClientEncryption(mongoClient, {
  keyVaultNamespace: 'client.encryption',
  kmsProviders: {
    aws: {
      accessKeyId: AWS_ACCESS_KEY,
      secretAccessKey: AWS_SECRET_KEY

clientEncryption.createDataKey(provider, [options], [callback])

providerstringThe KMS provider used for this data key. Must be 'aws', 'azure', 'gcp', or 'local'
[options]objectOptions for creating the data key
[options.masterKey]AWSEncryptionKeyOptions | AzureEncryptionKeyOptions | GCPEncryptionKeyOptionsIdenfities a new KMS-specific key used to encrypt the new data key
[options.keyAltNames]Array.<string>An optional list of string alternate names used to reference a key. If a key is created with alternate names, then encryption may refer to the key by the unique alternate name instead of by _id.
[callback]ClientEncryptionCreateDataKeyCallbackOptional callback to invoke when key is created

Creates a data key used for explicit encryption and inserts it into the key vault namespace

Returns: Promise | void - If no callback is provided, returns a Promise that either resolves with the id of the created data key, or rejects with an error. If a callback is provided, returns nothing.

// Using callbacks to create a local key
clientEncryption.createDataKey('local', (err, dataKey) => {
  if (err) {
    // This means creating the key failed.
  } else {
    // key creation succeeded


// Using async/await to create a local key
const dataKeyId = await clientEncryption.createDataKey('local');


// Using async/await to create an aws key
const dataKeyId = await clientEncryption.createDataKey('aws', {
  masterKey: {
    region: 'us-east-1',
    key: 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxx' // CMK ARN here


// Using async/await to create an aws key with a keyAltName
const dataKeyId = await clientEncryption.createDataKey('aws', {
  masterKey: {
    region: 'us-east-1',
    key: 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxx' // CMK ARN here
  keyAltNames: [ 'mySpecialKey' ]

clientEncryption.rewrapManyDataKey(filter, [options])

filterobjectA valid MongoDB filter. Any documents matching this filter will be re-wrapped.
options.providerKmsProviderThe KMS provider to use when re-wrapping the data keys.
[options.masterKey]AWSEncryptionKeyOptions | AzureEncryptionKeyOptions | GCPEncryptionKeyOptions

Searches the keyvault for any data keys matching the provided filter. If there are matches, rewrapManyDataKey then attempts to re-wrap the data keys using the provided options.

If no matches are found, then no bulk write is performed.


// rewrapping all data data keys (using a filter that matches all documents)
const filter = {};

const result = await clientEncryption.rewrapManyDataKey(filter);
if (result.bulkWriteResult != null) {
 // keys were re-wrapped, results will be available in the bulkWrite object.


// attempting to rewrap all data keys with no matches
const filter = { _id: new Binary() } // assume _id matches no documents in the database
const result = await clientEncryption.rewrapManyDataKey(filter);

if (result.bulkWriteResult == null) {
 // no keys matched, `bulkWriteResult` does not exist on the result object


_idClientEncryptionDataKeyIdthe id of the document to delete.

Deletes the key with the provided id from the keyvault, if it exists.

Returns: Promise.<DeleteResult> - Returns a promise that either resolves to a DeleteResult or rejects with an error.

// delete a key by _id
const id = new Binary(); // id is a bson binary subtype 4 object
const { deletedCount } = await clientEncryption.deleteKey(id);

if (deletedCount != null && deletedCount > 0) {
  // successful deletion


Finds all the keys currently stored in the keyvault.

This method will not throw.

Returns: FindCursor - a FindCursor over all keys in the keyvault.

// fetching all keys
const keys = await clientEncryption.getKeys().toArray();


_idClientEncryptionDataKeyIdthe id of the document to delete.

Finds a key in the keyvault with the specified _id.

Returns: Promise.<DataKey> - Returns a promise that either resolves to a DataKey if a document matches the key or null if no documents match the id. The promise rejects with an error if an error is thrown.

// getting a key by id
const id = new Binary(); // id is a bson binary subtype 4 object
const key = await clientEncryption.getKey(id);
if (!key) {
 // key is null if there was no matching key


keyAltNamestringa keyAltName to search for a key

Finds a key in the keyvault which has the specified keyAltName.

Returns: Promise.<(DataKey|null)> - Returns a promise that either resolves to a DataKey if a document matches the key or null if no documents match the keyAltName. The promise rejects with an error if an error is thrown.

// get a key by alt name
const keyAltName = 'keyAltName';
const key = await clientEncryption.getKeyByAltName(keyAltName);
if (!key) {
 // key is null if there is no matching key

clientEncryption.addKeyAltName(_id, keyAltName)

_idClientEncryptionDataKeyIdThe id of the document to update.
keyAltNamestringa keyAltName to search for a key

Adds a keyAltName to a key identified by the provided _id.

This method resolves to/returns the old key value (prior to adding the new altKeyName).

Returns: Promise.<DataKey> - Returns a promise that either resolves to a DataKey if a document matches the key or null if no documents match the id. The promise rejects with an error if an error is thrown.

