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nerdamer - npm Package Compare versions

Comparing version 1.0.0 to 1.0.1


@@ -0,0 +0,0 @@ *version 0.8.0*



@@ -9,3 +9,3 @@ {

"license": "MIT",
"version": "1.0.0",
"version": "1.0.1",
"homepage": "",

@@ -12,0 +12,0 @@ "directory": {

@@ -22,2 +22,3 @@ /*

explode = _C.integration.decompose_arg,
evaluate = core.Utils.evaluate,
remove = core.Utils.remove,

@@ -36,11 +37,3 @@ format = core.Utils.format,

//version solve
core.Solve = {
version: '1.2.7',
solve: function (eq, variable) {
var solution = solve(eq, String(variable));
return new core.Vector(solution);
//return new core.Vector(solve(eq.toString(), variable ? variable.toString() : variable));
// The search radius for the roots

@@ -54,2 +47,12 @@ core.Settings.SOLVE_RADIUS = 1000;

core.Settings.STEP_SIZE = 0.1;
//the maximum iterations for Newton's method
core.Settings.MAX_NEWTON_ITERATIONS = 200;
//the maximum number of time non-linear solve tries another jump point
core.Settings.MAX_NON_LINEAR_TRIES = 12;
//the amount of iterations the function will start to jump at
core.Settings.NON_LINEAR_JUMP_AT = 50;
//the size of the jump
core.Settings.NON_LINEAR_JUMP_SIZE = 100;
//the original starting point for nonlinear solving
core.Settings.NON_LINEAR_START = 0.01;

@@ -70,3 +73,3 @@ core.Symbol.prototype.hasTrig = function () {

/* nerdamer version 0.7.x and up allows us to make better use of operator overloading

@@ -81,60 +84,6 @@ * As such we can have this data type be supported completely outside of the core.

this.RHS = rhs; //right and side
//UTILS ##!!
* This function is confusing and should be refactored. Why is removeDenom bringing the equation to LHS????
* @param {Symbol} a
* @param {Symbol} b
* @returns {Symbol}
var removeDenom = function (a, b) {
//remove the denominator on both sides
var den = _.multiply(a.getDenom(), b.getDenom());
a = _.expand(_.multiply(a, den.clone()));
b = _.expand(_.multiply(b, den));
//swap the groups
if ( === CP && !== CP) {
var t = a;
a = b;
b = t; //swap
//scan to eliminate denominators
if ( === CB) {
var t = new Symbol(a.multiplier),
newRHS = b.clone();
a.each(function (y) {
if (y.power.lessThan(0))
newRHS = _.divide(newRHS, y);
t = _.multiply(t, y);
a = t;
b = newRHS;
else if ( === CP) {
//the logic: loop through each and if it has a denominator then multiply it out on both ends
//and then start over
for (var x in a.symbols) {
var sym = a.symbols[x];
if ( === CB) {
for (var y in sym.symbols) {
var sym2 = sym.symbols[y];
if (sym2.power.lessThan(0)) {
return removeDenom(
_.expand(_.multiply(sym2.clone().toLinear(), a)),
_.expand(_.multiply(sym2.clone().toLinear(), b))
return _.expand(_.subtract(a, b));
Equation.prototype = {

@@ -148,4 +97,54 @@ toString: function () {

toLHS: function () {
return removeDenom(this.LHS.clone(), this.RHS.clone());
var eqn = this.removeDenom();
return _.expand(_.subtract(eqn.LHS, eqn.RHS));;
removeDenom: function () {
var a = this.LHS.clone();
var b = this.RHS.clone();
//remove the denominator on both sides
var den = _.multiply(a.getDenom(), b.getDenom());
a = _.expand(_.multiply(a, den.clone()));
b = _.expand(_.multiply(b, den));
//swap the groups
if ( === CP && !== CP) {
var t = a;
a = b;
b = t; //swap
//scan to eliminate denominators
if ( === CB) {
var t = new Symbol(a.multiplier),
newRHS = b.clone();
a.each(function (y) {
if (y.power.lessThan(0))
newRHS = _.divide(newRHS, y);
t = _.multiply(t, y);
a = t;
b = newRHS;
else if ( === CP) {
//the logic: loop through each and if it has a denominator then multiply it out on both ends
//and then start over
for (var x in a.symbols) {
var sym = a.symbols[x];
if ( === CB) {
for (var y in sym.symbols) {
var sym2 = sym.symbols[y];
if (sym2.power.lessThan(0)) {
return new Equation(
_.expand(_.multiply(sym2.clone().toLinear(), a)),
_.expand(_.multiply(sym2.clone().toLinear(), b))
return new Equation(a, b);
clone: function () {

@@ -171,13 +170,68 @@ return new Equation(this.LHS.clone(), this.RHS.clone());

// A utility function to parse an expression to left hand side when working with strings
var toLHS = function (eqn) {
//If it's an equation then call its toLHS function instead
if (eqn instanceof Equation)
return eqn.toLHS();
var es = eqn.split('=');
if (es[1] === undefined)
es[1] = '0';
var e1 = _.parse(es[0]), e2 = _.parse(es[1]);
return removeDenom(e1, e2);
core.Expression.prototype.solveFor = function (x) {
return solve(core.Utils.isSymbol(this.symbol) ? this.symbol : this.symbol.toLHS(), x).map(function (x) {
return new core.Expression(x);
core.Expression.prototype.expand = function () {
if (this.symbol instanceof Equation) {
var clone = this.symbol.clone();
clone.RHS = _.expand(clone.RHS);
clone.LHS = _.expand(clone.LHS);
return new core.Expression(clone);
return new core.Expression(_.expand(this.symbol));
core.Expression.prototype.variables = function () {
if (this.symbol instanceof Equation)
return core.Utils.arrayUnique(variables(this.symbol.LHS).concat(variables(this.symbol.RHS)));
return variables(this.symbol);
core.Matrix.jacobian = function(eqns, vars) {
var jacobian = new core.Matrix();
//get the variables if not supplied
if(!vars) {
vars = __.getSystemVariables(eqns);
vars.forEach(function(v, i) {
eqns.forEach(function(eq, j) {
var e = core.Calculus.diff(eq.clone(), v);
jacobian.set(j, i, e);
return jacobian;
core.Matrix.prototype.max = function() {
var max = new Symbol(0);
this.each(function(x) {
var e = x.abs();
max = e;
return max;
core.Matrix.cMatrix = function(value, vars) {
var m = new core.Matrix();
//make an initial guess
vars.forEach(function(v, i) {
m.set(i, 0, _.parse(value));
return m;
var setEq = function (a, b) {
return _.equals(a, b);
//link the Equation class back to the core
core.Equation = Equation;
//Loops through an array and attempts to fails a test. Stops if manages to fail.

