Advanced tools
Comparing version 0.1.9 to 0.1.10
@@ -54,2 +54,3 @@ "use strict"; | ||
var internalConsole = require("./internalConsole").internalConsole; | ||
var netlifyGraphHost = process.env.NETLIFY_GRAPH_HOST || ""; | ||
var httpFetch = function (siteId, options) { return __awaiter(void 0, void 0, void 0, function () { | ||
@@ -70,3 +71,3 @@ var reqBody, userHeaders, headers, timeoutMs, reqOptions, url, resp; | ||
}; | ||
url = "" + siteId; | ||
url = "https://" + netlifyGraphHost + "/graphql?app_id=" + siteId; | ||
return [4 /*yield*/, fetch(url, reqOptions)]; | ||
@@ -73,0 +74,0 @@ case 1: |
@@ -111,3 +111,3 @@ "use strict"; | ||
var generatedNetlifyGraphPersistedClient = function (netlifyGraphConfig, schemaId) { | ||
return out(netlifyGraphConfig, ["node"], "const httpGet = (input) => {\n const userHeaders = input.headers || {};\n const fullHeaders = {\n ...userHeaders,\n 'Content-Type': 'application/json'\n };\n const timeoutMs = 30_000\n const reqOptions = {\n method: 'GET',\n headers: fullHeaders,\n timeout: timeoutMs,\n };\n\n if (!input.docId) {\n throw new Error('docId is required for GET requests: ' + input.operationName);\n }\n\n const schemaId = input.schemaId || " + (schemaId ? "\"" + schemaId + "\"" : "undefined") + ";\n\n const encodedVariables = encodeURIComponent(input.variables || \"null\");\n const url = '' + input.siteId + '&doc_id=' + input.docId + (input.operationName ? ('&operationName=' + input.operationName) : '') + (schemaId ? ('&schemaId=' + schemaId) : '') + '&variables=' + encodedVariables;\n \n const respBody = []\n\n return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {\n const req = https.request(url, reqOptions, (res) => {\n if (res.statusCode && (res.statusCode < 200 || res.statusCode > 299)) {\n return reject(\n new Error(\n \"Netlify Graph return non-OK HTTP status code\" + res.statusCode,\n ),\n )\n }\n\n res.on('data', (chunk) => respBody.push(chunk))\n\n res.on('end', () => {\n const resString = buffer.Buffer.concat(respBody).toString()\n resolve(resString)\n })\n })\n\n req.on('error', (error) => {\n console.error('Error making request to Netlify Graph:', error)\n })\n\n req.on('timeout', () => {\n req.destroy()\n reject(new Error('Request to Netlify Graph timed out'))\n })\n\n req.end()\n })\n}\n\nconst httpPost = (input) => {\n const reqBody = input.body || null\n const userHeaders = input.headers || {}\n const headers = {\n ...userHeaders,\n 'Content-Type': 'application/json',\n 'Content-Length': reqBody.length,\n }\n\n const timeoutMs = 30_000\n\n const reqOptions = {\n method: 'POST',\n headers: headers,\n timeout: timeoutMs,\n }\n\n const schemaId = input.schemaId || " + (schemaId ? "\"" + schemaId + "\"" : "undefined") + ";\n\n console.log(\"httpPost node schemaId: \", schemaId);\n\n\n const url = '' + input.siteId +\n (schemaId ? ('&schemaId=' + schemaId) : '');\n const respBody = []\n\n return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {\n const req = https.request(url, reqOptions, (res) => {\n if (res.statusCode && (res.statusCode < 200 || res.statusCode > 299)) {\n return reject(\n new Error(\n \"Netlify Graph return non-OK HTTP status code\" + res.statusCode,\n ),\n )\n }\n\n res.on('data', (chunk) => respBody.push(chunk))\n\n res.on('end', () => {\n const resString = buffer.Buffer.concat(respBody).toString()\n resolve(resString)\n })\n })\n\n req.on('error', (error) => {\n console.error('Error making request to Netlify Graph:', error)\n })\n\n req.on('timeout', () => {\n req.destroy()\n reject(new Error('Request to Netlify Graph timed out'))\n })\n\n req.write(reqBody)\n req.end()\n })\n}") + "\n\n" + out(netlifyGraphConfig, ["browser"], "const httpGet = (input) => {\n const userHeaders = input.headers || {};\n const fullHeaders = {\n ...userHeaders,\n 'Content-Type': 'application/json',\n };\n\n const timeoutMs = 30_000;\n\n const reqOptions = {\n method: 'GET',\n headers: fullHeaders,\n timeout: timeoutMs,\n };\n\n const encodedVariables = encodeURIComponent(\n JSON.stringify(input.variables || null)\n );\n\n const schemaId = input.schemaId || " + (schemaId ? "\"" + schemaId + "\"" : "undefined") + ";\n\n const url =\n '' +\n input.siteId +\n '&doc_id=' +\n input.docId +\n (input.operationName ? '&operationName=' + input.operationName : '') +\n (schemaId ? ('&schemaId=' + schemaId) : '') +\n '&variables=' +\n encodedVariables;\n\n return fetch(url, reqOptions).then((response) => response.text());\n};\n\nconst httpPost = (input) => {\n const userHeaders = input.headers || {};\n const fullHeaders = {\n ...userHeaders,\n 'Content-Type': 'application/json',\n };\n\n const reqBody = JSON.stringify({\n doc_id: input.docId,\n query: input.query,\n operationName: input.operationName,\n variables: input.variables,\n });\n\n const timeoutMs = 30_000;\n\n const reqOptions = {\n method: 'POST',\n headers: fullHeaders,\n timeout: timeoutMs,\n body: reqBody,\n };\n\n const schemaId = input.schemaId || " + (schemaId ? "\"" + schemaId + "\"" : "undefined") + ";\n\n console.log(\"httpPost browser schemaId: \", schemaId);\n\n const url = '' + input.siteId +\n (schemaId ? ('&schemaId=' + schemaId) : '');\n\n return fetch(url, reqOptions).then((response) => response.text());\n};") + "\n\nconst fetchNetlifyGraph = function fetchNetlifyGraph(input) {\n const docId = input.doc_id;\n const operationName = input.operationName;\n const variables = input.variables;\n\n const options = input.options || {};\n const accessToken = options.accessToken;\n const siteId = options.siteId || process.env.SITE_ID;\n\n const httpMethod = input.fetchStrategy === 'GET' ? httpGet : httpPost;\n\n const response = httpMethod({\n siteId: siteId,\n docId: docId,\n query: input.query,\n headers: {\n Authorization: accessToken ? 'Bearer ' + accessToken : '',\n },\n variables: variables,\n operationName: operationName,\n });\n\n return response.then((result) => JSON.parse(result));\n};\n"; | ||
return out(netlifyGraphConfig, ["node"], "const httpGet = (input) => {\n const userHeaders = input.headers || {};\n const fullHeaders = {\n ...userHeaders,\n 'Content-Type': 'application/json'\n };\n const timeoutMs = 30_000\n const reqOptions = {\n method: 'GET',\n headers: fullHeaders,\n timeout: timeoutMs,\n };\n\n if (!input.docId) {\n throw new Error('docId is required for GET requests: ' + input.operationName);\n }\n\n const schemaId = input.schemaId || " + (schemaId ? "\"" + schemaId + "\"" : "undefined") + ";\n\n const encodedVariables = encodeURIComponent(input.variables || \"null\");\n const url = '' + input.siteId + '&doc_id=' + input.docId + (input.operationName ? ('&operationName=' + input.operationName) : '') + (schemaId ? ('&schemaId=' + schemaId) : '') + '&variables=' + encodedVariables;\n \n const respBody = []\n\n return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {\n const req = https.request(url, reqOptions, (res) => {\n if (res.statusCode && (res.statusCode < 200 || res.statusCode > 299)) {\n return reject(\n new Error(\n \"Netlify Graph return non-OK HTTP status code\" + res.statusCode,\n ),\n )\n }\n\n res.on('data', (chunk) => respBody.push(chunk))\n\n res.on('end', () => {\n const resString = buffer.Buffer.concat(respBody).toString()\n resolve(resString)\n })\n })\n\n req.on('error', (error) => {\n console.error('Error making request to Netlify Graph:', error)\n })\n\n req.on('timeout', () => {\n req.destroy()\n reject(new Error('Request to Netlify Graph timed out'))\n })\n\n req.end()\n })\n}\n\nconst httpPost = (input) => {\n const reqBody = input.body || null\n const userHeaders = input.headers || {}\n const headers = {\n ...userHeaders,\n 'Content-Type': 'application/json',\n 'Content-Length': reqBody.length,\n }\n\n const timeoutMs = 30_000\n\n const reqOptions = {\n method: 'POST',\n headers: headers,\n timeout: timeoutMs,\n }\n\n const schemaId = input.schemaId || " + (schemaId ? "\"" + schemaId + "\"" : "undefined") + ";\n\n\n const url = '' + input.siteId +\n (schemaId ? ('&schemaId=' + schemaId) : '');\n const respBody = []\n\n return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {\n const req = https.request(url, reqOptions, (res) => {\n if (res.statusCode && (res.statusCode < 200 || res.statusCode > 299)) {\n return reject(\n new Error(\n \"Netlify Graph return non-OK HTTP status code\" + res.statusCode,\n ),\n )\n }\n\n res.on('data', (chunk) => respBody.push(chunk))\n\n res.on('end', () => {\n const resString = buffer.Buffer.concat(respBody).toString()\n resolve(resString)\n })\n })\n\n req.on('error', (error) => {\n console.error('Error making request to Netlify Graph:', error)\n })\n\n req.on('timeout', () => {\n req.destroy()\n reject(new Error('Request to Netlify Graph timed out'))\n })\n\n req.write(reqBody)\n req.end()\n })\n}") + "\n\n" + out(netlifyGraphConfig, ["browser"], "const httpGet = (input) => {\n const userHeaders = input.headers || {};\n const fullHeaders = {\n ...userHeaders,\n 'Content-Type': 'application/json',\n };\n\n const timeoutMs = 30_000;\n\n const reqOptions = {\n method: 'GET',\n headers: fullHeaders,\n timeout: timeoutMs,\n };\n\n const encodedVariables = encodeURIComponent(\n JSON.stringify(input.variables || null)\n );\n\n const schemaId = input.schemaId || " + (schemaId ? "\"" + schemaId + "\"" : "undefined") + ";\n\n const url =\n '' +\n input.siteId +\n '&doc_id=' +\n input.docId +\n (input.operationName ? '&operationName=' + input.operationName : '') +\n (schemaId ? ('&schemaId=' + schemaId) : '') +\n '&variables=' +\n encodedVariables;\n\n return fetch(url, reqOptions).then((response) => response.text());\n};\n\nconst httpPost = (input) => {\n const userHeaders = input.headers || {};\n const fullHeaders = {\n ...userHeaders,\n 'Content-Type': 'application/json',\n };\n\n const reqBody = JSON.stringify({\n doc_id: input.docId,\n query: input.query,\n operationName: input.operationName,\n variables: input.variables,\n });\n\n const timeoutMs = 30_000;\n\n const reqOptions = {\n method: 'POST',\n headers: fullHeaders,\n timeout: timeoutMs,\n body: reqBody,\n };\n\n const schemaId = input.schemaId || " + (schemaId ? "\"" + schemaId + "\"" : "undefined") + ";\n\n const url = '' + input.siteId +\n (schemaId ? ('&schemaId=' + schemaId) : '');\n\n return fetch(url, reqOptions).then((response) => response.text());\n};") + "\n\nconst fetchNetlifyGraph = function fetchNetlifyGraph(input) {\n const docId = input.doc_id;\n const operationName = input.operationName;\n const variables = input.variables;\n\n const options = input.options || {};\n const accessToken = options.accessToken;\n const siteId = options.siteId || process.env.SITE_ID;\n\n const httpMethod = input.fetchStrategy === 'GET' ? httpGet : httpPost;\n\n const response = httpMethod({\n siteId: siteId,\n docId: docId,\n query: input.query,\n headers: {\n Authorization: accessToken ? 'Bearer ' + accessToken : '',\n },\n variables: variables,\n operationName: operationName,\n });\n\n return response.then((result) => JSON.parse(result));\n};\n"; | ||
}; | ||
@@ -114,0 +114,0 @@ var subscriptionParserReturnName = function (fn) { return fn.operationName + "Event"; }; |
@@ -46,2 +46,3 @@ "use strict"; | ||
var ONEDASH_APP_ID = "0b066ba6-ed39-4db8-a497-ba0be34d5b2a"; | ||
var netlifyGraphHost = ""; | ||
/** | ||
@@ -58,3 +59,3 @@ * Given an appId and desired services, fetch the schema (in json form) for that app | ||
case 0: | ||
url = "" + appId + "&services=" + enabledServices.join(","); | ||
url = "https://" + netlifyGraphHost + "/schema?app_id=" + appId + "&services=" + enabledServices.join(","); | ||
headers = {}; | ||
@@ -61,0 +62,0 @@ _a.label = 1; |
{ | ||
"name": "netlify-onegraph-internal", | ||
"version": "0.1.9", | ||
"version": "0.1.10", | ||
"description": "Internal tools for use by Netlify", | ||
@@ -5,0 +5,0 @@ "main": "dist/index.js", |
Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet
Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet
Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet
License Policy Violation
LicenseThis package is not allowed per your license policy. Review the package's license to ensure compliance.
Found 1 instance in 1 package
Environment variable access
Supply chain riskPackage accesses environment variables, which may be a sign of credential stuffing or data theft.
Found 1 instance in 1 package
License Policy Violation
LicenseThis package is not allowed per your license policy. Review the package's license to ensure compliance.
Found 1 instance in 1 package