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ng-select2-component - npm Package Compare versions

Comparing version 15.0.1 to 15.1.0

# Changelog of ng-select2
## V15.1.0 (2024-08-02)
### Changes
- Add grid layout mode in dropdown #72
- Fix init value in multiple mode #73
- Fix reset value
## V15.0.1 (2024-07-24)

@@ -4,0 +12,0 @@



@@ -78,2 +78,8 @@ import { ConnectedPosition } from '@angular/cdk/overlay';

resetSelectedValue: any;
/** grid: item by line
* * 0 = no grid
* * number = item by line (4)
* * string = minimal size item (100px)
grid: string;
update: EventEmitter<Select2UpdateEvent<Select2UpdateValue>>;

@@ -152,2 +158,3 @@ autoCreateItem: EventEmitter<Select2AutoCreateEvent<Select2UpdateValue>>;

triggerRect(): void;
isNumber(o: any): boolean;
private testSelection;

@@ -224,3 +231,3 @@ private testValueChange;

static ɵfac: i0.ɵɵFactoryDeclaration<Select2, [null, null, { optional: true; }, { optional: true; }, { optional: true; self: true; }, { attribute: "tabindex"; }]>;
static ɵcmp: i0.ɵɵComponentDeclaration<Select2, "select2", never, { "data": { "alias": "data"; "required": true; }; "minCharForSearch": { "alias": "minCharForSearch"; "required": false; }; "displaySearchStatus": { "alias": "displaySearchStatus"; "required": false; }; "placeholder": { "alias": "placeholder"; "required": false; }; "limitSelection": { "alias": "limitSelection"; "required": false; }; "listPosition": { "alias": "listPosition"; "required": false; }; "multiple": { "alias": "multiple"; "required": false; }; "overlay": { "alias": "overlay"; "required": false; }; "styleMode": { "alias": "styleMode"; "required": false; }; "noResultMessage": { "alias": "noResultMessage"; "required": false; }; "maxResults": { "alias": "maxResults"; "required": false; }; "maxResultsMessage": { "alias": "maxResultsMessage"; "required": false; }; "infiniteScrollDistance": { "alias": "infiniteScrollDistance"; "required": false; }; "infiniteScrollThrottle": { "alias": "infiniteScrollThrottle"; "required": false; }; "infiniteScroll": { "alias": "infiniteScroll"; "required": false; }; "autoCreate": { "alias": "autoCreate"; "required": false; }; "noLabelTemplate": { "alias": "noLabelTemplate"; "required": false; }; "editPattern": { "alias": "editPattern"; "required": false; }; "templates": { "alias": "templates"; "required": false; }; "resultMaxHeight": { "alias": "resultMaxHeight"; "required": false; }; "customSearchEnabled": { "alias": "customSearchEnabled"; "required": false; }; "minCountForSearch": { "alias": "minCountForSearch"; "required": false; }; "id": { "alias": "id"; "required": false; }; "required": { "alias": "required"; "required": false; }; "disabled": { "alias": "disabled"; "required": false; }; "hideSelectedItems": { "alias": "hideSelectedItems"; "required": false; }; "readonly": { "alias": "readonly"; "required": false; }; "value": { "alias": "value"; "required": false; }; "tabIndex": { "alias": "tabIndex"; "required": false; }; "resettable": { "alias": "resettable"; "required": false; }; "resetSelectedValue": { "alias": "resetSelectedValue"; "required": false; }; }, { "update": "update"; "autoCreateItem": "autoCreateItem"; "open": "open"; "close": "close"; "focus": "focus"; "blur": "blur"; "search": "search"; "scroll": "scroll"; "removeOption": "removeOption"; }, never, ["select2-label", "select2-hint"], false, never>;
static ɵcmp: i0.ɵɵComponentDeclaration<Select2, "select2", never, { "data": { "alias": "data"; "required": true; }; "minCharForSearch": { "alias": "minCharForSearch"; "required": false; }; "displaySearchStatus": { "alias": "displaySearchStatus"; "required": false; }; "placeholder": { "alias": "placeholder"; "required": false; }; "limitSelection": { "alias": "limitSelection"; "required": false; }; "listPosition": { "alias": "listPosition"; "required": false; }; "multiple": { "alias": "multiple"; "required": false; }; "overlay": { "alias": "overlay"; "required": false; }; "styleMode": { "alias": "styleMode"; "required": false; }; "noResultMessage": { "alias": "noResultMessage"; "required": false; }; "maxResults": { "alias": "maxResults"; "required": false; }; "maxResultsMessage": { "alias": "maxResultsMessage"; "required": false; }; "infiniteScrollDistance": { "alias": "infiniteScrollDistance"; "required": false; }; "infiniteScrollThrottle": { "alias": "infiniteScrollThrottle"; "required": false; }; "infiniteScroll": { "alias": "infiniteScroll"; "required": false; }; "autoCreate": { "alias": "autoCreate"; "required": false; }; "noLabelTemplate": { "alias": "noLabelTemplate"; "required": false; }; "editPattern": { "alias": "editPattern"; "required": false; }; "templates": { "alias": "templates"; "required": false; }; "resultMaxHeight": { "alias": "resultMaxHeight"; "required": false; }; "customSearchEnabled": { "alias": "customSearchEnabled"; "required": false; }; "minCountForSearch": { "alias": "minCountForSearch"; "required": false; }; "id": { "alias": "id"; "required": false; }; "required": { "alias": "required"; "required": false; }; "disabled": { "alias": "disabled"; "required": false; }; "hideSelectedItems": { "alias": "hideSelectedItems"; "required": false; }; "readonly": { "alias": "readonly"; "required": false; }; "value": { "alias": "value"; "required": false; }; "tabIndex": { "alias": "tabIndex"; "required": false; }; "resettable": { "alias": "resettable"; "required": false; }; "resetSelectedValue": { "alias": "resetSelectedValue"; "required": false; }; "grid": { "alias": "grid"; "required": false; }; }, { "update": "update"; "autoCreateItem": "autoCreateItem"; "open": "open"; "close": "close"; "focus": "focus"; "blur": "blur"; "search": "search"; "scroll": "scroll"; "removeOption": "removeOption"; }, never, ["select2-label", "select2-hint"], false, never>;
static ngAcceptInputType_minCharForSearch: unknown;