@@ -190,13 +244,196 @@ var checkAll = core.Utils.checkAll = function (args, test) {

//version solve
var __ = core.Solve = {
version: '2.0.0',
solutions: [],
solve: function (eq, variable) {
var solution = solve(eq, String(variable));
return new core.Vector(solution);
//return new core.Vector(solve(eq.toString(), variable ? variable.toString() : variable));
* Brings the equation to LHS. A string can be supplied which will be converted to an Equation
* @param {Equation|String} eqn
* @returns {Symbol}
toLHS: function (eqn) {
//If it's an equation then call its toLHS function instead
if (!(eqn instanceof Equation)) {
var es = eqn.split('=');
//convert falsey values to zero
es[1] = es[1] || '0';
eqn = new Equation(_.parse(es[0]), _.parse(es[1]));
return eqn.toLHS();
getSystemVariables: function(eqns) {
vars = variables(eqns[0], null, null, true);
// Solves a system of equations
var sys_solve = function (eqns, var_array) {
//check if a var_array was specified
//nerdamer.clearVars();// this deleted ALL variables: not what we want
//parse all the equations to LHS. Remember that they come in as strings
for (var i = 0; i < eqns.length; i++)
eqns[i] = toLHS(eqns[i]);
//get all variables
for (var i = 1, l=eqns.length; i < l; i++)
vars = vars.concat(variables(eqns[i]));
//remove duplicates
vars = core.Utils.arrayUnique(vars).sort();
return vars;
solveNonLinearSystem: function(eqns, tries, start) {
if(tries < 0)
return [];//can't find a solution
start = typeof start === 'undefined' ? core.Settings.NON_LINEAR_START : start;
var l = eqns.length,
//the maximum number of times to jump
var max_tries = core.Settings.MAX_NON_LINEAR_TRIES;
//halfway through the tries
var halfway = Math.floor(max_tries/2);
//initialize the number of tries to 10 if not specified
tries = typeof tries === 'undefined' ? max_tries : tries;
//a point at which we check to see if we're converging. By inspection it seems that we can
//use around 20 iterations to see if we're converging. If not then we retry a jump of x
var jump_at = core.Settings.NON_LINEAR_JUMP_AT;
//we jump by this many points at each pivot point
var jump = core.Settings.NON_LINEAR_JUMP_SIZE;
//used to check if we actually found a solution or if we gave up. Assume we will find a solution.
var found = true;
var create_subs = function(vars, matrix) {
return, i) {
return Number(matrix.get(i, 0));
var vars = __.getSystemVariables(eqns);
var jacobian = core.Matrix.jacobian(eqns, vars, function(x) {
return build(x, vars);
}, true);
var max_iter = core.Settings.MAX_NEWTON_ITERATIONS;
var o, y, iters, xn1, norm, lnorm, xn, d;
var f_eqns = {
return build(eq, vars);
var J = {
return build(e, vars);
}, true);
//initial values
xn1 = core.Matrix.cMatrix(0, vars);;
//initialize the c matrix with something close to 0.
var c = core.Matrix.cMatrix(start, vars);
iters = 0;
//start of algorithm
do {
//if we've reached the max iterations then exit
if(iters > max_iter) {
found = false;
//set the substitution object
o = create_subs(vars, c);
//set xn
xn = c.clone();
//make all the substitutions for each of the equations
f_eqns.forEach(function(f, i) {
c.set(i, 0, f.apply(null, o));
var m = new core.Matrix();
J.each(function(fn, i, j) {
var ans = fn.apply(null, o);
m.set(i, j, ans);
m = m.invert();
//preform the elimination
y = _.multiply(m, c).negate();
//the callback is to avoid overflow in the coeffient denonimator
//it converts it to a decimal and then back to a fraction. Some precision
//is lost be it's better than overflow.
d = y.subtract(xn1, function(x) { return _.parse(Number(x)); });
xn1 = xn.add(y, function(x) { return _.parse(Number(x)); });
//move c is now xn1
c = xn1;
//get the norm
//the expectation is that we're converging to some answer as this point regardless of where we start
//this may have to be adjusted at some point because of erroneous assumptions
if(iters >= jump_at) {
//check the norm. If the norm is greater than one then it's time to try another point
if(norm > 1) {
//reset the start point at halway
if(tries === halfway)
start = 0;
var sign = tries > halfway ? 1 : -1; //which side are we incrementing
//we increment +n at one side and -n at the other.
n = (tries % Math.floor(halfway))+1;
//adjust the start point
start += (sign*n*jump);
//call restart
return __.solveNonLinearSystem(eqns, --tries, start);
lnorm = norm;
norm = d.max();
//exit early. Revisit if we get bugs
if(Number(norm) === Number(lnorm))
while(Number(norm) >= Number.EPSILON)
//return a blank set if nothing was found;
return [];
//return c since that's the answer
return __.systemSolutions(c, vars, true, function(x) {
return core.Utils.round(Number(x), 14);
systemSolutions: function(result, vars, expand_result, callback) {
var solutions = core.Settings.SOLUTIONS_AS_OBJECT ? {} : [];
result.each(function (e, idx) {
var solution = (expand_result ? _.expand(e) : e).valueOf();
solution =, solution);
var variable = vars[idx];
if (core.Settings.SOLUTIONS_AS_OBJECT) {
solutions[variable] = solution;
solutions.push([variable, solution]); /*NO*/
return solutions;
solveSystem: function (eqns, var_array) {
//check if a var_array was specified
//nerdamer.clearVars();// this deleted ALL variables: not what we want
//parse all the equations to LHS. Remember that they come in as strings
for (var i = 0; i < eqns.length; i++)
eqns[i] = __.toLHS(eqns[i]);
var l = eqns.length,
m = new core.Matrix(),

