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General purpose command line tools for interacting with NEAR Protocol

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NEAR CLI (command line interface)

Build Status Gitpod Ready-to-Code

NEAR CLI is a Node.js application that relies on near-api-js to connect to and interact with the NEAR blockchain. Create accounts, access keys, sign & send transactions with this versatile command line interface tool.

Note: Node.js version 10+ is required to run NEAR CLI.


Click on a command for more information and examples.

near loginstores a full access key locally using NEAR Wallet
near keysdisplays all access keys and their details for a given account
near generate-keygenerates a local key pair or shows public key & implicit account
near add-keyadds a new access key to an account
near delete-keydeletes an access key from an account
near create-accountcreates an account
near stateshows general details of an account
near keysdisplays all access keys for a given account
near sendsends tokens from one account to another
near deletedeletes an account and transfers remaining balance to a beneficiary account
near deploydeploys a smart contract to the NEAR blockchain
near dev-deploycreates a development account and deploys a contract to it (testnet only)
near callmakes a contract call which can invoke change or view methods
near viewmakes a contract call which can only invoke a view method
near tx-statusqueries a transaction's status by txHash
near validators currentdisplays current epoch validator pool details
near validators nextdisplays validator details for the next epoch
near proposalsdisplays validator proposals for the epoch after next
near repllaunches an interactive connection to the NEAR blockchain (REPL)


For EVM support see Project Aurora's aurora-cli.



Make sure you have a current version of npm and NodeJS installed.

Mac and Linux
  1. Install npm and node using a package manager like nvm as sometimes there are issues using Ledger due to how OS X handles node packages related to USB devices. [click here]
  2. Ensure you have installed Node version 12 or above.
  3. Install near-cli globally by running:
npm install -g near-cli

For Windows users, we recommend using Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL).

  1. Install WSL [click here]
  2. Install npm [click here]
  3. Install Node.js [ click here ]
  4. Change npm default directory [ click here ]
    • This is to avoid any permission issues with WSL
  5. Open WSL and install near-cli globally by running:
npm install -g near-cli

Network selection

The default network for near-cli is testnet.

  • You can change the network by prepending an environment variable to your command.
NEAR_ENV=betanet near send ...
  • Alternatively, you can set up a global environment variable by running:
export NEAR_ENV=mainnet

Access Keys

near login

locally stores a full access key of an account you created with NEAR Wallet.

  • arguments: none
  • options: default


near login
Access Key Location:
  • Once complete you will now have your Access Key stored locally in a hidden directory called .near-credentials

    • This directory is located at the root of your HOME directory:
      • ~/.near-credentials (MAC / Linux)
      • C:\Users\YOUR_ACCOUNT\.near-credentials (Windows)
  • Inside .near-credentials, access keys are organized in network subdirectories:

    • default for testnet
    • betanet
    • mainnet
  • These network subdirectories contain .JSON objects with an:

    • account_id
    • private_key
    • public_key


    "account_id": "example-acct.testnet",
    "public_key": "ed25519:7ns2AZVaG8XZrFrgRw7g8qhgddNTN64Zkz7Eo8JBnV5g",
    "private_key": "ed25519:4Ijd3vNUmdWJ4L922BxcsGN1aDrdpvUHEgqLQAUSLmL7S2qE9tYR9fqL6DqabGGDxCSHkKwdaAGNcHJ2Sfd"

near keys

Displays all access keys for a given account.

  • arguments: accountId
  • options: default


near keys client.chainlink.testnet
Example Response

Keys for account client.chainlink.testnet
    public_key: 'ed25519:4wrVrZbHrurMYgkcyusfvSJGLburmaw7m3gmCApxgvY4',
    access_key: { nonce: 97, permission: 'FullAccess' }
    public_key: 'ed25519:H9k5eiU4xXS3M4z8HzKJSLaZdqGdGwBG49o7orNC4eZW',
    access_key: {
      nonce: 88,
      permission: {
        FunctionCall: {
          allowance: '18483247987345065500000000',
          receiver_id: 'client.chainlink.testnet',
          method_names: [ 'get_token_price', [length]: 1 ]
  [length]: 2

near generate-key

Creates a key pair locally in .near-credentials or displays public key from Ledger or seed phrase.

  • arguments: accountId or none
  • options: --useLedgerKey, --seedPhrase, or --seedPath

Note: There are several ways to use generate-key that return very different results. Please reference the examples below for further details.

1) near generate-key

Creates a key pair locally in .near-credentials with an implicit account as the accountId. (hash representation of the public key)

near generate-key
Example Response

Key pair with ed25519:33Vn9VtNEtWQPPd1f4jf5HzJ5weLcvGHU8oz7o5UnPqy public key for an account "1e5b1346bdb4fc5ccd465f6757a9082a84bcacfd396e7d80b0c726252fe8b3e8"

2) near generate-key accountId

Creates a key pair locally in .near-credentials with an accountId that you specify.

