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new-error - npm Package Compare versions

Comparing version 0.0.2 to 1.0.2



"name": "new-error",
"version": "0.0.2",
"description": "publish",
"repository": "npm/security-holder"
"version": "1.0.2",
"description": "A production-grade error creation and serialization library designed for Typescript",
"main": "build/index.js",
"types": "build/index.d.ts",
"scripts": {
"build": "npm run build:clean && npm run compile",
"build:clean": "rm -rf build/*",
"compile": "tsc",
"debug": "ts-node-dev --inspect -- src/index.ts",
"debug:break": "ts-node-dev --inspect-brk -- src/index.ts",
"test": "jest",
"test:ci": "jest --ci --coverage",
"test:debug": "node --inspect-brk node_modules/.bin/jest",
"test:watch": "jest --watch",
"test:coverage:watch": "jest --coverage --watch",
"toc": "toc-md",
"add-readme": "git add",
"lint-staged": "lint-staged",
"prepare-publish": "npm run changelog:prepare && version-bump && npm run changelog:release && npm run changelog:stamp",
"version-bump": "version-bump",
"changelog:help": "changelog-version",
"changelog:verify": "changelog-version verify",
"changelog:prepare": "changelog-version prepare",
"changelog:stamp": "git-commit-stamper parse",
"changelog:release": "changelog-version release",
"lint": "prettier-standard src/**/*.ts && standardx src/**/*.ts",
"ts-node-dev": "ts-node-dev"
"repository": {
"type": "git",
"url": "git+"
"author": "Theo Gravity <>",
"license": "MIT",
"keywords": [
"bugs": {
"url": ""
"homepage": "",
"dependencies": {
"es6-error": "^4.1.1",
"sprintf-js": "^1.1.2"
"devDependencies": {
"@theo.gravity/changelog-version": "2.1.10",
"@theo.gravity/version-bump": "2.0.9",
"@types/jest": "25.2.2",
"@types/node": "^14.0.1",
"@typescript-eslint/eslint-plugin": "^2.33.0",
"@typescript-eslint/parser": "^2.33.0",
"eslint": "7.0.0",
"git-commit-stamper": "^1.0.9",
"jest": "^25.5.4",
"jest-cli": "26.0.1",
"jest-junit-reporter": "1.1.0",
"lint-staged": "10.2.2",
"pre-commit": "1.2.2",
"prettier-standard": "16.3.0",
"standardx": "^5.0.0",
"toc-md-alt": "^0.3.2",
"ts-jest": "25.5.1",
"ts-node": "8.10.1",
"ts-node-dev": "1.0.0-pre.44",
"typescript": "3.9.2"
"eslintConfig": {
"parserOptions": {
"ecmaVersion": 6,
"sourceType": "module",
"ecmaFeatures": {
"modules": true
"parser": "@typescript-eslint/parser",
"plugins": [
"rules": {
"@typescript-eslint/no-unused-vars": [
"args": "none"
"lint-staged": {
"src/**/*.ts": [
"git add"
"pre-commit": [

@@ -1,9 +0,354 @@

# Security holding package
# new-error
This package name is not currently in use, but was formerly occupied
by another package. To avoid malicious use, npm is hanging on to the
package name, but loosely, and we'll probably give it to you if you
want it.
[![NPM version](](
![built with typescript](
[![JavaScript Style Guide](](
You may adopt this package by contacting and
requesting the name.
A production-grade error creation library designed for Typescript. Useful for direct printing
of errors to a client or for internal development / logs.
- All created errors extend `Error` with additional methods added on.
- Show errors that are safe for client / user-consumption vs internal only.
- Create your own custom error types with custom messaging, status codes and metadata.
- Attach an error to your error object to get the full error chain.
- Selectively expose error metadata based on internal or external use.
- Built-in auto-completion for Typescript when searching for registered error types.