@@ -207,321 +444,412 @@ c = new core.Matrix(),

if (typeof var_array === 'undefined') {
//check to make sure that all the equations are linear
if (!_A.allLinear(eqns))
core.err('System must contain all linear equations!');
vars = variables(eqns[0], null, null, true);
if (typeof var_array === 'undefined') {
//check to make sure that all the equations are linear
if (!_A.allLinear(eqns))
return __.solveNonLinearSystem(eqns);
//core.err('System must contain all linear equations!');
vars = __.getSystemVariables(eqns);
// deletes only the variables of the linear equations in the nerdamer namespace
for (var i = 0; i < vars.length; i++) {
nerdamer.setVar(vars[i], "delete");
// populate the matrix
for (var i = 0; i < l; i++) {
var e = eqns[i]; //store the expression
for (var j = 0; j < l; j++) {
var v = vars[j];
var coeffs = [];
e.each(function(x) {
if(x.contains(v)) {
coeffs = coeffs.concat(x.coeffs());
//get all variables
for (var i = 1; i < l; i++)
vars = vars.concat(variables(eqns[i]));
//remove duplicates
vars = core.Utils.arrayUnique(vars).sort();
var cf = core.Utils.arraySum(coeffs);
m.set(i, j, cf);
// deletes only the variables of the linear equations in the nerdamer namespace
for (var i = 0; i < vars.length; i++) {
nerdamer.setVar(vars[i], "delete");
// populate the matrix
for (var i = 0; i < l; i++) {
var e = eqns[i]; //store the expression
// for (var j = 0; j < l; j++) {
// var variable = e.symbols[vars[j]];
// m.set(i, j, variable ? variable.multiplier : 0);
// }
for (var j = 0; j < l; j++) {
var v = vars[j];
var coeffs = [];
e.each(function(x) {
if(x.contains(v)) {
coeffs = coeffs.concat(x.coeffs());
//strip the variables from the symbol so we're left with only the zeroth coefficient
//start with the symbol and remove each variable and its coefficient
var num = e.clone(); {
num = num.stripVar(e);
var cf = core.Utils.arraySum(coeffs);
m.set(i, j, cf);
c.set(i, 0, num.negate());
//strip the variables from the symbol so we're left with only the zeroth coefficient
//start with the symbol and remove each variable and its coefficient
var num = e.clone(); {
num = num.stripVar(e);
c.set(i, 0, num.negate());
else {
* The idea is that we loop through each equation and then expand it. Afterwards we loop
* through each term and see if and check to see if it matches one of the variables.
* When a match is found we mark it. No other match should be found for that term. If it
* is we stop since it's not linear.
vars = var_array;
expand_result = true;
for (i = 0; i < l; i++) {
c.set(i, 0, new Symbol(0));
var e = _.expand(eqns[i]).collectSymbols(); //expand and store
//go trough each of the variables
for (var j = 0; j < var_array.length; j++) {
m.set(i, j, new Symbol(0));
var v = var_array[j];
//go through the terms and sort the variables
for (var k = 0; k < e.length; k++) {
var term = e[k],
check = false;
for (var z = 0; z < var_array.length; z++) {
//check to see if terms contain multiple variables
if (term.contains(var_array[z])) {
if (check)
core.err('Multiple variables found for term ' + term);
check = true;
else {
* The idea is that we loop through each equation and then expand it. Afterwards we loop
* through each term and see if and check to see if it matches one of the variables.
* When a match is found we mark it. No other match should be found for that term. If it
* is we stop since it's not linear.
vars = var_array;
expand_result = true;
for (i = 0; i < l; i++) {
c.set(i, 0, new Symbol(0));
var e = _.expand(eqns[i]).collectSymbols(); //expand and store
//go trough each of the variables
for (var j = 0; j < var_array.length; j++) {
m.set(i, j, new Symbol(0));
var v = var_array[j];
//go through the terms and sort the variables
for (var k = 0; k < e.length; k++) {
var term = e[k],
check = false;
for (var z = 0; z < var_array.length; z++) {
//check to see if terms contain multiple variables
if (term.contains(var_array[z])) {
if (check)
core.err('Multiple variables found for term ' + term);
check = true;
//we made sure that every term contains one variable so it's safe to assume that if the
//variable is found then the remainder is the coefficient.
if (term.contains(v)) {
var tparts = explode(remove(e, k), v);
m.set(i, j, _.add(m.get(i, j), tparts[0]));
//we made sure that every term contains one variable so it's safe to assume that if the
//variable is found then the remainder is the coefficient.
if (term.contains(v)) {
var tparts = explode(remove(e, k), v);
m.set(i, j, _.add(m.get(i, j), tparts[0]));
//all the remaining terms go to the c matrix
for (k = 0; k < e.length; k++) {
c.set(i, 0, _.add(c.get(i, 0), e[k]));
//all the remaining terms go to the c matrix
for (k = 0; k < e.length; k++) {
c.set(i, 0, _.add(c.get(i, 0), e[k]));
//consider case (a+b)*I+u
//consider case (a+b)*I+u
//check if the system has a distinct solution
throw new core.exceptions.SolveError('System does not have a distinct solution');
// Use M^-1*c to solve system
m = m.invert();
var result = m.multiply(c);
//correct the sign as per issue #410
if (core.Utils.isArray(var_array))
result.each(function (x) {
return x.negate();
//check if the system has a distinct solution
throw new core.exceptions.SolveError('System does not have a distinct solution');
// Use M^-1*c to solve system
m = m.invert();
var result = m.multiply(c);
//correct the sign as per issue #410
if (core.Utils.isArray(var_array))
result.each(function (x) {
return x.negate();
return __.systemSolutions(result, vars, expand_result);
* The quadratic function but only one side.
* @param {Symbol} c
* @param {Symbol} b
* @param {Symbol} a
* @returns {Symbol}
quad: function (c, b, a) {
var bsqmin4ac = _.subtract(_.pow(b.clone(), Symbol(2)), _.multiply(_.multiply(a.clone(), c.clone()), Symbol(4)))/*b^2 - 4ac*/;
var det = _.pow(bsqmin4ac, Symbol(0.5));
var retval = [
_.parse(_.divide(_.add(b.clone().negate(), det.clone()), _.multiply(new Symbol(2), a.clone()))),
_.parse(_.divide(_.subtract(b.clone().negate(), det.clone()), _.multiply(new Symbol(2), a.clone())))
return retval;
* The cubic equation
* @param {Symbol} d_o
* @param {Symbol} c_o
* @param {Symbol} b_o
* @param {Symbol} a_o
* @returns {Array}
cubic:function (d_o, c_o, b_o, a_o) {
//convert everything to text
var a = a_o.text(), b = b_o.text(), c = c_o.text(), d = d_o.text();
var d0s = '({1})^2-3*({0})*({2})',
d0 = _.parse(format(d0s, a, b, c)),
Q = _.parse(format('((2*({1})^3-9*({0})*({1})*({2})+27*({0})^2*({3}))^2-4*(({1})^2-3*({0})*({2}))^3)^(1/2)', a, b, c, d)),
C = _.parse(format('((1/2)*(({4})+2*({1})^3-9*({0})*({1})*({2})+27*({0})^2*({3})))^(1/3)', a, b, c, d, Q));
//check if C equals 0
var scope = {};
//populate the scope object
variables(C).map(function (x) {
scope[x] = 1;
var solutions = core.Settings.SOLUTIONS_AS_OBJECT ? {} : [];
result.each(function (e, idx) {
var solution = (expand_result ? _.expand(e) : e).valueOf();
var variable = vars[idx];
if (core.Settings.SOLUTIONS_AS_OBJECT) {
solutions[variable] = solution;
solutions.push([variable, solution]);
return solutions;
// solve quad oder polynomials symbolically
var quad = function (c, b, a, plus_or_min) {
var plus_or_minus = plus_or_min === '-' ? 'subtract' : 'add';
var bsqmin4ac = _.subtract(_.pow(b.clone(), Symbol(2)), _.multiply(_.multiply(a.clone(), c.clone()), Symbol(4)))/*b^2 - 4ac*/;
var det = _.pow(bsqmin4ac, Symbol(0.5));
var retval = _.divide(_[plus_or_minus](b.clone().negate(), det), _.multiply(new Symbol(2), a.clone()));
return retval;
var cubic = function (d_o, c_o, b_o, a_o) {
//convert everything to text
var a = a_o.text(), b = b_o.text(), c = c_o.text(), d = d_o.text();
var d0s = '({1})^2-3*({0})*({2})',
d0 = _.parse(format(d0s, a, b, c)),
Q = _.parse(format('((2*({1})^3-9*({0})*({1})*({2})+27*({0})^2*({3}))^2-4*(({1})^2-3*({0})*({2}))^3)^(1/2)', a, b, c, d)),
C = _.parse(format('((1/2)*(({4})+2*({1})^3-9*({0})*({1})*({2})+27*({0})^2*({3})))^(1/3)', a, b, c, d, Q));
//check if C equals 0
var scope = {};
//populate the scope object
variables(C).map(function (x) {
scope[x] = 1;
var Ct = core.Utils.block('PARSE2NUMBER', function () {
return _.parse(C, scope);
var Ct = core.Utils.block('PARSE2NUMBER', function () {
return _.parse(C, scope);
if (Number(d0) === 0 && Number(Ct) === 0) //negate Q such that C != 0
C = _.parse(format('((1/2)*(-({4})+2*({1})^3-9*({0})*({1})*({2})+27*({0})^2*({3})))^(1/3)', a, b, c, d, Q));
if (Number(d0) === 0 && Number(Ct) === 0) //negate Q such that C != 0
C = _.parse(format('((1/2)*(-({4})+2*({1})^3-9*({0})*({1})*({2})+27*({0})^2*({3})))^(1/3)', a, b, c, d, Q));
var xs = [
'-(b/(3*a))+(C*(1+i*sqrt(3)))/(6*a)+((1-i*sqrt(3))*(b^2-3*a*c))/(6*a*C)'.replace(/i/g, core.Settings.IMAGINARY),
'-(b/(3*a))+(C*(1-i*sqrt(3)))/(6*a)+((1+i*sqrt(3))*(b^2-3*a*c))/(6*a*C)'.replace(/i/g, core.Settings.IMAGINARY)
var xs = [
'-(b/(3*a))+(C*(1+i*sqrt(3)))/(6*a)+((1-i*sqrt(3))*(b^2-3*a*c))/(6*a*C)'.replace(/i/g, core.Settings.IMAGINARY),
'-(b/(3*a))+(C*(1-i*sqrt(3)))/(6*a)+((1+i*sqrt(3))*(b^2-3*a*c))/(6*a*C)'.replace(/i/g, core.Settings.IMAGINARY)
return (e, i) {
var o = {a: a_o.clone(), b: b_o.clone(), c: c_o.clone(), d: d_o.clone(), C: C.clone()};
return _.parse(e, o);
* The quartic equation
* @param {Symbol} e
* @param {Symbol} d
* @param {Symbol} c
* @param {Symbol} b
* @param {Symbol} a
* @returns {Array}
quartic: function (e, d, c, b, a) {
var scope = {};
.map(function (x) {
scope[x] = 1;
a = a.toString();
b = b.toString();
c = c.toString();
d = d.toString();
e = e.toString();
var p, q, D, D0, D1, Q, x1, x2, x3, x4;
/*var D = core.Utils.block('PARSE2NUMBER', function() {
return _.parse(format("256*({0})^3*({4})^3-192*({0})^2*({1})*({3})*({4})^2-128*({0})^2*({2})^2*({4})^2+144*({0})^2*({2})*({3})^2*({4})"+
a, b, c, d, e), scope);
return (e, i) {
var o = {a: a_o.clone(), b: b_o.clone(), c: c_o.clone(), d: d_o.clone(), C: C.clone()};
return _.parse(e, o);
/* in progress */
//solve(x^4+x+0.1, x)
var quartic = function (e, d, c, b, a) {
var scope = {};
.map(function (x) {
scope[x] = 1;
p = _.parse(format("(8*({0})*({2})-3*({1})^2)/(8*({0})^2)", a, b, c)).toString(); //a, b, c
q = _.parse(format("(({1})^3-4*({0})*({1})*({2})+8*({0})^2*({3}))/(8*({0})^3)", a, b, c, d)).toString();//a, b, c, d, e
D0 = _.parse(format("12*({0})*({4})-3*({1})*({3})+({2})^2", a, b, c, d, e)).toString(); //a, b, c, d, e
D1 = _.parse(format("2*({2})^3-9*({1})*({2})*({3})+27*({1})^2*({4})+27*({0})*({3})^2-72*({0})*({2})*({4})", a, b, c, d, e)).toString(); //a, b, c, d, e
Q = _.parse(format("((({1})+(({1})^2-4*({0})^3)^(1/2))/2)^(1/3)", D0, D1)).toString(); //D0, D1
S = _.parse(format("(1/2)*(-(2/3)*({1})+(1/(3*({0}))*(({2})+(({3})/({2})))))^(1/2)", a, p, Q, D0)).toString(); //a, p, Q, D0
x1 = _.parse(format("-(({1})/(4*({0})))-({4})+(1/2)*sqrt(-4*({4})^2-2*({2})+(({3})/({4})))", a, b, p, q, S)); //a, b, p, q, S
x2 = _.parse(format("-(({1})/(4*({0})))-({4})-(1/2)*sqrt(-4*({4})^2-2*({2})+(({3})/({4})))", a, b, p, q, S)); //a, b, p, q, S
x3 = _.parse(format("-(({1})/(4*({0})))+({4})+(1/2)*sqrt(-4*({4})^2-2*({2})-(({3})/({4})))", a, b, p, q, S)); //a, b, p, q, S
x4 = _.parse(format("-(({1})/(4*({0})))+({4})-(1/2)*sqrt(-4*({4})^2-2*({2})-(({3})/({4})))", a, b, p, q, S)); //a, b, p, q, S
return [x1, x2, x3, x4];
* Breaks the equation up in its factors and tries to solve the smaller parts
* @param {Symbol} symbol
* @param {String} solve_for
* @returns {Array}
divideAndConquer: function (symbol, solve_for) {
var sols = [];
//see if we can solve the factors
var factors = core.Algebra.Factor.factor(symbol);
if ( === CB) {
factors.each(function (x) {
x = Symbol.unwrapPARENS(x);
sols = sols.concat(solve(x, solve_for));
a = a.toString();
b = b.toString();
c = c.toString();
d = d.toString();
e = e.toString();
var p, q, D, D0, D1, Q, x1, x2, x3, x4;
/*var D = core.Utils.block('PARSE2NUMBER', function() {
return _.parse(format("256*({0})^3*({4})^3-192*({0})^2*({1})*({3})*({4})^2-128*({0})^2*({2})^2*({4})^2+144*({0})^2*({2})*({3})^2*({4})"+
a, b, c, d, e), scope);
p = _.parse(format("(8*({0})*({2})-3*({1})^2)/(8*({0})^2)", a, b, c)).toString(); //a, b, c
q = _.parse(format("(({1})^3-4*({0})*({1})*({2})+8*({0})^2*({3}))/(8*({0})^3)", a, b, c, d)).toString();//a, b, c, d, e
D0 = _.parse(format("12*({0})*({4})-3*({1})*({3})+({2})^2", a, b, c, d, e)).toString(); //a, b, c, d, e
D1 = _.parse(format("2*({2})^3-9*({1})*({2})*({3})+27*({1})^2*({4})+27*({0})*({3})^2-72*({0})*({2})*({4})", a, b, c, d, e)).toString(); //a, b, c, d, e
Q = _.parse(format("((({1})+(({1})^2-4*({0})^3)^(1/2))/2)^(1/3)", D0, D1)).toString(); //D0, D1
S = _.parse(format("(1/2)*(-(2/3)*({1})+(1/(3*({0}))*(({2})+(({3})/({2})))))^(1/2)", a, p, Q, D0)).toString(); //a, p, Q, D0
x1 = _.parse(format("-(({1})/(4*({0})))-({4})+(1/2)*sqrt(-4*({4})^2-2*({2})+(({3})/({4})))", a, b, p, q, S)); //a, b, p, q, S
x2 = _.parse(format("-(({1})/(4*({0})))-({4})-(1/2)*sqrt(-4*({4})^2-2*({2})+(({3})/({4})))", a, b, p, q, S)); //a, b, p, q, S
x3 = _.parse(format("-(({1})/(4*({0})))+({4})+(1/2)*sqrt(-4*({4})^2-2*({2})-(({3})/({4})))", a, b, p, q, S)); //a, b, p, q, S
x4 = _.parse(format("-(({1})/(4*({0})))+({4})-(1/2)*sqrt(-4*({4})^2-2*({2})-(({3})/({4})))", a, b, p, q, S)); //a, b, p, q, S
return [x1, x2, x3, x4];
//solve by divide and conquer
var divnconsolve = function (symbol, solve_for) {
var sols = [];
//see if we can solve the factors
var factors = core.Algebra.Factor.factor(symbol);
if ( === CB) {
factors.each(function (x) {
x = Symbol.unwrapPARENS(x);
sols = sols.concat(solve(x, solve_for));
return sols;
* Attempts to solve the equation assuming it's a polynomial with numeric coefficients
* @param {Symbol} eq
* @param {String} solve_for
* @returns {Array}
csolve: function (eq, solve_for) {
return core.Utils.block('IGNORE_E', function () {
var f, p, pn, n, pf, r, theta, sr, sp, roots;
roots = [];
f = core.Utils.decompose_fn(eq, solve_for, true);
if ( === S) {
p = _.parse(f.x.power);
pn = Number(p);
n = _.pow(_.divide(f.b.negate(), f.a), p.invert());
pf = Symbol.toPolarFormArray(n);
r = pf[0];
theta = pf[1];
sr = r.toString();
sp = p.toString();
var k, root, str;
for (var i = 0; i < pn; i++) {
k = i;
str = format('({0})*e^(2*{1}*pi*{2}*{3})', sr, k, p, core.Settings.IMAGINARY);
root = _.parse(str);
return roots;
}, true);
* Generates starting points for the Newton solver given an expression at zero.
* It beings by check if zero is a good point and starts expanding by a provided step size.
* Builds on the fact that if the sign changes over an interval then a zero
* must exist on that interval
* @param {Symbol} symbol
* @param {Number} step
* @returns {Array}
getPoints: function (symbol, step) {
step = step || 0.01;
var f = build(symbol);
var start = Math.round(f(0)),
last = f(start),
last_sign = last / Math.abs(last),
points = [],
rside = core.Settings.ROOTS_PER_SIDE, // the max number of roots on right side
lside = rside * 2 + 1; // the max number of roots on left side
// check around the starting point
points.push(Math.floor(start / 2)); //half way from zero might be a good start
points.push(Math.abs(start)); //|f(0)| could be a good start
points.push(start);//|f(0)| could be a good start
//adjust for log. A good starting point to include for log is 0.1
symbol.each(function (x) {
if (x.containsFunction('log'))
return sols;
// Possible issue #1. If the step size exceeds the zeros then they'll be missed. Consider the case
// where the function dips to negative and then back the positive with a step size of 0.1. The function
// will miss the zeros because it will jump right over it. Think of a case where this can happen.
for (var i = start; (i) < core.Settings.SOLVE_RADIUS; i++) {
var val = f(i * step),
sign = val / Math.abs(val);
if (isNaN(val) || !isFinite(val) || points.length > rside) {
//compare the signs. The have to be different if they cross a zero
if (sign !== last_sign) {
points.push((i - 1) / 2); //take note of the possible zero location
last_sign = sign;
var csolve = function (symbol, solve_for) {
return core.Utils.block('IGNORE_E', function () {
var f, p, pn, n, pf, r, theta, sr, sp, roots;
roots = [];
f = core.Utils.decompose_fn(symbol, solve_for, true);
if ( === S) {
p = _.parse(f.x.power);
pn = Number(p);
n = _.pow(_.divide(f.b.negate(), f.a), p.invert());
pf = Symbol.toPolarFormArray(n);
r = pf[0];
theta = pf[1];
sr = r.toString();
sp = p.toString();
var k, root, str;
for (var i = 0; i < pn; i++) {
k = i;