Note: This does NOT create an account with this name, and will overwrite an existing .json file with the same name.

near generate-key example.testnet
Example Response

Key pair with ed25519:CcH3oMEFg8tpJLekyvF7Wp49G81K3QLhGbaWEFwtCjht public key for an account "example.testnet"

3a) near generate-key --useLedgerKey

Uses a connected Ledger device to display a public key and implicit account using the default HD path ("44'/397'/0'/0'/1'")

near generate-key --useLedgerKey

You should then see the following prompt to confirm this request on your Ledger device:

Make sure to connect your Ledger and open NEAR app
Waiting for confirmation on Ledger...

After confirming the request on your Ledger device, a public key and implicit accountId will be displayed.

Example Response

Using public key: ed25519:B22RP10g695wyeRvKIWv61NjmQZEkWTMzAYgdfx6oSeB2
Implicit account: 42c320xc20739fd9a6bqf2f89z61rd14efe5d3de234199bc771235a4bb8b0e1

3b) near generate-key --useLedgerKey="HD path you specify"

Uses a connected Ledger device to display a public key and implicit account using a custom HD path.

near generate-key --useLedgerKey="44'/397'/0'/0'/2'"

You should then see the following prompt to confirm this request on your Ledger device:

Make sure to connect your Ledger and open NEAR app
Waiting for confirmation on Ledger...

After confirming the request on your Ledger device, a public key and implicit accountId will be displayed.

Example Response

Using public key: ed25519:B22RP10g695wye3dfa32rDjmQZEkWTMzAYgCX6oSeB2
Implicit account: 42c320xc20739ASD9a6bqf2Dsaf289z61rd14efe5d3de23213789009afDsd5bb8b0e1

4a) near generate-key --seedPhrase="your seed phrase"

Uses a seed phrase to display a public key and implicit account

near generate-key --seedPhrase="cow moon right send now cool dense quark pretty see light after"
Example Response

Key pair with ed25519:GkMNfc92fwM1AmwH1MTjF4b7UZuceamsq96XPkHsQ9vi public key for an account "e9fa50ac20522987a87e566fcd6febdc97bd35c8c489999ca8aff465c56969c3"

4b) near generate-key accountId --seedPhrase="your seed phrase"

Uses a seed phrase to display a public key without the implicit account.

near generate-key example.testnet --seedPhrase="cow moon right send now cool dense quark pretty see light after"
Example Response

Key pair with ed25519:GkMNfc92fwM1AmwH1MTjF4b7UZuceamsq96XPkHsQ9vi public key for an account "example.testnet"

near add-key

Adds an either a full access or function access key to a given account.

Note: You will use an existing full access key for the account you would like to add a new key to. (near login)

1) add a full access key
  • arguments: accountId publicKey


near add-key example-acct.testnet Cxg2wgFYrdLTEkMu6j5D6aEZqTb3kXbmJygS48ZKbo1S
Example Response

Adding full access key = Cxg2wgFYrdLTEkMu6j5D6aEZqTb3kXbmJygS48ZKbo1S to example-acct.testnet.
Transaction Id EwU1ooEvkR42HvGoJHu5ou3xLYT3JcgQwFV3fAwevGJg
To see the transaction in the transaction explorer, please open this url in your browser

2) add a function access key
  • arguments: accountId publicKey --contract-id
  • options: --method-names --allowance

accountId is the account you are adding the key to

--contract-id is the contract you are allowing methods to be called on

--method-names are optional and if omitted, all methods of the --contract-id can be called.

--allowance is the amount of Ⓝ the key is allowed to spend on gas fees only. If omitted then key will only be able to call view methods.

Note: Each transaction made with this key will have gas fees deducted from the initial allowance and once it runs out a new key must be issued.


near add-key example-acct.testnet GkMNfc92fwM1AmwH1MTjF4b7UZuceamsq96XPkHsQ9vi --contract-id example-contract.testnet --method-names example_method --allowance 30000000000
Example Response

Adding function call access key = GkMNfc92fwM1AmwH1MTjF4b7UZuceamsq96XPkHsQ9vi to example-acct.testnet.
Transaction Id H2BQL9fXVmdTbwkXcMFfZ7qhZqC8fFhsA8KDHFdT9q2r
To see the transaction in the transaction explorer, please open this url in your browser

near delete-key

Deletes an existing key for a given account.

  • arguments: accountId publicKey
  • options: default

Note: You will need separate full access key for the account you would like to delete a key from. (near login)


near delete-key example-acct.testnet Cxg2wgFYrdLTEkMu6j5D6aEZqTb3kXbmJygS48ZKbo1S
Example Response

Transaction Id 4PwW7vjzTCno7W433nu4ieA6FvsAjp7zNFwicNLKjQFT
To see the transaction in the transaction explorer, please open this url in your browser


near create-account

Creates an account using a --masterAccount that will pay for the account's creation and any initial balance.