// adding an keyAltName to a data key
const id = new Binary();  // id is a bson binary subtype 4 object
const keyAltName = 'keyAltName';
const oldKey = await clientEncryption.addKeyAltName(id, keyAltName);
if (!oldKey) {
 // null is returned if there is no matching document with an id matching the supplied id

clientEncryption.removeKeyAltName(_id, keyAltName)

_idClientEncryptionDataKeyIdThe id of the document to update.
keyAltNamestringa keyAltName to search for a key

Adds a keyAltName to a key identified by the provided _id.

This method resolves to/returns the old key value (prior to removing the new altKeyName).

If the removed keyAltName is the last keyAltName for that key, the altKeyNames property is unset from the document.

Returns: Promise.<(DataKey|null)> - Returns a promise that either resolves to a DataKey if a document matches the key or null if no documents match the id. The promise rejects with an error if an error is thrown.

// removing a key alt name from a data key
const id = new Binary();  // id is a bson binary subtype 4 object
const keyAltName = 'keyAltName';
const oldKey = await clientEncryption.removeKeyAltName(id, keyAltName);

if (!oldKey) {
 // null is returned if there is no matching document with an id matching the supplied id

clientEncryption.createEncryptedCollection(db, name, options)


Experimental: Public Technical Preview

A convenience method for creating an encrypted collection. This method will create data keys for any encryptedFields that do not have a keyId defined and then create a new collection with the full set of encryptedFields.

dbDbA Node.js driver Db object with which to create the collection
namestringThe name of the collection to be created
optionsobjectOptions for createDataKey and for createCollection
options.providerstringKMS provider name
[options.masterKey]AWSEncryptionKeyOptions | AzureEncryptionKeyOptions | GCPEncryptionKeyOptionsmasterKey to pass to createDataKey
options.createCollectionOptionsCreateCollectionOptionsoptions to pass to createCollection, must include encryptedFields

Returns: Promise.<{collection: Collection.<TSchema>, encryptedFields: Document}> - - created collection and generated encryptedFields

clientEncryption.encrypt(value, options, [callback])

value*The value that you wish to serialize. Must be of a type that can be serialized into BSON
[callback]ClientEncryptionEncryptCallbackOptional callback to invoke when value is encrypted

Explicitly encrypt a provided value. Note that either options.keyId or options.keyAltName must be specified. Specifying both options.keyId and options.keyAltName is considered an error.

Returns: Promise | void - If no callback is provided, returns a Promise that either resolves with the encrypted value, or rejects with an error. If a callback is provided, returns nothing.

// Encryption with callback API
function encryptMyData(value, callback) {
  clientEncryption.createDataKey('local', (err, keyId) => {
    if (err) {
      return callback(err);
    clientEncryption.encrypt(value, { keyId, algorithm: 'AEAD_AES_256_CBC_HMAC_SHA_512-Deterministic' }, callback);


// Encryption with async/await api
async function encryptMyData(value) {
  const keyId = await clientEncryption.createDataKey('local');
  return clientEncryption.encrypt(value, { keyId, algorithm: 'AEAD_AES_256_CBC_HMAC_SHA_512-Deterministic' });


// Encryption using a keyAltName
async function encryptMyData(value) {
  await clientEncryption.createDataKey('local', { keyAltNames: 'mySpecialKey' });
  return clientEncryption.encrypt(value, { keyAltName: 'mySpecialKey', algorithm: 'AEAD_AES_256_CBC_HMAC_SHA_512-Deterministic' });

clientEncryption.encryptExpression(expression, options)

Experimental: The Range algorithm is experimental only. It is not intended for production use. It is subject to breaking changes.

expressionobjecta BSON document of one of the following forms: 1. A Match Expression of this form: {$and: [{<field>: {$gt: <value1>}}, {<field>: {$lt: <value2> }}]} 2. An Aggregate Expression of this form: {$and: [{$gt: [<fieldpath>, <value1>]}, {$lt: [<fieldpath>, <value2>]}]} $gt may also be $gte. $lt may also be $lte.

Encrypts a Match Expression or Aggregate Expression to query a range index.

Only supported when queryType is "rangePreview" and algorithm is "RangePreview".

Returns: Promise.<object> - Returns a Promise that either resolves with the encrypted value or rejects with an error.

clientEncryption.decrypt(value, callback)

valueBuffer | BinaryAn encrypted value
callbackdecryptCallbackOptional callback to invoke when value is decrypted

Explicitly decrypt a provided encrypted value

Returns: Promise | void - If no callback is provided, returns a Promise that either resolves with the decrypted value, or rejects with an error. If a callback is provided, returns nothing.

// Decrypting value with callback API
function decryptMyValue(value, callback) {
  clientEncryption.decrypt(value, callback);


// Decrypting value with async/await API
async function decryptMyValue(value) {
  return clientEncryption.decrypt(value);


Ask the user for KMS credentials.

This returns anything that looks like the kmsProviders original input option. It can be empty, and any provider specified here will override the original ones.