str = format('({0})*e^(2*{1}*pi*{2}*{3})', sr, k, p, core.Settings.IMAGINARY);
root = _.parse(str);
//check the other side
for (var i = start - 1; i > -core.Settings.SOLVE_RADIUS; i--) {
var val = f(i),
sign = val / Math.abs(val);
if (isNaN(val) || !isFinite(val) || points.length > lside)
//compare the signs. The have to be different if they cross a zero
if (sign !== last_sign)
points.push((i - 1) / 2); //take note of the possible zero location
last_sign = sign;
return points;
Newton: function (point, f, fp) {
var maxiter = core.Settings.MAX_NEWTON_ITERATIONS,
iter = 0;
//first try the point itself. If it's zero viola. We're done
var x0 = point, x;
do {
var fx0 = f(x0); //store the result of the function
//if the value is zero then we're done because 0 - (0/d f(x0)) = 0
if (x0 === 0 && fx0 === 0) {
x = 0;
if (iter > maxiter)
return; //naximum iterations reached
x = x0 - fx0 / fp(x0);
var e = Math.abs(x - x0);
x0 = x;
return roots;
}, true);
while (e > Number.EPSILON)
var polysolve = function (EQ, solve_for) {
solve_for = solve_for.toString();
var eq = core.Utils.isSymbol(EQ) ? EQ : toLHS(EQ);
var factors = _A.Factor.factor(eq);
var solutions = [];
factors.each(function (x) {
var sols = solve(x.arg ? x.args[0] : x, solve_for).map(function (a) {
return new core.Vector(solutions);
return x;
rewrite: function (rhs, lhs, for_variable) {
lhs = lhs || new Symbol(0);
if(rhs.isComposite() && rhs.isLinear()) {
//try to isolate the square root
//container for the square roots
var sqrts = [];
//all else
var rem = [];
rhs.each(function(x) {
x = x.clone();
if(x.fname === 'sqrt' && x.contains(for_variable)) {
else {
}, true);
var get_points = function (symbol, step) {
step = step || 0.01;
var f = build(symbol);
var start = Math.round(f(0)),
last = f(start),
last_sign = last / Math.abs(last),
points = [],
rside = core.Settings.ROOTS_PER_SIDE, // the max number of roots on right side
lside = rside * 2 + 1; // the max number of roots on left side
// check around the starting point
points.push(Math.floor(start / 2)); //half way from zero might be a good start
points.push(Math.abs(start)); //|f(0)| could be a good start
points.push(start);//|f(0)| could be a good start
//adjust for log. A good starting point to include for log is 0.1
symbol.each(function (x) {
if (x.containsFunction('log'))
// Possible issue #1. If the step size exceeds the zeros then they'll be missed. Consider the case
// where the function dips to negative and then back the positive with a step size of 0.1. The function
// will miss the zeros because it will jump right over it. Think of a case where this can happen.
for (var i = start; (i) < core.Settings.SOLVE_RADIUS; i++) {
var val = f(i * step),
sign = val / Math.abs(val);
if (isNaN(val) || !isFinite(val) || points.length > rside) {
if(sqrts.length === 1) {
//move the remainder to the RHS
lhs = _.expand(_.pow(_.subtract(lhs, core.Utils.arraySum(rem)), new Symbol(2)));
//square both sides
rhs = _.expand(_.pow(Symbol.unwrapSQRT(sqrts[0]), new Symbol(2)));
//compare the signs. The have to be different if they cross a zero
if (sign !== last_sign) {
points.push((i - 1) / 2); //take note of the possible zero location
else {
rhs = Symbol.unwrapSQRT(_.expand(rhs)); //expand the term expression go get rid of quotients when possible
last_sign = sign;
var c = 0, //a counter to see if we have all terms with the variable
l = rhs.length;
//try to rewrite the whole thing
if ( === CP && rhs.contains(for_variable) && rhs.isLinear()) {
var t = new Symbol(0);
//first bring all the terms containing the variable to the lhs
rhs.each(function (x) {
if (x.contains(for_variable)) {
t = _.add(t, x.clone());
lhs = _.subtract(lhs, x.clone());
rhs = t;
//check the other side
for (var i = start - 1; i > -core.Settings.SOLVE_RADIUS; i--) {
var val = f(i),
sign = val / Math.abs(val);
if (isNaN(val) || !isFinite(val) || points.length > lside)
//compare the signs. The have to be different if they cross a zero
if (sign !== last_sign)
points.push((i - 1) / 2); //take note of the possible zero location
last_sign = sign;
return points;
//Newton's iteration
var Newton = function (point, f, fp) {
var maxiter = 200,
iter = 0;
//first try the point itself. If it's zero viola. We're done
var x0 = point, x;
do {
var fx0 = f(x0); //store the result of the function
//if the value is zero then we're done because 0 - (0/d f(x0)) = 0
if (x0 === 0 && fx0 === 0) {
x = 0;
//if not all the terms contain the variable so it's in the form
if (c !== l) {
return __.rewrite(rhs, lhs, for_variable);
else {
return [rhs, lhs];
if (iter > maxiter)
return; //naximum iterations reached
else if ( === CB && rhs.contains(for_variable) && rhs.isLinear()) {
if (rhs.multiplier.lessThan(0)) {
rhs.multiplier = rhs.multiplier.multiply(new core.Frac(-1));
lhs.multiplier = lhs.multiplier.multiply(new core.Frac(-1));
if (lhs.equals(0))
return new Symbol(0);
else {
var t = new Symbol(1);
rhs.each(function (x) {
if (x.contains(for_variable))
t = _.multiply(t, x.clone());
lhs = _.divide(lhs, x.clone());
rhs = t;
return __.rewrite(rhs, lhs, for_variable);
x = x0 - fx0 / fp(x0);
var e = Math.abs(x - x0);
x0 = x;
else if (!rhs.isLinear() && rhs.contains(for_variable)) {
var p = _.parse(rhs.power.clone().invert());
rhs = _.pow(rhs, p.clone());
lhs = _.pow(_.expand(lhs), p.clone());
return __.rewrite(rhs, lhs, for_variable);
else if ( === FN || === S || === PL) {
return [rhs, lhs];
while (e > Number.EPSILON)
return x;