@@ -227,0 +234,0 @@ static ngAcceptInputType_limitSelection: unknown;


"name": "ng-select2-component",
"version": "15.0.1",
"version": "15.1.0",
"description": "An Angular select2 component.",

@@ -5,0 +5,0 @@ "author": "York Yao, Célian Veyssière",

@@ -42,3 +42,3 @@ [![npm version](]( [![Downloads](]( [![GitHub license](](

- select one
- options or groups
- options or groups (list or grid)
- scroll

@@ -78,40 +78,41 @@ - local search

| name | type | status | default | description | required |
| ------------------------------------------------------------------------- | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | -------- | -------------------- | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------ |
| `data` | [`Select2Data`](#select2-data-structure) | required | | the data of the select2 | |
| `value` | [`Select2Value`](#select2-data-structure) | | | initial value | |
| `minCharForSearch` | `number` | | `0` | start the search when the number of characters is reached (`0` = unlimited) | |
| `minCountForSearch` | `number` | | `6` | hide search box if `options.length < minCountForSearch` | |
| `displaySearchStatus` | `'default'`<br>`'hidden'`<br>`'always'` | | `'default'` | display the search box (`default` : is based on `minCountForSearch`) | |
| `placeholder` | `string` | | | the placeholder string if nothing selected | |
| `noResultMessage` | `string` | | | the message string if no results when using the search field | |
| `customSearchEnabled` | `boolean` | | `false` | will trigger `search` event, and disable inside filter | |
| `multiple` | `boolean` | | `false` | select multiple options | |
| `resettable` | `boolean` | | `false` | add a button to reset value | not `multiple` |
| `resetSelectedValue` | `any` | | `undefined` | selected option when × is clicked | not `multiple` and with `resettable` |
| `autoCreate` | `boolean` | | `false` | gives the possibility to add elements not present in the list. | |
| `limitSelection` | `number` | | `0` | to limit multiple selection (`0` = unlimited) | |
| `hideSelectedItems` | `boolean` | | `false` | remove selected values | with `multiple` |
| `resultMaxHeight` | `string` | | `'200px'` | change the height size of results | |
| `maxResults` | `number` | | `0` | maximum results limit (`0` = unlimited) | |
| `maxResultsMessage` | `string` | | `'Too much result…'` | message when maximum result | |
| `listPosition` | `'below'`<br>`'above'`<br>`'auto'` ¹ | | `'below'` | the position for the dropdown list | ¹ `'auto'`: only with `overlay` |
| `infiniteScroll` | `boolean` | | `false` | active infiniteScroll on dropdown list | with `ngx-infinite-scroll` |
| `infiniteScrollDistance` | `number` | | `1.5` | infiniteScroll distance | with `ngx-infinite-scroll` |
| `infiniteScrollThrottle` | `number` | | `150` | infiniteScroll throttle | |
| `overlay` | `boolean` | | `false` | active an overlay mode for dropdown list (with angular cdk). (See [Overlay](#overlay)) | |
| `styleMode` | `'default'`<br>`'material'`<br>`'noStyle'`<br>`'borderless'` | | `'default'` | change style for material style or remove border and background color | |
| `templates` | `TemplateRef`<br>`{option?: TemplateRef, group?: TemplateRef}`<br>`{templateId1: TemplateRef, ...}` | | | use templates for formatting content (see [Templating](#templating)) | |
| `noLabelTemplate` | `boolean` | | `false` | do not use the template in the selection, stay in text mode | |
| `editPattern` | `(str: string) => string` | | | use it for change the pattern of the filter search | |
| `ngModel`<br>`id`<br>`required`<br>`disabled`<br>`readonly`<br>`tabIndex` | | | | just like a `select` control | |
| `(update)` | `(event: `[`Select2UpdateEvent`](#select2-data-structure)`) => void` | event | | triggered when user select an option | |
| `(open)` | `(event: Select2) => void` | event | | triggered when user open the options | |
| `(close)` | `(event: Select2) => void` | event | | triggered when user close the options | |
| `(focus)` | `(event: Select2) => void` | event | | triggered when user enters the component | |
| `(blur)` | `(event: Select2) => void` | event | | triggered when user leaves the component | |
| `(search)` | `(event: `[`Select2SearchEvent`](#select2-data-structure)`) => void` | event | | triggered when search text changed | with `customSearchEnabled` |
| `(scroll)` | `(event: `[`Select2ScrollEvent`](#select2-data-structure)`) => void` | event | | triggered when infiniteScroll is on `up` or `down` position | with `ngx-infinite-scroll` |
| `(removeOption)` | `(event: `[`Select2RemoveEvent`](#select2-data-structure)`) => void` | event | | triggered when an option is removed from the list of selected options options list | with `multiple` |
| `(autoCreateItem)` | `(event: `[`Select2AutoCreateEvent`](#select2-data-structure)`) => void` | event | | triggered when a new item has been added | with `autoCreate` |
