Nativescript implementation of the Material AppBarLayout
The module implement AppBarLayout on both iOS and Android.
The layout extends the nativescript GridLayout.
Use "nativescript-nbmaterial-coordinator" to make animation effects like sticky header or hide header on scroll.
AppBarIcon and AppBarTitle extends nativescript Label.
You can use a font library like material-icons or font-awesome.
<Page xmlns=""
xmlns:app="nativescript-nbmaterial-appbar" navigatingTo="onNavigatingTo">
<GridLayout rows="*" columns="*" id="root">
<app:AppBarLayout columns="auto,*,auto,auto" rows="auto,auto" id="actionbar">
<app:AppBarIcon text="list" col="0"/>
<app:AppBarTitle text="My Application" col="1"/>
<app:AppBarIcon text="notifications" col="2"/>
<app:AppBarIcon text="search" col="3" tap="openSearch"/>
See all modules here