@@ -534,3 +862,4 @@ *

var solve = function (eqns, solve_for, solutions) {
//make preparations if it's an Equation
if (eqns instanceof Equation) {

@@ -556,3 +885,3 @@ //if it's zero then we're done

if (isArray(eqns)) {
return sys_solve.apply(undefined, arguments);
return __.solveSystem.apply(undefined, arguments);

@@ -563,5 +892,40 @@ //parse out functions. Fix for issue #300

solutions = solutions || [];
//mark existing solutions as not to have duplicates
var existing = {};
//Is usued to add solutions to set.
//TODO: Set is now implemented and should be utilized
var add_to_result = function (r, has_trig) {
var r_is_symbol = isSymbol(r);
if (r === undefined || typeof r === 'number' && isNaN(r))
if (isArray(r)) { {
else {
if (r.valueOf() !== 'null') {
if (!r_is_symbol)
r = _.parse(r);
//try to convert the number to multiples of pi
if (core.Settings.make_pi_conversions && has_trig) {
var temp = _.divide(r.clone(), new Symbol(Math.PI)),
m = temp.multiplier,
a = Math.abs(m.num),
b = Math.abs(m.den);
if (a < 10 && b < 10)
r = _.multiply(temp, new Symbol('pi'));
//convert to a string so we can mark it as a known solution
var r_str = r.toString();
if (!existing[r_str])
solutions.push(r); /*NO*/
//mark the answer as seen
existing[r_str] = true;
//maybe we get lucky
if ( === S && eqns.contains(solve_for)) {
solutions.push(new Symbol(0));
add_to_result(new Symbol(0));
return solutions;

@@ -582,56 +946,4 @@ }

var existing = {}, //mark existing solutions as not to have duplicates
add_to_result = function (r, has_trig) {
var r_is_symbol = isSymbol(r);
if (r === undefined || typeof r === 'number' && isNaN(r))
if (isArray(r))
solutions = solutions.concat(r);
else {
if (r.valueOf() !== 'null') {
if (!r_is_symbol)
r = _.parse(r);
//try to convert the number to multiples of pi
if (core.Settings.make_pi_conversions && has_trig) {
var temp = _.divide(r.clone(), new Symbol(Math.PI)),
m = temp.multiplier,
a = Math.abs(m.num),
b = Math.abs(m.den);
if (a < 10 && b < 10)
r = _.multiply(temp, new Symbol('pi'));
//convert to a string so we can mark it as a known solution
var r_str = r.toString();
if (!existing[r_str])
//mark the answer as seen
existing[r_str] = true;
//gets points around which to solve. It does that because it builds on the principle that if
//the sign changes over an interval then there must be a zero on that interval
var attempt_Newton = function (symbol) {
var has_trig = symbol.hasTrig();
// we get all the points where a possible zero might exist
var points1 = get_points(symbol, 0.1);
var points2 = get_points(symbol, 0.05);
var points3 = get_points(symbol, 0.01);
var points = core.Utils.arrayUnique(points1.concat(points2).concat(points3)),
l = points.length;
//compile the function and the derivative of the function
var f = build(symbol.clone());
var d = _C.diff(symbol.clone());
var fp = build(d);
for (var i = 0; i < l; i++) {
var point = points[i];
add_to_result(Newton(point, f, fp), has_trig);
var eq = core.Utils.isSymbol(eqns) ? eqns : toLHS(eqns),
var eq = core.Utils.isSymbol(eqns) ? eqns : __.toLHS(eqns),
vars = core.Utils.variables(eq), //get a list of all the variables

@@ -697,62 +1009,3 @@ numvars = vars.length;//how many variables are we dealing with

//rewrites equations/expression in simpler form
var rewrite = function (rhs, lhs) {
lhs = lhs || new Symbol(0);
rhs = Symbol.unwrapSQRT(_.expand(rhs)); //expand the term expression go get rid of quotients when possible
var c = 0, //a counter to see if we have all terms with the variable
l = rhs.length;
//try to rewrite the whole thing
if ( === CP && rhs.contains(solve_for) && rhs.isLinear()) {
var t = new Symbol(0);
//first bring all the terms containing the variable to the lhs
rhs.each(function (x) {
if (x.contains(solve_for)) {
t = _.add(t, x.clone());
lhs = _.subtract(lhs, x.clone());
rhs = t;
//if not all the terms contain the variable so it's in the form
if (c !== l)
return rewrite(rhs, lhs);
else {
return [rhs, lhs];
else if ( === CB && rhs.contains(solve_for) && rhs.isLinear()) {
if (rhs.multiplier.lessThan(0)) {
rhs.multiplier = rhs.multiplier.multiply(new core.Frac(-1));
lhs.multiplier = lhs.multiplier.multiply(new core.Frac(-1));
if (lhs.equals(0))
return new Symbol(0);
else {
var t = new Symbol(1);
rhs.each(function (x) {
if (x.contains(solve_for))
t = _.multiply(t, x.clone());
lhs = _.divide(lhs, x.clone());
rhs = t;
return rewrite(rhs, lhs);
else if (!rhs.isLinear() && rhs.contains(solve_for)) {
var p = _.parse(rhs.power.clone().invert());
rhs = _.pow(rhs, p.clone());
lhs = _.pow(_.expand(lhs), p.clone());
return rewrite(rhs, lhs);
else if ( === FN || === S || === PL) {
return [rhs, lhs];
//separate the equation

@@ -837,8 +1090,12 @@ var separate = function (eq) {

else if (deg === 2) {
add_to_result(_.expand(quad.apply(undefined, coeffs)));
add_to_result(_.expand(quad.apply(undefined, coeffs)));
add_to_result(_.expand(__.quad.apply(undefined, coeffs)));
else if (deg === 3)
add_to_result(cubic.apply(undefined, coeffs));
else if (deg === 3) {
//first try to factor and solve
var solutions = solve(core.Algebra.Factor.factor(eqns));
if(solutions.length > 0)
add_to_result(__.cubic.apply(undefined, coeffs));
else {

@@ -860,5 +1117,26 @@ /*

else {
//since it's not a polynomial then we'll try to look for a solution using Newton's method
//this is not a very broad search but takes the positions that something is better than nothing
try {
//Attempt Newton
//since it's not a polynomial then we'll try to look for a solution using Newton's method
//this is not a very broad search but takes the positions that something is better than nothing
var has_trig = eq.hasTrig();
// we get all the points where a possible zero might exist.
var points1 = __.getPoints(eq, 0.1);
var points2 = __.getPoints(eq, 0.05);
var points3 = __.getPoints(eq, 0.01);
var points = core.Utils.arrayUnique(points1.concat(points2).concat(points3)),
l = points.length;
//compile the function and the derivative of the function
var f = build(eq.clone());
var d = _C.diff(eq.clone());
var fp = build(d);
for (var i = 0; i < l; i++) {
var point = points[i];
add_to_result(__.Newton(point, f, fp), has_trig);
catch(e) {

