NEAR Workspaces
is a library for automating workflows and writing tests for NEAR smart contracts. You can use it as is or integrate with test runner of your choise (AVA, Jest, Mocha, etc.). If you don't have a preference, we suggest you to use AVA.
Quick Start (without testing frameworks)
To get started with Near Workspaces
you need to do only two things:
Initialize a Worker
const worker = await Worker.init();
const root = worker.rootAccount;
const alice = await root.createSubAccount('alice');
const contract = await root.devDeploy('path/to/compiled.wasm');
Writing tests.
is designed for concurrency. Here's a simple way to get concurrent runs using plain JS:
import {strict as assert} from 'assert';
await Promise.all([
async () => {
{some_string_argument: 'cool', some_number_argument: 42}
const result = await contract.view(
{account_id: alice}
assert.equal(result, 'whatever');
async () => {
const result = await contract.view(
{account_id: alice}
assert.equal(result, 'some default');
More info in our main README: