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mysql-await - npm Package Compare versions

Comparing version 1.0.1 to 2.0.0



@@ -7,12 +7,64 @@ const fs = require(`fs`);

/** Create connection pool using loaded config */
const db = mysql(JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(`mysql-config.json`)));
const pool = mysql.createPool(JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(`mysql-config.json`)));
/** Perform query (opens a connection, runs query, releases connection) */
const result = await db.query(`SELECT * FROM transactions WHERE ticker = ?`, [`DE`]);
pool.on(`acquire`, (connection) => {
console.log(`Connection %d acquired`, connection.threadId);
pool.on(`connection`, (connection) => {
console.log(`Connection %d connected`, connection.threadId);
pool.on(`enqueue`, () => {
console.log(`Waiting for available connection slot`);
pool.on(`release`, function (connection) {
console.log(`Connection %d released`, connection.threadId);
const connection = await pool.awaitGetConnection();
connection.on(`error`, (err) => {
console.error(`Connection error ${err.code}`);
/** Perform query on connection */
let result = await connection.awaitQuery(`SELECT * FROM transactions WHERE ticker = ?`, [`DE`]);
/** Log output */
/** Release connection */
/** Perform query on pool (opens a connection, runs query, releases connection) */
result = await pool.awaitQuery(`SELECT * FROM transactions WHERE ticker = ?`, [`KSS`]);
/** Log output */
/** Get a new connection from the pool */
const connection2 = await pool.awaitGetConnection();
/** Begin a new transaction */
await connection2.awaitBeginTransaction();
/** Perform query for max id number in users table */
result = await connection2.awaitQuery(`SELECT MAX(id) maxId FROM users`);
/** Add one to max id to get new id number */
const newId = result[0].maxId + 1;
/** Insert new test user with new id number */
await connection2.awaitQuery(`INSERT INTO users (id, hash, username, name, accounts) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?)`, [newId, ``, `testuser`, `Test User`, ``]);
/** Commit transaction */
await connection2.awaitCommit();
/** Release connection */
/** Close connection pool */
await pool.awaitEnd();

@@ -5,52 +5,482 @@ /** Require external modules */

* @class ezobjects.MySQLConnection
* @author Rich Lowe
* @copyright 2018 Rich Lowe
* @description Class for establishing and querying MySQL connections.
* @class mysqlAwait.ConnectionAwait
* @description Async/await version of MySQL Connection object
class MySQLConnection {
class ConnectionAwait {
* @signature new MySQLConnection([data])
* @param config Object
* @returns MySQLConnection
* @description Returns a new [MySQLConnection] instance and initializes using `config`, if provided, otherwise
* it initializes to defaults and will require a config to be set later.
* @signature new Connection()
* @returns Connection
* @description Creates a new MySQL connection.
constructor(config) {
this.pool = mysql.createPool(config);
constructor() {
this.connection = mysql.createConnection(...arguments);
this.config = this.connection.config;
this.inTransaction = false;
* @signature awaitBeginTransaction()
* @returns Promise
* @description Begin a new transaction.
awaitBeginTransaction() {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
try {
this.connection.beginTransaction((err) => {
if ( err )
throw err;
this.inTransaction = true;
} catch ( err ) {
* @signature awaitChangeUser(params)
* @param params Object First argument of MySQL's Connection.changeUser()
* @returns Promise
* @description Change the current user without shutting down socket.
awaitChangeUser(params) {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
try {
this.connection.changeUser(params, (err) => {
if ( err )
throw err;
} catch ( err ) {
* @signature awaitCommit()
* @returns Promise
* @description Commit a transaction.
awaitCommit() {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
try {
this.connection.commit((err) => {
if ( err ) {
if ( this.inTransaction ) {
this.connection.rollback(() => {
this.inTransaction = false;
throw err;
} else {
this.inTransaction = false;
throw err;
} else {
this.inTransaction = false;
} catch ( err ) {
* @signature awaitConnect()
* @returns Promise
* @description Establishes a connection to the database.
awaitConnect() {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
try {
this.connection.connect((err) => {
if ( err )
throw err;
} catch ( err ) {
* @signature awaitDestroy()
* @returns Promise
* @description Destroys the connection.
awaitDestroy() {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
try {
this.connection.destroy((err) => {
if ( err )
throw err;
} catch ( err ) {
* @signature awaitEnd()
* @returns Promise
* @description Terminates the connection.
awaitEnd() {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
try {
this.connection.end((err) => {
if ( err )
throw err;
} catch ( err ) {
* @signature awaitQuery(query[, params])
* @param query string First argument of MySQL's Connection.query()
* @param params Array (optional) Second argument of MySQL's Connection.query() if not used for callback
* @returns Promise
* @description Queries the MySQL database, returning a [Promise] that resolves when finished or rejects on error.
awaitQuery(query, params) {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
try {
if ( typeof params === `undefined` ) {
this.connection.query(query, (err, result) => {
if ( err ) {
if ( this.inTransaction ) {
this.connection.rollback(() => {
this.inTransaction = false;
throw err;
} else {
throw err;
} else {
} else {
this.connection.query(query, params, (err, result) => {
if ( err ) {
if ( this.inTransaction ) {
this.connection.rollback(() => {
this.inTransaction = false;
throw err;
} else {
throw err;
} else {
} catch ( err ) {
* @signature awaitRollback()
* @returns Promise
* @description Rolls back a transaction.
awaitRollback() {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
try {
this.connection.rollback(() => {
} catch ( err ) {
* @signature beginTransaction()
* @description Pass along functionality of the beginTransaction method.
beginTransaction() {
return this.connection.beginTransaction(...arguments);
* @signature changeUser()
* @description Pass along functionality of the changeUser method.
changeUser() {
return this.connection.changeUser(...arguments);
* @signature commit()
* @description Pass along functionality of the commit method.
commit() {
return this.connection.commit(...arguments);
* @signature connect()
* @description Pass along functionality of the connect method.
connect() {
return this.connection.connect(...arguments);
* @signature destroy()
* @description Pass along functionality of the destroy method.
destroy() {
return this.connection.destroy(...arguments);
* @signature end()
* @description Pass along functionality of the end method.
end() {
return this.connection.end(...arguments);
* @signature escape(data)
* @description Pass along functionality of escape.
escape() {
return this.connection.escape(data);
* @signature escapeId(data)
* @description Pass along functionality of escapeId.
escapeId() {
return this.connection.escapeId(data);
* @signature on()
* @description Pass along functionality of event listeners.
on() {
return this.connection.on(...arguments);
* @signature query()
* @description Pass along functionality of the query method.
query() {
return this.connection.query(...arguments);
* @signature rollback()
* @description Pass along functionality of the rollback method.
rollback() {
return this.connection.rollback(...arguments);
* @class mysqlAwait.PoolAwait
* @description Async/await version of MySQL Pool object
class PoolAwait {
* @signature new Pool()
* @returns Pool
* @description Creates a new MySQL connection pool.
constructor() {
this.pool = mysql.createPool(...arguments);
* @signature awaitEnd()
* @returns Promise
* @description Closes all connections in the pool and ends the pool.
end() {
awaitEnd() {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
this.pool.end((err) => {
if ( err )
try {
this.pool.end((err) => {
if ( err )
throw err;
} catch ( err ) {
* @signature query(query, params)
* @param query string Valid MySQL query
* @param params Array Ordered array with values matching the parameters marked by `?` in the `query`
* @signature awaitGetConnection()
* @returns Promise
* @description Queries the MySQL database, returning a [Promise] that resolves when finished or rejects on error. If the database has not
* yet established a connection, it is automatically done prior to query execution.
* @description Get a new MySQL connection from the pool. This will need to be released by
* you when you are done using it.
query(query, params = []) {
awaitGetConnection() {
return new Promise(async (resolve, reject) => {
/** Execute query and return result */
try {
this.pool.query(query, params, (err, result) => {
this.pool.getConnection((err, connection) => {
if ( err )
throw err;
connection.inTransaction = false;
* @signature awaitBeginTransaction()
* @returns Promise
* @description Begin a new transaction.
connection.awaitBeginTransaction = function () {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
try {
this.beginTransaction((err) => {
if ( err )
throw err;
this.inTransaction = true;
} catch ( err ) {
* @signature awaitChangeUser(params)
* @param params Object First argument of MySQL's Connection.changeUser()
* @returns Promise
* @description Change the current user without shutting down socket.
connection.awaitChangeUser = function (params) {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
try {
this.changeUser(params, (err) => {
if ( err )
throw err;
} catch ( err ) {
* @signature awaitCommit()
* @returns Promise
* @description Commit a transaction.
connection.awaitCommit = function () {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
try {
this.commit((err) => {
if ( err ) {
if ( this.inTransaction ) {
this.connection.rollback(() => {
this.inTransaction = false;
throw err;
} else {
this.inTransaction = false;
throw err;
} else {
this.inTransaction = false;
} catch ( err ) {
* @signature awaitQuery(query[, params])
* @param query string First argument of MySQL's Connection.query()
* @param params Array (optional) Second argument of MySQL's Connection.query() if not used for callback
* @returns Promise
* @description Queries the MySQL database, returning a [Promise] that resolves when finished or rejects on error.
connection.awaitQuery = function (query, params) {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
try {
if ( typeof params === `undefined` ) {
this.query(query, (err, result) => {
if ( err )
throw err;
} else {
this.query(query, params, (err, result) => {
if ( err ) {
if ( this.inTransaction ) {
this.rollback(() => {
this.inTransaction = false;
throw err;
} else {
throw err;
} else {
} catch ( err ) {
* @signature awaitRollback()
* @returns Promise
* @description Rolls back a transaction.
connection.awaitRollback = function () {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
try {
this.rollback(() => {
} catch ( err ) {

