NİBGAT® | Builder
This project is a boilerplate generator for the NİBGAT® and NİBGAT® | Community.
How to install:
npm i -g nbuilder
nbuilder -v // or nbuilder --version
nbuilder help
- nodejs version 16.13.1+
- yarn
- cocoapods
- git account ( You must login to a github account and add the access key to the operating system. )
How to run:
// This method is for the spesifically NİBGAT® Projects.
nbuilder -p PROJECT_NAME // or nbuilder --project PROJECT_NAME
If you want use the custom source:
// Only supported Github and NİBGAT® | Git
nbuilder -s github -p nibgat/nbuilder
nbuilder -s nibgat -p nibgat/test
Currently supported projects: ( project-name: description )
- nibgat/ncore-mobile-boilerplate: React-Native project with ncore-mobile + react-navigation.
Developed by NİBGAT®