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multi-convention-namer - npm Package Compare versions

Comparing version 0.1.10 to 0.1.11


@@ -1,183 +0,335 @@

# API Reference
# API Reference <a name="API Reference"></a>
[Namer](#multi-convention-namer-namer)|*No description*
## Structs <a name="Structs"></a>
### NamerProps <a name="multi-convention-namer.NamerProps"></a>
#### Initializer <a name="[object Object].Initializer"></a>
[NamerProps](#multi-convention-namer-namerprops)|*No description*
import { NamerProps } from 'multi-convention-namer'
const namerProps: NamerProps = { ... }
##### `defaultFormat`<sup>Optional</sup> <a name=""></a>
[Format](#multi-convention-namer-format)|Too many naming conventions?
public readonly defaultFormat: Format;
- *Type:* [`multi-convention-namer.Format`](#multi-convention-namer.Format)
- *Default:* raise an error if no default specified and toString invoked
When using toString(), which format should be provided?
## class Namer <a id="multi-convention-namer-namer"></a>
##### `deleteCharacters`<sup>Optional</sup> <a name=""></a>
public readonly deleteCharacters: string;
- *Type:* `string`
- *Default:* '-_'
### Initializer
Characters to strip from name parts.
Create a namer.
##### `illegalCharacters`<sup>Optional</sup> <a name=""></a>
new Namer(parts: Array<string>, props?: NamerProps)
public readonly illegalCharacters: string;
* **parts** (<code>Array<string></code>) an array of strings to be composed into a name.
* **props** (<code>[NamerProps](#multi-convention-namer-namerprops)</code>) modify the behavior of namer.
* **defaultFormat** (<code>[Format](#multi-convention-namer-format)</code>) When using toString(), which format should be provided? __*Default*__: raise an error if no default specified and toString invoked
* **deleteCharacters** (<code>string</code>) Characters to strip from name parts. __*Default*__: '-_'
* **illegalCharacters** (<code>string</code>) Characters which will cause an error if included in a name part tested AFTER deleteCharacters. __*Default*__: '!
* **maxLength** (<code>number</code>) How long can the name be? __*Default*__: no limit
* **maxLengthTruncateHead** (<code>boolean</code>) If the name exceeds maxLength, should I snip the head or the tail? __*Default*__: false
* **maxPartLength** (<code>number</code>) How long can a part of the name be? __*Default*__: no limit
* **maxPartLengthTruncateHead** (<code>boolean</code>) If the part exceeds maxPartLength, should I snip the head or the tail? __*Default*__: false
* **uniqueSeed** (<code>any</code>) Include a uniquifying suffix? __*Default*__: do not include a uniquifier
- *Type:* `string`
- *Default:* '!
Characters which will cause an error if included in a name part tested AFTER deleteCharacters.
### Properties
##### `maxLength`<sup>Optional</sup> <a name=""></a>
public readonly maxLength: number;
Name | Type | Description
**camel** | <code>string</code> | camelCase.
**kebab** | <code>string</code> | kebab-case.
**parts** | <code>Array<string></code> | <span></span>
**partsWithUnique** | <code>Array<string></code> | <span></span>
**pascal** | <code>string</code> | PascalCase.
**snake** | <code>string</code> | snake_case.
**props**? | <code>[NamerProps](#multi-convention-namer-namerprops)</code> | __*Optional*__
- *Type:* `number`
- *Default:* no limit
### Methods
How long can the name be?
#### addPrefix(prefix, props?) <a id="multi-convention-namer-namer-addprefix"></a>
##### `maxLengthTruncateHead`<sup>Optional</sup> <a name=""></a>
Create a new Namer with the added prefix.
public readonly maxLengthTruncateHead: boolean;
addPrefix(prefix: Namer &#124; Array<string>, props?: NamerProps): Namer
- *Type:* `boolean`
- *Default:* false
If the name exceeds maxLength, should I snip the head or the tail?
##### `maxPartLength`<sup>Optional</sup> <a name=""></a>
public readonly maxPartLength: number;
* **prefix** (<code>[Namer](#multi-convention-namer-namer) &#124; Array<string></code>) the prefix to add.
* **props** (<code>[NamerProps](#multi-convention-namer-namerprops)</code>) properties to over-ride the parent props.
* **defaultFormat** (<code>[Format](#multi-convention-namer-format)</code>) When using toString(), which format should be provided? __*Default*__: raise an error if no default specified and toString invoked
* **deleteCharacters** (<code>string</code>) Characters to strip from name parts. __*Default*__: '-_'
* **illegalCharacters** (<code>string</code>) Characters which will cause an error if included in a name part tested AFTER deleteCharacters. __*Default*__: '!
* **maxLength** (<code>number</code>) How long can the name be? __*Default*__: no limit