@@ -891,16 +1169,14 @@ }

case 2:
add_to_result(quad.apply(undefined, coeffs));
add_to_result(quad.apply(undefined, coeffs));
add_to_result(__.quad.apply(undefined, coeffs));
case 3:
add_to_result(cubic.apply(undefined, coeffs));
add_to_result(__.cubic.apply(undefined, coeffs));
case 4:
add_to_result(quartic.apply(undefined, coeffs));
add_to_result(__.quartic.apply(undefined, coeffs));
add_to_result(csolve(eq, solve_for));
add_to_result(__.csolve(eq, solve_for));
if (solutions.length === 0)
add_to_result(divnconsolve(eq, solve_for));
add_to_result(__.divideAndConquer(eq, solve_for));

@@ -914,3 +1190,3 @@ }

try {
var rw = rewrite(eq);
var rw = __.rewrite(eq, null, solve_for);
var lhs = rw[0];

@@ -920,24 +1196,38 @@ var rhs = rw[1];

if (lhs.fname === 'abs') {
add_to_result([rhs.clone(), rhs.negate()]);
else if(lhs.fname === 'sin') {
solutions.push(inverse_function('asin', lhs, rhs));
add_to_result(inverse_function('asin', lhs, rhs));
else if(lhs.fname === 'cos') {
solutions.push(inverse_function('acos', lhs, rhs));
add_to_result(inverse_function('acos', lhs, rhs));
else if(lhs.fname === 'tan') {
solutions.push(inverse_function('atan', lhs, rhs));
add_to_result(inverse_function('atan', lhs, rhs));
else if(lhs.fname === 'log') {
solutions.push(_.pow(new Symbol('e'), _.divide(rhs, _.parse(lhs.multiplier))));
//ax+b comes back as [a, x, ax, b];
var parts = explode(lhs.args[0], solve_for);
//check if x is by itself
var x = parts[1];
if( === S) {
rhs = _.divide(_.subtract(_.pow(new Symbol('e'), _.divide(rhs, _.parse(lhs.multiplier))), parts[3]), parts[0]);
var eq = new Equation(x, rhs).toLHS();
add_to_result(solve(eq, solve_for));
solutions.push(_.subtract(lhs, rhs));
add_to_result(_.subtract(lhs, rhs));
else {
var neq = new Equation(lhs, rhs).toLHS(); //create a new equation
throw new Error('Stopping. No stop condition exists');
add_to_result(solve(neq, solve_for));

@@ -950,3 +1240,3 @@ catch (error) {

if ( === CB)
else if ( === CP) {

@@ -961,3 +1251,3 @@ var separated = separate(eq);

var p = lhs.power.clone().invert();
solutions.push(_.pow(rhs, p));
add_to_result(_.pow(rhs, p));

@@ -981,32 +1271,4 @@ }

core.Expression.prototype.solveFor = function (x) {
return solve(core.Utils.isSymbol(this.symbol) ? this.symbol : this.symbol.toLHS(), x).map(function (x) {
return new core.Expression(x);
core.Expression.prototype.expand = function () {
if (this.symbol instanceof Equation) {
var clone = this.symbol.clone();
clone.RHS = _.expand(clone.RHS);
clone.LHS = _.expand(clone.LHS);
return new core.Expression(clone);
return new core.Expression(_.expand(this.symbol));
core.Expression.prototype.variables = function () {
if (this.symbol instanceof Equation)
return core.Utils.arrayUnique(variables(this.symbol.LHS).concat(variables(this.symbol.RHS)));
return variables(this.symbol);
var setEq = function (a, b) {
return _.equals(a, b);
//link the Equation class back to the core
core.Equation = Equation;
//Register the functions for external use

@@ -1013,0 +1275,0 @@ {

@@ -0,0 +0,0 @@ /* global expect */

@@ -0,0 +0,0 @@ /* global expect */

@@ -257,2 +257,6 @@ /* global expect */

given: 'limit(cos(sin(x)+2), x, Infinity)',
expected: '[cos(1),cos(3)]'

@@ -259,0 +263,0 @@ {

@@ -63,3 +63,3 @@ /* global expect */

given: 'solve(-5 sqrt(14)x-14x^2 sqrt(83)-10=0,x)',
expected: '[(-1/28)*sqrt(-560*sqrt(83)+350)*sqrt(83)^(-1)+(-5/28)*sqrt(14)*sqrt(83)^(-1),(-5/28)*sqrt(14)*sqrt(83)^(-1)+(1/28)*sqrt(-560*sqrt(83)+350)*sqrt(83)^(-1)]'
expected: '[(-1/28)*(5*sqrt(14)+sqrt(-560*sqrt(83)+350))*sqrt(83)^(-1),(-1/28)*(-sqrt(-560*sqrt(83)+350)+5*sqrt(14))*sqrt(83)^(-1)]'

@@ -110,7 +110,4 @@ {

given: 'solve(sqrt(97)x^2-sqrt(13)x+sqrt(14)x+sqrt(43)x^2+sqrt(3)*sqrt(101)=0,x)',
expected: '[(-1/2)*(sqrt(43)+sqrt(97))^(-1)*sqrt(14)+(1/2)*(sqrt(43)+sqrt(97))^(-1)'+
expected: '[(1/2)*(-sqrt(14)+sqrt((-sqrt(13)+sqrt(14))^2-4*(sqrt(43)+sqrt(97))*sqrt(101)*sqrt(3))+sqrt(13))*(sqrt(43)+sqrt(97))^(-1),'+

@@ -154,2 +151,10 @@ {

expected: '[1]'
given: 'solve((1/2)*sqrt(-4*x+4*y)-2+y, y)',
expected: '[(-1/2)*(-5+sqrt(-4*x+9)),(-1/2)*(-5-sqrt(-4*x+9))]'
given: 'solve(log(a*x-c)-b=21, x)',
expected: '[-(-c-e^(21+b))*a^(-1)]'

@@ -186,2 +191,15 @@ ];

expected: '(1/2)*(1+sqrt(-15-4*y)),(1/2)*(-sqrt(-15-4*y)+1)'
//non-linear systems
given: ['x+y=3','y^3-x=7'],
expected: 'x,1,y,2'
given: ['x^2+y=3','x+y+z=6', 'z^2-y=7'],
expected: 'x,1,y,2,z,3'
given: ['x*y-cos(z)=-3', '3*z^3-y^2+1=12', '3*sin(x)*cos(y)-x^3=-4'],
expected: 'x,1.10523895006979,y,-2.98980336936266,z,1.88015428627437'

@@ -188,0 +206,0 @@

@@ -0,0 +0,0 @@ /* global expect */

@@ -0,0 +0,0 @@ 'use strict';

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