@@ -61,5 +491,100 @@ } catch ( err ) {

* @signature awaitQuery(query[, params])
* @param query string First argument of MySQL's Pool.query()
* @param params Array (optional) Second argument of MySQL's Pool.query() if not used for callback
* @returns Promise
* @description Queries the MySQL database, returning a [Promise] that resolves when finished or rejects on error.
awaitQuery(query, params) {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
try {
if ( typeof params === `undefined` ) {
this.pool.query(query, (err, result) => {
if ( err )
throw err;
} else {
this.pool.query(query, params, (err, result) => {
if ( err )
throw err;
} catch ( err ) {
* @signature end()
* @description Pass along functionality of the end method.
end() {
return this.pool.end(...arguments);
* @signature getConnection()
* @description Pass along functionality of the getConnection method.
getConnection() {
return this.pool.getConnection(...arguments);
* @signature on()
* @description Pass along functionality of event listeners.
on() {
return this.pool.on(...arguments);
* @signature awaitQuery()
* @description Pass along functionality of the pool query method.
query() {
return this.pool.query(...arguments);
module.exports = config => new MySQLConnection(config);
* @class mysqlAwait.MySQLAwait
* @author Rich Lowe
* @copyright 2019 Rich Lowe
* @description Class for establishing and querying MySQL connections.
class MySQLAwait {
* @signature createConnection(data)
* @description Intercept creating of MySQL connection and use our own object instead.
createConnection() {
return new ConnectionAwait(...arguments);
* @signature createPool(data)
* @description Intercept creating of MySQL connection pool and use our own object instead.
createPool() {
return new PoolAwait(...arguments);
* @signature format(data)
* @description Pass along functionality of format.
format() {
return mysql.format(data);
module.exports = new MySQLAwait();


"name": "mysql-await",
"version": "1.0.1",
"version": "2.0.0",
"description": "Simple MySQL Async/Await Connection Pool",

