Monologue - Streamlined query building
Security Notice & Breaking Changes
In previous versions, monologue did not automatically escape column names (or table names), only values. So unless you were using monologue().backquote()
, your queries may be at risk. Column names and table names are now automatically backquoted, so check your query output to make sure it doesn't break anything. This can be disabled by passing an option like this: monologue({backquote: false})
Bound parameter-style queries have been removed since in 0.5.0. Documentation has been removed for quite a while, so this should affect very few, if any, users.
In previous versions, when doing multiple inserts(array of objects) the object keys were sorted alphabetically. Instead of doing this automatically, it is now optional and defaults to not sorting. This will make the output of the query more predictable based on input. If you would like to enable sorting, you can pass monologue({sort_keys: true})
as an option. It is not necessary to sort keys, monologue puts your insert statements in the correct order (based on the order of the first object in the collection), but the option is there for unit testing compatibility and for analyzing output in testing.
New features
New methods were added for doing different types of comparison. File a github issue if you have some feedback, maybe they're stupid/useless, you be the judge:
// new methods: .gt(), .lt(), .gte(), .lte(), and .not()
// SELECT `username`, `password` FROM `users` WHERE id NOT IN (1,2,3,4)
.select(['username', 'password'], 'users')
// SELECT * FROM `campsites` WHERE `reserved` != true AND `fishing` != \'slow\'
.select('*', 'campsites')
.not({'reserved': true, fishing: 'slow'})
// SELECT * FROM `media` WHERE `type` IS NOT NULL AND `file_size` > 0 AND `seconds` > 24325
.select('*', 'media')
.not({'type': null})
.gt({file_size: 0, seconds: 24325})
// SELECT `username`, `password` FROM `users` WHERE `username` != \'joe\' AND `username` != \'bob\'
.select(['username', 'password'], 'users')
.not([{username: 'joe'},{username: 'bob'}])
// SELECT * FROM `users` WHERE last_login NOT BETWEEN \'2015-10-01 00:00:00\' AND \'2015-11-30 23:59:59\'
.select('*', 'users')
.between('2015-10-01 00:00:00', '2015-11-30 23:59:59')
// SELECT `title`, `post` FROM `posts` WHERE status < 8
.select(['title', 'post'], 'posts')
// SELECT * FROM `posts` WHERE `favorited` <= 815
.select('*', 'posts')
// SELECT `post_id`, `comments` FROM `comments` WHERE `post_id` = 23565 AND date_time > \'2015-12-01 00:00:00\'
.select(['post_id', 'comments'], 'comments')
.where({post_id: 23565})
.where('date_time').gt('2015-12-01 00:00:00')
// SELECT sum(id) as count FROM comments HAVING count >= 42
mono({backquote: false})
.select(['sum(id) as count'], 'comments')
This area needs a ton of work. You can get some great examples in the section by the same name. For now, here's a quick rundown of monologue().backquote()
// result: [ '`email`', '`password`', '`type`' ]
monologue().backquote(['email', 'password', 'type']);
// result: { '`pizza`': "hawaiin bbq chicken", '`drink`': "chocolate milk", '`dessert`': "german chocolate cake" }
pizza: "hawaiin bbq chicken",
drink: "chocolate milk",
dessert: "german chocolate cake"
// result: '`cupcake`'
These are a little out of date due to recent changes but are pretty close to correct
var monologue = require('monologue');
// grouping of where statements, pay attention to how the objects are grouped and what the output becomes
// output: SELECT * FROM food WHERE type = 'junk' AND (chocolate = true AND flavor = 'sweet' OR caramel = true) OR (flavor = 'salty' AND peanuts = true)
.select('*', 'food')
.where({type: 'junk'})
{flavor: 'sweet', chocolate: true},
{caramel: true}
.or([ {flavor: 'salty', peanuts: true} ])
// Less than basic SELECT statement
// call the SQL wrappers in any order, see below: where, group, where, order
var mono = monologue()
.select( "*", "users")
.where( { "id": [1,2,3,4,5,6] } ) // alternative to where("id").in([...])
.and( 'date_time' ).between( '2012-09-12', '2013-01-20')
.group( ['type', 'hamster' ] )
.or( "name" ).like("ro%en") // out of order, also passing "OR" as separator
.order( "id" )
.limit( '300', 1000 )
console.log( mono.sql );
// output: SELECT * FROM users WHERE id IN (1,2,3,4,5,6) AND date_time BETWEEN '2012-09-12' AND '2013-01-20' OR name LIKE 'ro%en' GROUP BY type, hamster ASC ORDER BY id ASC LIMIT 1000, 300
// JOIN (default is inner):
// SELECT * FROM users u INNER JOIN posts p ON p.user_id = WHERE category = '67'
.select( "*", "users u" )
.join( "posts p", "p.user_id =" )
.where( { "category": "67" } )
// JOIN (LEFT, as argument):
// SELECT * FROM users u LEFT JOIN posts p ON p.user_id = WHERE category = '67'
.select( "*", "users u" )
.join( "LEFT", "posts p", { "p.user_id": "" } )
.where( { "category": "67" } )
// SELECT into outfile: the third param (OPTIONALLY ENCLOSED BY) is, as stated, optional. Just pass in the line ending and leave the 4th param out, the rest will be taken care of
// output: SELECT * FROM users WHERE company = 'general motors' INTO OUTFILE '/tmp/datafile' FIELDS TERMINATED BY ',' OPTIONALLY ENCLOSED BY '"' LINES TERMINATED BY '\n'
.select( "*", "users" )
.where( { "company": "general motors" } )
.file( "/tmp/datafile", ",", '"', "\\n" )
// SELECT into outfile: without third param
// output: SELECT * FROM users WHERE company = 'general motors' INTO OUTFILE '/tmp/datafile' FIELDS TERMINATED BY ',' LINES TERMINATED BY '\n'
.select( "*", "users")
.where( { "company": "general motors" } )
.file( "/tmp/datafile", ",", "\\n" )
// INSERT, passing an array of objects
// output: INSERT INTO users (first_name, password, username) VALUES ('me','1234','test'),('pasta','abcd','example')
.insert( 'users', [
{ username: 'test', password: '1234', first_name: 'me' },
{ username: 'example', password: 'abcd', first_name: "pasta" }
] )
// INSERT, passing a single object
// output: INSERT INTO users (first_name, password, username) VALUES ('cubert','abcd','me')
.insert( 'users', {
username: 'me', password: 'abcd', first_name: "cubert"
} )
// output: UPDATE users SET email = '', password = 'abcdefg', username = 'yoyo' WHERE id = 23
.update( "users", {username: "yoyo", email: '', password: "abcdefg"} )
.where( {id: 23} )
// output: DELETE FROM users WHERE first_name = 'me' AND password = '1234' AND username = 'test'
.delete( 'users', { username: 'test', password: '1234', first_name: "me" } )
// Wrappers can be out of order BEFORE the UNION statement,
// wrappers after will be applied to the secondary statment
// output: SELECT username, email FROM users WHERE company_id = '1234' UNION SELECT screename, email_address FROM app_users WHERE company = 'coName'
.select('username, email', 'users')
.where({"company_id": "1234"})
.union('screename, email_address', 'app_users')