  • arguments: accountId --masterAccount
  • options: --initialBalance

Note: You will only be able to create subaccounts of the --masterAccount unless the name of the new account is β‰₯ 32 characters.


near create-account 12345678901234567890123456789012 --masterAccount example-acct.testnet

Subaccount example:

near create-account sub-acct.example-acct.testnet --masterAccount example-acct.testnet

Example using --initialBalance:

near create-account sub-acct2.example-acct.testnet --masterAccount example-acct.testnet --initialBalance 10
Example Response

Saving key to '/HOME_DIR/.near-credentials/default/sub-acct2.example-acct.testnet.json'
Account sub-acct2.example-acct.testnet for network "default" was created.

near state

Shows details of an account's state.

  • arguments: accountId
  • options: default


near state example.testnet
Example Response

    "amount": "99999999303364037168535000",
    "locked": "0",
    "code_hash": "G1PCjeQbvbUsJ8piXNb7Yg6dn3mfivDQN7QkvsVuMt4e",
    "storage_usage": 53528,
    "storage_paid_at": 0,
    "block_height": 21577354,
    "block_hash": "AWu1mrT3eMJLjqyhNHvMKrrbahN6DqcNxXanB5UH1RjB",
    "formattedAmount": "99.999999303364037168535"

near send

Sends NEAR tokens (Ⓝ) from one account to another.

  • arguments: senderId receiverId amount
  • options: default

Note: You will need a full access key for the sending account. (near login)


near send sender.testnet receiver.testnet 10
Example Response

Sending 10 NEAR to receiver.testnet from sender.testnet
Transaction Id BYTr6WNyaEy2ykAiQB9P5VvTyrJcFk6Yw95HPhXC6KfN
To see the transaction in the transaction explorer, please open this url in your browser

near delete

Deletes an account and transfers remaining balance to a beneficiary account.

  • arguments: accountId beneficiaryId
  • options: default


near delete sub-acct2.example-acct.testnet example-acct.testnet
Example Response

Deleting account. Account id: sub-acct2.example-acct.testnet, node:, helper:, beneficiary: example-acct.testnet
Transaction Id 4x8xohER1E3yxeYdXPfG8GvXin1ShiaroqE5GdCd5YxX
To see the transaction in the transaction explorer, please open this url in your browser
Account sub-acct2.example-acct.testnet for network "default" was deleted.


near deploy

Deploys a smart contract to a given accountId.

  • arguments: accountId .wasmFile
  • options: initFunction initArgs initGas initDeposit

Note: You will need a full access key for the account you are deploying the contract to. (near login)


near deploy --accountId example-contract.testnet --wasmFile out/example.wasm

Initialize Example:

near deploy --accountId example-contract.testnet --wasmFile out/example.wasm --initFunction new --initArgs '{"owner_id": "example-contract.testnet", "total_supply": "10000000"}'
Example Response

Starting deployment. Account id: example-contract.testnet, node:, helper:, file: main.wasm
Transaction Id G8GhhPuujMHTRnwursPXE1Lv5iUZ8WUecwiST1PcKWMt
To see the transaction in the transaction explorer, please open this url in your browser
Done deploying to example-contract.testnet

near dev-deploy

Creates a development account and deploys a smart contract to it. No access keys needed. (testnet only)

  • arguments: .wasmFile
  • options: default


near dev-deploy out/main.wasm
Example Response

Starting deployment. Account id: dev-1603749005325-6432576, node:, helper:, file: out/main.wasm
Transaction Id 5nixQT87KeN3eZFX7zwBLUAKSY4nyjhwzLF27SWWKkAp
To see the transaction in the transaction explorer, please open this url in your browser
Done deploying to dev-1603749005325-6432576

near call

makes a contract call which can modify or view state.

Note: Contract calls require a transaction fee (gas) so you will need an access key for the --accountId that will be charged. (near login)

  • arguments: contractName method_name { args } --accountId
  • options: --gas --deposit


near call guest-book.testnet addMessage '{"text": "Aloha"}' --account-id example-acct.testnet
Example Response

Scheduling a call: guest-book.testnet.addMessage({"text": "Aloha"})
Transaction Id FY8hBam2iyQfdHkdR1dp6w5XEPJzJSosX1wUeVPyUvVK
To see the transaction in the transaction explorer, please open this url in your browser

near view

Makes a contract call which can only view state. (Call is free of charge)

  • arguments: contractName method_name { args }
  • options: default


near view guest-book.testnet getMessages '{}'
Example Response

View call: guest-book.testnet.getMessages({})
  { premium: false, sender: 'waverlymaven.testnet', text: 'TGIF' },
    premium: true,
    sender: 'waverlymaven.testnet',
    text: 'Hello from New York 🌈'
  { premium: false, sender: 'fhr.testnet', text: 'Hi' },
  { premium: true, sender: 'eugenethedream', text: 'test' },
  { premium: false, sender: 'dongri.testnet', text: 'test' },
  { premium: false, sender: 'dongri.testnet', text: 'hello' },
  { premium: true, sender: 'dongri.testnet', text: 'hey' },
  { premium: false, sender: 'hirokihori.testnet', text: 'hello' },
  { premium: true, sender: 'eugenethedream', text: 'hello' },
  { premium: false, sender: 'example-acct.testnet', text: 'Aloha' },
  [length]: 10

NEAR EVM Contracts

near evm-view

Makes an EVM contract call which can only view state. (Call is free of charge)

  • arguments: evmAccount contractName methodName [arguments] --abi --accountId
  • options: default


near evm-view evm 0x89dfB1Cd61F05ad3971EC1f83056Fd9793c2D521 getAdopters '[]' --abi /path/to/contract/abi/Adoption.json --accountId test.near
Example Response


near evm-call (deprecated)

makes an EVM contract call which can modify or view state.