[err]ErrorIf present, indicates an error that occurred in the process of decryption
[result]objectIf present, is the decrypted result


An error indicating that something went wrong specifically with MongoDB Client Encryption


Experimental: Public Technical Preview
An error indicating that ClientEncryption.createEncryptedCollection() failed to create data keys


Experimental: Public Technical Preview
An error indicating that ClientEncryption.createEncryptedCollection() failed to create a collection


any serializable BSON value


A 64 bit integer, represented by the js-bson Long type.



[aws]objectConfiguration options for using 'aws' as your KMS provider
[aws.accessKeyId]stringThe access key used for the AWS KMS provider
[aws.secretAccessKey]stringThe secret access key used for the AWS KMS provider
[local]objectConfiguration options for using 'local' as your KMS provider
[local.key]BufferThe master key used to encrypt/decrypt data keys. A 96-byte long Buffer.
[azure]objectConfiguration options for using 'azure' as your KMS provider
[azure.tenantId]stringThe tenant ID identifies the organization for the account
[azure.clientId]stringThe client ID to authenticate a registered application
[azure.clientSecret]stringThe client secret to authenticate a registered application
[azure.identityPlatformEndpoint]stringIf present, a host with optional port. E.g. "" or "". This is optional, and only needed if customer is using a non-commercial Azure instance (e.g. a government or China account, which use different URLs). Defaults to ""
[gcp]objectConfiguration options for using 'gcp' as your KMS provider
[]stringThe service account email to authenticate
[gcp.privateKey]string | BinaryA PKCS#8 encrypted key. This can either be a base64 string or a binary representation
[gcp.endpoint]stringIf present, a host with optional port. E.g. "" or "". Defaults to ""

Configuration options that are used by specific KMS providers during key generation, encryption, and decryption.



_idUUIDA unique identifier for the key.
versionnumberA numeric identifier for the schema version of this document. Implicitly 0 if unset.
[keyAltNames]Array.<string>Alternate names to search for keys by. Used for a per-document key scenario in support of GDPR scenarios.
keyMaterialBinaryEncrypted data key material, BinData type General.
creationDateDateThe datetime the wrapped data key material was imported into the Key Database.
updateDateDateThe datetime the wrapped data key material was last modified. On initial import, this value will be set to creationDate.
statusnumber0 = enabled, 1 = disabled
masterKeyobjectthe encrypted master key

A data key as stored in the database.


A string containing the name of a kms provider. Valid options are 'aws', 'azure', 'gcp', 'kmip', or 'local'


The ClientSession class from the MongoDB Node driver (see



acknowledgedbooleanIndicates whether this write result was acknowledged. If not, then all other members of this result will be undefined.
deletedCountnumberThe number of documents that were deleted

The result of a delete operation from the MongoDB Node driver (see


The BulkWriteResult class from the MongoDB Node driver (


The FindCursor class from the MongoDB Node driver (see


The id of an existing dataKey. Is a bson Binary value. Can be used for ClientEncryption.encrypt, and can be used to directly query for the data key itself against the key vault namespace.


[error]ErrorIf present, indicates an error that occurred in the creation of the data key
[dataKeyId]ClientEncryption~dataKeyIdIf present, returns the id of the created data key



regionstringThe AWS region of the KMS
keystringThe Amazon Resource Name (ARN) to the AWS customer master key (CMK)
[endpoint]stringAn alternate host to send KMS requests to. May include port number

Configuration options for making an AWS encryption key



projectIdstringGCP project id
locationstringLocation name (e.g. "global")
keyRingstringKey ring name
keyNamestringKey name
[keyVersion]stringKey version
[endpoint]stringKMS URL, defaults to

Configuration options for making a GCP encryption key



keyNamestringKey name
keyVaultEndpointstringKey vault URL, typically <name>
[keyVersion]stringKey version

Configuration options for making an Azure encryption key



[bulkWriteResult]BulkWriteResultAn optional BulkWriteResult, if any keys were matched and attempted to be re-wrapped.


[err]ErrorIf present, indicates an error that occurred in the process of encryption
[result]BufferIf present, is the encrypted result



minBSONValueis required if precision is set.
maxBSONValueis required if precision is set.
precisionnumber | undefined(may only be set for double or decimal128).

min, max, sparsity, and range must match the values set in the encryptedFields of the destination collection. For double and decimal128, min/max/precision must all be set, or all be unset.



[keyId]ClientEncryptionDataKeyIdThe id of the Binary dataKey to use for encryption.
[keyAltName]stringA unique string name corresponding to an already existing dataKey.
[algorithm]stringThe algorithm to use for encryption. Must be either 'AEAD_AES_256_CBC_HMAC_SHA_512-Deterministic', 'AEAD_AES_256_CBC_HMAC_SHA_512-Random', 'Indexed' or 'Unindexed'
[contentionFactor]bigint | number(experimental) - the contention factor.
queryType'equality' | 'rangePreview'(experimental) - the query type supported.
[rangeOptions]RangeOptions(experimental) The index options for a Queryable Encryption field supporting "rangePreview" queries.

Options to provide when encrypting data.


Package last updated on 06 Feb 2023

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