Add VR or AR support to @angular-three projects
Enter VR
Add webvr
to ngt-canvas to enable Web VR support
<ngt-canvas webvr [camera]="{ fov: 55, position: [0, 2, 4]}">
Add vr-controller to add left and/or right controllers into a scene. Index 0 is left controller, Index 1 is right controller.
<vr-controller showcontroller trackedpointer [index]="1"></vr-controller>
Add directives to vr-controller to add behaviors depending on needs
- showcontroller - shows controller
- trackedpointer - shows ray to point at stuff
- teleport - teleport to new location on floor. Requires
and [marker]
<vr-controller teleport showcontroller trackedpointer navhome
[marker]="left.instance.value" [floor]="floor.instance.value">
All behaviors can be enabled/disabled at runtime on either controller. The allows behaviors to be switched between controllers if needed.
<vr-controller [showcontroller]="enableshow" [trackedpointer]="enabletracking">
Enter AR
Add webar
to ngt-canvas to enable Web AR support
<ngt-canvas webar [camera]="{ fov: 55, position: [0, 2, 4]}">
Add ar-controller to into the scene to add object interaction. Index 0 is first finger controller, Index 1 is second finger controller.
<ar-controller (tap)="tap($event)" [index]="1"></ar-controller>
tap(event: XRInputSource) {
Add ar-gestures into the scene to detect various gesures.
The following gesture events are available:
The controller position and matrixWorld are included
press - position: Vector3, matrixWorld: Matrix4
tap - count: number, position: Vector3, matrixWorld: Matrix4
swipe - direction is either 'up' or 'down'
pan - delta: Vector3 distance, state - start, update, end
The following gestures require a device that detects two finger movements
- pinch - delta: pinch time, scale: pinch scale, state - start, update, end
- rotate - theta - angle in radians, state - start, update, end