Note: Contract calls require a transaction fee (gas) so you will need an access key for the --accountId that will be charged. (near login)

  • arguments: evmAccount contractName methodName [arguments] --abi --accountId
  • options: default (--gas and --deposit coming soon…)


near evm-call evm 0x89dfB1Cd61F05ad3971EC1f83056Fd9793c2D521 adopt '["6"]' --abi /path/to/contract/abi/Adoption.json --accountId test.near
Example Response

Scheduling a call inside evm EVM:
  with args [ '6' ]

near evm-dev-init

Used for running EVM tests β€” creates a given number of test accounts on the desired network using a master NEAR account

  • arguments: accountId
  • options: numAccounts
NEAR_ENV=betanet near evm-dev-init you.betanet 3

The above will create 3 subaccounts of you.betanet. This is useful for tests that require multiple accounts, for instance, sending fungible tokens back and forth. If the 3 value were to be omitted, it would use the default of 5.


near tx-status

Queries transaction status by hash and accountId.

  • arguments: txHash --accountId
  • options: default


near tx-status FY8hBam2iyQfdHkdR1dp6w5XEPJzJSosX1wUeVPyUvVK --accountId guest-book.testnet
Example Response

Transaction guest-book.testnet:FY8hBam2iyQfdHkdR1dp6w5XEPJzJSosX1wUeVPyUvVK
  status: { SuccessValue: '' },
  transaction: {
    signer_id: 'example-acct.testnet',
    public_key: 'ed25519:AXZZKnp6ZcWXyRNdy8FztYrniKf1qt6YZw6mCCReXrDB',
    nonce: 20,
    receiver_id: 'guest-book.testnet',
    actions: [
        FunctionCall: {
          method_name: 'addMessage',
          args: 'eyJ0ZXh0IjoiQWxvaGEifQ==',
          gas: 300000000000000,
          deposit: '0'
      [length]: 1
    signature: 'ed25519:5S6nZXPU72nzgAsTQLmAFfdVSykdKHWhtPMb5U7duacfPdUjrj8ipJxuRiWkZ4yDodvDNt92wcHLJxGLsyNEsZNB',
    hash: 'FY8hBam2iyQfdHkdR1dp6w5XEPJzJSosX1wUeVPyUvVK'
  transaction_outcome: {
    proof: [ [length]: 0 ],
    block_hash: '6nsjvzt6C52SSuJ8UvfaXTsdrUwcx8JtHfnUj8XjdKy1',
    id: 'FY8hBam2iyQfdHkdR1dp6w5XEPJzJSosX1wUeVPyUvVK',
    outcome: {
      logs: [ [length]: 0 ],
      receipt_ids: [ '7n6wjMgpoBTp22ScLHxeMLzcCvN8Vf5FUuC9PMmCX6yU', [length]: 1 ],
      gas_burnt: 2427979134284,
      tokens_burnt: '242797913428400000000',
      executor_id: 'example-acct.testnet',
      status: {
        SuccessReceiptId: '7n6wjMgpoBTp22ScLHxeMLzcCvN8Vf5FUuC9PMmCX6yU'
  receipts_outcome: [
      proof: [ [length]: 0 ],
      block_hash: 'At6QMrBuFQYgEPAh6fuRBmrTAe9hXTY1NzAB5VxTH1J2',
      id: '7n6wjMgpoBTp22ScLHxeMLzcCvN8Vf5FUuC9PMmCX6yU',
      outcome: {
        logs: [ [length]: 0 ],
        receipt_ids: [ 'FUttfoM2odAhKNQrJ8F4tiBpQJPYu66NzFbxRKii294e', [length]: 1 ],
        gas_burnt: 3559403233496,
        tokens_burnt: '355940323349600000000',
        executor_id: 'guest-book.testnet',
        status: { SuccessValue: '' }
      proof: [ [length]: 0 ],
      block_hash: 'J7KjpMPzAqE7iX82FAQT3qERDs6UR1EAqBLPJXBzoLCk',
      id: 'FUttfoM2odAhKNQrJ8F4tiBpQJPYu66NzFbxRKii294e',
      outcome: {
        logs: [ [length]: 0 ],
        receipt_ids: [ [length]: 0 ],
        gas_burnt: 0,
        tokens_burnt: '0',
        executor_id: 'example-acct.testnet',
        status: { SuccessValue: '' }
    [length]: 2


near validators current

Displays details of current validators.

