Advanced tools
4.0.0 (2021-06-23)
dep: Update node requirements (92d95d5)
dep: Pin string-width and strip-ansi version to before they moved to es-modules
core: promise resetting was broken
core: bottom-anchored progress bars now has bottom border as well.
core: barColorFn renamed to barTransformFn
core: added nameTransformFn property
core: added removeTask
core: added extended border options
core: crawler improvements
core: properly handle vertically overflowed progresses
core: dump entire progress buffer on close() or all-complete if there was overflow
docs: Split readme up into docs, and add updated gifs.
docs: Add LICENSE
example: merged top and bottom examples, and added cli options for running them.
4.0.0-alpha.0 (2021-05-18)