0.5.0-rc.2 (2017-08-19)
Bug Fixes
- pagination: Pagination QuickJumper bug #37 (a122238)
- carousel: support dynamic change of nz-carousel-content (#60) (44865c2), closes #56
- menu: fix submenu level bug & fix menu routerLinkActive bug in lazyload module (#77) (b914afd), closes #35 #52 #74
- pagination: remove active class when reach first and last page index (#93) (2bcddc7), closes #17
- steps: fix steps width bug in tab component (#94) (ee4428d), closes #83
- timeline: eliminate ExpressionChangedAfterItHasBeenCheckedError when use ngFor to render (67df061)
Performance Improvements
<a name="0.5.0-rc.0"></a>