  • amount staked
  • number of seats
  • percentage of uptime
  • expected block production
  • blocks actually produced
  • arguments: current
  • options: default


near validators current

Example for mainnet:

NEAR_ENV=mainnet near validators current
Example Response

Validators (total: 49, seat price: 1,976,588):
|                 Validator Id                 |   Stake    |  Seats  | % Online | Blocks produced | Blocks expected |
| cryptium.poolv1.near                         | 13,945,727 | 7       | 100%     |            1143 |            1143 |
| astro-stakers.poolv1.near                    | 11,660,189 | 5       | 100%     |             817 |             817 |
| blockdaemon.poolv1.near                      | 11,542,867 | 5       | 76.74%   |             627 |             817 |
| zavodil.poolv1.near                          | 11,183,187 | 5       | 100%     |             818 |             818 |
| bisontrails.poolv1.near                      | 10,291,696 | 5       | 99.38%   |             810 |             815 |
| dokiacapital.poolv1.near                     | 7,906,352  | 3       | 99.54%   |             650 |             653 |
| chorusone.poolv1.near                        | 7,480,508  | 3       | 100%     |             490 |             490 |
| figment.poolv1.near                          | 6,931,070  | 3       | 100%     |             489 |             489 |
| stardust.poolv1.near                         | 6,401,678  | 3       | 100%     |             491 |             491 |
| anonymous.poolv1.near                        | 6,291,821  | 3       | 97.55%   |             479 |             491 |
| d1.poolv1.near                               | 6,265,109  | 3       | 100%     |             491 |             491 |
| near8888.poolv1.near                         | 6,202,968  | 3       | 99.38%   |             486 |             489 |
| rekt.poolv1.near                             | 5,950,212  | 3       | 100%     |             490 |             490 |
| epic.poolv1.near                             | 5,639,256  | 2       | 100%     |             326 |             326 |
| fresh.poolv1.near                            | 5,460,410  | 2       | 100%     |             327 |             327 |
| buildlinks.poolv1.near                       | 4,838,398  | 2       | 99.38%   |             325 |             327 |
| jubi.poolv1.near                             | 4,805,921  | 2       | 100%     |             326 |             326 |
| openshards.poolv1.near                       | 4,644,553  | 2       | 100%     |             326 |             326 |
| jazza.poolv1.near                            | 4,563,432  | 2       | 100%     |             327 |             327 |
| northernlights.poolv1.near                   | 4,467,978  | 2       | 99.39%   |             326 |             328 |
| inotel.poolv1.near                           | 4,427,152  | 2       | 100%     |             327 |             327 |
| baziliknear.poolv1.near                      | 4,261,142  | 2       | 100%     |             328 |             328 |
| stakesabai.poolv1.near                       | 4,242,618  | 2       | 100%     |             326 |             326 |
| everstake.poolv1.near                        | 4,234,552  | 2       | 100%     |             327 |             327 |
| stakin.poolv1.near                           | 4,071,704  | 2       | 100%     |             327 |             327 |
| certusone.poolv1.near                        | 3,734,505  | 1       | 100%     |             164 |             164 |
| lux.poolv1.near                              | 3,705,394  | 1       | 100%     |             163 |             163 |
| staked.poolv1.near                           | 3,683,365  | 1       | 100%     |             164 |             164 |
| lunanova.poolv1.near                         | 3,597,231  | 1       | 100%     |             163 |             163 |
| appload.poolv1.near                          | 3,133,163  | 1       | 100%     |             163 |             163 |
| smart-stake.poolv1.near                      | 3,095,711  | 1       | 100%     |             164 |             164 |
| artemis.poolv1.near                          | 3,009,462  | 1       | 99.39%   |             163 |             164 |
| moonlet.poolv1.near                          | 2,790,296  | 1       | 100%     |             163 |             163 |
| nearfans.poolv1.near                         | 2,771,137  | 1       | 100%     |             163 |             163 |
| nodeasy.poolv1.near                          | 2,692,745  | 1       | 99.39%   |             163 |             164 |
| erm.poolv1.near                              | 2,653,524  | 1       | 100%     |             164 |             164 |
| zkv_staketosupportprivacy.poolv1.near        | 2,548,343  | 1       | 99.39%   |             163 |             164 |
| dsrvlabs.poolv1.near                         | 2,542,925  | 1       | 100%     |             164 |             164 |
| 08investinwomen_runbybisontrails.poolv1.near | 2,493,123  | 1       | 100%     |             163 |             163 |
| electric.poolv1.near                         | 2,400,532  | 1       | 99.39%   |             163 |             164 |
| sparkpool.poolv1.near                        | 2,378,191  | 1       | 100%     |             163 |             163 |
| hashquark.poolv1.near                        | 2,376,424  | 1       | 100%     |             164 |             164 |
| masternode24.poolv1.near                     | 2,355,634  | 1       | 100%     |             164 |             164 |
| sharpdarts.poolv1.near                       | 2,332,398  | 1       | 99.38%   |             162 |             163 |
| fish.poolv1.near                             | 2,315,249  | 1       | 100%     |             163 |             163 |
| ashert.poolv1.near                           | 2,103,327  | 1       | 97.56%   |             160 |             164 |
| 01node.poolv1.near                           | 2,058,200  | 1       | 100%     |             163 |             163 |
| finoa.poolv1.near                            | 2,012,304  | 1       | 100%     |             163 |             163 |
| majlovesreg.poolv1.near                      | 2,005,032  | 1       | 100%     |             164 |             164 |

near validators next

Displays details for the next round of validators.