- 100% test coverage
![Generating an error with autocompletion](/autocomplete.jpg?raw=true "Title")
# Table of Contents
<!-- TOC -->
- [Installation](#installation)
- [Example Usage](#example-usage)
- [Error Registry](#error-registry)
- [Creating errors](#creating-errors)
- [Create a well-defined error](#create-a-well-defined-error)
- [Create an error without a low-level error](#create-an-error-without-a-low-level-error)
- [Instance comparison / `instanceOf` usage](#instance-comparison--instanceof-usage)
- [Error manipulation](#error-manipulation)
- [Attaching errors](#attaching-errors)
- [Format messages](#format-messages)
- [Adding metadata](#adding-metadata)
- [Safe metadata](#safe-metadata)
- [Internal metadata](#internal-metadata)
- [Serializing errors](#serializing-errors)
- [Safe serialization](#safe-serialization)
- [Internal serialization](#internal-serialization)
<!-- TOC END -->
# Installation
`$ npm i new-error --save`
# Example Usage
- Define a set of high level errors
* Common high level error types could be 4xx/5xx HTTP codes
- Define a set of low level errors
* Think of low level errors as a fine-grained sub-code/category to a high level error
- Initialize the error registry with the errors
// This is a working example
import { ErrorRegistry } from 'new-error'
// Define high level errors
// Do *not* assign a Typescript type to the object
// or IDE autocompletion will not work!
const errors = {
* The class name of the generated error
className: 'InternalServerError',
* A user-friendly code to show to a client.
code: 'ERR_INT_500',
* (optional) Protocol-specific status code, such as an HTTP status code. Used as the
* default if a Low Level Error status code is not specified or defined.
statusCode: 500
// Define low-level errors
// Do *not* assign a Typescript type to the object
// or IDE autocompletion will not work!
const errorCodes = {
// 'type' of error
* Full description of the error. sprintf() flags can be applied
* to customize it.
* @see
message: 'There was a database failure, SQL err code %s',
* (optional) A user-friendly code to show to a client.
subCode: 'DB_0001',
* (optional) Protocol-specific status code, such as an HTTP status code.
statusCode: 500
// Create the error registry by registering your errors and codes
// you will want to memoize this as you will be using the
// reference throughout your application
const errRegistry = new ErrorRegistry(errors, errorCodes)
// Create an instance of InternalServerError
// Typescript autocomplete should show the available definitions as you type the error names
// and type check will ensure that the values are valid
const err = errRegistry.newError('INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR', 'DATABASE_FAILURE')
(You can omit fields you do not need - see usage section below.)
name: 'InternalServerError',
code: 'ERR_INT_500',
message: 'There was a database failure, SQL err code %s',
subCode: 'DB_0001',
statusCode: 500,
meta: {},
stack: 'InternalServerError: There was a database failure, SQL err code %s\n' +
' at ErrorRegistry.newError (new-error/src/ErrorRegistry.ts:128:12)\n' +
' at Object.<anonymous> (new-error/src/test.ts:55:25)\n' +
' at Module._compile (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:1158:30)\n' +
' at Module._compile (new-error/node_modules/source-map-support/source-map-support.js:541:25)\n' +
' at Module.m._compile (/private/var/folders/mx/b54hc2lj3fbfsndkv4xmz8d80000gn/T/ts-node-dev-hook-20649714243977457.js:57:25)\n' +
' at Module._extensions..js (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:1178:10)\n' +
' at require.extensions.<computed> (/private/var/folders/mx/b54hc2lj3fbfsndkv4xmz8d80000gn/T/ts-node-dev-hook-20649714243977457.js:59:14)\n' +
' at Object.nodeDevHook [as .ts] (new-error/node_modules/ts-node-dev/lib/hook.js:61:7)\n' +
' at Module.load (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:1002:32)\n' +
' at Function.Module._load (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:901:14)'
# Error Registry
The `ErrorRegistry` is responsible for the registration and creation of errors.
## Creating errors
Errors generated by the registry extends `BaseError`.
### Create a well-defined error
Method: `ErrorRegistry#newError(highLevelErrorName, LowLevelErrorName)`
This is the method you should generally use as you are forced to use your
well-defined high and low level error definitions. This allows for consistency
in how errors are defined and thrown.
// Creates an InternalServerError error with a DATABASE_FAILURE code and corresponding
// message and status code
const err = errRegistry.newError('INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR', 'DATABASE_FAILURE')
### Create an error without a low-level error
Method: `ErrorRegistry#newBareError(highLevelErrorName, message)`
This method does not include a low level error code, and allows direct specification of an
error message.