* **maxLengthTruncateHead** (<code>boolean</code>) If the name exceeds maxLength, should I snip the head or the tail? __*Default*__: false
* **maxPartLength** (<code>number</code>) How long can a part of the name be? __*Default*__: no limit
* **maxPartLengthTruncateHead** (<code>boolean</code>) If the part exceeds maxPartLength, should I snip the head or the tail? __*Default*__: false
* **uniqueSeed** (<code>any</code>) Include a uniquifying suffix? __*Default*__: do not include a uniquifier
- *Type:* `number`
- *Default:* no limit
* <code>[Namer](#multi-convention-namer-namer)</code>
How long can a part of the name be?
#### addSuffix(suffix, props?) <a id="multi-convention-namer-namer-addsuffix"></a>
Create a new Namer with the added suffix.
##### `maxPartLengthTruncateHead`<sup>Optional</sup> <a name=""></a>
addSuffix(suffix: Namer &#124; Array<string>, props?: NamerProps): Namer
public readonly maxPartLengthTruncateHead: boolean;
* **suffix** (<code>[Namer](#multi-convention-namer-namer) &#124; Array<string></code>) the suffix to add.
* **props** (<code>[NamerProps](#multi-convention-namer-namerprops)</code>) properties to over-ride the parent props.
* **defaultFormat** (<code>[Format](#multi-convention-namer-format)</code>) When using toString(), which format should be provided? __*Default*__: raise an error if no default specified and toString invoked
* **deleteCharacters** (<code>string</code>) Characters to strip from name parts. __*Default*__: '-_'
* **illegalCharacters** (<code>string</code>) Characters which will cause an error if included in a name part tested AFTER deleteCharacters. __*Default*__: '!
* **maxLength** (<code>number</code>) How long can the name be? __*Default*__: no limit
* **maxLengthTruncateHead** (<code>boolean</code>) If the name exceeds maxLength, should I snip the head or the tail? __*Default*__: false
* **maxPartLength** (<code>number</code>) How long can a part of the name be? __*Default*__: no limit
* **maxPartLengthTruncateHead** (<code>boolean</code>) If the part exceeds maxPartLength, should I snip the head or the tail? __*Default*__: false
* **uniqueSeed** (<code>any</code>) Include a uniquifying suffix? __*Default*__: do not include a uniquifier
- *Type:* `boolean`
- *Default:* false
* <code>[Namer](#multi-convention-namer-namer)</code>
If the part exceeds maxPartLength, should I snip the head or the tail?
#### enforceMaxLength(raw) <a id="multi-convention-namer-namer-enforcemaxlength"></a>
##### `uniqueSeed`<sup>Optional</sup> <a name=""></a>
public readonly uniqueSeed: any;
enforceMaxLength(raw: string): string
- *Type:* `any`
- *Default:* do not include a uniquifier
Include a uniquifying suffix?
If so, this is the seed for that suffix.
## Classes <a name="Classes"></a>
### Namer <a name="multi-convention-namer.Namer"></a>
#### Initializers <a name="multi-convention-namer.Namer.Initializer"></a>
import { Namer } from 'multi-convention-namer'
new Namer(parts: string[], props?: NamerProps)
* **raw** (<code>string</code>) *No description*
##### `parts`<sup>Required</sup> <a name=""></a>
* <code>string</code>
- *Type:* `string`[]
#### toString() <a id="multi-convention-namer-namer-tostring"></a>
an array of strings to be composed into a name.
##### `props`<sup>Optional</sup> <a name="multi-convention-namer.Namer.parameter.props"></a>
toString(): string
- *Type:* [`multi-convention-namer.NamerProps`](#multi-convention-namer.NamerProps)
modify the behavior of namer.
#### Methods <a name="Methods"></a>
##### `addPrefix` <a name="multi-convention-namer.Namer.addPrefix"></a>
public addPrefix(prefix: Namer | string[], props?: NamerProps)
###### `prefix`<sup>Required</sup> <a name="multi-convention-namer.Namer.parameter.prefix"></a>
* <code>string</code>
- *Type:* [`multi-convention-namer.Namer`](#multi-convention-namer.Namer) | `string`[]
#### unique(uniqueItem) <a id="multi-convention-namer-namer-unique"></a>
the prefix to add.
Create a new Namer with a unique suffix.
unique(uniqueItem: any): Namer
###### `props`<sup>Optional</sup> <a name="multi-convention-namer.Namer.parameter.props"></a>
- *Type:* [`multi-convention-namer.NamerProps`](#multi-convention-namer.NamerProps)
properties to over-ride the parent props.
##### `addSuffix` <a name="multi-convention-namer.Namer.addSuffix"></a>
public addSuffix(suffix: Namer | string[], props?: NamerProps)
* **uniqueItem** (<code>any</code>) : any value to use as the seed for generating a unique hash.
###### `suffix`<sup>Required</sup> <a name="multi-convention-namer.Namer.parameter.suffix"></a>
* <code>[Namer](#multi-convention-namer-namer)</code>