  • total number of seats available
  • seat price
  • amount staked
  • number of seats assigned per validator
  • arguments: next
  • options: default


near validators next

Example for mainnet:

NEAR_ENV=mainnet near validators next
Example Response

Next validators (total: 49, seat price: 1,983,932):
|  Status  |                  Validator                   |          Stake           |  Seats  |
| Rewarded | cryptium.poolv1.near                         | 13,945,727 -> 14,048,816 | 7       |
| Rewarded | astro-stakers.poolv1.near                    | 11,660,189 -> 11,704,904 | 5       |
| Rewarded | blockdaemon.poolv1.near                      | 11,542,867 -> 11,545,942 | 5       |
| Rewarded | zavodil.poolv1.near                          | 11,183,187 -> 11,204,123 | 5       |
| Rewarded | bisontrails.poolv1.near                      | 10,291,696 -> 10,297,923 | 5       |
| Rewarded | dokiacapital.poolv1.near                     | 7,906,352 -> 8,097,275   | 4       |
| Rewarded | chorusone.poolv1.near                        | 7,480,508 -> 7,500,576   | 3       |
| Rewarded | figment.poolv1.near                          | 6,931,070 -> 6,932,916   | 3       |
| Rewarded | stardust.poolv1.near                         | 6,401,678 -> 6,449,363   | 3       |
| Rewarded | anonymous.poolv1.near                        | 6,291,821 -> 6,293,497   | 3       |
| Rewarded | d1.poolv1.near                               | 6,265,109 -> 6,266,777   | 3       |
| Rewarded | near8888.poolv1.near                         | 6,202,968 -> 6,204,620   | 3       |
| Rewarded | rekt.poolv1.near                             | 5,950,212 -> 5,951,797   | 2       |
| Rewarded | epic.poolv1.near                             | 5,639,256 -> 5,640,758   | 2       |
| Rewarded | fresh.poolv1.near                            | 5,460,410 -> 5,461,811   | 2       |
| Rewarded | buildlinks.poolv1.near                       | 4,838,398 -> 4,839,686   | 2       |
| Rewarded | jubi.poolv1.near                             | 4,805,921 -> 4,807,201   | 2       |
| Rewarded | openshards.poolv1.near                       | 4,644,553 -> 4,776,692   | 2       |
| Rewarded | jazza.poolv1.near                            | 4,563,432 -> 4,564,648   | 2       |
| Rewarded | northernlights.poolv1.near                   | 4,467,978 -> 4,469,168   | 2       |
| Rewarded | inotel.poolv1.near                           | 4,427,152 -> 4,428,331   | 2       |
| Rewarded | baziliknear.poolv1.near                      | 4,261,142 -> 4,290,338   | 2       |
| Rewarded | stakesabai.poolv1.near                       | 4,242,618 -> 4,243,748   | 2       |
| Rewarded | everstake.poolv1.near                        | 4,234,552 -> 4,235,679   | 2       |
| Rewarded | stakin.poolv1.near                           | 4,071,704 -> 4,072,773   | 2       |
| Rewarded | certusone.poolv1.near                        | 3,734,505 -> 3,735,500   | 1       |
| Rewarded | lux.poolv1.near                              | 3,705,394 -> 3,716,381   | 1       |
| Rewarded | staked.poolv1.near                           | 3,683,365 -> 3,684,346   | 1       |
| Rewarded | lunanova.poolv1.near                         | 3,597,231 -> 3,597,836   | 1       |
| Rewarded | appload.poolv1.near                          | 3,133,163 -> 3,152,302   | 1       |
| Rewarded | smart-stake.poolv1.near                      | 3,095,711 -> 3,096,509   | 1       |
| Rewarded | artemis.poolv1.near                          | 3,009,462 -> 3,010,265   | 1       |
| Rewarded | moonlet.poolv1.near                          | 2,790,296 -> 2,948,565   | 1       |
| Rewarded | nearfans.poolv1.near                         | 2,771,137 -> 2,771,875   | 1       |
| Rewarded | nodeasy.poolv1.near                          | 2,692,745 -> 2,693,463   | 1       |
| Rewarded | erm.poolv1.near                              | 2,653,524 -> 2,654,231   | 1       |
| Rewarded | dsrvlabs.poolv1.near                         | 2,542,925 -> 2,571,865   | 1       |
| Rewarded | zkv_staketosupportprivacy.poolv1.near        | 2,548,343 -> 2,549,022   | 1       |
| Rewarded | 08investinwomen_runbybisontrails.poolv1.near | 2,493,123 -> 2,493,787   | 1       |
| Rewarded | masternode24.poolv1.near                     | 2,355,634 -> 2,456,226   | 1       |
| Rewarded | fish.poolv1.near                             | 2,315,249 -> 2,415,831   | 1       |
| Rewarded | electric.poolv1.near                         | 2,400,532 -> 2,401,172   | 1       |
| Rewarded | sparkpool.poolv1.near                        | 2,378,191 -> 2,378,824   | 1       |
| Rewarded | hashquark.poolv1.near                        | 2,376,424 -> 2,377,057   | 1       |
| Rewarded | sharpdarts.poolv1.near                       | 2,332,398 -> 2,332,948   | 1       |
| Rewarded | ashert.poolv1.near                           | 2,103,327 -> 2,103,887   | 1       |
| Rewarded | 01node.poolv1.near                           | 2,058,200 -> 2,058,760   | 1       |
| Rewarded | finoa.poolv1.near                            | 2,012,304 -> 2,015,808   | 1       |
| Rewarded | majlovesreg.poolv1.near                      | 2,005,032 -> 2,005,566   | 1       |