@@ -5,0 +5,0 @@ "main": "index.js",

@@ -1,21 +0,38 @@

# MySQL Async/Await Wrapper v1.01
# MySQL Async/Await Wrapper v2.0
Basic API for performing async/await MySQL queries on a pool. A new connection is created, queried, and released for each call to `query()`.
Simple wrapper for MySQL async/await functionality. Intended for functionality to mimic the popular `mysql` Node.js callback-based package, but with additional methods for awaiting execution. Goal is for normal methods to be unaffected and only additional await methods added, though accomplished through intermediary class objects.
## Configuration:
## Provided async/await methods
### JavaScript
The methods below have been added as async/await wrappers to existing MySQL methods of similar name. In order to use them, simply "await" their execution rather than passing a callback for the last argument of the function call.
connectionLimit : 10,
host : '',
user : 'bob',
password : 'secret',
database : 'my_db'
### Connections from mysql.createConnect()
### JSON
* Connection.awaitBeginTransaction()
* Connection.awaitChangeUser(params)
* Connection.awaitCommit()
* Connection.awaitConnect()
* Connection.awaitDestroy()
* Connection.awaitEnd()
* Connection.awaitQuery(query[, params])
* Connection.awaitRollback()
### Connection Pool's from mysql.createPool()
* Pool.awaitEnd()
* Pool.awaitGetConnection()
* Pool.awaitQuery(query[, params])
## Connections from pool.getConnection()
* Connection.awaitBeginTransaction()
* Connection.awaitChangeUser(params)
* Connection.awaitCommit()
* Connection.awaitQuery(query[, params])
* Connection.awaitRollback()
## Configuration:
### Example JSON configuration

@@ -31,7 +48,7 @@ {

## Example
## Example JavaScript
const fs = require(`fs`);
const mysql = require(`mysql-await`);
const mysql = require(`./index`);

@@ -41,12 +58,64 @@ /** Self-executing asynchronous function so we can await results in this example */

/** Create connection pool using loaded config */
const db = mysql(JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(`mysql-config.json`)));
const pool = mysql.createPool(JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(`mysql-config.json`)));
/** Perform query (opens a connection, runs query, releases connection) */
const result = await db.query(`SELECT * FROM transactions WHERE ticker = ?`, [`DE`]);
pool.on(`acquire`, (connection) => {
console.log(`Connection %d acquired`, connection.threadId);
pool.on(`connection`, (connection) => {
console.log(`Connection %d connected`, connection.threadId);
pool.on(`enqueue`, () => {
console.log(`Waiting for available connection slot`);
pool.on(`release`, function (connection) {
console.log(`Connection %d released`, connection.threadId);
const connection = await pool.awaitGetConnection();
connection.on(`error`, (err) => {
console.error(`Connection error ${err.code}`);
/** Perform query on connection */
let result = await connection.awaitQuery(`SELECT * FROM transactions WHERE ticker = ?`, [`DE`]);
/** Log output */
/** Release connection */
/** Perform query on pool (opens a connection, runs query, releases connection) */
result = await pool.awaitQuery(`SELECT * FROM transactions WHERE ticker = ?`, [`KSS`]);
/** Log output */
/** Get a new connection from the pool */
const connection2 = await pool.awaitGetConnection();
/** Begin a new transaction */
await connection2.awaitBeginTransaction();
/** Perform query for max id number in users table */
result = await connection2.awaitQuery(`SELECT MAX(id) maxId FROM users`);
/** Add one to max id to get new id number */
const newId = result[0].maxId + 1;
/** Insert new test user with new id number */
await connection2.awaitQuery(`INSERT INTO users (id, hash, username, name, accounts) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?)`, [newId, ``, `testuser`, `Test User`, ``]);
/** Commit transaction */
await connection2.awaitCommit();
/** Release connection */
/** Close connection pool */
await pool.awaitEnd();

@@ -59,2 +128,4 @@

Connection 218 connected
Connection 218 acquired
[ RowDataPacket {

@@ -78,6 +149,38 @@ id: 56,

type: 2 } ]
Connection 218 released
Connection 218 acquired
Connection 218 released
[ RowDataPacket {
id: 17,
account: 1,
commission: 7,
date: 2017-11-09T08:00:00.000Z,
price: 38.23,
shares: 100,
ticker: 'KSS',
type: 1 },
RowDataPacket {
id: 18,
account: 1,
commission: 7,
date: 2017-11-10T08:00:00.000Z,
price: 42.6,
shares: -100,
ticker: 'KSS',
type: 2 } ]
Connection 218 acquired
Connection 218 released
## Not Currently Supported
* Pool Cluster's -- for now, can be added later if needed
* Result streams -- for now, can be added later if needed
## Contributing
* Please open issue for any bugs found or feature requests
## License
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