Monologue - Streamlined query building
npm install monologue
This was ported from a PHP library, and uses named parameters for binding (PDO library). Some mysql packages in node support this, see their documentation for examples. This package will continue to evolve and support other methods in the future.
var monologue = require('monologue');
// Less than basic SELECT statement
// call the SQL wrappers in any order, see below: where, group, where, order
var mono = monologue().select( "*", "users")
.where( { "id": [1,2,3,4,5,6] } ) // alternative to where("id").in([...])
.where( 'date_time' ).between( '2012-09-12', '2013-01-20')
.group( 'type' )
.where( "name", "OR" ).like("ro%en") // out of order, also passing "OR" as separator
.order( "id" )
.limit( '300', 1000 )
console.log( mono.sql )
// output: SELECT * FROM users WHERE id IN (:i_1,:i_2,:i_3,:i_4,:i_5,:i_6) AND username = :mono_someguy AND email = :mono_someguyexampleorg OR email = :mono_someguygmailcom AND date BETWEEN :b_20120912 AND :b_20130121 AND name LIKE :l_roen OR name LIKE :l_bb GROUP BY type ASC ORDER BY id ASC LIMIT 1000, 300
console.log( mono.params );
/* output:
b_20120912: "2012-09-12",
b_20130121: "2013-01-20",
i_1: 1,
i_2: 2,
i_3: 3,
i_4: 4,
i_5: 5,
i_6: 6,
l_roen: "ro%en"
// JOIN (default is left):
// SELECT * FROM users u LEFT JOIN posts p ON p.user_id = WHERE category = :mono_67
monologue().select( "*", "users u" )
.join( "posts p", "p.user_id =" )
.where( { "category": "67" } )
// JOIN (INNER, as argument):
// SELECT * FROM users u INNER JOIN posts p ON p.user_id = WHERE category = :mono_67
monologue().select( "*", "users u" )
.join( "INNER", "posts p", { "p.user_id": "" } )
.where( { "category": "67" } )
// SELECT into outfile: the third param (OPTIONALLY ENCLOSED BY) is, as stated, optional. Just pass in the line ending and leave the 4th param out, the rest will be taken care of
// output: SELECT * FROM users WHERE company = :mono_generalmotors INTO OUTFILE '/tmp/datafile' FIELDS TERMINATED BY ',' OPTIONALLY ENCLOSED BY '"' LINES TERMINATED BY '\n'
monologue().select( "*", "users" )
.where( { "company": "general motors" } )
.file( "/tmp/datafile", ",", '"', "\\n" )
// SELECT into outfile: without third param
// output: SELECT * FROM users WHERE company = :mono_generalmotors INTO OUTFILE '/tmp/datafile' FIELDS TERMINATED BY ',' LINES TERMINATED BY '\n'
monologue().select( "*", "users")
.where( { "company": "general motors" } )
.file( "/tmp/datafile", ",", "\\n" )
// INSERT, passing an array of objects
// output: INSERT INTO users (username,password,first_name) VALUES (:mono_test,:mono_1234,:mono_me),(:mono_example,:mono_abcd,:mono_rasta)
monologue().insert( 'users', [
{ username: 'test', password: '1234', first_name: 'me' },
{ username: 'example', password: 'abcd', first_name: "rasta" }
] ).query().sql
// INSERT, passing a single object
// output: INSERT INTO users (username,password,first_name) VALUES (:mono_me,:mono_abcd,:mono_cubert)
monologue().insert( 'users', { username: 'me', password: 'abcd', first_name: "cubert" } ).query().sql
// output: UPDATE users SET username = :mono_yoyo, email = :mono_kay, password = :mono_abcdefg WHERE id = :mono_23
monologue().update( "users", {username: "yoyo", email: '', password: "abcdefg"} ).where( {id: 23} ).query().sql
// output: DELETE FROM users WHERE username = :mono_test AND password = :mono_1234 AND first_name = :mono_me
monologue().delete( 'users', { username: 'test', password: '1234', first_name: "me" } ).query().sql;