near proposals

Displays validator proposals for epoch after next.

  • expected seat price
  • status of proposals
  • previous amount staked and new amount that will be staked
  • amount of seats assigned per validator
  • arguments: none
  • options: default


near proposals

Example for mainnet:

NEAR_ENV=mainnet near proposals
Example Response

Proposals for the epoch after next (new: 51, passing: 49, expected seat price = 1,983,932)
|       Status       |                  Validator                   |    Stake => New Stake    |  Seats  |
| Proposal(Accepted) | cryptium.poolv1.near                         | 13,945,727 => 14,041,766 | 7       |
| Proposal(Accepted) | astro-stakers.poolv1.near                    | 11,660,189 => 11,705,673 | 5       |
| Proposal(Accepted) | blockdaemon.poolv1.near                      | 11,542,867 => 11,545,942 | 5       |
| Proposal(Accepted) | zavodil.poolv1.near                          | 11,183,187 => 11,207,805 | 5       |
| Proposal(Accepted) | bisontrails.poolv1.near                      | 10,291,696 => 10,300,978 | 5       |
| Proposal(Accepted) | dokiacapital.poolv1.near                     | 7,906,352 => 8,097,275   | 4       |
| Proposal(Accepted) | chorusone.poolv1.near                        | 7,480,508 => 7,568,268   | 3       |
| Proposal(Accepted) | figment.poolv1.near                          | 6,931,070 => 6,932,916   | 3       |
| Proposal(Accepted) | stardust.poolv1.near                         | 6,401,678 => 6,449,363   | 3       |
| Proposal(Accepted) | anonymous.poolv1.near                        | 6,291,821 => 6,293,497   | 3       |
| Proposal(Accepted) | d1.poolv1.near                               | 6,265,109 => 6,266,777   | 3       |
| Proposal(Accepted) | near8888.poolv1.near                         | 6,202,968 => 6,204,620   | 3       |
| Proposal(Accepted) | rekt.poolv1.near                             | 5,950,212 => 5,951,797   | 2       |
| Proposal(Accepted) | epic.poolv1.near                             | 5,639,256 => 5,640,758   | 2       |
| Proposal(Accepted) | fresh.poolv1.near                            | 5,460,410 => 5,461,811   | 2       |
| Proposal(Accepted) | buildlinks.poolv1.near                       | 4,838,398 => 4,839,686   | 2       |
| Proposal(Accepted) | jubi.poolv1.near                             | 4,805,921 => 4,807,201   | 2       |
| Proposal(Accepted) | openshards.poolv1.near                       | 4,644,553 => 4,776,692   | 2       |
| Proposal(Accepted) | jazza.poolv1.near                            | 4,563,432 => 4,564,648   | 2       |
| Proposal(Accepted) | northernlights.poolv1.near                   | 4,467,978 => 4,469,168   | 2       |
| Proposal(Accepted) | inotel.poolv1.near                           | 4,427,152 => 4,428,331   | 2       |
| Proposal(Accepted) | baziliknear.poolv1.near                      | 4,261,142 => 4,290,891   | 2       |
| Proposal(Accepted) | stakesabai.poolv1.near                       | 4,242,618 => 4,243,748   | 2       |
| Proposal(Accepted) | everstake.poolv1.near                        | 4,234,552 => 4,235,679   | 2       |
| Proposal(Accepted) | stakin.poolv1.near                           | 4,071,704 => 4,072,773   | 2       |
| Proposal(Accepted) | certusone.poolv1.near                        | 3,734,505 => 3,735,500   | 1       |
| Proposal(Accepted) | lux.poolv1.near                              | 3,705,394 => 3,716,381   | 1       |
| Proposal(Accepted) | staked.poolv1.near                           | 3,683,365 => 3,684,346   | 1       |
| Proposal(Accepted) | lunanova.poolv1.near                         | 3,597,231 => 3,597,836   | 1       |
| Proposal(Accepted) | appload.poolv1.near                          | 3,133,163 => 3,152,302   | 1       |
| Proposal(Accepted) | smart-stake.poolv1.near                      | 3,095,711 => 3,096,509   | 1       |
| Proposal(Accepted) | artemis.poolv1.near                          | 3,009,462 => 3,010,265   | 1       |
| Proposal(Accepted) | moonlet.poolv1.near                          | 2,790,296 => 2,948,565   | 1       |
| Proposal(Accepted) | nearfans.poolv1.near                         | 2,771,137 => 2,771,875   | 1       |
| Proposal(Accepted) | nodeasy.poolv1.near                          | 2,692,745 => 2,693,463   | 1       |
| Proposal(Accepted) | erm.poolv1.near                              | 2,653,524 => 2,654,231   | 1       |
| Proposal(Accepted) | dsrvlabs.poolv1.near                         | 2,542,925 => 2,571,865   | 1       |
| Proposal(Accepted) | zkv_staketosupportprivacy.poolv1.near        | 2,548,343 => 2,549,022   | 1       |
| Proposal(Accepted) | 08investinwomen_runbybisontrails.poolv1.near | 2,493,123 => 2,493,787   | 1       |
| Proposal(Accepted) | masternode24.poolv1.near                     | 2,355,634 => 2,456,226   | 1       |
| Proposal(Accepted) | fish.poolv1.near                             | 2,315,249 => 2,415,831   | 1       |
| Proposal(Accepted) | electric.poolv1.near                         | 2,400,532 => 2,401,172   | 1       |
| Proposal(Accepted) | sparkpool.poolv1.near                        | 2,378,191 => 2,378,824   | 1       |
| Proposal(Accepted) | hashquark.poolv1.near                        | 2,376,424 => 2,377,057   | 1       |
| Proposal(Accepted) | sharpdarts.poolv1.near                       | 2,332,398 => 2,332,948   | 1       |
| Proposal(Accepted) | ashert.poolv1.near                           | 2,103,327 => 2,103,887   | 1       |
| Proposal(Accepted) | 01node.poolv1.near                           | 2,058,200 => 2,059,314   | 1       |
| Proposal(Accepted) | finoa.poolv1.near                            | 2,012,304 => 2,015,808   | 1       |
| Proposal(Accepted) | majlovesreg.poolv1.near                      | 2,005,032 => 2,005,566   | 1       |
| Proposal(Declined) | huobipool.poolv1.near                        | 1,666,976                | 0       |
| Proposal(Declined) | hb436_pool.poolv1.near                       | 500,030                  | 0       |