// Creates an InternalServerError error with a custom message
const err = errRegistry.newBareError('INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR', 'An internal server error has occured.')
## Instance comparison / `instanceOf` usage
Method: `ErrorRegistry#instanceOf(classInstance, highLevelErrorName)`
Performs an `instanceof` operation against a custom error.
// creates an InternalServerError error instance
const err = errRegistry.newError('INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR', 'DATABASE_FAILURE')
if (errRegistry.instanceOf(err, 'INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR')) {
// resolves to true since err is an InternalServerError instance
# Error manipulation
Except for the serialization methods, all methods are chainable.
## Attaching errors
Method: `BaseError#causedBy(err)`
You can attach another error to the error.
const externalError = new Error('Some thrown error')
## Format messages
Method: `BaseError#formatMessage(...formatParams)`
See the [`sprintf-js`]( package for usage.
// specify the database specific error code
// Transforms the message to:
// 'There was a database failure, SQL err code %s' ->
// 'There was a database failure, SQL err code SQL_ERR_1234',
## Adding metadata
### Safe metadata
Method: `BaseError#withSafeMetadata(data = {})`
Safe metadata would be any kind of data that you would be ok with exposing to a client, like an
HTTP response.
errorId: 'err-12345',
moreData: 1234
// can be chained to append more data
requestId: 'req-12345'
This can also be written as:
errorId: 'err-12345',
moreData: 1234
// This will append requestId to the metadata
requestId: 'req-12345'
### Internal metadata
Method: `BaseError#withMetadata(data = {})`
Internal metadata would be any kind of data that you would *not be* ok with exposing to a client,
but would be useful for internal development / logging purposes.
email: ''
// can be chained to append more data
userId: 'user-abcd'
# Serializing errors
## Safe serialization
Method: `BaseError#toJSONSafe(fieldsToOmit = [])`
Generates output that would be safe for client consumption.
- Omits `name`
- Omits `message`
- Omits `causedBy`
- Omits `type`
- Omits the stack trace
- Omits any data defined via `BaseError#withMetadata()`
errorId: 'err-12345',
requestId: 'req-12345'
// you can remove additional fields by specifying property names in an array
//.toJSONSafe(['code']) removes the code field from output
code: 'ERR_INT_500',
subCode: 'DB_0001',
statusCode: 500,
meta: { errorId: 'err-12345', requestId: 'req-12345' }
## Internal serialization
Method: `BaseError#toJSON(fieldsToOmit = [])`
Generates output that would be suitable for internal use.
- Includes `name`
- Includes `type`
- Includes `message`
- Includes `causedBy`
- Includes the stack trace
- All data from `BaseError#withMetadata()` and `BaseError#withJSONMetadata()` is included
errorId: 'err-12345',
email: ''
// you can remove additional fields by specifying property names in an array
//.toJSON(['code', 'statusCode']) removes the code and statusCode field from output
name: 'InternalServerError',
code: 'ERR_INT_500',
message: 'There was a database failure, SQL err code %s',
subCode: 'DB_0001',
statusCode: 500,
meta: { errorId: 'err-12345', requestId: 'req-12345' },
stack: 'InternalServerError: There was a database failure, SQL err code %s\n' +
' at ErrorRegistry.newError (new-error/src/ErrorRegistry.ts:128:12)\n' +
' at Object.<anonymous> (new-error/src/test.ts:55:25)\n' +
' at Module._compile (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:1158:30)\n' +
' at Module._compile (new-error/node_modules/source-map-support/source-map-support.js:541:25)\n' +
' at Module.m._compile (/private/var/folders/mx/b54hc2lj3fbfsndkv4xmz8d80000gn/T/ts-node-dev-hook-17091160954051898.js:57:25)\n' +
' at Module._extensions..js (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:1178:10)\n' +
' at require.extensions.<computed> (/private/var/folders/mx/b54hc2lj3fbfsndkv4xmz8d80000gn/T/ts-node-dev-hook-17091160954051898.js:59:14)\n' +
' at Object.nodeDevHook [as .ts] (new-error/node_modules/ts-node-dev/lib/hook.js:61:7)\n' +
' at Module.load (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:1002:32)\n' +
' at Function.Module._load (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:901:14)'
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