A single interface that can work with multiple protocols,
and multilpe transforms of those protocols (eg, security layer)
developing a p2p system is hard. especially hard is upgrading protocol layers.
The contemporary approach is to update code via a backdoor,
but as easily as security can be added, it can be taken away. We need an approach
to upgrading that is itself decentralized, and also does not accumulate legacy baggage.
after upgrading past a version of the protocol, the system should be able to discard that
without a trace.
Traditionally, protocol versions are upgraded by negioating the version used in a handshake.
But how do you upgrade the handshake? you can't. This also tends to accumulate legacy, because
you never know if you'll meet an old peer.
Some http apis provide upgradability a better, simpler way.
by putting a version number within the url. A new version of
the api can then be used without touching the old one at all.
I propose to adapt this approach to lower level protocols.
Do not negioate versions/ciphersuits in the handshake.
instead, run multiple protocols at once, and "lookup" which
versions a peer supports currently. Most p2p systems have
some sort of lookup system to find peers anyway
(might be DHT, a tracker server, or gossip),
just put version information in there.
There are two main situations where I expect this to be useful,
upgrading ciphers, and bridging across enviroments that are
otherwise cannot talk to each other (web browser to desktop)
If a peer wants to upgrade from weak protocol
to a strong one, they simply start serving strong via another port,
and advertise that in the lookup system.
Now peers that have support for strong can connect via that protocol.
Once most peers have upgraded to strong, support for weak can be discontinued.
regular servers can do tcp. desktop clients can speak tcp,
but can't create tcp servers reliably. browsers can
use websockets and webrtc. webrtc gives you p2p, but
needs an introducer. another option is utp
- probably the most convienent, because it doesn't need an introducer
on every connection (but it does require some bootstrapping),
but that doesn't work in the browser either.
Also, other times, there are different types of peers that may prefer different protocols
for non security reasons. servers with stable IP addresses can use TCP, but your laptop
probably needs . Browser clients don't
have those options, but they can use webrtc and websockets.
var MultiServer = require('multiserver')
var ms = MultiServer([
require('multiserver/plugs/net')({port: 1234}),
require('multiserver/plugs/ws')({port: 2345})
var close = ms.server(function (stream) {
ms.client('ws://localhost:1234', function (err, stream) {
example - server with two security protocols
This is just how some services (eg, github) have an api version
in their URL scheme. It is now easy to use two different
versions in parallel. later, they can close down the old api.
var MultiServer = require('multiserver')
var ms = MultiServer([
require('multiserver/plugs/net')({port: 3333}),
require('multiserver/plugs/net')({port: 4444}),
ms.server(function (stream) {
ms.client('net:<host>:3333~shs:<key>', function (err, stream) {
ms.client('net:<host>:4444~shs2:<key>', function (err, stream) {