| name | type | status | default | description | required |
| ------------------------------------------------------------------------- | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | -------- | -------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------ |
| `data` | [`Select2Data`](#select2-data-structure) | required | | the data of the select2 | |
| `value` | [`Select2Value`](#select2-data-structure) | | | initial value | |
| `minCharForSearch` | `number` | | `0` | start the search when the number of characters is reached (`0` = unlimited) | |
| `minCountForSearch` | `number` | | `6` | hide search box if `options.length < minCountForSearch` | |
| `displaySearchStatus` | `'default'`<br>`'hidden'`<br>`'always'` | | `'default'` | display the search box (`default` : is based on `minCountForSearch`) | |
| `placeholder` | `string` | | | the placeholder string if nothing selected | |
| `noResultMessage` | `string` | | | the message string if no results when using the search field | |
| `customSearchEnabled` | `boolean` | | `false` | will trigger `search` event, and disable inside filter | |
| `multiple` | `boolean` | | `false` | select multiple options | |
| `resettable` | `boolean` | | `false` | add a button to reset value | not `multiple` |
| `resetSelectedValue` | `any` | | `undefined` | selected option when × is clicked | not `multiple` and with `resettable` |
| `autoCreate` | `boolean` | | `false` | gives the possibility to add elements not present in the list. | |
| `limitSelection` | `number` | | `0` | to limit multiple selection (`0` = unlimited) | |
| `hideSelectedItems` | `boolean` | | `false` | remove selected values | with `multiple` |
| `resultMaxHeight` | `string` | | `'200px'` | change the height size of results | |
| `maxResults` | `number` | | `0` | maximum results limit (`0` = unlimited) | |
| `maxResultsMessage` | `string` | | `'Too much result…'` | message when maximum result | |
| `grid` | `number` or `string` | | | option by line in grid layout (empty or `0` = no grid layout)<br>number: item by line<br>string: minimal item width | |
| `listPosition` | `'below'`<br>`'above'`<br>`'auto'` ¹ | | `'below'` | the position for the dropdown list | ¹ `'auto'`: only with `overlay` |
| `infiniteScroll` | `boolean` | | `false` | active infiniteScroll on dropdown list | with `ngx-infinite-scroll` |
| `infiniteScrollDistance` | `number` | | `1.5` | infiniteScroll distance | with `ngx-infinite-scroll` |
| `infiniteScrollThrottle` | `number` | | `150` | infiniteScroll throttle | |
| `overlay` | `boolean` | | `false` | active an overlay mode for dropdown list (with angular cdk). (See [Overlay](#overlay)) | |
| `styleMode` | `'default'`<br>`'material'`<br>`'noStyle'`<br>`'borderless'` | | `'default'` | change style for material style or remove border and background color | |
| `templates` | `TemplateRef`<br>`{option?: TemplateRef, group?: TemplateRef}`<br>`{templateId1: TemplateRef, ...}` | | | use templates for formatting content (see [Templating](#templating)) | |
| `noLabelTemplate` | `boolean` | | `false` | do not use the template in the selection, stay in text mode | |
| `editPattern` | `(str: string) => string` | | | use it for change the pattern of the filter search | |
| `ngModel`<br>`id`<br>`required`<br>`disabled`<br>`readonly`<br>`tabIndex` | | | | just like a `select` control | |
| `(update)` | `(event: `[`Select2UpdateEvent`](#select2-data-structure)`) => void` | event | | triggered when user select an option | |
| `(open)` | `(event: Select2) => void` | event | | triggered when user open the options | |
| `(close)` | `(event: Select2) => void` | event | | triggered when user close the options | |
| `(focus)` | `(event: Select2) => void` | event | | triggered when user enters the component | |
| `(blur)` | `(event: Select2) => void` | event | | triggered when user leaves the component | |
| `(search)` | `(event: `[`Select2SearchEvent`](#select2-data-structure)`) => void` | event | | triggered when search text changed | with `customSearchEnabled` |
| `(scroll)` | `(event: `[`Select2ScrollEvent`](#select2-data-structure)`) => void` | event | | triggered when infiniteScroll is on `up` or `down` position | with `ngx-infinite-scroll` |
| `(removeOption)` | `(event: `[`Select2RemoveEvent`](#select2-data-structure)`) => void` | event | | triggered when an option is removed from the list of selected options options list | with `multiple` |
| `(autoCreateItem)` | `(event: `[`Select2AutoCreateEvent`](#select2-data-structure)`) => void` | event | | triggered when a new item has been added | with `autoCreate` |

@@ -364,3 +365,3 @@ ### select2 data structure

--select2-option-padding: 6px;
/* hint */

@@ -367,0 +368,0 @@ --select2-hint-text-color: #888;

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