What is mout?
The 'mout' npm package is a comprehensive utility library that provides a wide range of functions for various tasks such as array manipulation, object handling, string operations, and more. It is designed to be modular, allowing developers to include only the specific utilities they need.
What are mout's main functionalities?
Array Utilities
Mout provides various array manipulation functions such as shuffle, flatten, and unique. In this example, the 'shuffle' function is used to randomly shuffle the elements of an array.
const mout = require('mout');
const arr = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5];
const shuffled = mout.array.shuffle(arr);
Object Utilities
Mout offers a range of object utilities like deep cloning, merging, and key extraction. This example demonstrates the 'keys' function, which retrieves all the keys of an object.
const mout = require('mout');
const obj = { a: 1, b: 2, c: 3 };
const keys = mout.object.keys(obj);
String Utilities
String manipulation functions such as capitalize, trim, and escape are available in Mout. The example shows the 'capitalize' function, which capitalizes the first letter of a string.
const mout = require('mout');
const str = 'hello world';
const capitalized = mout.string.capitalize(str);
Function Utilities
Mout includes function utilities like debounce, throttle, and memoize. This example uses the 'debounce' function to limit the rate at which a function can be executed.
const mout = require('mout');
const debounce = mout.function.debounce;
const log = () => console.log('Debounced!');
const debouncedLog = debounce(log, 1000);
Number Utilities
Number utilities such as round, clamp, and random are part of Mout. The example demonstrates the 'round' function, which rounds a number to a specified number of decimal places.
const mout = require('mout');
const num = 123.456;
const rounded = mout.number.round(num, 2);
Other packages similar to mout
Lodash is a modern JavaScript utility library delivering modularity, performance, and extras. It provides a wide range of utility functions for arrays, objects, strings, and more, similar to Mout. Lodash is known for its performance optimizations and extensive documentation.
Underscore is a JavaScript library that provides a whole mess of useful functional programming helpers without extending any built-in objects. It offers similar functionalities to Mout, such as array and object manipulation, but is generally considered less performant than Lodash.
Ramda is a practical functional library for JavaScript programmers. It focuses on immutability and pure functions, providing utilities for functional programming. While it offers similar utilities to Mout, Ramda emphasizes a functional approach and currying.
![Modular JavaScript Utilties mout](http://moutjs.com/logo.png)
![Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/mout/mout.png?branch=master)
All code is library agnostic and consist mostly of helper methods that aren't
directly related with the DOM, the purpose of this library isn't to replace
Dojo, jQuery, YUI, Mootools, etc, but to provide modular solutions for common
problems that aren't solved by most of them. Consider it as a crossbrowser
JavaScript standard library.
Main goals
- increase code reuse;
- be clear (code should be clean/readable);
- be easy to debug;
- be easy to maintain;
- follow best practices;
- follow standards when possible;
- don't convert JavaScript into another language!
- be compatible with other frameworks;
- be modular;
- have unit tests for all modules;
- work on multiple environments (IE7+, modern browsers, node.js);
What shouldn't be here
- UI components;
- CSS selector engine;
- Event system - pub/sub;
- Template engine;
- Anything that isn't generic enough to be on a standard library;
- Anything that could be a separate library and/or isn't a modular utility...
API Documentation
Online documentation can be found at http://moutjs.com/ or inside the
FAQ / Wiki / IRC
For more info about project structure, design decisions, tips, how to
contribute, build system, etc, please check the project
We also have an IRC channel #moutjs on
Released under the MIT License.