ng2-typeahead is angular2 ng2-typehead module. It is support static and dynamic data for auto complete
The sources for this package are in ( repo. Please file issues and pull requests against that repo.
Demo output
##Install from npm
npm install ng2-bootstrap-typeahead
Your Module Like below
import { NgModule } from '@angular/core';
import { FormsModule } from '@angular/forms';
import { BrowserModule } from '@angular/platform-browser';
import {AppComponent} from './app.component';
import { TypeAheadModule } from '../src/typeahead.module';
imports: [ BrowserModule, FormsModule, TypeAheadModule ],
declarations: [AppComponent],
bootstrap: [ AppComponent ]
export class AutoCompleteExampleModule { }
Your component like below
import { Component } from '@angular/core';
selector: 'my-app',
template: `
<typeahead [(ngModel)]="stateList" [typeAheadSetup]="typeAheadSetup"></typeahead>
export class AppComponent {
stateListData = [{ "name": "Alabama", "abbreviation": "AL" }, { "name": "Alaska", "abbreviation": "AK" }, { "name": "AmericanSamoa", "abbreviation": "AS" }, { "name": "Arizona", "abbreviation": "AZ" }, { "name": "Arkansas", "abbreviation": "AR" }, { "name": "California", "abbreviation": "CA" }, { "name": "Colorado", "abbreviation": "CO" }, { "name": "Connecticut", "abbreviation": "CT" }, { "name": "Delaware", "abbreviation": "DE" }, { "name": "DistrictOfColumbia", "abbreviation": "DC" }, { "name": "FederatedStatesOfMicronesia", "abbreviation": "FM" }, { "name": "Florida", "abbreviation": "FL" }, { "name": "Georgia", "abbreviation": "GA" }, { "name": "Guam", "abbreviation": "GU" }, { "name": "Hawaii", "abbreviation": "HI" }, { "name": "Idaho", "abbreviation": "ID" }, { "name": "Illinois", "abbreviation": "IL" }, { "name": "Indiana", "abbreviation": "IN" }, { "name": "Iowa", "abbreviation": "IA" }, { "name": "Kansas", "abbreviation": "KS" }, { "name": "Kentucky", "abbreviation": "KY" }, { "name": "Louisiana", "abbreviation": "LA" }, { "name": "Maine", "abbreviation": "ME" }, { "name": "MarshallIslands", "abbreviation": "MH" }, { "name": "Maryland", "abbreviation": "MD" }, { "name": "Massachusetts", "abbreviation": "MA" }, { "name": "Michigan", "abbreviation": "MI" }, { "name": "Minnesota", "abbreviation": "MN" }, { "name": "Mississippi", "abbreviation": "MS" }, { "name": "Missouri", "abbreviation": "MO" }, { "name": "Montana", "abbreviation": "MT" }, { "name": "Nebraska", "abbreviation": "NE" }, { "name": "Nevada", "abbreviation": "NV" }, { "name": "NewHampshire", "abbreviation": "NH" }, { "name": "NewJersey", "abbreviation": "NJ" }, { "name": "NewMexico", "abbreviation": "NM" }, { "name": "NewYork", "abbreviation": "NY" }, { "name": "NorthCarolina", "abbreviation": "NC" }, { "name": "NorthDakota", "abbreviation": "ND" }, { "name": "NorthernMarianaIslands", "abbreviation": "MP" }, { "name": "Ohio", "abbreviation": "OH" }, { "name": "Oklahoma", "abbreviation": "OK" }, { "name": "Oregon", "abbreviation": "OR" }, { "name": "Palau", "abbreviation": "PW" }, { "name": "Pennsylvania", "abbreviation": "PA" }, { "name": "PuertoRico", "abbreviation": "PR" }, { "name": "RhodeIsland", "abbreviation": "RI" }, { "name": "SouthCarolina", "abbreviation": "SC" }, { "name": "SouthDakota", "abbreviation": "SD" }, { "name": "Tennessee", "abbreviation": "TN" }, { "name": "Texas", "abbreviation": "TX" }, { "name": "Utah", "abbreviation": "UT" }, { "name": "Vermont", "abbreviation": "VT" }, { "name": "VirginIslands", "abbreviation": "VI" }, { "name": "Virginia", "abbreviation": "VA" }, { "name": "Washington", "abbreviation": "WA" }, { "name": "WestVirginia", "abbreviation": "WV" }, { "name": "Wisconsin", "abbreviation": "WI" }, { "name": "Wyoming", "abbreviation": "WY" }];
typeAheadSetup = {
customTemplate: '<div> {{}}</div>',
placeHolder: 'State name',
textPrperty: 'name',
valueProperty: 'abbreviation',
searchProperty: 'name',
onSelect: (selectedItem: any) => { console.log(selectedItem) },
asynchDataCall: (value: string, cb: any) => {
let result = this.stateListData.filter((item: any) => {
return !== -1;
setTimeout(() => {
}, 200);