- *Type:* [`multi-convention-namer.Namer`](#multi-convention-namer.Namer) | `string`[]
the suffix to add.
## struct NamerProps <a id="multi-convention-namer-namerprops"></a>
###### `props`<sup>Optional</sup> <a name="multi-convention-namer.Namer.parameter.props"></a>
- *Type:* [`multi-convention-namer.NamerProps`](#multi-convention-namer.NamerProps)
properties to over-ride the parent props.
##### `enforceMaxLength` <a name="multi-convention-namer.Namer.enforceMaxLength"></a>
public enforceMaxLength(raw: string)
Name | Type | Description
**defaultFormat**? | <code>[Format](#multi-convention-namer-format)</code> | When using toString(), which format should be provided?<br/>__*Default*__: raise an error if no default specified and toString invoked
**deleteCharacters**? | <code>string</code> | Characters to strip from name parts.<br/>__*Default*__: '-_'
**illegalCharacters**? | <code>string</code> | Characters which will cause an error if included in a name part tested AFTER deleteCharacters.<br/>__*Default*__: '!
**maxLength**? | <code>number</code> | How long can the name be?<br/>__*Default*__: no limit
**maxLengthTruncateHead**? | <code>boolean</code> | If the name exceeds maxLength, should I snip the head or the tail?<br/>__*Default*__: false
**maxPartLength**? | <code>number</code> | How long can a part of the name be?<br/>__*Default*__: no limit
**maxPartLengthTruncateHead**? | <code>boolean</code> | If the part exceeds maxPartLength, should I snip the head or the tail?<br/>__*Default*__: false
**uniqueSeed**? | <code>any</code> | Include a uniquifying suffix?<br/>__*Default*__: do not include a uniquifier
###### `raw`<sup>Required</sup> <a name="multi-convention-namer.Namer.parameter.raw"></a>
- *Type:* `string`
## enum Format <a id="multi-convention-namer-format"></a>
##### `toString` <a name="multi-convention-namer.Namer.toString"></a>
public toString()
##### `unique` <a name="multi-convention-namer.Namer.unique"></a>
public unique(uniqueItem: any)
###### `uniqueItem`<sup>Required</sup> <a name="multi-convention-namer.Namer.parameter.uniqueItem"></a>
- *Type:* `any`
: any value to use as the seed for generating a unique hash.
#### Properties <a name="Properties"></a>
##### `camel`<sup>Required</sup> <a name=""></a>
public readonly camel: string;
- *Type:* `string`
##### `kebab`<sup>Required</sup> <a name=""></a>
public readonly kebab: string;
- *Type:* `string`
##### `parts`<sup>Required</sup> <a name=""></a>
public readonly parts: string[];
- *Type:* `string`[]
##### `partsWithUnique`<sup>Required</sup> <a name=""></a>
public readonly partsWithUnique: string[];
- *Type:* `string`[]
##### `pascal`<sup>Required</sup> <a name=""></a>
public readonly pascal: string;
- *Type:* `string`
##### `snake`<sup>Required</sup> <a name=""></a>
public readonly snake: string;
- *Type:* `string`
##### `props`<sup>Optional</sup> <a name=""></a>
public readonly props: NamerProps;
- *Type:* [`multi-convention-namer.NamerProps`](#multi-convention-namer.NamerProps)
## Enums <a name="Enums"></a>
### Format <a name="Format"></a>
Too many naming conventions?
Name | Description
**KEBAB** |
**PASCAL** |
**SNAKE** |
**CAMEL** |
#### `KEBAB` <a name="multi-convention-namer.Format.KEBAB"></a>
#### `PASCAL` <a name="multi-convention-namer.Format.PASCAL"></a>
#### `SNAKE` <a name="multi-convention-namer.Format.SNAKE"></a>
#### `CAMEL` <a name="multi-convention-namer.Format.CAMEL"></a>

@@ -241,3 +241,3 @@ "use strict";

Namer[_a] = { fqn: "multi-convention-namer.Namer", version: "0.1.10" };
Namer[_a] = { fqn: "multi-convention-namer.Namer", version: "0.1.11" };

@@ -244,0 +244,0 @@ function escapeRegex(s) {

@@ -6,8 +6,6 @@ {

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"url": "github:myhelix/multi-convention-namer"
"url": ""
"scripts": {
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"unbump": "npx projen unbump",
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"start": "npx projen start"
"release": "npx projen release",
"projen": "npx projen"

@@ -38,27 +41,27 @@ "author": {

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@@ -68,3 +71,3 @@ "bundledDependencies": [],

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"version": "0.1.10",
"version": "0.1.11",
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@@ -113,3 +116,8 @@ "testMatch": [

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"module": "multi_convention_namer"
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@@ -116,0 +124,0 @@ "outDir": "lib",

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

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