near repl

Launches NEAR REPL (an interactive JavaScript programming invironment) connected to NEAR.

  • arguments: none
  • options: --accountId

To launch, run:

near repl
  • You will then be shown a prompt > and can begin interacting with NEAR.
  • Try typing the following into your prompt that converts NEAR (Ⓝ) into yoctoNEAR (10^-24):

You can also use an --accountId with near repl.


near repl --accountId example-acct.testnet
  • Then try console logging account after the > prompt.
Example Response

Account {
  accessKeyByPublicKeyCache: {},
  connection: Connection {
    networkId: 'default',
    provider: JsonRpcProvider { connection: [Object] },
    signer: InMemorySigner { keyStore: [MergeKeyStore] }
  accountId: 'example-acct.testnet',
  _ready: Promise { undefined },
  _state: {
    amount: '98786165075093615800000000',
    locked: '0',
    code_hash: '11111111111111111111111111111111',
    storage_usage: 741,
    storage_paid_at: 0,
    block_height: 21661252,
    block_hash: 'HbAj25dTzP3ssYjNRHov9BQ72UxpHGVqZK1mZwGdGNbo'

You can also get a private key's public key.

  • First, declare a privateKey variable:
const myPrivateKey =
  • Then run:

With NEAR REPL you have complete access to near-api-js to help you develop on the NEAR platform.


--helpShow help [boolean]
--versionShow version number [boolean]
--nodeUrl, --node_urlNEAR node URL [string] [default: ""]
--networkId, --network_idNEAR network ID, allows using different keys based on network [string] [default: "testnet"]
--helperUrlNEAR contract helper URL [string]
--keyPathPath to master account key [string]
--accountId, --account_idUnique identifier for the account [string]
--useLedgerKeyUse Ledger for signing with given HD key path [string] [default: "44'/397'/0'/0'/1'"]
--seedPhraseSeed phrase mnemonic [string]
--seedPathHD path derivation [string] [default: "m/44'/397'/0'"]
--walletUrlWebsite for NEAR Wallet [string]
--contractNameAccount name of contract [string]
--masterAccountMaster account used when creating new accounts [string]
--helperAccountExpected top-level account for a network [string]
-v, --verbosePrints out verbose output [boolean] [default: false]

Got a question? Ask it on StackOverflow!


This repository is distributed under the terms of both the MIT license and the Apache License (Version 2.0). See LICENSE and LICENSE-APACHE for details.



Package last updated on 27 Jul 2021

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