Very simple bot storage NodeJS server written in Typescript to use with MUTE. It may be invited into MUTE collaboration session, like any other collaborator, but it never modifies the document content or title. Its role is to store the document into MongoDB.
- Can participate in several MUTE sessions independently
- Has REST API to get bot name and the list of all documents in database
Usage: node server [options]
-h, --help output usage information
-n, --name <bot name> Specify a name for the bot, DEFAULT: "Repono"
-h, --host <ip or host name> Specify host address to bind to, DEFAULT: ""
-p, --port <n> Specify port to use for the server (REST API), DEFAULT: 8080
-b, --portBot <n> Specify port to use for the peer to peer bot, DEFAULT: 9000
-s, --signalingURL <url> Specify Signaling server url for the peer to peer bot, DEFAULT:
-t, --https If present, the REST API server is listening on HTTPS instead of HTTP
-l, --logLevel <none|trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal> Specify level for logging. DEFAULT: "info".
-f, --logFile If specified, writes logs into file